FIT TV wants your input

1. I work out in the mornings between 6am-8am PST.
2. I work out Monday through Friday
3a. Yes I am watching FitTV and I am addicted! I love it!. I'm really happy with the programming that is currently on.
3b. I would love to see more Cathe workouts and Sharon Mann. They really kick my butt and I feel like I've accomplished something at the end of their workouts.
4. I prefer the 60 minute workouts (especially with Cathe, you're awesome!)
5. Keep up the great work. I think the scheduling is put together really well since sometimes I also like to workout in the evenings after work and there is always something on for me to do.

I workout M-F from 9-10:30am and 8-8:30 pm. I use both your shows and Gilad's Bodies In Motion for my workouts using Fit TV. I like having both 30 min and 60 min shows to choose from.

1) I work out between 8 & 9 AM
2) 5 days a week. The day varies
3) Yes I get FIT TV and love watching this channel
A) I would love to see more yoga. I like Breathing Space yoga but I would love to see others.
I would also like to see other healthy cooking shows. I like Fit Cuisine but would also love to see other shows.
I would also like to see no commercials during the exercise shows like yours Cathe.
B) More Cathe on in the evenings about 6 Pacific Time.
4) I would love to see more 60 min programs
1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

6:00-7:00 AM

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Monday through Saturday

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

Cathe Friedrich Cardio Blast

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

60 minutes

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

The 30 minute shows are nice but there are too many breaks for commercials. I do not feel I get a good workout this way. I much prefer the 60 minute shows, such as Cardio Blast, but would still like less commercials.

Hi Cathe,

Love your shows actually found you on FitTV!!!
1. 5:30AM
2. 5 days, Mon-Sat
3. Love it! Stwiched from Dish to Direct
a. Power Yoga & Pilates
b. Cathe
4. 60 minutes, with less breaks
5. I'd like to see more instructors.

Thaks for your awesome workouts!
Hi there. First off I am a guy, hope thats OK :D

I have been watching your program on FITTV at 9AM . I havent actually tried doing the exercises because I almost have a cardiac arrest just watching it. I thought women were supposed to be the weaker sex!

Anyway, I tune in because watching your show wakes me up in the morning and then I turn on CNBC to see how much money I've lost in the stock market. I have one critique for your show-I would like to see more closeups of the other women. Every once in awhile the camera will close in but it lasts for one second. I would especially like to see more of that beautiful Indian woman who is usually in back on the left. Bring her up front, she is stunning!

I would also like to see you ladies flex a little. Lets see the results of those workouts. Obviously this opinion is from a guys point of view but I bet you have a lot of male viewers and the more the merrier. So basically I would like to see more camera angles and closeups.

FITTV is running a marathon of your shows right now and I still can't believe what you women can endure. As far as I'm concerned, strong is beautiful. Keep up the good work ladies!:D
1.i do weights and abs about 8-9am and cardio at 2.(crazy schedule)

2.5-6 days. fitness and nutrition from ages 4 and up.
b.cathe of course. but also i really enjoy gilad.

4.60 min.

5.i think that fit tv is great and i have learned alot from the hosts. its great and hope that it is made more available to those who cannot get it now. i know my daughter enjoys doing the workouts with me(she's only 4) she sees all the women on the shows and she says they are so strong and beautiful. keep up the great shows fit tv.
1) I start working out sometime between 7 and 8 PM on weeknights and sometime between 3 and 4PM on the weekends.

2) I workout every Saturday and Sunday and 3-4 days between Monday and Friday.

3) I do not get Fit TV but wish I did

If I did get it

4) I would prefer a 60 minute program.
) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

8:00-9:00 PM

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Monday through Saturday

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

Cathe Friedrich

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

60 minutes

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

Longer workouts - less commercials
At present I am not working out due to a history of preterm labor. But I watch Fit TV alot, but when I do start (8/04)God willing it will be something like this.

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific
Between 8-10 am.

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days?
7 days a week.

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?
Body Electric and a show that used to be on channel 25 NYC called Home Stretch.

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?
Why Cathe of course.

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?
30 is ok, but 60 would be better.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
Hi Cathe

Here's my input regarding your e-mail about FitTV...

I always workout in the morning usually around 6AM before I go off to work and, of course, before breakfast. I workout for an hour or more - on weekends I might start a little later, but I work out longer usually 2 - 2 1/2 hours in duration.

I typically work out 6 days a week.

Sadly, I don't get FitTV. We have Dish Network, and, as of right now, they don't carry it in our area (Omaha, NE).

I would definitely prefer a 60 min program.

Please, please see what you can do about getting FitTV in our market, which again is Omaha, NE. I'm sure there are lots of other exercise fiends out there like me who'd love to receive it.

Thanks a lot

Sharon aka DonnysGirl
Omaha, NE
I would like to see a 60 Min program..

More Cathe videos

GET RID OF SHARON MANN.. she is annoying!


1) I generally workout at 4:00am unless I'm too tired in which case I workout after work, around 4:30.
2) I workout 4 to 5 days a week - Monday thru Friday.
3) a) More weightlifting with dumbells
b) More Cathe!
4) I prefer 60 minute programs with less commercials
I think there are too many repeats of non-exercise shows (Fitness Fantasy, the PEak Performance shows about marines and yoga). Repeats of actual exercise-along workouts aren't a problem.
I love FIT TV! Watch it everyday.

1) I workout first thing in the morning from 6 AM to 7 AM. If I feel extra energetic after work, sometimes I'll add a 20 or 30 minute workout at 4:30 or after dinner.

2)I workout 5-6 days per week Mon - Fri, and sometimes Saturday too.

3)a - I used to watch Crunch Fitness on ESPN but that went off air a few years ago, and I miss it. I'd like to see that on FIT TV.
b- I absolutely love Cathe Friedrich! I realized it was on FIT TV about a week ago, and have been recording it ever since. It's on at 9 AM and thats what time I arrive at work, so I have to record it everyday. I wish it we're on at 6AM.

4) I like both. With Cathe's I prefer the hour because she really targets all aspects of fitness, cardio, weights, & abs. If it's just cardio, I prefer 30 minutes, so I can do my own weights.
1. Mornings from 10am-11am.
2. Usually workout daily Mon-Saturday
3. a) More workouts that are strength based. It's mostly all cardio. And show the "fitness fantasy" stuff only in the evenings. Sometimes I want to do a quick 30 minute session and all that is on is non-exercise shows.
b)More Cathe! You're only on once a day while Gilad is on ALL day long. x(
4. I'd prefer an hour but ALSO a 30 minute program sometime. Some days there isn't enough time for an hour.
5. Love ya Cathe!
>1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be
6:30 -9 7 days a week
>a)what programming would you like to see that you are not
>seeing now?
more aerobics and less yoga and non exercise shows
>b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see
>more of? cathe, sharon, gilad
>4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute
>program? 30
>5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they
>have not been addressed here.
Please put all workout shows in a row not yoga etc in the middle.
What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am) I work out at 8:00 a.m. daily.

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?I try to lift weights 4 days a week, and do cardio the other 3 days.

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....I'm watching the Cathe Friedrick show. I have watched some of the other shows but most of the programs offer aerobics only type programs, for me, are incomplete work-outs. The 80's type aerobics programs seem like Fit Tv is pulling tapes out of the archives.

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

I would LOVE to see more of the weight training programs and less of the "find the perfect spa" type programming. I can find the perfect spa on my own, the perfet body is what I need help in achieving.

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?
The Cathe Friedrick programs. The combination of using weight bearing exercises ( not using paper light weights,) and cardio, is a great way to help all people reach or surpass their realistic body goals in a healthy well rounder manner.

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?
An hour program would be great. The ultimate program would have a combination of weights, cardio, abs, and maybe meditation or yoga as the finish.

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.
I like watching Fit Tv, the best part is turning on the television and not having to see or listen to Denise Austin or Tony Little!
I hope it's not too late! I just found this topic.

1) What time of day do you typically workout? Please be specific (ie: mornings at 5am)

8:30 PM

2) How many days a week do you typically workout and what are those days (ie: Mon, Wed, Fri)?

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays

3) If you get FIT TV now and you are watching it....

a)what programming would you like to see that you are not seeing now?

More EXERCISE shows like Sharon Mann and Cathe Friedrich's format: female instructor, done inside a room in which the instructor has a team of people behind her exercising with her.

More exercise shows that focus on strength training.

More exercise shows led by female instructors.

b)what programming ARE you seeing that you would like to see more of?

Secrets of Superstar Fitness

4) Would you typically prefer a 30 minute or 60 minute program?

60 minutes

5) Feel free to make any other suggestions or comments if they have not been addressed here.

I don't see the point of the spa shows.

It would be nice if Cathe's programs were aired during prime time, not 6 AM on the west coast (although I assume it's to accomodate people in the east coast).

And there are a lot of commericals during Cathe's programs. Any way to reduce them?

Production suggestion: Sharon Mann's show has an excellent production part. It may be a good idea if Cathe's programs incorporated the same thing:

The way the show is produced in Sharon Mann's shows are excellent, particularly the moment the show returns from commercials; it shows the set from a distance and holds that view for a few seconds. This allows for a "grace period" for people like me who records her shows. When you press record on a VCR, it takes a few seconds before it actually records. Therefore, those few seconds that the camera is pulled back to view the entire set prevents me from missing any of Sharon's speaking.

I would greatly appreciate if the same thing was done to Cathe's programs. Right now, the second the show returns, Cathe immediately starts talking and the since the VCR takes a few seconds to start recording, I miss the beginning of Cathe's words.

Hope all this made sense.

Thanks for asking our opinions.

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