Getting Our Licks In!

Had a busy weekend heading to my parents for the local fair. Caught up with family and friends and stayed on track with food so I'm officially into the 140's now at 148.6, I'm almost to the 10 pounds lost mark and am so happy! Brodie and Lily are with my parents all week so things will be relaxed this week. I've planned my workouts and meals for the week and should be on track :) I would like to get my carpets cleaned this week too so I may do that in the evenings after working out.

Kathy - That food plan looks perfect! How is the eating plan going? How is your neck? Enjoy the beach :)

Janie - Great job making it to week 4-6 :) Exciting to hear if you're selling!

Went raspberry picking (a road trip) with the girls and never did pick any berries. I love adventures....LOL! Had a great time shopping at antique stores and visiting cheese shops. MMMMMMMM Today was Body Fusion

Kathy Sis, Great job on the rotation of KCM and using Cathe's workouts instead. Fantastic on Sat. ofr doing Cardio Supersets Express 1. Next time you will do the entire workout. And for Sun PRS 2. On the list for 3 weeks is: Body Fusion, Lower Body and add ons with hand weight from Basic Step, Ab, walking, Upper and Lower body add ons with tubing, stretching, basic step. Whew! I'm ready to step up a notch.

Take care,

Went raspberry picking (a road trip) with the girls and never did pick any berries. I love adventures....LOL! Had a great time shopping at antique stores and visiting cheese shops. MMMMMMMM Today was Body Fusion

Cindy, Oh! Love the local fair. Nice to catch up with family and friends and great job for staying on track with food. Congratulations with you weight. No bad girlfriend. Very proud of you! I am selling my stuff at the Gallaries. YaHoo!

Take care,

Yesterday I did PRS #2 all combos. That one sure is tricky but made it through. Sunday was hot, hot, hot!!! Went to the beach & stayed underneath the umbrella. Couldn't go in the water due to the seaweed. NY had some wicked storms during the week & brought out all the seaweed.

Cindy: I always do well during the week. However, come the weekend that's where I fall down. I caved on a Carvel ice cream sandwich + made some cherry margaritas. I just had to come across a cocktail recipe from Bobby Flay that I just had to make & drink. LOL Congrats on the 10# loss. That's terrific. That diet is not easy. Enjoy your relaxing week w/out the kids. Fairs are certainly fun. I haven't been to one in a long time.

Janie Sis: Enjoy your workouts. Glad you had a great time w/the girls.

Waves to Michelle & little Toby!
Last night was Xtrain (chest/back/shoulders + Core #1) #4 premix. Had a good workout. Tonight's Cathe's Kickmax. Its been a LONG time since I've done this one. I hope to survive it w/this heat wave that we're having. I believe Michelle is too.

I'm feeling lonely. LOL

Michelle: I hope everything's fine w/you & little Toby. Give him a big hug & kiss from me.

Janie Sis: You must be busy, busy, busy w/the Galleries. Enjoy!

Cindy: Enjoy your relaxing week. I know you will. :)

Take care everyone,
No exercise last night, we did go out for a long walk after dinner and once we were home I was exhausted. I used my time to prep healthy food for meals and then watched a show with Dave before bed. Tonight I will get in RWH Plyo 1 :) I'm a little lazier with 2 of the kids gone but we're working with Lucas on potty training (he could care less!) so it's not too quiet at home!

Kathy - Weekends get me too because I like to enjoy a drink and sweet treat also. But we should be able to do that :) I think my problem is once I have it I want more and I hope that this sugar break will help me get and maintain control over those desires. Just get right back on track! I love Kickmax and haven't done it in a long time either, maybe I'll have to bust it out this week.

Janie - That's great you're selling :) MMM cheese shops, dangerous but delicious! I want to get the kids out for some raspberry picking also, my patch at home is small this year because we had an excellent year last year.

This morning was Lower Body add on with hand weight from Basic Step DVD and getting ready for Rolly and I to walk on the beach for awhile.

Cindy, Great job for a long walk after dinner. Good luck on the potty training.

Kathy Sis, Great job on Xtrain, chest, back, shoulders and Core 1 #4 prem.

Take care everyone,

Oh boy--it's been a while since I've checked in. I'm still here, just very busy between Toby, work, and the regular other daily living stuff. Been doing X-10 workouts the past week. Have one more to go tomorrow: circuit blast. Then on to something else. Hope everyone is doing well. I'll stry to get through all the threads tomorrow and catch up.
Last night was Kick Max & I did all 4 combos + the high impact drills but left out the leg conditioning. I don't need that section. Tonight's the Strength portion to Xtrain's Cardio Leg Blast + Core #2.

Michelle: Glad you popped back in. You were missed. Good workouts too. Short but sweaty just the way we like it.

Waves to Janie Sis & Cindy!
I was not feeling well last night but pushed through and did RWH Plyo 1, that workout kicks my butt! Felt good after and then made some cauliflower pizza for a b-day party we're going to tonight. I am hoping to do RWH Circuit Upper body tonight but if we get home late it may be a quick X10 workout instead.

Janie - What a great way to start your morning!

Michelle - Toby is getting so big already! Those X10 workouts are great when you don't have a lot of time.

Kathy - Nice work on Kick Max!

Last night was Xtrain's Cardio Leg Blast (Strength only) premix. There was no rest at all in this one. It was go, go, go. I was a sweaty mess at the end. Tonight's Xtrain (bis/tris + Core 2) premix. Have to see if there's one for this. Didn't check beforehand. I'm not feeling this rotation at all. Don't know what it is. I think for 2 weeks I'll do a PiYo rotation. Something different.

Cindy: What else goes on top of your cauliflower pizza? I must make this one. :) Hope you enjoyed the b'day party. Your amazing that you were able to do Plyo 1 even though you weren't feeling well. Happy to hear your feeling better now.

Michelle: Your on FB? I'll have to check it out.

Waves to Michelle & Janie Sis!
Today was a bike ride with my hubby, and the ab add on from the basic step DVD plus one segment from total body stretching.

Kathy Sis, Great job on Xtrain's Cardio Leg Blast SO prem. Love being a sweaty mess, good for you! It's always OK to change things up. I may do it too. I want to do more yoga, but will stick with this rotation a little longer.

Cindy, Great job for pushing RWH Plyo 1 when not feeling well. I ALWAYS do nothing until I'm feeling good. Very proud of you. Yummmmmm, cauliflower pizza! May I please have this recipe? Enjoy the party tonight.

Michelle, Love your posts on Toby. What a cutie! Great job on doing X-10. You have a busy rest of the week. After, try and get some rest over the weekend.

Take care all,

Today's my rest day. Love Fridays. :) Tomorrow I'll start with a 1 week rotation of PiYo. Not sure if I could make it past 1 week. I never did all of them not even the bonus Strength one. Maybe Cindy will feel up to joining me? :) I think Cindy has PiYo don't you? Saturday will be Upper Body & Sunday will be Lower Body. I have a wedding to go to on Sunday. Probably will not have time to post over the weekend.

Janie Sis: You had some great workouts there & its nice to get outdoors for a bike ride.

Cindy: Waiting for that cauliflower pizza recipe.

Have a good day everyone & waves to Michelle & Toby!
Hi everyone. RWH Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps today plus about a mile and a half worth of walks with Toby. We do 1/4 to 1/2 mile at a time. Keeps his energy level a bit subdued plus sometimes he gets playtime in with one of his dog buddies. He also has slept past 6 am two mornings in a row! I might have to start setting my alarm clock on the weekdays if he continues that pattern. So far, he has been my alarm clock since we brought him home. Wish I could get my phone to synch with my cloud pictures so I can download/upload more pictures of him here. I do try to post on FB.

Kathy: you can find me on FB under Michelle Dolfini-Reed. Why did I think you were not on FB?

Janie: you seem to be back into making soap. Love seeing what you are doing on FB. I like the scent names that you are coming up with.

Cindy: hope you are feeling better. Cauliflower pizza sounds good--is there pepperoni and sausage on that too--LOL!

Party Rocking Step 1, timesaver 1 today--35 fast, fun minutes of step. Just the right cardio workout today. Walked way too much with Toby yesterday. I think we did almost 2 1/2 miles, totaling up all our 1/4 and 1/2 mile walks. It was too much for him and for me. Today we are doing maybe half of that. Just too warm to do more and my feet aren't in "walking" condition yet. I was so tired last night (as was my furbaby).

Cindy: I'm still catching up on reading past posts. Saw that you posted your new weight earlier last week--congratulations! That is super wonderful!

Janie: saw your new batch of soap on FB--trying to think of a creative name but haven't thought of anything yet.

Waves to Kathy.
Today was a rest day so I went to the Woodfest with my daughter and hubby. Saw friends, listened to a band and marveled at the creativity of our local artists. Wow!

Michelle, Great job onParty Rocking Step 1, times saver 1. And walking with Toby for 2.5 miles. Very proud of the both of you! Rest, you both deserve one.

Kathy Sis, Good to see you are taking rest days. Aren't they wonderful?

Cindy, I am waiting for the cauliflower pizza recipe as well. Mmmmmm...
Had a fun weekend. Saturday I started my PiYo rotation with Upper Body. I seem to be much more flexible during the summer months. Must be all that hot weather. Sunday was Lower Body. Did really well with all of the moves. Tonight's Sweat & from what I remember of this one I will be a sweaty mess by the end.

Michelle: That was quite a long walk you took w/little Toby. He must have had fun with his new fur friend. Good job on PRS 1. I am on FB. Had to develop an account if I wanted to participate with the Nourishing Gurus site. However, DH is always on his FB page & I can never seem to get onto the laptop at home. Can't view FB at work. :(

Janie Sis: I'll have to check out your FB page too as well as Michelle's. Didn't realize you were into making soap again. That must've been fun at Woodfest.

Saturday night DH & I went to a Spanish restaurant for some tapas & drinks. Sunday was my co-worker's wedding. It was held on the water at Giondo's. Outside ceremony just beautiful. Great music, food & drinks.

Waves to Cindy. We're still waiting for that recipe. :)
I felt I needed to do yoga for awhile. Very stiff. Today was Yoga Relax

Kathy Sis, Great job starting PyYo rotation with Upper Body. For Sun. Lower Body workout. Sounds like you had a full and lovely weekend. Good for you.

Take care,

Last night was PiYo's Sweat & Chalene wasn't kidding about the sweat part. LOL The workout was going along pretty easy & no sweat until I reached a particular section. I was a nice sweaty mess when completed. This workout has quite a bit of balance moves in it. I noticed too that my balance is far better than when I tried this one for the first time.

Janie Sis: I must've put the bug in you to do yoga. I too felt tight from all the weight lifting I do. Its a nice change.

Have a great day everyone!
Ok here's the recipe I used, I used egg replacer because I can't have eggs and wish I would have put down some parchment paper on my pizza plate.
For the topping I went with a drizzle of avocado oil, 2 garlic cloves diced, and cheese then topped it with fresh basil after baking it.

1/2 large head of cauliflower
1 egg
2 T grated parmesan cheese
1 C shredded mozzarella (I used swiss and it was really good)
salt & pepper

"Rice" your cauliflower by pulsing it in the food processor until it has a rice like texture. Put it in a microwave safe bowl and cook for 7-8 minutes, you can also boil it in water if you want to avoid a microwave for 4-5 min. Once it's soft drain it and put the cauliflower on a dish cloth and squeeze as much excess water out as you can, you'll have to let it cool a bit before doing this.
Mix the egg, cheese, salt & pepper with the riced cauliflower and then pat into a 10-inch round on a pizza pan. Put parchment down first for ease. Bake 10-15 minutes or until golden then top with your sauce and toppings then bake about 10 more minutes or until the toppings are ready. I could eat the whole thing in one setting!

We had another busy weekend, surprise! I spent the evenings this week on introducing potty training to Lucas so on Saturday I stripped him down naked and we got serious, he did great and has been going on the potty all weekend so we sent him to day care in big boy unders today. Fingers crossed it goes well. If he's naked he takes total control for himself but day care can't quite let him free range it all day :) I also shampooed most of our carpets and have one little section left that I plan to wrap up tonight. Dave and I went to a concert on Sunday night and then picked up the kids from my parents yesterday, it's nice having everyone under one roof again but I had some emotionally tired kiddos last night.

Last night I did Tabatas 1-3 and was drenched. I am planning to do 3 days of Hiit style workouts and then 3 days of Pilates/PiYo/Core style workouts. I'll join you Kathy with PiYo for part of the week starting tonight :) I've been wanting to get them in my routine again. As of this morning I'm officially down 10 pounds since the 9th, which is awesome but I'm frustrated because the first 9 came in the first 10 days and then this past week + I've sat at the same weight with only dropping 1 pound and I've been pristine with this diet. I know I shouldn't be frustrated but I am :( Still sticking to it but I'm looking forward to enjoying tomatoes and fruit come Friday!

Kathy - Great job with PiYo, I do love how it makes me sweat and then feel lots of muscles the next day. Those workouts do the same thing to me, I'm not sweaty and doing great then bam I'm dripping sweat!

Michelle - Sounds like you and Toby are tiring each other out :) Awesome that he's sleeping so well for you.

Janie - The Woodfest sounds great, glad you had fun. My body has been asking for yoga too but I haven't been listening!


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