Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I pulled out a few oldies but goodies today :) I did Fitness Formula Step (VHS):p Yes, I still have some and can't part with them :( I also did Step Reebook Intense Moves with Gin Miller. Gin had a sale 2 years ago, sold most of her dvd's for less than $4 -5 :) I bought a crap load when she had her sale :( It took me 2 years to open that one, lol. I am getting through to all my dvd's eventually. I can't just workout to one instructor, I get bored. I need variety and lots of it to keep my interest and keep me moving very day.

Debbie - it really is :) You can't use the fire walker for all the 21 DF pilates workouts, but I found it useful for some exercises rather than the band.

Waving Hi to the rest of the gang. See you all tomorrow.
Good afternoon,

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. My son and my daughter in law are here :) My daughter in law has signed up for LesMill streaming. We did Body Combat 38, that was a lot of fun and a sweat fest :) Boy, do I love these kinda workouts. Music was great too. I thinking signing up next year :) I also did Peak Pure Strength 2. This one is my favorite so far. Great total body workout. She used the bands in this one. Very fun workout!

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone. Tomorrow there is a 3 mile race/walk in town, we all plan on going. Well, if we all awake, lol :)
Belinda, you sure have quite the collection! Did you every do reviews on your dvds? I used to love step workouts but have never liked tricky footwork. I have two left feet that sometimes want to act like four left feet. How great that your dil also likes to workout!
Kristin, I also have a hard time with staying awake long enough to check in at night. I seem to be brain dead after about 8 pm!
Deb, do you have both 31 df and dfe? You also must have a lot of dvds!
Lately, I'm always tired. This week haven't had many days where I worked out in the morning, and if I don't get in done in the morning, it is extremely hard to get it done in the evening. Hoping to soon settle into a routine, but if I get in more sleep, I'm ok with it. I keep waking up at night, hoping to go back to sleep. Nothing worse than not having enough sleep.
Anyone have exciting going on this weekend? I have a ton of work to get done. Unpacking, finally finally all boxes of my clothes, tons of office work, and starting to remove a few cabinets in our kitchen.
Hey guys. Well, I guess I forgot (or blocked out) how freakin' busy and exhausted I am in September. The last three days I have not worked out. Wednesday and Thursday night I had meet the teacher night for both of my boys' schools. Then last night I was just too damn tired. TOTM is coming too. I basically just picked up where I left off with 21 DFE and did Lower Body Extreme. My legs are wobbly and I am a sweaty mess, lol. I guess I will be doing this program for another month, haha. I cannot seem to work out 7 days a week at this point. I think next month may be easier. I don't know. . .

Cookie- I guess September is crazy for you too, lol. I feel like I am in a marathon at this point. So much between my own schedule and the boys. I am also thinking about going back to school to get a certificate in special education. There is a college offering the program for a 12 credit certificate and its $700 per every 3 credits, which is a steal in my neck of the woods. If I get approved to take the courses in my district, I think it is worth it. I just don't know if I will have to time to do all that I need to do.

Deb- the yoga extreme was very hard for me. I think I need to take some yoga classes, ;). How are you liking the program this time around?

Belinda- did you see the presale price ends this month? And still no more specific details? That is strange, no?

Well, today DS has a double-header, so I need to jump in the shower and get ready. Tomorrow is going to be a day at home to catch up on cleaning and paperwork.

BB tomorrow,


Sorry I have been MIA. We took our nephew to the zoo and it was fun. I couldn't believe that they let you feed the giraffe's but it was amazing one of them was so close.

I have been doing 21 DFE today was Upper body extreme. Yesterday I didn't do 21 DFE and did a Tred and Shed workout at the gym. At one point didn't agree with what the instructor wanted us to do. From a run at 6.0 she wanted us to jump off of the treadmill (feet on the sides) plus their was a bar in the wayo_O I thought this was unsafe and just slowed down the speed to a walk. She may not have agreed but it didn't matter to me safety 1st.

Belinda - You are really making a dent in your dvds! I really like Les Mills workouts. Good luck with the race:)

Kristin - I like the program a lot, I will add Cathe Live once a week. Does the school give you money to take the college program? You are doing a lot of running around!

Cookie - I couldn't imagine a move but some day will have to think about it. I can see why you are tired. Good luck with your projects this weekend.

Good evening,

My kids are here and we all took a hike instead of the run. I think the run would have been easier than the hike we did :) I am beat, everything was up hill.

Cookie - I sure do have a huge collection. I am collecting and buying workout dvd's for years. I also have a problem tricky footwork. Can you believe, I still have Cathe's step workouts, I haven't done.

Kirstin - I did see the pre sale ending soon. No info on the crew yet? Very strange in deed :( Did you order?

Debbie - we ended up not going to the race. We hiked instead, that was tough. Sound like it was unsafe and an accident to happen.

Good night, ladies.
21 DFX Cardio Extreme done. My legs are sore from yesterday, so it was hard to do all the squatting and lunging in this one. I am literally dripping with sweat as I type this. . . definitely a good hard workout.

DS's team won both games yesterday, and they were big wins. DS hit three doubles and 1 single. He also got walked once too. The other team kept trying to get him out, because he steals bases, but he is too quick when he runs, lol.

Belinda- I won't order until I know more. Maybe when pics and short videos are posted. I cannot justify another purchase right now. I am liking the shorter workouts in 21 DFX and I am interested in doing BB as I have been saying for months. If anything, that would be my next purchase.

Deb- school does not pay for the classes. However, every 15 credits I take, I go up in the pay scale. This certificate is 12 credits. I would just need three more to go up the scale, and that would benefit me for life because I would get a higher pay. Right now I am MA 30 (Master's degree plus 30 credits). I would move up to MA45. It would pay for itself in three years, plus up my salary for retirement down the road. I just need tmake sure my district approves the credits first.

Waving hello to Cookie!


Belinda, I'll bet your hike was harder! Just because it's a run doesn't mean it is as challenging as other exercises. How great that your children are also active.
Kristin, the big push up here is for more ENL teachers. Even with at least five teaching colleges right here, we still have a teacher shortage. Have you ever thought of National Board certification? I highly recommend it. Great day for you and the your sons yesterday.
Deb, good for you with doing the right thing - safety first. I've never fed a giraffe. What was their tongue like? I remember being surprised by the feel of an elephant's tongue.
Didn't get many workouts in during the week but am continuing with SBF's and JS's fall challenges. Got in a kayak ride this morning, and a walk this afternoon. A colleague came over and we planned out a good deal of the pd we have to do in the next couple of months. I like a plan!

Today I didn't workout, may double up tomorrow. I cooked most of the day and cleaning seemed endless LOL. I cooked a roasted tomato sauce from tomatoes at the farmer's market (just tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, basil, salt & pepper) in the oven (350) for a couple of hours it came out really good.

Belinda - I bet you saw more scenery on the hike. It's great that you do that with your kids:)

Kristin - I hope you are approved it does sound like a good deal especially for upping $$ during retirement. Your son did a great job!!!

Cookie - I'm jealous would love to kayak for exercise;) I didn't feed the giraffe (too chicken) but he had a big mouth & tongue:)

Good morning,

Sunday we went to IKEA, didn't buy anything. We also did lots of shopping with Aleisa. Her bday is on Halloween. I am already done with her bday gift.

Cookie - glad you enjoy SBF and JS. Love them both! Love not pulling out tons of equipments plus they travel friendly. Did you see Jessica is coming out with new workouts?

Kirstin - I am not gonna order either. I have so many dvd's w/all the premixes I have to do first. That will take me a few years, lol. I can't justify buying more dvd's for that reason. I feel like all my other dvd's collecting dust. Did you see the review on the Cathe BC? I don't think, I missed anything, JMO! The review from the FitTower dvd's made me, LOL :) I am really starting to get into YT workouts, they are AMAZING and fresh:)

Debbie - we did see a lot of different new things. It was nice change. I never fed a giraffe, how cool you get so close to one.

I will be back later. Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished 21DFE Dirty 30. Even though that one is only 3 rounds. . . it is killer. My shoulders, back and legs were on fire.

This year's classes are a bit of a rough group. I am having a hard time developing a rapport with them. Maybe the heat/humidity have something to do with it. I'm not sure. . . I am just missing my kids from last year. Hopefully it gets better.

Belinda- What are YT workouts?

Cookie- it is funny you mention the ENL. I was going to get the certificate for that. . . but they wanted $900 per credit!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I couldn't justify it. That would be over $10,000 for the certificate. I don't have that kind of $$. The special education certificate is much more affordable at $2800 total. I know the ENL is in high demand though.

Deb- the sauce sounds amazing!

BB tomorrow,

Belinda, I'm still on the fence about Cathe's new series. Didn't know JS is coming out with more, nor have I seen reviews of BC and the FitTower. Where do find this info? What is YT?
Kristin, I can't believe September is not over yet!!! I'm exhausted.
Deb, bet you would like kayaking. You really just glide over the lake in it, and I count it as an upper body/core workout. How old is your nephew?
I'm very aggravated with myself. Had to do a workshop after school today and, of course, I had refreshments for the participants. Well, I ate three, and I wasn't even hungry. Have another one to do tomorrow and I will not stress eat. I will not stress eat. I'm feeling like Bart Simpson at the start of his show. Seriously, why do I get up an hour early to work out and then sabotage myself? Any advice/insight is welcome.
Did SBF old school arms and JS shred and tred (or something like that).

Today I took a Belly, butt & thigh class (30 min) and 21 DFE pilates extreme. I had the day off and worked on DH's photo book for his birthday at the end of the month. It took a long time but I sent it off.

I am having some problems with my eye, maybe I shouldn't have looked on the internet:(

Belinda - I think you are talking about You-tube. I agree you can find a lot on YT short, long and all levels + so much variety.

Kristin - Some of the 21 DFE are so tough even though they are 30 min. Maybe the kids need to get adjusted (hopefully).

Cookie - I wonder if you bring your own snack and put one aside of the staff refreshments so you can enjoy in moderation and not feel guilty. My nephew (actually DH's godchild) will be 4 at the end of the month.

Good morning,

Cookie - here are the links:
Fit Tower:

Fit Tower DVD's and BC search FB and Video fitness and Cathe : scroll down about the dvd: )

Jodi review:

Here is a breakdown on the BC dvd $44 :)

Jessica Smith new workouts:
You also find lots of pictures on FB :) They are done filming!

You can find more reviews on FB and on VF about the tower and the dvd's. I don't think I miss anything, not worth it for the price, IMO! Not after you read/search for reviews. Like you said, you get a year streaming for the price of the Fit Tower/BC Cathe dvd :) I really doubt I will buy her pre sale :) I believe there isn't anything new she is going to put out, IMO!

Debbie - yes, I was talking about YT (youtube). Lots of instructors post full length workouts for FREE on YT :) They are awesome, btw!

Kirstin - YT stands for youtube :) Nice job, yesterday. BBL!
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Hey girls,

I did ICE Metabolic Total Body -Basic Premixes: #3 Warm Up + Main Routine + Muscle Meltdown - Chest + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 74:21 this morning.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished 21DFE Yoga Extreme. I did not like this one last week, but this week I loved it. I think having it done it once, I knew what to expect. I pushed myself to the point that I could go, sometimes following Autumn and sometimes following the modifier and I did much better with it. I feel so relaxed right now.

Belinda- I never think to go on youtube and check out what is on there! Good job with MTB, I love that one in the ICE series.

Deb- the photo book is a great gift idea!

Cookie- August went by so fast and September. . . slow, slow, slow, lol. I guess that is just the way it goes, haha. October is a weird month with days off.

BB tomorrow.

Belinda, thanks! I feel better about passing on the fit tower dvds. You should start a blog reviewing dvds!
Kristin, hope today went well with your students. I'm a strong advocate of NBPTS, so I'd encourage you to do that. Best pd ever. Really, and it makes a difference in your practice. Did an info session this afternoon, and it looks like I'll have about 15 new candidates this year.
Deb, aren't 4 year olds awesome? I just love their interest and enthusiasm in so many things.
Had a hard time sleeping last night and ended up taking an over-the-counter sleeping pill, resulting in me sleeping in this morning. No workout but I still managed to get in over 10K today. Interviewed a general contractor tonight for redoing kitchen, but he's a no go. We've ordered cabinets already, so we don't need him to put them in, so he said he's not interested. Parents should stop worrying about which college to send their children to and encourage them to become electricians, plumbers, masons and other tradespeople! That's where a real need is.

Today I did 21 DFE Lower body workout, it wasn't as bad as last week but my legs are hurting. Tomorrow I have an early morning eye Dr.'s appt. the receptionist was rude to me so not thrilled about going.

Belinda - That was a long workout:eek:

Kristin - I really like the counters at the bottom (21 DFE) when I do Cathe Live always look at the clock in the back of the classroom;)

Cookie - I agree, called 2 plumbers several times didn't even return my calls. They didn't even know what the problem was:confused: TG our heating and a/c guy is really good.

Hi ladies,

Today I did Rock'n & Sock'n Kickboxing: Basic Premixes: #3 Warm Up + Main Routine + Muscle Meltdown - Triceps + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 72:53 :) I need to give my abs a break. Did abs yesterday and today. Feeling it!

Cookie - you are welcome! I saw a breakdown from the Fit Tower dvd's somewhere, just can't remember :( I don't think you missing much, lol! I wouldn't start a blog:) People get really nasty, if you have a different opinion then they do about a workout or an instructor :) Good job keeping up with your workouts. Sorry about the sleep and missing your workout. I agree about which collage kids should go too. There is enough good paying jobs out there. Hope you find the right contractor. They hard to find.

Debbie - that's sucks about the plumbers :( Must be very frustrating. We can find good contractors/plumbers but they all very expensive. We live in the DC area.

Kirstin - you should check YT out :) I have a channel there too. Let me know if you are interested.

Good job, everyone.

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