No official exercise to report, lots of running around though! Tonight I plan to do Circuit Upper Body.
Lily's birthday party was a lot of fun, she was in heaven with her friends. It sprinkled off and on but the girls didn't let it hold them back, we had painting, bracelet making, flower making, and nails to keep them busy between water play. Those girls ate more than the boys at Brodie's party, I was surprised!
On Wednesday I had a follow up with my Naturopath and we talked about getting my body to lose weight, I feel like I've been at a stall. She's put me on a fairly strict paleo diet for 3 weeks (no alcohol, no coffee, no sugar, no fruit, no grains) and then I can transfer to a clean paleo diet after that. She thinks my serotonin and leptin levels are probably off so this diet will get my body from burning sugar to burning fat. It was so hard not tasting the frosting as I made the cupcakes but I stayed 100% on top of my diet this weekend. We did measurements and weight so I'm interested to see where I come in after just 1 week. I was struggling on Thursday and Friday without coffee but am doing much better now, that was rough!
Michelle - I've worried about what that girl will want for her wedding, I may be in trouble! She was happy with the 2 dozen roses I bought for her, Costco had a great deal at $14 for all of them

Enjoy that puppy while you can, they grow way too fast!
Kathy - I have such a sugar addiction so I hope this diet plan helps me cut it. It's in everything! I'm not hungry but I do have desires for sugar and carbs, hopefully they get less and less. Awesome work on your exercises and glad you had a fun weekend.
Janie - Walking the beach sounds like heaven!