Belinda, try her earlier workouts they go at a better pace and I kind a like the format better than her current ones. I still love Cathe live workouts I’m just not liking her newest ones.
Today I did Yvette's Cardio/Heavy weights/ Core Circuit and had a kick a## workout! 45 seconds of cardio, Chest or Triceps weight work, 8 to 12 reps ( I went up in weights and went really heavy ) then 30 seconds of core. I sub out all of the plank work to core or ab work and if it was too high impact I just modified. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 632 calories. Then i did 15 minutes on the elliptical, interval mode and traveled 1.5 miles, and I burned 184 calories. Total calories burned was 816. Average heart rate was 126 max was 176. Every morning I walk my dog .5 miles down a steep hill and then back up. I wore my fitbit today and I burned 201 calories in 21 minutes. I dont walk fast because my little dog likesto pee so damn much on all of the bushes! Drives me nuts
.. With that said, I am basically getting 1000 calories burned by the end of my workout each day. Why am I so overweight looking? I look like a Sharpei dog in the mid section from having babies. Jeez, that was 19 years ago! I guess that is what happens to your body when you are 35 years old having children. I am having body image issues right now, I always compare myself to 21 year old ladies, why do I do that? I just want to be really lean and I can never get there, I like snacking too much i guess. This is why I am amping up my cardio. I had a repair man in yesterday and he looked at my treadmill. The motor s gone, too many miles on it. I am getting a refurbished motor to replace it so I will be able to walk on it as soon as the part comes in. I looked back at my workouts from over the years and when i walk steep inclines, that is when I am the leanest. Now, keep in mind i am in menopause now so being over weight through the mid section seems to be my destiny right now. But, not for long. When the hot flashes go away, my weight starts to drop. Sorry for all the jibber jabber but I have things to say today
Debbie, Good idea going back to Body Beast, i love that workout, but there are few days for cardio which I am loving right now. I think you should try at least one Yvette workout, just to make me happy
Great workout today, I am glad your side is not hurting. Shame on you Dr. for not responding.
Belinda, great job on PHA, that is one of my favorites. I also love Vertical loading and her upper body workouts. Try Glassboro Road Trip, both Debbie and I like that workout. I might do Vertical Loading tomorrow
DOZ, you are killing it with the workouts, great job on STS Legs, that is a killer workout.
Roselyn, nice workout.
Diane Sue, nice workout, I have never tried that Olympic workout, but I did look into once, looks interesting.
It is finally sunny here today, i am excited to do some yard work and get outside. Maybe a walk at the beach.
Have a nice day.