Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I didn't get at workout in today:( Too much running around. DH took me for ice cream at a place that usually has lines out the door it was really quiet tonight. I ended up getting my favorite ice cream (double workouts for me tomorrow:oops:).

I wanted to go to Cathe Live today for my birthday, she did a total body barbell burn it sounded like fun. It just wasn't in the cards LOL.

Belinda - Thank you! I think your number is going to be way over 200:)

Kristin - I hope your day was good.

Waves hi to Cookie

Hey guys. Thanks for the good luck wishes. Sorry I was MIA. I went back to work yesterday for Superintendent's Conference Day. We had this fantastic keynote speaker, Ed Gerety. He was amazing. . . so amazing that I tweeted him afterwards to thank him. I also sent my Superintendent an email thanking him and telling him how inspired I was and then I made the mistake of telling him that I started following the keynote speaker on Twitter. Now my superintendent is following me on Twitter! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Not that I have anything to hide, but a little weird, lol. He retweeted my tweet too and then tweeted his own tweet about the speaker.

Anyway. . . I started 21 Day Fix Extreme yesterday with Plyo Extreme. It was tough and hard, and my legs were burning. I am thankful that today is Upper Body because I cannot squat today, lol. My eating was on point too. We went out to dinner and I wanted the hamburger but went with a steak, only ate half of it and had spinach with 1/2 baked potato plain! not bad.

Deb- Happy birthday!!!! We should do 21 DFE together! Get on it! Lol. I'm serious though. Want to?

Belinda- It's only been one day, but I am liking the program. I like the shorter, concise workouts. I also like that even though I am dripping with sweat and it's intense, and I am gasping for air, I still feel I can do it. Does that make sense? Some of Cathe's videos I feel are way too intense and I dread them (Cardio Core Circuit for one).

Cookie- thanks for the kind words. It is good to see you on here. How are things. Is your school district starting Tuesday for students?


Good morning,

Quick check in: Peak Fit Challenge Pure Cardio is done. Very fun workout :)

Kirstin - that's how I feel about 21 DF workouts and Cardio Core Circuit. I also have a huge dread factor for that one. I think Cathe's new workouts gonna be very intense like CCC :(

Debbie - I am trying to finish my 200 dvd's this week :)

My son and his wife are here, I have to break up my workouts today. BBL!
21 Day Fix Extreme Upper Body done! That was a good workout. I only used 5# for my light and 10# for my heavy and my wholel upper body is fried in 1/2 an hour. Awesome!

Belinda- You only have 5 dvds to go before reaching your goal!?! amazing! I wonder how many you can have done by the end of the year at this rate!


Hey girls,

I also did Core Dynamic too. Great ab workout.

Kirstin - actually I only have 4 dvd left to do. If I go this rate to the end of the year, I'll be dead :oops: I am excited lately. I need to tone it down a little. I am so glad you like 21 DF. It's an amazing workout.

Good night ladies.
Good morning,

Peak Fit Challenge Cardio Strength 1 and Leslie Sansone: Mix & Match Walk Blasters - Fun walk = 32 min is done.

I will be back later.
21 Day Fix Extreme Pilates Extreme done. I had a hard time doing some of the moves with the band (I have a heavy duty band). I ended up doing the hydrants with the firewalker band and some of the upper body without the band at all (supermans).

Belinda- wow! 3 more to go!!!!

Be back later. DS has a baseball tournament this weekend, big surprise. Long Island has a tropical storm watch. . . I am hoping it is for nothing. The South Shore is finally recovered, almost from Hurricane Sandy. I would not want those poor people to have to deal with the flooding again.

Good afternoon,

I also did Peak Fit Challenge - Cardio Strength 1 and The Lotte Berk Method - Basic Essentials. Two more dvd's and I reached my goal :)

Kirstin - that one took me a few times to get it down with the bands. Good job!

Good night ladies.

I did Turbo Barre today. We ended up doing our Labor Day bbq at my in-laws today since we don't know what to expect from Hermaine. I think we are safe since we are inland. I'm just hoping the coastal areas don't get it either because some have not recovered from Sandy.

Belinda - Wow, you are so close and still months away from the end of the year!!! Have fun with your ds & his wife:)

Kristin - I will start 21 day extreme tomorrow:) How long are you doing it for? That is funny about tweeting with your Superintendent. It's crazy what technology has given us:)

Hey guys. Today I did 21 DFE Lower Fix Extreme. I think Autumn's leg workouts are the hardest leg workouts I have ever done. So intense. The way I get through it is to tell myself it is 1/2 hour and that is it. Really hard. She doesn't use heavy weights either. In hammer and chisel she did use 15#, but in this workout I see her using 5# and 8#. I used 5 and 10#. My legs are fried. Really, really fried. I am also seeing my stomach go down too, probably de-bloating, but still, it is a start.

Debbie- I am doing the program as if, so for 3 weeks, 21 days. I might have to take a rest day on Thursday because it is Meet the Teacher night at my school and I will be exhausted, but then I will just pick it up the next day. I really like the program. If I get good results and want more, I will do one week of Cathe workouts and then jump back in 21 Day Fix Extreme. I also want to do Body Beast at some point.

Belinda- today there was a similar move with the band, but instead of doing the church wrap, I just wrapped the band around one foot and it was doable for me. I felt it. I think their band is much easier than the one I have. They were able to stretch it out a lot more.

Waving hello to Cookie.

Good afternoon,

I reached my goal of "200" DVD's :D YEAH!! I did Peak Fit Challenge Dynamic Flexibility and The Lotte Berk Muscles Eats Fat.

Kirstin - I LOVE 21 DF :) Got really great results with it last year. Maybe I join you and Debbie :) The more you do the workouts with the bands the better you get. At first I didn't liked 21DF Extreme Pilates, now I love it.

Debbie - stay safe!! DS and his wife left on Saturday, they will visit again next week.

I will take it easy for the rest of the day. Have a great weekend.

Today I did 21 DFE Plyo Extreme. I needed to modify but felt I still was able to get a good workout in. We are leaving for Boston on Tuesday for one day and off the Cape Cod for 2 days. It was a last minute thing but hopefully the storm will be gone.

Belinda - Congratulations!!!!! That is a great accomplishment:) I modified and used the chair and it was a big help, thanks.

Kristin - It doesn't seem like her workouts will be intense but they are and pack a lot in 30 minutes. I will need to skip Tues. - Thurs. so the program may take me 4 weeks;)

Waves hi to Cookie

21 DFE Cardio Fix Extreme done! Another tough workout and I left it all on the floor. Tomorrow is the first day of school and it just occurred to me that I might not be able to walk very well from all the leg work in these workouts, lol. :eek::eek::eek::cool::cool::cool:

I usually do not sleep well and have work nightmares leading up to the school year. With the exception of one strange nightmare involving a panther chasing me out of the parking lot, I really haven't had a hard time sleeping or had nightmares. Odd. . . maybe I just jinxed myself and tonight will be the night I get no sleep. God forbid!

Deb- Plyo Extreme is a tough one. I like the timers. They keep me going. I tell myself it's almost over, lol.

Belinda- Wow! congrats on reaching your goal, and three months ahead of schedule! that is some accomplishment. :cool::cool::cool::):):):) Definitely join us! I am loving the program and week one is almost done for me :).

I am already seeing a slimmer stomach on day five of the program. Probably just water weight, but feeling better about myself and thinking those work pants will fit me in no time.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Hi ladies,

Leslie Sansone: Mix & Match Walk Blasters 1. Total Body Walk (53 minutes) plus 2. Advanced Walk (32 minutes) . I also did The Lotte Berk High Round Assets.

Debbie - you are so welcome :) Glad I could help. Thank you so much!

Kirstin - thanks! Sorry you get ightmares leading up to the school year :( Hope you get a good night sleep. I will finish up Peak and the Lotte Berk first, I will join next time. Sorry! If I do/mix so many programs I get confused and can't remember with ones I have done. Yes, I write it down, but never go back and look at my calendar, lol.

Have a great evening.

I didn't get a workout in today so much cooking, running around & packing. We leave real early tomorrow and after the drive plan to see Boston at a quick pace so hopefully will get a lot of walking done.

Belinda - You are still keeping up with a fast pace with your workouts;) Awesome job!

Kristin - I wonder if your workouts are helping you sleep better. I'm behind but will pick up again on Friday.

Good morning,

My friend and I did a Cathe Live this morning :) She bucked me to workout with her, we ended up working out in my house. I have more room and weights than she has :) We did Cathe Live Hooked on Legs. After my friend left, I also did The Lotte Berk - Hip Hugger abs. That one was very pilates style abs.

Debbie - I sure do! Let's see how many I get done by Dec 2016. Have fun in Boston.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda, congrats on reaching 200. That's quite the accomplishment. Doing anything to celebrate?
Kristin, sounds like you're enjoying 21 DFE. Is there a lot of impact with them? Shorter workouts with less impact are definitely up my alley. Today was our first day back with students. Not sure if my allergies got me or if something else is going on, but I didn't feel well during the day. Couldn't get warm, my head was bothering me, glands felt swollen, and I wanted to take a nap. Made it thru the day but am worn out. Hope your first day was terrific.
Deb, hope you're enjoying Boston and the Cape. Is this a belated birthday trip? Sorry I missed your birthday. Hope it was great.
Have done the first two days of Suzanne Bowen's rotation. My son and his gf came up this weekend. They approved of the newer house. We bought a couple of kayaks and have had fun going out on them. In removing a piece of moulding discovered the originally beadboard paneling on the front porch. Now we plan on going down to that beadboard and fixing it up. That's going to count as working out when it happens.

Cookie - thank you :) I really didn't celebrate, just took it easy that day. I did 21 DF for a few month, just love them. I did all of them low impact, there is a modifier. You still doing SBF? That's fantastic! I miss her workouts. Maybe I will sign up again next year. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.
Hey guys. The first day of school went very well in my classroom. All three of my administrators are incompetent though. . .:mad: We were in homeroom for 40 minutes (supposed to be for 30 on the first day) before they even started the pledge. It was chaos. They have all summer to prepare for it. Why it was so disorganized is beyond me. My day went well with my new students. So many students from last year came up to me and gave me hugs. I am very uncomfortable hugging kids, because these days you can be accused of anything. . . but when they throw their arms around me and are so happy to see me, they don't care that all their friends are watching them hug me. . . it is the best feeling.

Anyway, I am exhausted, but I did get my workout in. I did Dirty 30. It was tough. My shoulders are still burning. Tomorrow is yoga extreme. I am excited to see what that one is like.

Belinda- no worries. I definitely plan on doing this program again soon. I am loving it.

Deb- I definitely think the workouts help me with sleeping. these workouts are intense!

Cookie- your house sounds amazing. I would love to kayak right out of my backyard! There are some higher impact moves, but she takes them at a slower pace than Cathe, which I like. She also has a modifier so if you want to avoid the high impact, you can choose to follow the modifier. I really do like this program. I hope you are not coming down with something.

BB tomorrow.


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