Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Just finished tonight's workout, which was Chisel Agility. This one is one of my favorites from Hammer and Chisel. No equipment and a great workout. My legs were burning.

Last night was very emotional at the support group, but I was glad we went. My dad and I did cry at different times throughout the night. I told you how he was about to call the same place that I had just called on Friday for this meeting. . . well, it gets even better. When I spoke to my dad on Tuesday afternoon, he was crying and saying that he wanted me to be prepared that when we went to the meeting, all the other people would be a lot older than him. I think it bothers him how young my mom is/was when she was first hit with this disease. Anyway, the first guy who spoke was 59 and his wife was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at age 55. If that is not a sign we needed to be there, I don't know what is. . . We stayed for two hours. It was good. We will go again next month.

Belinda- awesome job on those workouts, girl! High fives to you. Hope everything went well with the doctor's appt.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie.

I was busy packing, cooking for ds & wrapping things up. My back isn't too good but alleve and the vacation should help. We arrived in Florida this afternoon.

I guess Hurricane Matthew has shifted , where my Dad lives on the east coast of Fl is expected to get a direct hit:(. My brother is there and they said it is crazy with shortage of gas & food. We should be ok but we are worried about them. Even the weathermen are hoping they are wrong.

Belinda - It looks like you may get another 100 workouts before this year ends!! Not sure how you have energy to clean;)

Kristin - I'm so happy for you and your Dad for finding the support group. How scary and sad how this disease is happening in younger and younger people:(. How would you compare 21DFE extreme with Hammer & Chisel?

Waves hi to Cookie

Good afternoon,

Today's workouts : XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes:#5 Low Impact HiiT + Burn Set Shoulders + Core #1 - 63:40 plus LM Body Step =60 min

Kirstin - So sorry you and your dad have to go through this ((HUGS))) so heartbreaking!! You are a good daughter :)

Debbie - trust me..I don't have energy to clean. If I don't do it, no-one else will :) I doubt I will finish another 100 dvd's. We shall see! Be safe, ok!

Have a great day.
Belinda, I'm with you on loving getting my hair done really nice! It is so worth it. I'm impressed that you got your workout in and a 4 mile walk. You must have a lot of energy.
Kristin, glad it the meeting was very beneficial to you and your dad. You both need support. You also have a lot of energy to get your workouts in along with everything else.
Deb, I hope your dad is alright. This storm does seem scary. Bet going thru your clothes has made packing easier. Do you take workouts with you when you travel? The dogs are now staying inside the Invisible Fence system, so they can't go to the lake. I have taken Dixie down to it, and she loves it. There's a whole routine to her walk. I have to go open the door the garage and then open the garage door. Go back make a production out of removing her Invisible Fence collar and putting on a different one with the leash. Today was the first time I did not have to pick her up/drag her/forcibly assist her into the garage. Today she willingly went up the steps, into and thru the garage like a totally civilized, normal dog! I'm finding it hard to fit in her dog walk and a workout, but I'm having no trouble getting over 10K steps daily.
My dad's wife has decided to intern his ashes on what would have been his birthday, October 11th. So on Saturday, I'm flying to Mexico for that.
21 DFE Yoga Extreme done!

I'll be back tomorrow for personals. I'm writing this on my phone and I find it so annoying!


Today we walked 4 miles on the beach. Tonight we went to dinner & the power went out we waited but it didn't go back so went somewhere else for dinner. It wasn't due to the storm. So many people from the east coast have come over here so it is really busy considering this is the slow season.

Belinda - it looks like it will be close to 100:)

Cookie - Our golden retriever would break thru the electric fence when she was young as she was older she became afraid too! Getting your steps in is awesome. Will you add a mini vacation while in Mexico?

Waves hi to Kristen

Hallo everyone,
Today I did : XTRAIN D1 - Chest, Back & Shoulders: Premix 12 Double Trouble… 93.38 :D I am done with Xtrain D1. You do round 1 +2 than repeat, do round 3 +4 repeat until you done all the rounds. Got a nice burn.

Cookie - good job getting your steps in every day. How long will you stay in Mexico? I am sure it's all new to your dog, she needs to get used to her new surrounding.

Debbie - sorry about the power :( Hope you are safe. My husbands family are in Tampa, we are watching the news.

Kirstin - good job with your workout yesterday.

I am done for today. Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today we walked the beach it was very windy but a warm wind & not much rain. The surfers were loving it, usually no waves but the water was rough today or perfect for a surfer. My Dad & brother are safe from the storm it wasn't a direct hit to their town.

Tomorrow we are visiting friends.

Belinda - Your DHs family should be safe we are close to Tampa and it wasn't bad. Awesome workout your upper body will be fried tomorrow!

Kristin - Do you get off next week for the Jewish holiday?

Cookie - I actually have a small step I bought about 20 years but don't use it when I am here. I have some weights, bands & iPod for workouts but for the most part we walk & go to the gym a couple of times. Have fun in Mexico!

Hey guys. Yesterday was my scheduled rest day. I just finished my workout for today, which was Total Body Chisel. I am dripping in sweat right now, lol.

So, I don't know if you have heard about creepy clown sightings on Long Island, but my kids are terrified that a creepy clown is going to go to their school or be at their bus stop or break into our house and kill us all. It is crazy and upsetting that they are so scared. Kids at school keeping talking about it and it is out of hand. I am thinking this Halloween a bunch of kids will end up being creepy clowns and my kids will be terrified to go trick or treating. Ugh!

I am taking my mom to the movies today to see Sully. This way my dad gets a little break and my mom gets out of the house. I really don't think she is able to follow movie plots anymore, but I think she still enjoys getting the popcorn and soda.

Deb- I am glad you were not affected by the hurricane too much. Hammer and Chisel is a great program. It is different from 21DFE in that it really is more of a lifting program, but not like Body Beast. There are a lot of compound moves, balance moves, and then power moves. Your heart rate goes up with all the lifting dvds. Then there are some cardio dvds too. For Hammer, it's Hammer Plyo and Hammer Conditioning (although it is lifting, it has a cardio effect more so than the other lifting dvds). For Chisel the cardio workouts are Chisel Cardio, Chisel Agility and Chisel Endurance (again lifting, but has a big cardio effect). It is a great program. I loved doing the original rotation. I am really enjoying the rotation I created with 21DFE and the Chisel DVDs now.

Belinda- That was some workout. Can you move your arms today? LOL.

Cookie- the workouts helped me relieve a lot of stress this week. Are you happy to have the time off? When are you going to Mexico?

I am off on Monday. Our students are off on Tuesday, but we have a conference day. The itinerary was so boring, I fell asleep reading it!!! :mad::mad::mad::(:(:( I guess I have to suck it up. Then we are off again Wednesday.

Okay, I have to go get ready to pick up my mom.

BB tomorrow. Enjoy today!

Hi ladies,

XTRAIN - Bic & Tric:Premix 10 Timesaver (Rounds 1-7) + Core #1 (47:42) is done.

Kirstin - my upper body is sore, lol. Awww..about kid are afraid about the creepy clown sightings. I heard in some states clown customs are not allowed on Halloween.

Debbie - we been talking to Dh's family almost every day. Glad you having fun.

I will catch up on personals tomorrow. DD came to visit :) BBL!
Chisel Cardio done! DH had a wood bat tournament this weekend. Yesterday the games were postponed. His team played at 8 am and then again at 12 and now they are in the finals! Our last game is tonight at 8! I am going to be freezing my butt off!

Belinda- Have you seen the pics for the new workouts yet? Cast looks good. There is a new girl too.



Just doing lots of walking. The other day went to visit friends didn't have lunch or dinner until almost 10pm. They had friends over who didn't leave. We should have excused ourselves to get something to eat because when we did it was burgers, fries & shakes (but so good!)

The cast looks great in new DVDs!

Belinda - You will have Popeye arms soon:). I'm happy your DHs family is safe.

Kristin - I just heard about the clown sightings here in Fl. They are putting a lot of bans to protect the children. I thought it was only adults scaring adults this is $&@? Crazy! Let me know how Sully is. Thanks for explaining H&C:)

Cookie - How was Mexico?

Good morning,

ICE Rock'n & Sock'n MishMash Premixes: Scrambled Extreme #1 Mixes the main workout in a different way and repeats some intervals to add intensity = 71:37 + Rock'n & Sock'n Kickboxing:Timesaver Premixes:#2 Warm Up + Muscle Meltdown - Triceps + Stretch - 27:49 + XTRAIN - Bic & Tric:Bonus workout; Bonus Core #2 = 12:30 is done :)

Debbie - I nice walk on the beach sounds lovely :) We had ice on the car windows this morning. Glad you having fun.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Chisel Balance done. I got out of work at 1:15, came home and banged out my workout. Now I can enjoy this beautiful weather. I have to go get DS off the bus, but I will BBL.

Hey girls,

Checking in with: ICE Metabolic Total Body -Basic Premixes: #6 Warm Up + Main Routine + Blizzard Blast + Muscle Meltdown - Chest + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 88:43.

Kistin - nicely done yesterday.

Good job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.


Yesterday, we went to the gym, they are starting to know us there. Today was a long walk on the beach. Trying to catch up on sleep. I think all the carbs I eat on vacation make me so sleepy:( trying to cut back.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! I wonder if the new workouts will have as many premises as ICE. Ice on the windshield too soon!

Kristin - It's nice to have good weather when you have the day off:). It seemed like school was closed here too.

Waves hi to Cookie

I did not have time to check in yesterday, but I got my workout in. I did the 21 DFE Challenge Workout. It was a fun and amazing workout, very challenging too. You do just four reps of an exercise, and then Autumn shows you the next move, you then add on the first move to the second, then the third, then the fourth, and so on. My legs and shoulders and abs were on fire. It was very fun though and the time went by so fast. It was like no other workout I have ever done and I cannot wait to do it again. I can't believe it was the "bonus" workout.

Deb- good for you enjoying some Florida sun and getting your workouts in! I am back to the grind today.

Belinda- ice on your car window! We haven't had that here yet in NY. I don't like to turn on my heat until November, but I'm thinking it is going to have to go on soon.


Good afternoon,

I did ICE Rock'n & Sock'n Timesaver premix #3 Warm Up + Blizzard Blast + Muscle Meltdown - Triceps + Stretch - 41:50 + XTRAIN All OOUT LOW IMPACT premix # 10 Timesaver Floor and Step Cardio - 32:59. I also did 30 min FB pilates.

Sorry, I have no time for personals. Just got a phone husbands sister had a heart attack and is in the hospital. Also his brother's kidney are shutting down, he is also in the hospital. Not sure, if I mention it? My husbands mom is in hospital she just had a hip replacement.

I will try to be back later, if not tomorrow. Good job, everyone on your workouts.
Belinda, I hope your dh's sister is doing better. You sure have a lot going on! How is his brother and mother? I'm hoping you and your family are dealing well with all this stress. Your workouts are amazing!
Kristin, glad you and your dad are continuing to attend the group meetings. How did it go with watching Sully? Your descriptions sure make these workouts sound terrific.
Deb, glad you and your family were safe from the hurricane. You go to a gym there?!! Awesome commitment.
Got a lot of steps in while traveling and being in Mexico. Came home late last night and had a meeting starting at 8 am and ended with a parent meeting at 7:30 tonight - long day! Slept in and missed walking the dog this morning, but am hoping to get it in tomorrow morning. Had a good time visiting with some of my siblings and step mom, and am thankful to have my dad's ashes at rest. It feels good to have it done.

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