Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a TRX class at the gym, there were only 4 of us. I think this is a big vacation week even though there is still traffic:confused:

Belinda - With all the workouts you are doing, I'm not sure if you are really taking it easy on your staycation:D How long will Brawler have therapy? Does your other dog get jealous when you leave with Brawler?

Kristin - I hope all is ok?


Today I did the stairmaster for 30 min. at the gym. It was so quiet:) We are going to dinner tonight. BBT

Have a great weekend!
Good evening

I did Leslie Sansone: Mix & Match Walk Blasters = 106 min. That's it for today.

Debbie - I am still gonna do my
workouts, lol. I want to hit "200" soon. It's up to Brawler how long he goes to therapy. We paid for 12 visits. DH and I will do another round and see if it really helps him. Today at therapy he wasn't doing so great :( Poor baby! We had a hard time walking today. Brawler was attacked from my neighbors daughters dog. Maybe all that jumping around/pulling I was doing wasn't good for him. DH and I will take him for a short walk tomorrow and see how he is doing. I tried to walk Brawler in the evening by myself, I also got jumped from the neighbors dog. I was so scared and shaking like crazy. I talked to my neighbor about her daughter's dog, it's the second time her dog charged at mine and ran 4 housed down the street without a leash. Good job yesterday and today.

Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. The last three days have been tough and I did not get workouts in at all. I am back at it today with ICE Bootcamp under my belt.

So three days ago my dad took the boys crabbing by the South Shore. I could tell he was very stressed with my mom, so when they got back I took my mom with me to the outlets, the ones you went to, Deb. She was really out of it. I had my younger DS with me and when we got to the big fountain in the middle I gave DS and my mom a penny to make wishes (it is a tradition that my DS loves to do). My mom wished aloud to stay alive. That caused my DS to tear up. . . it was just sad. Anyway. . . it was a rough day. Then Thursday morning we had middle school orientation for my older DS. We dropped off younger DS to my dad's house and went and it was already emotional for me to wrap my head around the fact that my baby is going to middle school. MIDDLE SCHOOL! Then when we were done, we went to pick up my younger DS and my mom started crying that she never sees me (she sees me every day) and that she misses me. My dad told me she woke up very depressed and then he started crying. Now. . . he never, ever cries. That made me cry and my poor young sons had no clue what to do. We were taking the boys to the other outlets to get them school shoes, so I offered to take my mom with me. Oh, and it was our wedding anniversary. My mom was out of sorts again, so we split up. DH took my boys for their shoes and I took mom with me for women's clothing. We stopped by Chico's and I wanted to try on a few things. The sales lady told my mom she could sit in this nice waiting chair, but I was afraid to leave my mom alone so I whispered to the sales lady, "She can't be alone. She get's confused." The sales lady, who was about my mom's age, gave me this empathic look and told me my mom could go in the back with me. My mom started to cry. . . It was heartbreaking. I spent my feelings in dollars I do not have! Then yesterday, my dad had a morning doctor's appointment for a test and he dropped my mom off at my house. He didn't realize the test was a four-hour thing, so he called me to say he wouldn't be home until much later. Yesterday was the only day I had free to get in my classroom and set up before school starts. . . I had to go. . . which meant I had to take my mom and my younger DS with me. Again. . . very stressful and sad. After setting up my room, my son asked if we could go back to the outlets to get something to eat and candy (there is this awesome candy store there). My mom wanted to go to and begged me to go, so I caved. Again, spent money I don't have. . . and on top of it all. . .

I cleaned out my closet and my work pants do not fit me because I have gained weight. . . due to poor eating and due to stress, I am sure of it. I am pissed at myself for letting this happen. This morning I spent more money and ordered 21 day fix extreme because I have heard only good things and I need to get in shape and fast so my pants will fit. I only bought two pairs of pants in a larger size. DO you guys think I am crazy? Maybe, but I need something and I need something with an eating plan because that is where I am falling short.

Sorry I have missed checking in these last three days. It has been such a depressing time. I already get stressed and anxious about the start of the school year. This year it is worse. I am worried about my dad. What will he do with me being back at work full time? My sister and brother are f#$@%! useless!!!! They are never around. They never help. They are self-absorbed brats. My sister works part time at freakin' Home Depot. She has two kids, but she could help out and my brother's wife is at home all day alone with the baby. . . she could invite my mom over or help out. No one does anything! I am not speaking to my sister at this time, but if we were on speaking terms, I still wouldn't be able to say anything because it would cause more of a problem. Same with my brother. . . we are speaking, but it would cause a problem if I opened my mouth. I just resent them both so much at this point. We all live FIVE minutes away from my parents. They only come around if they want or need something. It is disgusting.

That was a long vent! I apologize. I guess I needed to get this all out.

DH is actually taking me out to dinner tonight for our anniversary. My dad told us he would have the boys sleepover to keep him company and as a way of saying thank you to us for everything we do for my mom and him. I am looking forward to a nice dinner with easy conversation. I don't want to talk about any of this tonight.

Belinda- That is awful that your neighbor's dog attacked Brawler and came at you. . . and scary! What kind of dog do they have? Poor Brawler!

Deb- I guess you could sense something was wrong with me not posting. Just all this craziness getting to me.


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Hey girls,

Today I did XTRAIN
- Bic & Tric premix 05 Timesaver (Rounds 1-5) + Core #2 (39:22). That's it!

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today I did Muscle Max premix lower body only. It was short but my legs are sore maybe it was best.

Belinda - That is very scary, I love dogs but can be afraid of them. I couldn't even imagine if one chased me or my dog. It's sad that your neighbor doesn't take control of her dd's dog especially since this isn't the 1st time.

Kristin - I'm so sorry you are going through so much:( I do believe you are setting a good example for your boys (even though it is painful). I'm wondering if you plan your lunch and snacks when you start school if that will help. Also it will be more difficult to stress eat once you are back to work. I will think about it more and bbt with some thoughts.

Hi guys. I couldn't decide what workout to do and then I remembered that Hammer and Chisel had a 21 DFE workout on one of the Chisel dvds, dirty 30. I figured, why not. It was a good, tough workout. I like that these workouts will only be 30 minutes but they are tough. My shoulders were on fire. I like Autumn's style in this workout. She has a 60 sec timer for each exercise, there were 3 rounds that were repeated and then a bonus ab round. I used 5# and 10# DBs thinking they may be too light. . . they were the perfect weight to challenge me for these moves though. Now I am looking forward even more to getting the program. I ordered express shipping, so hopefully by Wednesday I will have the program.

Deb- Thank you. That is exactly what DH said. . . that I am setting a good example for my boys and that when the time comes when my mom is no longer with us, I will have peace of mind knowing I did all I could for her and the other two will have to live with themselves and their choices. I agree that when I get back to work, stress eating will not be much of an option. I just have to be smart and plan ahead.

Waving hello to Belinda. . . who is killing her workouts!!! High 5's to you!

Good afternoon,

I did Barre3 Standing Slim this morning. That's it! Taking a rest day.

Kirstin - I am so sorry you are going through this ((HUGS))) Ditto, what Debbie said. Good job on your workout today.

Debbie - it's my neighbor's DD dog :) Hopefully taking to her dd will help and she keeps her dog on a leash. I don't want the dog jump on me again/bark in my face. The dog got very close to my face, that scared the crap out of me.

I will rest today. My body needs it. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Today I ran/walked at the gym for 20 min. We went to my Mom's to celebrate my brother's birthday which was a few weeks ago.

Belinda - I agree the damage a dog can do could be horrible. In fact in some states they will take the dogs away from their owners if they bite people. You deserve a rest!!

Kristin - I don't know the exact details but my cousin (lives in North Carolina) was able to get free care for my Aunt. My cousin would take her to a program a few hours a week. It wasn't much but it did help my cousin. I could find out for you. Also in the paper I always see support groups for families of Alzheimer patients. It would be great if you can bring the patient but not sure if you can.

Hey girls,

I did Barre3 Ballet Fit with Candace Ofcacek + Jenny Ford Step Hawaii, abs and T25 Gamma Extreme Circuit today.

Debbie - nice job yesterday. Hope you had fun with your family

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I took a yoga class. My favorite instructor announced she will be leaving the YMCA she has been there a few years and has tried to stay but they don't pay well:( She will join a new yoga studio (which is supposed to be awesome) she also works at 2 other studios in town. I will try them out since they let you for free. I will leave the YMCA and stay at Crunch gym since it is so cheap.

She also mentioned the new yoga studio may produce yoga videos down the line so I may be able to pop her in my dvd player:cool:

Belinda - Nice workouts today!

Belinda, you are crushing those workouts. So close to 200! Was that 106 minutes you walked yesterday?!! I'm sure you don't want to cause uncomfortableness with your neighbors but their dog could be taken away from them for not being under control. I'd be scared also by it.
Kristin, I'm really sorry you're going thru this with your mom. It must be incredibly hard and stressful. I agree with Deb and your dh, you're a great role model.
Deb, you've enjoyed this yoga instructor for quite a while. Are you surprised she's leaving?
Been getting in lots of steps and some JS. Did my fav KPC and am charged for the day.
Good morning,

Today I did T25 Gamma The Pyramid and The Trainer's Edge: Killer Butt With Dolores Munoz. The Pyramid was a fun workout. Killer Butt was very high reps and all bodyweight. We talking like 40 reps :) My lower body is completely fried.

Cookie - I didn't walked 106 min yesterday. It was the other day. I think my neighbors got it with their dog. Hopefully talking to them helped. Glad you starting to feel better. Good job getting your steps and workouts in.

Debbie - maybe you can visit her at the other gym? If she comes out with a dvd, let me know :D

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

Today I did Muscle Max Upper Body premix. I have been busy finishing up the month at work but after that will have some time off so excited about that. We have been out of stock on evening bags and finally the shipments arrived.

Belinda - I will look into buying class packages which are good for a year. That is a lot of reps but for a killer butt but worth it;) It's funny at the store the other day saw a big display of padded underwear, I couldn't believe how heavy they were and how big the pads were:eek: I guess that is the short cut LOL.

Kristin - How soon do you start school?

Cookie - How are you adjusting to the new house? I thought it was only a matter of time for the her to leave. She will now be at 3 studios in town and she does a lot of one on one. She once told me some people prefer her to go to their homes because they don't like to exercise in front of people.

Hey guys. Fly-by check-in for me. I have been busy with union meetings and getting in some beach time. I have another union meeting/training today and then tomorrow is my first day back to work :eek:. I am ready for it. I am going to miss sleeping until the sun comes up though, lol.

Anyway. . . I have kept up with workouts. Monday I did ICE LIS Cardio 1. yesterday I did Yoga Max.

21 DF Extreme should be arriving today. If it does, I might start the program today or tomorrow. I need to figure it out.

Good morning,

I just finished T25 GAMMA :) I did T25 Gamma Speed 3.0, that one was fun but tough one. The modifier did all the high impact moves in that one :( Luckily, she showed modification in all the other Gamma dvd's. I also did T25 Rip't Up, great circuit workout. T25 is a great and fun program, IMO. I will defiantly come back and do a full rotation.

Kirstin - can't believe you starting school tomorrow. Sounds like you are very busy with meting. Good job getting your workouts in. I hope you like 21 Day Fix Extreme as much as I do. I just love the program.

Debbie - that is a good idea. I am not sure how much you pay for them. Alesia takes classes in DC, they are expensive :( I also prefer working out at home, but sometimes going to a real class is fun.

Not sure, if I will do anymore workouts today. I have a doc appointment tomorrow. We shall see!

Today I took a rest day. I finished all my work in my stores so I worked late. Tomorrow need to get up early taking DH for his colonoscopy. I need to pack a bag with reading material & making overnight oats to bring.

Belinda - Can I count one of your workouts for me;) Great job! I wonder if they have an informercial for T25?

Kristin - Good luck with your 1st day of school. I hope you have a good class:) I have 21 day extreme but haven't done it yet:oops:

Waves hi to Cookie:)

Good morning,

Peak Fit Challenge Pure Strength 1 w/ Michelle Dozois is done. I liked it!

Debbie - I have no idea? Maybe google it? Good luck tomorrow.

Kistin - good luck today.

I have a 2 doc appointment today, wanted to get my workout early. BBL!

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