>Hi Everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I had a meeting with
>FIT TV and one of the things that we discussed was getting
>more viewer feedback to help them provide even better
>programming to their customers.
>If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback,
>please answer the following questions.
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am)between 7-9 am
>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?mon, wed, frid, sat or sunday
>3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....allthe time, love it
>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now? your show
>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of? more of your show
>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
>program?60 minutes
>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here.