Getting Our Licks In!

One of the members of our jamming sessions came over to practice with me. Really cool. We both learned a lot. But I must say, I think I benefited much more. Today was huge amount of gardening and using that as my workout.

Michelle, Great job on HIIT Upper Body Circuit. I think you are spot on and waiting to name your new puppy when he comes home. Great job on Low Max yesterday and a stretch max today. LOL, I can't wait with you on bringing home fur baby.

Take care,

Had to take a rest day. My leg is feeling dull pain off and on. Because (I think) I used my back a lot yesterday and I fee,l in some way, it's because of that. Sciatic Nerve Pain? But just for one day.

Low Impact step this morning. I've been walking a half-mile first thing in the morning to help get the blood flowing before I exercise. This morning just didn't feel like it did the trick; didn't feel "warmed" up and loose until about half-way through the LIS step workout. Could be that I was just tired, which tends to be the case by Thursday. Two weeks and one day until our new puppy comes home. Bear with me, ya'll only have to put up with 15 more days of this countdown.

Janie: man, it's hell getting old isn't it? You just never really know how your body is going to react to a little extra strain or movement that you don't do alot on a regular basis. Hope you are back to feeling tip-top tomorrow.

Hi to Cindy and Kathy. Hope ya'll are doing okay.
Today was Ripped With HIIT Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Felt like I needed a weight-lifting day and this workout sure did the trick. Hope everyone is doing well. If anyone can provide quick instructions on how to post a picture, I will post some pictures of the puppies.

Sorry guys. MIA. I swear I don't know where the time goes. Did a fast 45 min. walk on the beach with Rolly. The Sciatic Nerve is still painful, but it's getting better. Darn! I'm OK with getting old, but not OK with set backs. Ugh!

Michelle, Great job on Wipped With HiiT, chest, shoulders and triceps. I post in FB then copy it to here, by uploading a file. Hope that helps. I would LOVE to see pictures of the puppies. Happy dance.

Take care,

Break day today. So, I tried uploading one puppy picture. The size of the file is too big. I need to figure out how to compress the size. Nothing is every easy. Ugh.
Today was walking on the beach (with Rolly) and yoga.

Michelle, I know your frustration about the photos. Keep trying, I want to SEE!

Here's some photos of my work with ash and glass.

Take care,

Charley Horse woke me up this morning. Bummer, now I have a sore calf. I'm so excited about Cathy's new Ice Series. I ordered! Wanted Intermediate so badly this time. If it was going to be advanced I wouldn't have ordered this time. Yahoo! It's Intermediate!

Sorry I've been MIA, it's my busy time at work with fiscal year end prep and I'm trying to get things done before going on vacation in a week! Exercise has been less than what I would like but still happening at least! Lots of RWH, Tabata, and Hiit workouts so they're short but effective :) Tomorrow is the kids' last day of school and they're pretty excited, I think a little sad too to say goodbye to teachers for the summer. I have Tabatacise planned for tonight :)

Janie - Those beads are beautiful! When I had sciatic nerve issues the chiropractor helped a lot, worth the quick visit to get some relief because it can be miserable!

Michelle - Sorry the photos are fighting you, I have issues sometimes too. Where are you getting the images from (photobucket, desktop)? Great job getting those Hiit's in, they sure can kick your booty!

Rolly and I walked the beach for an hour and a half. All soooooo good. Later will do a Relax Yoga with Cathy.

Cindy, We all have MIA every now and again. It's OK, part of life. As long as you get yourselves right back here. LOL! Great jjob on RWH, Tabata and Hiit workouts. Enjoy your Tabata tonight.

Take care,

Will start posting my workouts on FB as well, just to be more accountable. Tonight was Basic Step. Earlier in the day I did some medium lifting in the garden. After all the injuries and healing, I'm looking forward to a fresh start.

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Fast walked an hour on the beach with Rolly. Of course Rolly had to stop every now and then to go to the bathroom. I don't know where he keeps it!

For Breakfast had the usual oatmeal and banana. After a couple of hours Did Basic Step plus Lower body hand weight add on. Used heavy bands and 5# weight. About to eat a healthy burrito. Planning for a fish dinner with rice and veggies for dinner. I better change my breakfast and lunch menu next time. LOL Need a variety of healthy foods.

Been busy doing yard work (garden is officially planted) and preparing for our trip, only a little bit of exercise is getting squeezed in unfortunately. I have lots of packing to do and we're set to fly out to Boston on Thursday with us coming back on Wednesday, I'll do my best to make healthy choices and walk/hike when possible.

Janie - I get in ruts with food too then I'll get tired of things and move on. My favorite lately has been hummus on lunch meat wrapped around a pickled asparagus, yum! Great job getting your licks in!

The last week has been very busy. I was down at Camp Lejeune last week all week and only got in exercise on Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday was Yoga and I did weight work on Monday. Didn't exercise again until Saturday. Started the June rotation and immediately got it messed up--did GS chest and triceps on Saturday, no workout on Sunday because I worked all day, 4DS HIS plus core max 2 on Monday, and Yoga Relax today.

So, today at work I thought I was going to a 1pm meeting with folks from the Army National Guard. Nope--my friends/colleagues gave me a surprise puppy shower. I was extremely surprised. In addition to a cake that said "Hello Puppy," there were veggies and dip, plus homemade dog bone shape cookies, homemade brownie bites with puppy faces, and homemade chocolates in the shape of dog paws and dog bones. We played two puppy games: name the puppy and identify the breed, and then I opened presents. This puppy now has more toys than he will know what to do with. My friends also gave me a puppy place mat for the puppies dog bowls, a picture frame, a dog treat jar, recipes for dog treats, a puppy diary, an umbrella, a microfiber dog towel, a bedtime storybook for our new puppy, plus two gifts cards totaling well in excess of $100. Absolutely amazing. So when do we get our new furbaby? This Friday! Do we have a name yet? No, not yet.

Janie: I'm liking your new resolve on eating and exercising--good for you! I think my issue with posting pictures is the size of the file. I need to figure out how to compress the files.

Cindy: we all get busy from time to time. Hard to believe it is almost the end of another school year. Just think you are one year closer to graduation for each of your children! Hope you have safe travels and a great time in Boston.
Wed. I did Basic Step plus upper body hand weight add on. And helped a neighbor in need with her garden for a couple of hours. Today is one segment from Total Body Stretching. I'm off now to do some gardening and walk the beach with Rolly.

Cindy, Great job on the yard work. Yea! Congratulations for having a garden. Be safe in Boston and enjoy your stay.

Michelle, When you take photos, make sure to set in your camera a smaller size. Maybe that's the problem? Try it and see. Great job on Yoga while in Camp Lejeune and a weight workout. And for starting the June rotation. On GS chest and triceps, 4DS HIS + core max 2 and yoga relax. All on different days of course. LOL You are doing fine, keep at it. I love the idea your friends giving you a puppy shower. How unique and creative. Showing their support and love. Cool! And all the extras like bone shaped cookies, puppy face brownie bites, dog paws and bones and the games. FUN, FUN, FUN! Love the puppy gifts as well. I'm going to do that next time someone gets a puppy. Cool! Friday is the big day. Can't wait to see your fur baby.

Take care everyone,

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