Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kistin - I have arthritis in both knees from years of high impact :( I have to hear more about the new dvd's before I make up my mind. Nothing wrong having some quite time once in a while :) Before you know it they don't want to be around you that much anymore. Enjoy while you can.

createdbygod - don't beat yourself up over workouts. Do what you like to do and feel good to you. I also have a Fitbit and do more walking than anything else. I also love barre workouts. I used to follow rotations, I was so wiped out. Now I do what I like to do and not go crazy. Life is short! Love your plan :)

Today I took a yoga class and it felt really good, when we 1st started I wanted to stay in child pose the whole class:eek: but I didn't:rolleyes: I finished my work in the stores today for July & just need to do my reports tomorrow.

Belinda - It wasn't clear to me if they would be high impact except she did say one of the workouts would be on the line of IMAX where you can do anything for a minute (unless I mixed that up) but we will know soon enough.

Kristin - I was thinking the same thing as Belinda before you know it they will be around as much. I did remember really like having my quiet time whenever I could;) even know:)

Kelly - I think feeling hungry is a real thing when you increase your workouts. I try and bring healthy snacks with me because otherwise I will have no will power.

Good morning,

LS Ultimate Power Walk (6800 steps) = 55 + P90X2 Plyocide is done. Plyocide was tough :( I had to modify some of the jumps. I do like that he uses the foam roller and it had a nice long cool down/stretch.

Debbie - I read on VF that one of the workouts is like a IMAX workout :( It sounds like it's gonna be a jump fest :D Personally I don't enjoy those puke in the buckets workout anymore. I hope they have a real modifier in that one, otherwise I am not gonna order. On the other my dvd's do I need? I have so many dvd's I haven't done and still working on them? So many workouts and so little time. I already feel I am working out way too much. I guess, I wait and see for more details, right. Maybe I don't order the dvd's and pay for a month of Cathe Live? It's a same they all collecting dust :( I also noticed there isn't anything new out there. The workouts are really not calling my name :) Maybe once Cathe puts out more info?

Have a great workout and day everyone.
Just finished Rock'em Sock'em. I did the main routine plus blizzard blast premix. It gave me 7,000 steps! I haven't been wearing my fit bit all day like I used to. . . mainly because I take it off when I swim and then I forget to put it back on. My average steps have suffered from that. . . plus I haven't been walking Baxter. First it was too hot, and then it was rainy. Maybe I will walk him today if it doesn't rain and I get a chance. DS has another baseball game at 5. We shall see. . .

Deb- I've seen some of the RT pics on Facebook and saw a few with you and Paulette. Looks like you guys had a blast. I am hoping to make the next one.

Belinda- it's funny the way you are feeling about this new series is how I felt about ICE. I was on the fence about the preorder and then decided not get it. Then I bought it full price, love it and regret not getting the preorder. I just wasn't interested in the series. You have different reasons though. High impact isn't your thing anymore, so that is a valid reason not to buy. Not to mention the fact that you have an amazing collection of workouts that you are working on completing, lol.

Kelly- I agree with both Belinda and Deb. You have to do what feels good to you. Doing workouts that feel like you are burning yourself out constantly will eventually lead to a real burn out and falling off the wagon. On top of that, when you work out more you do need to fuel your body more. . . with the right food and that is the hard part for me, lol.

Okay. . . I have been feeling like the days when my boys will be all over me are numbered, especially with my older guy going to middle school this year. you both made me realize how time is precious and I should embrace where I am in the moment. Still when they are at each other's necks or trying to drive me nuts (stop looking at me! he took my drink! I am bored! I don't want to clean my room, why can't he do it, I don't want eggs can you make pancakes, and so on) I feel like I am going to lose it.


Kirstin - when I do high impact, I am in tears :( My knees hurt so bad when I do high impact, I can't hardly walk for day's :( I have arthritis in both knees, thanks to high impact :( Lessons learned, right! Once I saw clips of RTW I canceled my preorder. I never regret it. I could have bought the set twice, 2 times I said no. The set was only $40 each :) I still didn't take it. I do like ICE, but have to modify a lot on my own. Cath's modifier isn't doing a very good job modifying, IMO! I have enough high impact workouts. We shall see.
Hey guys! Just finished ICE bootcamp (premix main workout plus blizzard blast). I plan on going in the pool and reading on my lounge chair for the rest of the day :cool:. I will take Baxter for a walk after dinner tonight too, as the heat wave has finally come to an end.

Last night we went out to dinner with a few parents after DS's baseball game. I kept it fairly healthy with filet mignon, spinach and then some fries and bud light, lol.

Belinda- canceling RWH was a smart decision for you. It is all high impact, except for the low impact Hiit, but even those have a lot of fast lunges and bends to them. I would love for Cathe to do another Low Impact Series for advanced. I love the first series, but the music is what stops me from doing it more often. I love the music of the all the series after that one. . . even ICE and RWH, which doesn't have the soundalikes and a lot of lyrics to them. The music is just better IMHO.

Deb- Are you fully recovered from the RT? Maybe one day we can just go to a class together. I can drive there and back for a class, lol. That isn't too crazy, is it? Haha.


Good afternoon,

This morning I did LS Miracle 4 miles and P90X2 Recovery + Mobility= 58 min. Tony made me laugh :) Lots of foam rolling in that one. Also I like it, it was slow and controlled. I didn't felt rushed with the stretches. I need to use my foam roller more often.

Kirstin - my friend bought RWH. Her and I did the RWH Low Impact, it was ok. Wasn't my favorite Cathe workout. I love XTrain Low impact :) Those are fun! I agree about Cathe's Low Impact Series. The music stops me from doing them. It's been so long I done those workout, isn't here a music off bottom? Maybe I should play my own music.

Debbie - hope you resting after your busy weekend.

I will see you all in the morning. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout for the day. I did To the Mat and added on a little cardio with Crossfire low impact tabata premix. My legs are pretty fried right now. DSs have their friend over for the day. I am planning on going to the supermarket to grab ingredients for dinner and maybe get them some ice cream. Then I plan on lounging by the pool and reading, lol.

Belinda- I always forget about the no music option. I wonder if it there for the Low Impact Series. The problem for me would be to find music with the right beat to it. Too much work, lol.

Cookie- how is everything going with you these days? Are you ready for the move?

Waving hello to Deb and Kelly.

Hey girls,

P90X2 Total Body + X2 Ab Ripper (that one was tough :( and Rock'n Sock'n KB premix #1 is done.

Kirstin - I gonna have to check if that one has a music option? It's been awhile since I done that one. I usually play music from my iPad :) Sometimes Cathe music isn't to the beat :)

Waving Hi to Cookie and Debbie :)

See you all in tomorrow. Have a great day!

Yesterday I was catching up and didn't even get a workout in. Today I did X-train Supercuts and felt it right away (probably because of the RT). Also at one point, the rubber tubing hit me in the face:oops: At least it didn't happen on the RT. This should be a real easy week for me so I'm happy.

Belinda - I can see why you wouldn't want to do high impact. I do find myself skipping some of the high impact too. They weren't specific about details for the workout, my guess it wouldn't be fair to anyone who didn't do to the RT. I was thinking today that the music on X-train sounds familiar & wondered if it was original artists.

Kristin - I remember when my boys were younger and wishing they would grow up and be independent. Now I wish I could have done some things over but isn't that just life:confused: Anytime you want to go for a day trip, I was thinking about going to do a Live class because at least you know Cathe would be there and also know what to expect from the class. I couldn't believe my gas mileage was great, I was able to get an extra 50 miles on my tank because of the highway driving.

Waves hi to everyone


The above post was waiting for me when I came on tonight (never hit the post button) so I just did:)

Today I took a yoga class. I'm off tomorrow! I can't believe August is flying by:(


Debbie - thanks for the heads up :) I really appreciate it. I don't want to buy anymore dvd's and them ending up just sitting around. I'll wait for more details. Hopefully we hear more.
Hey guys. Just got in my workout for today. I did Xtrain BurnSets, the premix that includes all upper body. It was 78 minutes and I thought it would feel like it took forever, but surprisingly it went by fast. My arms are completely fried. I am going to go get a pedicure and then later I have a bbq to go to at a colleague's house. He is inviting our "team" from work. We all are assigned the same students together. He teaches social studies, the others are the math, science, special education, and English (me) and our families. Should be fun!

Belinda- I am hoping we hear more about the new dvds soon too. The presale starts soon, maybe then? I want to know who will be in the dvds too.

Deb- hindsight is always 20/20, right? I already feel like I have some regrets. . . the fact is we are pulled in so many directions all the time. We cannot possibly do all the "right things" as parents 100% of the time, right? I think the most important part of parenting is letting your kids know you love them, and when you make a mistake, admit it. Nothing wrong with apologizing from time to time, lol. It's funny, regarding the day trip, I was thinking the same thing of going to a LIVE class, because it is guaranteed she will be there. Too funny.

Waving hello to Kelly and Cookie!

RWH Plyo Hiit 2 plus bonus abs 1 all done.

I had a blast at my friend's bbq yesterday. All the kids got along so well. We made smores on their new fit pit and they were absolutely delicious.
We did talk about "shop" for a bit. I am starting to get excited to go back to school. Wonder if that feeling will continue to grow or if the anxiety will set it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Good afternoon

P90X2 Balance + Power + T25 Cardio is done. P90X2 Balance + Power is by far my least favorite so far :( Didn't like the workout at all. I had to modify the heck out of this one. Some of the moves on the stability ball don't look safe, IMO :( DH and I worked out together, we ended up doing are own modifications, lol. I hope next weeks workouts are a little better. I forgot how much fun T25 is :) I was sweating like crazy. Of course, I followed the modifier/or did my own to get my HR up.

I am getting close to hitting my goal of "200" DVD's done. I will continue until the end of December. Maybe I get at least another 100 DVD's done?

Who is ordering Cathe's new dvd's? I am still on the fence, I hardly get through all my collection. Do I really need more DVD's?

Kirstin - glad you had fun yesterday. I also want to know who is in Cathe's new dvd's :) Do I really need more dvd's? I only can workout so much in a day? I still have so many unused dvd's

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Yesterday I ran on the track at the gym & today was ICE shoulder meltdown. I think the pre-sale for the new series will start tomorrow with more details. I am going to pre-sell because I always like strength training workouts. I've been pretty good and other than Cathe haven't ordered any dvds. I guess there isn't many instructors making new dvds:confused:

The doctor called with my results from a bone density test I took and said I have osteopenia in my left hip (start of bone loss). She told me to make sure I am taking vitamin D and calcium (which I do). She also wants me to do more weight baring exercises (walking & running) but the good thing is I don't need to take meds for it.

Belinda - Awesome on close to hitting your "200" dvd goal. If anyone can do it you can:) It will be interesting to see how much you have done by the end of the year.

Kristin - I love smores for some reason I don't feel it's a bad dessert because it is so rich you don't eat a lot of them. Will you have to put in more hours for your new position with the union? Great job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

RWH LIHI Legs all done. My legs were so wobbly at the end. I couldn't do the walking lunges with 15 #s. I had to go down to 10# or I would have just dropped, lol.

Yesterday I was on Facebook and a group I am in called Forks to Fitness (something to that effect) had a post about a fitness daily planner that a girl bought at Michaels. I decided to go there and get it myself. I feel that even though I am giving it all in my workouts, my food intake and my sleep has been a mess. I really need to clean it up and motivate myself to stick to an eating plan that will work for me. I am hoping that this book will be the motivation I need. It is like a daily planner, but all focused on fitness (water intake for the day, food journal, exercise journal, monthly goals page, monthly weigh in and measurements pages and reflection pages. I already started writing in it and took my measurements and weighed myself. I was upset by what the scale said. .. I don't want to yo-yo anymore. It is time to get serious.

Deb- the union position will require more hours, but I also get a stipend for it, which is nice. I am nervous about having the position. I just want to do a good job with it. We shall see how it goes. Do you watch the Real Housewives of New york? It has been crazy!

Belinda- I will definitely pre-order the new dvds. $50 for 5 dvds is a great deal, especially with the premixes. I am hoping to see familiar faces in the videos. I would love for Jai, Amanda and Cedie and Brenda to be in it. I miss Lorraine tremendously. I am not a big fan of MArlo or the new blonde. . . Kate?

Okay, I am going to jump in the pool. We are going out to dinner later with friends, so I am going to try to keep it clean as possible. wish me luck.

Hi all!

Today I did LS Burn Body Fat 3 miles and JS stretch 30 min.

Debbie - thanks! I hope I get at least another 100 done! Next time I go to Michaels I will check that book out.

Kirstin - I am hoping to see familiar faces too. Miss the old cast :(

Good night ladies.

Today I did 20 minutes of sprints on the track & ICE bi's meltdown.

I have a very similar fitness book that I bought at Five Below (which is like a dollar store but higher priced items). I haven't used it but I really should. It's so easy to not realize what you are eating or not eating LOL.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!!!

Kristin - I don't watch NY housewives. The book I have is called Food & Exercise Diary by Allan Borushek's on the cover it says Prevents Calorie Amnesia LOL.

Waves hi to everyone


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