Getting Our Licks In!

Today is my day off.

Kathy Sis, Great job on KCM's Split Sessions upper Body. For our anniversary we went to a new restaurant (we rarely go to restaurants) and found it to be a really nice place with great food and a charming chef. But I ate way (I mean way) to much food and deserts. I'm bad.

Michelle, Great job on the first half of S&H triceps and today's 2nd half of the workout, biceps an abs. Give Toby and pet and a hug for me. He's good to his mommy.

Take care everyone,

Last night was KCM's Total Body Kickboxing #1. This is not one of Kelly's best workouts I'm afraid. It doesn't get my heart rate up too much but I enjoyed it anyway. Tonight will be KCM's Body Training which is using no weight working your glutes, hamstrings & hips + I'll do Weights ab section from Abs & Core dvd.

Janie Sis: Glad to hear you & Joey had a great time at the new restaurant. Eating too much that's what your supposed to do for a special occasion. How many years is it? My anniversary is in August. Will be 32 years.

Michelle: Hope your still not sleep deprived from little Toby. Give him a big kiss & hug from me.

waves to Cindy!
Michelle - Congrats on Toby, I'm so excited for you and that you're getting some sleep with him :) How awesome of your cow0rkers to throw you a puppy shower, you have some good people there! Great job keeping the workouts going during this transitional stage!

Kathy - So glad you got to go on an awesome vacation and relax, it's so needed :) You're doing great with your workouts!

Janie - I love hearing how wonderful and enjoyable your days are, creativity is a must! Keep up the awesome workouts :)

Our vacation was wonderful, though Dave was crabby a lot so that was trying at times. We had a wonderful time with our friends and were doing a lot of hiking and walking. I enjoyed Boston more than I expected to and then once home we enjoyed 4 days (the kids and me) of catching up and playing in the water before heading back to work. We did come home to have the heating element in the dryer go out and our garage door to start acting up but those are now fixed and I'm excited to get some laundry done tonight :) Saturday was Pilates, Monday was Afterburn, and tonight I'll do Tabatacise. In between we've been walking a lot.

Michelle I'd love to see your pups pics on Facebook, you can search me by Cindy Tirrell or my e-mail bucky_lou@ Anyone that is on FB and would like to add me feel free :)
Rockout Knockout timesaver 4 today--that one has the cardio drills with gloves and the kickbox combos. My left hammie is not completely happy so this ROKO premix was perfect. I think my hammie is just strained from all the bending over I'm doing with Toby. Just working the legs a little differently but repeatedly seems to have affected my left hammie. The joys of aging. I'm about ready to turn into a pumpkin this evening.

Hope everyone is having a great week.
Last night was KCM's Body Training which works the glutes, hammies & hips all standing. The 2nd half of the workout has all balance moves. Gotten quite good at those balance moves now. I also tacked on at the end KCM's Circuit Burn's abs. Not a favorite. Tonight will be KCM's Trim Down #1 which alternates cardio w/weights. I always liked this one.

Cindy: Glad to hear you enjoyed Boston & having a good time w/friends too. I've never been there. Sorry though that Dave was crabby. I wonder why as he was on vacation. At least you had some time swimming w/the kids when you got back home. I'm not on FB but Andy (DH) is. I can never get on the computer but perhaps tonight I can.

Michelle: That's a good premix ROKO. I've done that one more than once. My hammie was bothering me too the other night & had to stretch it out quite a bit.

Waves to Janie Sis!
So, I figured out how to reduce the size of my photos. Now I need to figure out how to make them smaller on the screen. We are making good progress wrt walking on a leash. We don't go very far, bu he is slowly catching on to the concept. My dog friends who participate in dog events have been very encouraging and helpful on pointers to help with Toby's training. Right now, Toby needs a bath and his nails clipped. That will be part of my weekend adventure.

Cindy: I searchd for you on FB but there are several Cindy Tirrells. One is in Chicopee, MA--I'm guessing that is not you. If you can give me a hint as to which Cindy is you I will send you a friend request. Alternatively, you can send me a friend request; I think I'm the only Michelle Dolfini-Reed on FB. Glad you enjoyed your vacation despite a slightly grumpy DH. How bizarre. Did he not want to go to Boston?

Did One Segment from Total Body Stretching tonight. Love This! Here is a photo of me today at the Tenderbox (a place where locals congregate). I din't know it, but there is a quitar there for anyone who wants to play it. YaHoo! So I did. LOL! Lots of fun.

Cindy, So glad you are back from vacation. Seemed like you were gone for a long time! Missed you.

Michelle, Toby is so CUTE!

Kathy Sis, Great job on KCM's Body Training. OOOOOO, I need balance moves! And for KCM's Circuit Burns abs.

Take care everyone,

Last night was Trim Down #1 which is boxing for cardio & the weights are definitely metabolic. Had fun! Today's my rest day. I'll be off on a stay vacation next week. I plan on ripping off the wallpaper in the bathroom & painting. My DH says I'll probably be finished by Sunday! LOL

Michelle: Toby is adorable & so very sweet!! I know your enjoying every minute you spend w/him. :)

Janie Sis: Love the pic of you playing the guitar. What a beautiful beach. Wish I was there right now w/you. Good job on your workout.

Have a great weekend everyone!
I think Dave was stressed about being away from his business and costs of things, he has to learn to just let it go!

On Wednesday I did Tabatacise 1-2 and last night was Express Athletic Training, my butt it talking to me this week! My house is clean and laundry is dons so I'm ready for our busy weekend. My parents will get to town this afternoon and tomorrow morning my mom is going to Pilates with me. Brodie's 9th birthday party is Saturday afternoon (Pirate theme with hidden clues to find the treasure) with a sleepover that night. Sunday is my 36th Birthday (can't really believe it as this year has zoomed by for me) and once the boys are picked up maybe it can feel like my birthday. Worth giving up for my boy to have a fun party :)

Michelle - What a sweet little ball of fluff, I want to give him kisses! Sounds like he's catching on quickly :) I sent you a friend request, I have my FB locked down pretty tight so I'm not sure if I even popped up as an option for you. I have some paranoia's about having all info out there for everyone!

Janie - You look stunning and a quitar would be fun to play. Did you like it?

Kathy - I hope the wallpaper removal and painting goes smooth for you! Great job getting those workouts in.

The photo of me playing the guitar is a picture behind me. But our beaches look like that. LOL Did Basic Step and an ab routine. Been playing guitar now for a year. Time just flies by doesn't it?

Cindy, I bet it's good to be back home. Great job on Tabatacise 1-2 and last night Express Athletic Training. Hello butt! LOL! Enjoy your parents this weekend and Pilates. OMG! Brody will be 9 already? Wow. Enjoy your 63th birthday. Will tell you again this Sun. Wow. Time flies faster every year.

Kathy Sis, Great job on Trim Down and for your rest today.

Take care everyone,

RWH Plyo HIIT one yesterday. I needed a quick workout but wanted some intensity--RWH cardio workout was just the ticket. Wet dog Saturday here today. Right now my sweet boy is taking a nap. Okay--he got up and wanted to go outside. Stayed on the porch because it is just pouring rain here. Toby does love getting dried off though.

Janie: love the picture of you. You look so relaxed and happy. Makes me want to hop on a plan and come out there to visit you.

Cindy: I accepted your FB friend request. You've been a mom for almost a decade! Congratulations to you and happy birthday to you and Brody.

Kathy: enjoy you stay-cation this week!

It's nice to have everyone back.
Today: One segment of Total Body Stretching and an ab add on.

Michelle, Great job on RWH Plyo HiiT. He's asking to go outside already? Is he now house trained? Any time you feel like visiting is an ipen invitation always.

Take care,

Busy day--between working with and playing with Toby and working on a paper--this Sunday is just flying by. I did get exercise in: Slide and Glide cardio only/stretch premix.

Janie: Everytime I think Tob is fully house-trained, we have a little accident. But at this point, he pretty much is letting us know pretty emphatically that he has to go out. If we don't pay attention, that is our bad. He also is doing pretty good on his leash training but I think I might be overdoing that at this point. I have to remind myself to be patient with this little guy.

Pilates was a killer on Saturday, she did not take it easy on us and I can still feel it today :) Had a lot of fun with the party and had 5 kids sleep over. The boys didn't get to bed until 12:30ish and then were up at 5, Lily and Lucas woke me a couple times during that short time and I'm struggling today from lack of sleep. Will probably skip a workout tonight and sleep instead! Once the boys were all gone yesterday we then celebrated my birthday. I got some nice gifts, a new bike included so now I have to get used to balancing on a bike again :) Did laundry, read, and dealt with crabby/tired kids. Lots to do at work today with fiscal year end wrap up, I should get back to it!

Michelle - We have the opposite weather, very dry and hot! He's a quick learner with the potty training!

Janie - Time does go by faster each year, it's not fair! I can't believe you've been playing for a year already, so glad you love it!

Continued with my rotation and yesterday was Basic Step plus upper body hand weight add on.

Cindy, Great job on Plates Sat. Nice that everyone had such a good time at the party. Hope you caught up with some sleep. Oh Cindy, I forgot (I do that more and more often) to wish you a happy Birthday. So to a belated birthday my dear friend and many many more to come. Sounds like you had a fun one and with wonderful gifts.

Michelle, Great job on Slide an dGlide cardio only/stretch premix. Toby is learning so quickly. It took me 6 months to train Rolly who was 2 years old at the time. I almost gave up on him. I'm glad I didn't. I guess I didn't know how to train him. Not really sure why it took so long for him. He's a smart fella.

Take care everyone,

Caught up on my sleep and did X10 STEP last night, lots of walking too yesterday. Tonight I'll do After burn single intervals and clean the house. I have Friday off and plan to workout first thing then take the kids to the Museum of the Rockies. Saturday we're off to a friends to BBQ and light fireworks and Sunday will hopefully be a lazy day in the backyard. Happy 4th of July everyone!

Janie - Thanks for the birthday wishes, they come and go so quickly anymore! Great job with your rotation :)

Very busy week. Between work and Toby, I havent' exercised much or slept much this week. Did basic step today just to do something although I was so tired I was afraid I would fall off the step but managed not to. The little guy is going to sleep so I'm going to check out and do the same.
Hope everyone is having a great week.
Today was RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps, timesaver with no finishers. Well, this past week was rough. Toby had a bought of puppy diarrhea--every hour going outside, which means I was up every hour during the night. On Monday, I thought it might be the supplements causing the problem so I cut those out. Waited 3 days--no change. So, on Thursday, DH took a stool sample into the vet; came back negative. He is on a diet of boiled chicken and brown rice or hamburger and brown rice plus an antibiotic. The puppy diarrhea has cleared up and we are getting 8 hours of sleep at night--straight through. Life is good again.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. Happy 4th of July!
Had a marvelous time with the kids. Celebrated by being together, lots of good food and a pinata, and me playing the guitar and singing. They never heard me play or sing before and it seemed they like it. Let's hope anyway.
Takes 3 hrs. to travel there and since we wanted our own beds to sleep in, decided to go home early before the fireworks. We seem to do that all the time. Can't help wanting to be comfortable in our own beds. Anyhoo, for the first time we did leave earlier than normal and was just in time to see the fireworks on the beach. Joe was to tired, but I went anyway without him. Glad I did to, because "MAN O MAN" when I got there, big beautiful fireworks were all up and down the beach as far as the eye can see. Never have I seen anything so beautiful! Everywhere you looked you saw beauty. OMG! I stayed there for at least an hour and a half and it was still going strong when I left. AMAZING!
I'm taking today off from exercising. Tonight will do a stretch.

Cindy, Great job on X10 step and lots of walking.

Michelle, I'm so sorry about being such a busy week and poor Toby. Get some rest.

Michelle, Great job on RWH LIHI back, shoulders and biceps timesaver with no finishers. So glad Toby is fine now and you all are getting much needed rest. Yea!

Take care,


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