FIT TV wants your input

1) I workout during kids' namps (2-4PM) but tape programs all times of day to use during my workout
2) about 5-6
3) I love it! It keeps me motivated. I watch even when I'm relaxing - sometimes I get moving soon after I've plopped on the couch this way!
3a) I'd like more Cathe b/c she challenges me. I'd like Caribbean Workout and In Shape to be 60 min. instead of 30 - to get a good 45 min workout and some ab/leg/arm work with each program
3b) Cathe (thanks for putting on regularly at 9AM), Caribbean workout and In Shape. I like watching Fitness Fantasy. Not wild about the spa shows.
4) see above
) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am) - 5am and 6 pm

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)? Everyday but Sundays

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now? more exercise shows, actually 90% exercise shows (I could do without spa, celeb fitness,etc shows)

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of? more Cathe

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program? prefer 60 minutes (b/c they slip those commercials in there); but either will do

1) 5:15 - 6:30 a.m.

2) 5-6 (usually Monday - Saturday)

3) My satellite provider does not offer, however, I am changing to one that does.

4) I would prefer a 60 minute program since commercials are included.

5) I have heard that sometimes because of the commercials, body parts are not mirrored. Like you may do one leg of exercises, but not the other. Just a friendly suggestion for your editing crew.

Thanx for asking for our input Cathe.

Love FIT TV and love seeing Cathe on it.

1) I typically workout at 5am.
2) 5 days a week, Mon. - Fri.
3) Love FIT TV. Watch it frequently.
Would like to see Sharon Manns program extended to an hour, more
yoga type programs would be great as well.
4) Prefer hour-long programs, of which there are few right now.
1) Monday-Friday mornings at 5am Saturday & Sunday 9 am
2) 5 days a week but flexible which days
4) 60 miute
5) Commercials should be at the end or consistent in time like 2 minutes segments every time. I really like the program based on fitness goals. A program that showed a personal journey from fat to fit would be great.
1. Mid-morning (starting between 9:30-10:30am)
2. Mon-Sat (Sunday off)
3. Don't get FitTV- would love to!
a. Fit TV
b. Nothing I'd like to see more of
4. Length of time depends on the workout. If I'm just watching and plan to workout later, just 30 minutes. If I'm exercizing w/it then 60 minutes.

Hope this helps.
OK -- here goes...

1) I work out in the mornings (about 5 or 5:30am) If I work out on the weekends, it will be a little later -- 7 or 7:30am

2) I'll work out 5-6 days a week, and I usually won't take more than one day off in a row. So it might be Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and Sat -- the days will vary from week to week.

3) I don't get Fit TV right now -- :(

4) I would prefer a 60 min. program.

Hi Cathe,

Thank you for this opportunity to make suggestions for Fit TV. Here are my responses to your questions.

1. I work out mornings between 7AM - 9AM or late afternoons 4PM - 5:30 PM.

2. I work out six days a week which may include any day of the week.

3. I do not get Fit TV because I have Comcast but have been considering switching to Direct TV for several reasons.

5. I noticed quite a few comments which addressed how the interuption of commercials interfered with the flow of the workouts. Realistically speaking, I think it is unlikely that advertisers would put all their commercials at the beginning or end of a program, because most people would not watch them. It is too bad there is not some way of getting around this issue such as the use of a split screen during the commercial. That way the exercisers could also be watching the instructor and the commercial and at the same time, to the delight of the advertiser, listening to their spiel. I suppose that is also unrealistic. Some commenters suggested commercial breaks at opportune times during the program. Directions to continue with some sort of exercise just before the breaks could work.

I second the request for the advertisements to include high quality fitness and health related products and not those quick weight-loss gimmicky products which are so prevalent on so many infomercials.

I will get off my bandwagon now. Good luck with your show!

Dear Cathe,

I tried posting this earlier, but I don't think it "made it." I hope I'm not duplicating. :)

FIT TV is a great channel -- I just got it with my new DirecTV subscription. I love it, and was so very happy to see you there. What a great surprise!

Here's my FIT TV feedback:

1. Workout Times:
My workout times used to be erratic," but now I tune in at 9a.m. each morning for your workout. It's great to have a set schedule.

2. Weekly Schedle:
I workout 5 (sometimes 6) days a week: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat.

3a. Future Programming:
How about more nutritional information? The Fit Tips are great -- maybe FIT TV could incorporate some nutrional tips also. And it would be great to have programming that addresses nutrional trends (South Beach Diet, etc.) -- there's so much out there -- and information such as how diet affects your workout (when/what to eat before/after working out, etc.)

3b. Current Programming:
For those of us that love and depend on your workouts, it would be nice to have it aired more than just in the morning. Having it repeated in the afternoon (like many of the other morning workouts) would be great.

4. Currently I mostly do 60-minute workouts, however ...
It seems that most of the 30-minute workouts are either all cardio, or cardio/toning (which are great), but it would also be great to see a 30-minute solid weight training workout.

I want to express also that I love and utilize FIT TV's web site. It's wonderful to get a "leg up" on the day's/week's/month's workout schedule. I check out which Cathe workout will be on then head over to to preview that particular workout if I'm not familiar with it yet. It allows me to have all my equipment ready before 9a.m.

I've been collecting (and using) your DVD's for a few months, and now that I have FIT TV it's just another wonderful way for me to preview (and perform) your tremendous workouts before purchasing them (it really helps me decide which I'll buy next).

Cathe -- YOUR website is FABULOUS! I can't adequately express how very thankful I am for all that you do. I've never seen such a thorough, inclusive and user-friendly fitness web site. Each time I've previewed and purchased a DVD from it's been a smoothe and flawless experience. And your workouts, well, there are none better. You're the best in every capacity.

You're exceptional, and I treasure all that you give and all that you do. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! :)

1. I workout at 5 am during the week, 6 am on Saturday and 8 am on

2. I workout six days a week with either Monday or Tuesday off.

3. I currently receive Fit TV and LOVE Peak Performance, Working out with Sharon Mann, Urban Fitness.

4. I wish Sharon Mann was a 60 min program. I like 60 min programs. I would like to see more Cathe, more celeb. fitness shows, more pilates.
Here's my 2 cents!

1/ I work out at the same time everyday, between 1-3pm
(when my son's at school)

2/ I work out from Monday-Friday, try and do something either
Saturday or Sunday, doesn't always work out.

3,4,5/ Yes I do get Fit TV. Yes I do watch it, but don't do any of the exercise programs. I find them all geared for the begginer and
intermediate exerciser, until Cathe was introduced to the network. And at 10:00pm it's just too late for me, way past my bedtime. I would like to see more advanced workout programs. I would love to see a daily 1 hour live Cathe workout. Something new everyday, that would be the absolute best!!

Thanks Lyanne
It would be nice if you were on more than once a day. The other exercise shows are on at least twice a day and so should you be.
I workout at 2:00PM and again at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (sometimes till 8:30)
I workout 6 days a week (everyday except Sunday)
Yes I get FIT TV and that is mostly what I workout to unless I get a late start then I use my tapes.
I want to see Peek Performance show Cathe's workouts not the martial arts stuff.. I take martial arts so I dont need to watch it on tv :) I'd also like to see more of the "I Want" programs and would also like to see some Denise Austin programs on in the evening hours.
I'd like to see more of both a 30 and 60 minute programing but would also love to see the commercials at the end of the programs like it is with Tammilee Webb's programs..
I wish you would show more exercise type programs and less spa finder type programs.
I'll add my answers to the list!

1. Usually during my children's naptime, 1:00-ish. I'd LOVE to workout first thing in the morning...but probably not until the little ones have grown a bit.

2. 5-6 days a "day(s) off" change weekly.

3. (a) I'd enjoy some more biographical information on some of today's fitness Cathe! Hear how they made fitness a lifestyle choice and career...and get to know more about them.

(b) MORE CATHE! I like their 'Fitness Fantasy' program...that's pretty interesting, too. As far as workouts, since I already do recorded workouts, I'd be more inclined to view/use a workout on FitTV if it was something I couldn't get elsewhere. (Horror!)

4. If the program is a workout program...60 minutes.

5. It would be nice if more of the 'fitness-related-sports' like bodybuilding, Miss Fitness, etc. were shown on FitTV and not ESPN2. I would be more likely to see them if they had their "own" channel.
Hi Cathe,
I would like to let you know what my workout schedule is like:

1) I workout at 5-9am (EST) depends on what my kids have going that day, but I mostly workout in the mornings.

2) I like to workout daily Sunday-Saturday.

3) I currently get FIT TV on Directv
a)I pretty much like the programming now with a few exceptions
b)I like to see more of the Cathe show and more of Caribbean workout, In Shape with Sharon and Gilad's Bodies in Motion. I would like to see more Pilates maybe for the person that is overweight and trying to get in shape.

4)I prefer 60 minute workouts
5)I like the programming on FIT TV, however, I don't like Peak Performance when the programming is centered around basic training for military personnel. I also prefer information and programming for the person that is overweight and trying to get in shape.

1) 7:00-8:00am

2) 5 days a week (no Sat or Sun)

3) I'd like to see more 60 minute long workouts..all those commericials are crazy.On FIT TV the Aerobic conditioning has 20 minutes with no commericals. Even on Cathe Cardio Blast they have commericials but they are well spaced.But afer workin with Cathe you need a commerical sometimes to caught our breath (LOL)

4) 60 minute program. Hands Down!!!
I'm another Comcast Cable person with no FIT TV from the small, piddling, insignificant market of Philadelphia, PA. x( :eek:

Though I own all Cathe's wkouts, it would still be cool to follow FIT-TV's schedule - especially if they were scheduled in rotation-fashion - that way I wouldn't have to do any thinking at all!

I prefer 30/45 minutes commercial-free. As far as time-of-day, well, if intriguing, creative rotations were scheduled, I'd schedule my day around them. Otherwise, I really like mornings after the kiddies head off to school - like 9-11 am.

Cathe, I hope this TV exposure brings you the renown and fame you've earned & deserve! :)

- Joanne
1) 9 a.m. because Cathe show comes on at that time

2) Mon-Sat

3) a)Gilad, Sharon Mann

4) 60 minutes

5) would like less commercials during the workouts, like to work straight through without long breaks, need more workouts with stability ball, pilates, better yoga program
>Hi Everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I had a meeting with
>FIT TV and one of the things that we discussed was getting
>more viewer feedback to help them provide even better
>programming to their customers.
>If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback,
>please answer the following questions.
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am)
I usually work out in the evening because I work during the day. I work out anytime from 7:00 to 11:30 P.M. On weekends I work out during the day, anytime I can fit it in. Sometimes on weekends I work out twice a day--a quick cardio in the A.M. around 10:00 A.M.and then again around 1:00 P.M. or 5:30 P.M. or 10:00 P.M. with weights.
>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?
I work out every day unless a heavy schedule prevents me from finding some time to do so.
>3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....
>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now?

>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of?
I watch faithfully and exercise with Cathe Friedrich, Sharon Mann, and the Carribbean Workout. I would be lost without those 3 programs.
>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
I like both the 30 minute and 60 minute programs. I would prefer to keep Cathe's programs at 60 minutes. I like them just the way they are.
>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here.
Maybe a few programs with trainers like Cathe addressing issues like slow results or problem spots would be beneficial.

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