Oops, meant "cardio": gotta love iPad auto-correct.
What better place to share your June rotation oohs and ahhs then right here with your Disney buddies?!Better get to steppin'! Only 29 days to go!!
Also hope I survive that Saturday with three workouts in one day! Eek!
AYLE09 said:You'll do great! Cathe feeds us well!! So, we rest, replenish, hydrate and then back to it we go! And it feels AWESOME!!
Awesome first week of the June Rotation DONE!
Question about road trips in general: I have noticed that there are many clips of people working out at previous road trips. Do they film the entire workouts? I am kind of camera shy so wondering if I should wear makeup, etc., to make myself look as decent as possible while sweating? LOL
2nd week of June Rotation DONE!What's up for tomorrow?
I'm thinking CC-PP tomorrow/next Sunday since I won't be able to do it the last weekend of the month...hmmWhy? Too much to do that weekend!
Why B/C we're going to DISNEY- Cathe Style, woo-hoo!
Getting close RT peeps
Disney Event - Cathe.Com