FIT TV wants your input

I work out in the am, from 530am to 645am, usually.
I would like to see more workout shows, less spa and travel stuff, and no commercials until after the workout is over.
I really don't care to see how the movie stars spend big bucks on personal trainers, I can't do that, therefore it is useless to me.
More of a wide variety in the schedule rotation, the same shows are being played over and over and over!
60 minute workouts for sure, of all kinds.

FitTV got me hooked on Cathe ( I had been on the fence for years ), so Cathe - this association is definitely a good venue for you!:D
1> I work out in the mornings around 10 am and in the evenings around 9:30 pm, so it varies, since I work second shift.

2) I work out 6 days a week

3) I watch FitTv in the am and Peak Performance in the evenings. I would like to see a more wide range of instructors. Also it would help users if FitTv inform them if the workout is beginner/intermediate/advanced.

4) I like a 6O minute workout with only ONE BREAK mid-point, not all the commercials intervening during the workout.
Once school starts (I'm a teacher), I workout at 5:00 a.m. 5 days a week.

I don't get FIT TV (I have Dish Network). }(
i workout mornings or after 400 pm.
i workout 6 days a week healthclub or cathe dvds
i would like to see new cathe workouts
i want less commercials or cut them to 1 minute long so you have a quick recovery and thats it
right now they are way too long
please give us a full 60 min workout
i workout mornings or after 400 pm.
i workout 6 days a week healthclub or cathe dvds
i would like to see new cathe workouts
i want less commercials or cut them to 1 minute long so you have a quick recovery and thats it
right now they are way too long
please give us a full 60 min workout
i workout mornings or after 400 pm.
i workout 6 days a week healthclub or cathe dvds
i would like to see new cathe workouts
i want less commercials or cut them to 1 minute long so you have a quick recovery and thats it
right now they are way too long
please give us a full 60 min workout
i workout mornings or after 400 pm.
i workout 6 days a week healthclub or cathe dvds
i would like to see new cathe workouts
i want less commercials or cut them to 1 minute long so you have a quick recovery and thats it
right now they are way too long
please give us a full 60 min workout
i workout mornings or after 400 pm.
i workout 6 days a week healthclub or cathe dvds
i would like to see new cathe workouts
i want less commercials or cut them to 1 minute long so you have a quick recovery and thats it
right now they are way too long
please give us a full 60 min workout

Boxer, once again, you are digging up old threads. This can be very confusing. Is there a reason you are doing this?
1) between 9am to 10am
2) M-S
3)I do received FIT TV (which introduces me to Cathe) and normally tape Cathe workouts. I have TiVo and my workouts time varies because of this feature. The types of programs I am hoping to see more of are:
a. more intense, Cathe like- exercising programs, circuit training, core training, bootcamp.
b. fit cusinine (a person with more personality and makes more than one dish)
c. more exercising/health (in terms of how to eat clean, etc.) programs (avoid Spas, fitness of superstars), educational programs about diet pills (fad diets and their risks), obesity, and how to involve your children in healthy eating habits and a fun way to exercise.
d. To have Cathe programs on more often and to consider to have Cathe on a live-type exercising programs in which she is more active with her audience in that allows her audience to prepare for a commerical breaks.
4) 60min workout time program

I workout M-F at 4:15am and on Saturdays around 8-8:30am

I don't get FitTV but would love Dish Network to consider it. I did have FitTV years ago when I had cable and I enjoyed watching it.

I would prefer the exercise shows to be commercial free and have a variety running 30 and 60 minutes long.

More exercise/health shows.

1) afternoon, around 4 pm.
2) 5-6 days, Monday through Saturday
3) a. a DETAILED show with a "personal trainer" that truly shows how to work a muscle group to get the results (more definition or more mass, whatever). None of the shows on Fit TV go into the details; they sort of give you the jist and leave you to go at it alone. It would be nice if every episode would focus solely on a muscle group or a training method and explaining how much weight to do to get a certain result, or what to eat to really get the body to respond to the training, etc. Someone who could talk about different methods of training (ie, freestyle training and if it really works the way people say it works, heavy weight and how that affects the body; does it make you bulky or doesn't it?, etc). Someone who really explains the science behind the muscle...You know, What comes to mind is that personal trainer from "The Swan"; it seems he really got the women in shape, but the downside to that is he never really showed exactly what the women did to get to that point (a lady on the show got really great definition in her arms); it would be great if someone like that trainer would take the time and show every excercise, weight recommended, sets, reps, etc.
3)b. Don't watch any other programming other than buff brides once in a while.
4) 60 minute program.

Hi Cathe,
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

1. Mornings at 8AM

2. Six. Mon, Tu, Wed, Th, Fr, Sat or Sun.

3. Don't get it...REALLY want it. Wish I knew how to get it.

4. I have to say it's 50/50...would utilize both.

5. More Cathe! Always! More Cathe! Don't know your format but would definitely prefer only exercise shows, or at least mostly.

Ruth Wilfong
Severn, MD
Hi Cathe,
How great that FIT TV wants our input!

1. Mornings. I always start no later than 8:00 a.m.

2. 5-6 days per week.

3. a. I personally don't like when they cut the programs because of commercials. Especially when they cut out the warm up or the cool down. If they could provide a 10 minute block of commercials between shows, that would be ideal. Of course, I'm sure there are rules they have to follow with the advertisers, so it's just my personal opinion.

b. Only Cathe on Peak Performance and maybe more Fitness Fantasy. I love that one too!

4. 60 minute workouts.

Becky :)
I get FIT TV and watch it daily. Sometime I watch (like Buff Brides and Fitness Fantasy) and sometimes I use it as an alternative workout. Although I am not a Bride (I've been married 21 years) I watch the show for inspiration, I still want to look good for my groom at 47!

I work out in the evenings as I have a full-time job. Usually between the hours of 7 p.m. and 10p.m. (EASTERN)

I always work out on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Sometimes Sunday as well, but never on Wednesday as that is set aside for "date night" with my husband.

I love the variety of FIT TV. If I had a choice, however, I would recommend alternating the programming so that each cardio and/or weight show was followed by a yoga or stretch show. I prefer a 30 minute cardio/weights workout followed by 30 minutes of yoga. I usually do a 30-45 minute workout (either on tape or on FIT TV) followed by a stretch (usually yoga on DVD) The stretches in most of the shows are very short and as we boomers get older we need more and more emphasis on flexibility. Also I would recommend putting the ads at the beginning and end of the shows. I don't mind the ads, but I don't like trying to keep my heart rate up by repeating the same moves until the workout comes back on. Sometimes there's nearly 4-5 minutes of commercials at the breaks and this is a very long time to repeat a move.

Thanks for letting us express our opinions!

>Hi Everyone! As I mentioned yesterday, I had a meeting with
>FIT TV and one of the things that we discussed was getting
>more viewer feedback to help them provide even better
>programming to their customers.
>If you would like to participate in supplying this feedback,
>please answer the following questions.
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
>specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

*Mornings at 9:00am and afternoons at 3:00pm

>2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are
>those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?
*5 - 6 Sun, Tues-Sat (not Mon's)

>3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....
*Yes, I just relocated and am happy to say I got it now! I am so excited. It's on whenever I am home.

>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now?
*More low fat cooking programs and more Cathe
>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of?

*Cathe and low fat cooking programs

>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
*60 Min!!!!

>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here.
*Please have more commercials after the work outs. It's hard to stop and wait for the next section when your at your peek heart rate.

Hi Cathe:

I'm new to your forum and would like to add my thoughts to your questions:

1)I typically work out at lunch time and sometimes again in the evenings

2) I typically work out 5-6 days a week (Mon-Saturday)

3) I get Fit TV and I LOVE IT!!!!
3a) More advanced 1- hour workouts with more variety of programming
3b More Cathe - usually the same types of workouts are rotated but I think you have more material which isn't used
4) 60 minutes and even longer
I was excited to see this, so I am happy to reply.

1. I usually work out at 3:30 in the afternoon
2. I work out 5-6 days a week
3. I have Fit Tv and I was watching it at one time. I was flipping channels and saw Cathe's show before I was aware of who she is. I was forced to stop and watch. I loved what I saw so I watched the whole workout. I looked in my tv guide to find out the next time she would be on, and tuned in and workouted out that very next day.
3a. When I first started working out with Cathe on Fit tv I did it every time the show aired but I have noticed that they have dramatically cut back on airing her workouts, so I quite watching and just bought a bunch of tapes of her website.
3b.I wish Fit Tv would air a lot more on Cathe. I did catch the marathone the day they played all Cathe all day long. I did about 4 of her workouts that day, spreeding them throughout the day, that was the main drive that got me logged on to her website.
4. I would love a 30 minute workout, because it is hard to find time to fit in 60 minutes, but on the other hand you just can't pack a good 60 minute workout into 30 minutes so I drive to find that hour.
5. Any other suggestions would be that if it weren't for Fit Tv I would of never found Cathe at all. I am very lucky that day of channel surfing because if I didn't stumble across that show I would not be working out 5-6 days a week now with Cathe. I just wish she could make a speical trip to Kansas City! That would be so great!:7
I watch fit tv when I have time to watch tv. I really enjoy the 60 minuteCardio Blast show Cathe does. I just wish it were on more in my area. I work out 5-6 days a week Monday through Saturday.

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