Today, 30 min of jumping on the reformer with light springs for more of a core workout, then 3.3 mile dog walk
Jody, I finally noticed that since I booked plane ticket under DH account, I get a free checked bag. So, I packed for the 3rd time, funny that next bigger size suitcase wasn't all that big, and I didn't want to bring the huge suitcase as it may take up your whole trunk!
I'm all packed (may throw in my tens unit as my knot came back, must be with man handling the suitcase), I have a carry on tote, that I will use to carry things down to the workouts (scarves (workout one and one after), jacket (again have to keep my sweaty self warm, Grrr) . I have a box of protein bars I"m bringing, the only thing I need is bottled water (sorry, I just can't drink Florida tap water). But I'd say we just make a run to the store when we get there.
Diana, I think it's because DH is silver mileage plus status, in fact it gets me early boarding too
My jacket is one that is sold as a cover up after/before a workout. Oh, I forget who mentioned clothes. All I have for non workout clothes is a pair of khaki shorts with a couple tops, and a pair of yoga pants with a couple tops. I even decided not to bring jeans, I prefer yoga pants. I do have a pair of flip flops packed for going to the hot tub(and walking around the hotel room, I can not put my bare feet on the hotel room floor
, And I do have a bathing suit cover up, and a short robe (I bought it for hospital stay--- never used it!), I'm doubling the robe up as a blanket to have around my neck at night (again, can't stand hotel stuff near my face). Remember I told you I was weird.... or maybe it's OCD.
Angela, my 6th stretch outfit is just a top and bra, using pants from another. I am so not a dressy person (really have no dressy clothes, we are so casual here in Colorado).