Rolly and I walked on the beach for 30 min. Did Total Body Sculpting tonight. I can still feel a little soreness so still taking it easy on that foot.
This is the beginnings of my next drawing, 11" X 14". It's the "Love Of Playing The Quitar". It might be called "Love Of Music". I put this on FB so I'm encouraged to work on it. LOL

Cindy, Yum, a rhubarb margarita sounds absolutely good. Great job on Pilates class Sat. morning. OOOOOO camping, always a great time. Also for the 1.5 mile hike, wow and carry Lucas, and for doing the kids tumble and cheer homework with them. Empressed! Yea for holding the bridge position for 10 seconds. So glad the kitty is a perrrrrrfect fit for the family. LOL
Kathy Sis, Great job on Sat. for doing KCM's Muscle Up lift 2 Be Fit, shoulders, arms and abs prem. And for lifting 12#'s. You go girl! Also for Sun. ROKO prem and the ab section to lean legs and abs. Thank you for your concern of my foot. I'll try to be very careful. I don't want yet another injury.
Michelle, Thank you for posting a quick post for us. I can't wait for more details! YaHoo!
Take care all,
This is the beginnings of my next drawing, 11" X 14". It's the "Love Of Playing The Quitar". It might be called "Love Of Music". I put this on FB so I'm encouraged to work on it. LOL

Cindy, Yum, a rhubarb margarita sounds absolutely good. Great job on Pilates class Sat. morning. OOOOOO camping, always a great time. Also for the 1.5 mile hike, wow and carry Lucas, and for doing the kids tumble and cheer homework with them. Empressed! Yea for holding the bridge position for 10 seconds. So glad the kitty is a perrrrrrfect fit for the family. LOL
Kathy Sis, Great job on Sat. for doing KCM's Muscle Up lift 2 Be Fit, shoulders, arms and abs prem. And for lifting 12#'s. You go girl! Also for Sun. ROKO prem and the ab section to lean legs and abs. Thank you for your concern of my foot. I'll try to be very careful. I don't want yet another injury.
Michelle, Thank you for posting a quick post for us. I can't wait for more details! YaHoo!
Take care all,