Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Belinda, unless something changes overnight, I'm going to preorder tomorrow. Think I'll get both dvds and downloads. Lately I've only been using downloads or streaming, so this might be my last dvd purchase. One of my reasons for getting it is to the motivation that comes from a new series. That was one long workout! Enjoy your time with your dd.
Kristin, hope all is okay. Thinking of you.
Deb, your trip sounds great. Is Cathe doing a FL rt this year? I don't remember seeing anything about it, but then again I really don't check the other forums. Good job on going thru your clothes. It's a huge job. I'm trying to do it as I'm unpacking and getting ready for the fall/winter clothing. I've noticed I'm hesitating on getting rid of linens - from my mil, drapes, curtains, table clothes, etc. that just don't work here. Hard to believe I'm being sentimental about linens!
I have bursitis in my hip so I've been trying to rest it, and that seems to help. Looking forward to trying a workout tomorrow.
Remember me? Sorry I fell of the check-in for a few days. I have been keeping up with my workouts. The diet has had some cheats here and there, but some of my work pants are fitting again. I need to weigh myself next week and see what progress I made.

I haven't been checking in because I have had my hands full with work and my kids and my mom. It has been a whirlwind kind of week. This weekend we have a four day weekend and I am so thankful because I need to relax, lol.

Did anyone preorder the new series? I am not going to preorder until we know more about the series. I'm surprised they are raising the preorder price when they haven't even started filming yet.

Belinda- I guess I answered your question above, lol. How is Brawler doing these days?

Cookie- it does seem like we have been back for months already. I have my first union/administration meeting tomorrow. I am nervous and excited at the same time.

Deb- I thought the first Bridget Jones movie was long, lol. The movie I want to see is Sully. Maybe I can take my mom this weekend, being as though I have a few days off.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did 21 DFE plyo extreme but modified a lot:) This one is a little bit easier for me than cardio fix extreme but it is close. Today was DH's birthday but we will celebrate over the weekend. I made a nice dinner but he isn't a big dessert person so didn't do dessert:eek: but Sunday I will:)

Belinda - Wow that was a long workout, kudos on getting it done:)

Kristin - I thought I heard people talking about school being closed it's weird how I don't know about it anymore. In college they don't get too many days off. I want to see Sully too.

Cookie - I remember when I had bursitis of the hip. I thought it would never go away and one day it just did:confused: Cathe didn't do the FL rt this year because she was busy with a lot of projects.

Good morning,

Went out for dinner with my kids last night.

Not sure what I will do today? I am getting my hair done today. Maybe I will take a rest day.

Cookie - I hear you on getting motivated. I am very motivated to get through my entire collection. Looking at all my dvd's, do I really need more? I probably never make it through all my collection, lol.

Kirstin - I agree with you on the preorder? I really like to know who will be in the new videos. It is weird :( Sorry you have so much on your plate. Glad you keeping up with your workouts.

Debbie - that is a though one. I always have to modify this one. Good job!

I will be back later.

Today I did 21 DFE Upper body extreme. It was a long day, trying to finish up the month looking forward to a good night sleep;)

Belinda - I had my hair done this morning and it took forever, I think it came out too light hopefully after I wash it looks better. Do you get your hair done in DC all the time?

Waves hi to everyone:)

Hey girls,

I walked 5 miles this morning.

Debbie - yes, I get my hair done in DC all the time. It's expensive but worth every penny, IMO! My hair looks amazing everytime. My friend thought I got high lights. I got a hair cut and color yesterday. Maybe you need to get used to your new color.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I have to take my dog to therapy today. BBL!
I finally caved and preordered Cathe's new series. I got the 5 Dvd's no downloads. Never use them. Not sure, if I will keep the pre oder or not? Wished she gave more info.
Hey guys. It's been a bit crazy as usual over here. My dad's birthday was Thursday. he took the boys to REd Lobster for all you can eat shrimp while I kept my mom company. He said he had a good time with the boys, but I could tell he was down. Yesterday when I got home from work, I saw a post from Long Island Alzheimer's Foundation. It was about a number to call to help caregivers. Something told me to just call it. They were very helpful in hooking me up with a place that is 5 minutes away to go for a support group. They also gave me info on a daycare facility my mom could go to in order to give my dad a break. So I called my dad to tell him and I could tell he was crying on the phone. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he just got off the phone with an Alzheimer's Association and they gave him a number to call. . . it was the number I had just called! How weird is that. I believe it is a sign. I am taking him to the support group meeting on Tuesday. I think it will be good for him.

Anyway. . . it was a bit depressing to hear my dad cry. I've only seen my dad cry a handful of times in my life. One when his dad died, the second when I got married, the third when he and I had a candid discussion about my mom and then yesterday. It breaks my heart. :(:(:(

Anyway. . . I have one more day of 21 DFE to go. I really liked this series and will definitely do it again. I am going to weigh myself on Monday and see if I lost anything. I think I did, but who knows, lol.

Belinda- I did not preorder and I won't until I know and see more info. They have not updated us at all. I find that so strange as we are now officially in October.

Deb- I really liked this series. I will definitely do it again. I like how even though the workouts are short, I feel as if I had really got in a tough workout and scorched calories.

Kirstin - so sorry about your dad :( I'll be honest, I don't know if I keep the pre sale? I can cancel anytime. I feel the same way you do.
Hi girls,

Today I did XTRAIN - Bic & Tri: Premix 14 Timesaver (Rounds 4-9) + Core #2 (47:58) and a 4 mile walk.

Good night ladies.

Yesterday I took Tread & shed at the gym also did some leg machines at the gym. Today was 21 DFE pilates extreme. Last night we went out with some friends for dinner it was nice but really tired today.

Belinda - I preordered the new series for the weight workouts and hoping I can modify where needed with the other dvds. I'm sure going to a big city for you hair does make a big difference. Years ago when I worked in NYC, I loved getting my hair done and it did seem to come out really good.

Kristin - I think it is great that you found that number and they offered you resources you may be able to use:) I'm sure it will really help your Dad too. I agree it is a sign!

Waves hi to Cookie

Belinda, I preordered also, but I did the five dvds and downloads. We don't have a spin bike any longer, so I didn't get that one. I love getting my hair done - it's the only time it looks good. You're so right, a good stylist is so important. Seems like you're doing double workouts every day. How's the dog therapy coming along?
Kristin, that terrific about the support for you and your dad. It has to be terribly hard. How about you and your dad with the same number?!! Goosebumps. Who will stay with your mom when you and your dad go on Tuesday?
Deb, you inspired me with going thru clothes again. Yesterday went thru things, set up my closet, and it feels so good. This house has much smaller closets, and it has take me a while to figure out a system that works. I really need to go thru accessories, esp jewelry, but could only handle shoes yesterday when doing the clothes.
Taking deep breathes and getting ready to walk Dixie. She's the five-year old dog who is totally neurotic. Getting her off property has always been really hard but without her getting out for a walk she's tearing up the yard. Plus she's gaining weight from not getting exercised. In the other house, it wasn't so bad b/c she had so much land but here she just stays in the immediate vicinity of the door.
Hockey game this afternoon - first one of the season, and I'm looking forward to it.
Have a great day and workout.

Today I took 2 early morning classes (30 min. each) at the gym 1. TRX & the other Butt, thigh & belly which had some high impact moves. Last minute decided to take the 2nd class bad idea:( my back isn't right. I have now decided before vacations to concentrate on clean eating instead of overdoing exercise because I always get injured:mad:.

I had a family dinner with my ds's for my dh's birthday which was earlier in the week. I had a little bit of cake but not too bad;)

Cookie - I was wondering how the dogs adjusted to the move but I guess they can't complain;) Do they want to go in the water? I'm at a standstill with the organizing of my clothes but at least I can close the door and get back to it:) I think it will make packing easier though.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin, hope you had a nice weekend!

Hey girls,

Today I did Leah Sarago - Lower Body Extreme Elongation and 3. XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes:
#3 Low Impact HiiT + Burn Set Chest + Core #1 - 63:32.

Cookie - I also got the 5 DVD set, like you I don't have a spin bike or I am in the market to get one anytime soon. I LOVE my stylist, she is amazing.

Debbie - I am still on the fence about the preorder :( Not sure, if I keep it. I guess I have to wait until Oct 8. I tried so many different hair salons, I was never happy with my hair. If I pay $150-170 to get my hair done, at least I want to look/feel good :) WOW, on your 2 workouts yesterday. How are you feeling today?

Kirstin - hope you doing well :) I will keep the preorder until I hear/see more details. According to the newsletter we have to wait until Oct 8 :( We shall see :)

I am in a hurry, need to get ready to take Brawler to his therapy. BBL!
Hey guys. Yesterday was 21 DFExtreme Yoga Extreme. I decided to do a hybrid of 21 DFExtreme and the Chisel workouts from Hammer and Chisel. I made a six week rotation, which will take me into November. I want to continue to lean out, which I am succeeding at doing so far. Then I will do some lifting. I think I will get Body Beast.

I did not preorder. Waiting to see who is in the videos and maybe even the clips before I order the series. I am really loving the Beach body workouts I have. Autumn kills you in 30 minutes. Working and my family life are making it impossible to do longer workouts, so this is perfect for me right now.

Belinda- I'm very curious to see what will be revealed on the 8th.

Deb- that pilates workout is tough, isn't it? I need to get an easier band, lol.

Cookie- September is finally over! I am looking forward to this month. I needed this long weekend to get refreshed. My boys are going to stay with my mom. My older guy is good with her.

I will be back later,


I took a rest day today, my back is still hurting me, sleeping was painful last night. I worked at 3 Macy's today but happy I am done until I get back from Florida. When I get back the holiday items will be arriving:( I already see signs of Christmas in the stores each year it comes sooner & sooner:confused:

Belinda - Great job with your workouts today!! I didn't see that about the details on 10/8, wonder what they will be?

Kristin - I really liked the 21 DFE workouts too! I saw a lot of kids at the malls today it seems like the holiday is late this year? That is so sweet the boy's will stay with your Mom, a nice life lesson too.

Cookie - How was your weekend?

Hey guys. Just finished ISO Strength Chisel. I forgot how much I loathe those Bulgarian split squats. I have some work to do and laundry to put away. Later my friend and I might take our kids go-karting. Back to work tomorrow.

Deb- I hope your back is feeling better. When I don't sleep well it is so hard to function the next day. I agree with the holiday decorations. It gets crazier every year. It is like we jump from summer to Christmas. Way too crazy.

Belinda- the shorter workouts are key to keep me motivated. I can tell myself it is only 30 minutes and I get it done. September was hard to stick to workouts 7 days a week. I think 6 workouts a week in October is do-able for me at this point. Body Beast is my next big challenge, but I need to get more of this weight off first.


Good afternoon,

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. Been cleaning all day :)

I did 2. Rock'n & Sock'n Kickboxing: Basic Premixes: #5 Warm Up + Main Routine + Blizzard Blast + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 73:00 and Karen Voight Get Firm Fast = 30 min.

Kirstin - what ever keeps you moving, right :) I also like the shorter workouts. Sounds like a fun rotation you doing right now. Have fun.

Debbie - it's in the Cathe news letter. I believe they start filming around the same time. Hope your back feels better soon. Take care!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Hey girls,

Very busy day today, had a doc appointment today. Today I did XTRAIN - Bic & Tric: Premix 07 Timesaver (Rounds 1-6) + Core #1 (42:55) + ICE Metabolic Total Body -Basic Premixes: #7 Muscle Meltdown (4 rounds): Warm Up + Muscle Meltdown - Chest Rounds 1-3 + Round 3 Repeated + Stretch - 31:12. That's it for me today.

Hope you all doing ok :)

Good night, ladies.

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