Good morning girls!
I just finished today's workout and will now check in.
Here's today's workout:
KCM 30MTF- Cardio Pump- Cardio Back & Chest Premix= 38 Min
MV= 8.70
CB= 451
XTrain-D9- Tabatacise= 45 Min
MV= 10.0
CB= 614
KCM 30MTF- Abs & Core- Circuit Burn Abs= 6 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 41
Total calories burned= 1106
Roxie- Bravo on your workout today and getting it done with KCM Stepboxing and planks.

High fives that is awesome WTG!! Planks are really amazing I have to confess I need to do them more often than I do. Its something I need to work on. Now that you have got in your workout today and feeling great, go have an amazing and blessed Monday.

Debbie- Great job on your early workout with Cardio Coach volume 3- 2.92 miles and did 5813 steps, impressive stats WTG on Monday's fit and fierce workout.

High fives, now go and have a great and blessed day.
Belinda- I see you have already got in your workout for the day, well done. Great workout today with
FS Mixed Impact Cardio / Pull Day. High fives on your workout today WTG, now go have a blessed and wonderful day.

Hugs and blessings