Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did ICE To the Mat stability & band premix. We went to my in-laws pool and it was nice! I think today your only choice was a/c or water:)

Belinda - I bet it's hotter by you, this year I'm sure they can say we have Global warming:) Do you have all of the P90x's?

Kristin - Your pool must be so warm, my in-laws felt like bath water:D

Cookie - I'm tired just reading what you have had to do the last few weeks:) I hope you are enjoying your vacation because you deserve it. I run/walk/sprints on an indoor track and the a/c is nice! My son will go to the H.S. track but for me maybe in the fall, but not now LOL. Cathe is working with someone on the Fit Tower project but may put out other dvds independently later on.

Hi guys. I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. I really needed it. I did swim laps in the pool though, that counts for something ;). I cannot believe how hot it is again today. DH and DS are coming home from the tournament today. I missed them so much. Tomorrow we are going to go to the water park out east and have some fun there. I just finished my workout, which was Metabolic Total Body. I toyed with the idea of doing the Blizzard Blast too, but too many air jacks, ugh. I didn't want to do it, lol.

Deb- I love those outlets! Isn't it beautiful? I love the openness of the walkways, the colors, the music. . . everything about it. One of my favorite stores is the Christmas Tree Shop, although I do hate the crowd getting in, lol. I've never been to the movies there though. I run into students whenever I am there too, so I always feel like I need to wear a hat and sunglasses to be incognito, haha. My pool was warm, but not too warm, which was nice. Still refreshing.

Cookie- Wow! You have been very busy! I cannot imagine working right before the closing and moving. It must've been so hectic for you. Hopefully you can get settled in before the start of the school year. When does your district begin the school year? We go back (teachers) September 1st for a conference day and then the students return the day after Labor Day. I am happy we are actually starting AFTER Labor Day this year.

Belinda- How are your dogs handling the heat? When we are outside in the pool, Baxter insists on being outside with us. I am afraid if he stays out too long he will get heatstroke, but he cries and cries at the door if I make him go inside. I set up a sprinkler for him to run in and out of the water, and also drink from. I think that worked at keeping him cool. The silly things we do for our dogs, lol.

Tomorrow I have Chiseled Lower Body on deck.

BB tomorrow.

Good morning

Zumba -Exhilarate is done :p What a fun workout! I have almost 7000 steps :)

Cookie - wow, you been busy these day's :) Moving takes a lot out of you :( Happy you closed on your house so quickly. I really like the mix of workouts I am doing. Are you getting Cathe's new workouts? I am so done with high impact. I am getting great results with low impact. My body never responded to high impact :( Never saw any results? I do a lot of walking these day's.

Kirstin - my dogs only go outside to do their business :) That's it! I am not going outside either, it's too hot. Remember the dogs are lower to the hot ground than we are. Be careful with your dog. ROFLMAO, Cathe love those air jacks :) Doesn't she? I am so done with air jacks, jumps and mountain climbers :) I hate all of them:D

Debbie - it's extremely hot lately :) It's in the 100's! I have all P90x's :)

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I did some sprints at the track at the gym & ICE Metabolic Total body. We went to my in-laws today & went in their pool. We are lucky they have a pool. It was hot!

Belinda - That is a lot of steps & you had fun too:)

Kristin - It is a beautiful and look like a place that would be in Florida. My friend said she loves the Christmas Shoppe, we have one by us but haven't been their in awhile. I see we did the same workout today;)

Hey guys. Quick check in for me. I got my workout in this morning, Chiseled Lower Body Blast, because we are going out to the water park. My legs were feeling the burn, lol.

Deb- too funny we did the same workout. I really like that one. I think next time I will try the Blizzard Blast.

Belinda- I don't hate mountain climbers, but I do hate a lot of jumping these days, especially at the end of the workout, like in MTB. . . if I added the BB, I would have been doing all that jumping at the end when I am already on my way to being on empty. When I used to do KickMax I would often do the premix with the bootcamp drills first.

Waving hello to Cookie.

Hey girls,

I did Chris Fretyag's Shortcut to Big Weight Loss :) Very good workout, got my HR up. I also did P90X2 V Sculpt, really like this one.

Kirstin - for jumping jacks, I do side to side steps :) Since I am counting steps, not jumps...I am getting a very good step count on my FitBit :) Mountain climbers, I do them on a chair:) I can't go up and down that fast, I will throw out my back doing them on the floor. For some reason, I always hurt my back?

Debbie - nice workout yesterday. Dancing gives you ton of steps.

Waving Hi to Cookie :)

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a yoga class. A new gym opened up by us, Crunch and it is really inexpensive around $10 a month (that is so cheap is this area). I joined and will decide if I will quit the more expensive gym (but it has my favorite yoga instructor:confused:). I took a butt, thigh & abs bootcamp (the classes are only 30 min.) it was good recognized some moves from Cathe's dvds.

Belinda - I think using a chair for mountain climbers is a great idea, sometimes I just skip them so that is an idea I will try:) I'm not sure if I have the P90x2 extra workouts.

Kristin - Hope you had fun at the water park it was a good place to be today:cool:

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Debbie - maybe the instructor love Cathe's workouts? This is how I do mountain climbers/burpees
:) workouts perfectly without the strain on my back.

Good morning,

Zumba Rush =23min (3210 steps, burned 700 cal according by my FitBit ) + P90X2 Chest, Shoulder and Tric is done.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
The water park was a disaster yesterday! First of all, the lines were ridiculous. At first I thought it was because the park was so crowded, and it was, but there was more to it than that. The park has $43 tickets to get in, but then guests can also buy an H20 pass, or an H20 premium pass. If you get the premium pass, at $70 extra a pop, you are guaranteed to wait in line for half the line time, meaning if the ride has a one hour wait, you will wait 1/2 hour. The regular H20 pass at $50 extra a pop, allows you to get ahead of those who paid the original ticket price, but not guaranteed 1/ the wait. Basically the lines have a three-tier system. . . which actually makes the wait longer for those of us who refuse to be ROBBED and spend the extra money. $43 plus $50 is $93 per person before tax (not even the premium pass). It's not Disney and it's not worth it. Then on top of this highway robbery that takes place, if a ride has three slides, they were only operating one or two :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. Making the lines LONGER :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:. I was disgusted. We ended up leaving and I don't think I will go there again. For the amount of money I spent, I could have stayed at Fire Island for two or three nights and had a much better, more relaxing time. I wrote a review on their facebook page. I never do that but I woke up still upset about it.

Anyway. . . rant over. I did get my workout in for today. I did ALL Out floor only premix and then ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I really enjoy the mat work in CUB.

Deb- I remember having one or two Crunch workout tapes. I wonder if it is the same company?

Belinda- the chair is a good idea for those moves. When I first started doing the original bootcamp, I used my step for that move where you go down into a squat thrust, and then scissor scissor, in up and jump.

Waving hello to Cookie.


Today I did ICE Meltdowns for back & shoulders. Not much else going on trying to enjoy every minute of the summer. I heard on the news the Farmer's Almanac said we will have a very cold winter:mad:

Belinda - That is a great way to modify, same here my back is the issue:)

Kristin - That is terrible, I think it is great that you gave a review maybe the owners will see it and do something about it. You should write a review anywhere you can. That system is just not fair almost seems unethical!

Good morning,

Zumba Exhilarate Activate (got over 5000 steps) plus Focus T25 : BETA Core Dynamic is done :)

Debbie - I think you like the modification :) I sure do :)

Kirstin - I agree, that is horrible :( I would have done the same, good for you.

Have a wonderful workout and day, everyone.
Hey ladies! I did my workout earlier today, but then I did a bit of running around that I just got around to checking in now. I did ICE Bootcamp. I think this is my favorite Cathe bootcamp workout out of all her BC style workouts. It is a fun workout, challenging, but not where I am gasping for my last breath. I like some of the unique counts like shoulder presses (3 at 2-2 count that 2 at single count and repeat), or the curtsey lunges that are pulses instead of singles. I feel like I can get deeper into the muscle that way.

I got my hair cut and colored today. I went shorter. I love it. I will post a pic if I can figure out how. After my hair, we had dinner. I had my mom for dinner and my dad went out to dinner with my older DS. I think they both enjoyed themselves. Then DS had a playoff game today and they won! Now they are in the semi-finals on Friday.

Belinda- I gotta give Zumba another try one day. 5000 steps that is wonderful!

Deb- I am still fuming about the water park. I got a like on my review today on Facebook :).

BB tomorrow!


Today I did a TRX class at Crunch gym. That is the main reason I signed up for the new gym. My current gym has TRX classes but you pay $120 for 1x a week for 6 weeks. So needless to say I thought $10 a month was a better option. The class itself is easy to learn and you could get info off of you-tube but the TRX band would require a big bracket attached to a sturdy wall.

Belinda - You are getting a really nice mix of workouts in.

Kristin - I don't have any Crunch tapes but I bet Belinda does;) I believe it is the same franchise and they made some dvds of their classes.

Good morning,

I did Zumba Exhilarate Step by Step (6000 steps) and T25 Beta Rip't Circuit :) I should have done Zumba Step by Step first, she broke all the moves for the other dvd's down :) I had no problem with Rush and Activate :) You get a lot of steps with Zumba. If you can do a step side to side, step can do Zumba. Some of the steps reminded me a little of Leslie Swanson walks, except Zumba is at a faster beat and your move your hips a little :D It's also a lot more fun, IMO:D

Debbie - LOL, I do have some Crunch workouts :) The older ones are really good. Lately I am having a lot of fun with my workouts. Mixing them all up is a lot of fun.

That is it for me today, have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did 2 combos from Kick, Punch & Crunch. DH & I went to the beach today it was cloudy in the morning but it turned out to be a sunny day. The beach was so quiet, maybe everyone thought it would be a bad day:confused: I think it was great! I had this acai bowl that seems to be very popular new thing but I have a feeling it's not as healthy as they make it seem (sort of like frozen yogurt) will try and find a calorie count on it.

Belinda - It sounds like you are having a lot of fun with Zumba, one of these days I need to pull them out:)

Kristin - Love you hair!!! I agree with Belinda it looks cute & fun:)

Good morning,

I did Zumba Ripped and T25 Beta Cardio Core.

Debbie - get them out :) They are so much fun.

Good job everyone. BBL!

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