Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Amy Dixon Breathless Body 4 Going Strong = 58 min and PiYo Core is done. I also walked 4 miles.

That's it for me today.

Debbie - I ended up not doing much after all my workouts yesterday, lol. WTG, yesterday.

Hope you all having a great Monday:) See you tomorrow.

Today I did ICE Metabolic workout, still my favorite:) I took my son to the NY outlets to pick up some clothes for his birthday. We did so much walking (a mall is easier) both our legs were killing us. We also were caught in a bad thunder storm but took cover:)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!! I hope you slept in after yesterday's workouts;)

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

U-FIT Ultra Burn - Calorie crushing cardio w/Cindy Whitmarsh and XTRAIN Bi + Triceps premix #3 is done.

Debbie - good job on your ICE workout. Hope your DD found some nice cloth. We had thunder yesterday too. Not to mention, I cleaned my windows on Sunday :(

Kirstin - you are getting some really good steps in. Keep it up, girl!

Cookie - thinking about you :)

I will be back tomorrow.
We had a shooting in my neighborhood (only 3 houses from mine) :) A 21 year old male got shot :( His brother (15 year)ask my farmer lady for help, I belong to a Co op and she delivers my produce on Tuesday. We had police everywhere looking for the shooter.The driver turned himself in after the shooting. I am still in shock :) I never imagine this could happen in my neighborhood. I live in the country :)

Today I took a spin class. It was crowded but still plenty of bikes left. Spin wipes me out!

Belinda - That is scary about the shooter, you just never know especially lately:( I hope he is ok. I have belonged to a co-op for several months but thinking about stopping it because the produce is better at the farmer's market. Also I can't pick from the co-op which is sometimes fun but sometimes too much of one thing.

Waves hi to everyone


Today I did ICE To the Mat Legs & Glutes. Ugh, I can't find my work camera looked all over:oops: Not sure if it fell out of my bag when I was walking.

Belinda - It's not like you to not check-in, hope all is well.

Kristin - Not sure when you are coming back.

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Alesia came is here, she keeps me busy. I did work out: I did a LS Miracle Mile walk : 7 miles + UFit Sculpt + Stretch.

Debbie - the kid (23) died :) The shooter is still at large. 2 boy's (18) turned himself in and got charged with first degree murder. Very sad! Since it's so close to my house, I couldn't stop thinking about it all day long.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Alesia came is here, she keeps me busy. I did work out: I did a LS Miracle Mile walk : 7 miles + UFit Sculpt + Stretch.

Today DD and I walked outside. I also did XTRAIN Back, Chest + Shoulders Premix 03 Timesaver (Rounds 1- 4)…32.14 and UFit Ultra Thight Hard Body = 20 min.

I will give you on update on the shooting later. Have to get ready. BBL!
Hey guys! I had a wonderful time at Disney World. The boys had a blast as well. It was so much fun, despite the heat and humidity. I cannot wait to do it again. We were actually considering buying into the Disney Vacation Club, but now that I have had time to think about it, I do not think it is worth it. Anyway, we came home Tuesday and I was too tired and lazy to do anything other than unpack yesterday. Today I got back on the bandwagon and did ICE Bootcamp. I thought I was going to die. It was hard for me to do this time, maybe because the only exercise I have had the last week is walking. . . not sure. I also have sinus issues going on, so that might be it too.

Belinda- That is such sad and terrifying news about the shooting. It is happening everywhere these days. No place is safe, whether you live in the city or the country. . . just have to live your life and be aware of what is around you all the time. I was doing really good with my steps and then it all came to a halt when I got home. I needed two days of nothing to recover from all the excitement I had at Disney. We literally were up at 7 and out all day until 11-12 at night. So much fun though.

Deb- I hope you find your camera! Are you getting excited for the RT? A few weeks ago when Cathe did her facebook live she mentioned new workouts would be announced on the RT, if I heard correctly. You have to keep us informed!

Waving hello to Kelly and Cookie!


Today I took a yoga class, my fav instructor pushed me to do an assisted headstand. I sweated so much (even my feet) I told her it was a cardio workout! I also did a 15 min walk/sprint but think I may have hurt something in my ankle/calf. Ugh, just in time for the RT.

I didn't find my camera:( I had about 5 stores that I need to report without before and after pics but my boss is fine with it. Just bothers me as to where it is. It was an old camera which dropped a couple of times missing parts so wouldn't think anyone would want. I just wanted the memory card from it.

Belinda - That is crazy about the shooting, IMO just too many people with guns that shouldn't have them. I love the variety of workouts you do!!

Kristin - It sounds like you had a great time with lots of memories:) I didn't see that about the RT (new w/o's) but will let you know.

Wave hi to everyone:)

Good evening

I went to DC and hang out with DD :) We went out for lunch than we went to her gym at her apartment complex. Fist I went on the elliptical, than I went on the treadmill for about 20 min. Total time was about 40 min.

Debbie - I agree with you on the shooting :( I hope your ankle/calf is ok. The RT is almost here. Are you excited?

Waving Hi to everyone.

Good night, ladies.

Today I did ICE muscle meltdown Shoulders. It was tough being on my feet today, it must be the tendon between my ankle and calf:( I've been icing it on and off when I can. I will not be doing anything with cardio till it heals.

Tomorrow leaving early to go see some childhood friends with my SIL on Long Island.

Belinda - It's great that you and your dd always find time to workout when you are together. Was the shooting in Germany near where you used to live? So very sad:(

Kristin - How do you like the weather you came home too:eek: We may be going to Jones Beach tomorrow.

Wave hi to Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie - it helps Aleisa to relieve stress from work and her brake up. The shooting is about an hour away from where I am from :( My heart goes out to the family's!

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Sorry I did not get to check in yesterday. I did do my workout, which was Chiseled Lower Body from ICE. Right after that though I had my mom over so my dad could run some errands. Then DS had a baseball game and after that I had to go food shopping because we literally had no food in the house. Anyway, today I just finished Chiseled Upper Body and I added on a timesaver premix from Rock-m Sock-M, which was the punching combos only premix. It was a good short premix for an add on of cardio.

Belinda- I feel as though I am becoming numb to all these shootings and attacks going on. It seems as if it is happening daily lately. I am praying we can find a way to stop it.

Deb- It is very muggy here. I feel like I didn't leave Florida, lol. I am just thankful to have a pool. An assisted headstand! That is great. did you happen to see RHONY this week. Bethenny did a headstand in the restaurant. I thought that was a bit much, lol.


Good evening,

Today I did XTRAIN All Out Low Impact premix #7 Timesaver Floor Cardio + Core #1 - 32:25 and ICE Metabolic Total Body premix #2 Warm Up + Main Routine + Muscle Meltdown - Chest + Stretch - 63:18.

Kirstin - I felt the same way about the daily shootings, but when it happens right in front of your house you feel differently :( Something has to change.

Have a great evening, I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a rest day. My SIL met friends in Long Island it was a long day, some traffic here and there but not too bad. We decided to eat lunch 1st and go to the beach around 3pm and that worked out good (not as hot) nice breeze.

Belinda - I haven't tried any of the premixes that have the muscle meltdowns but they look interesting. The shootings are just happening everywhere:confused: no place is safe:(

Kristin - We went to a mexican restaurant in N. Babylon, we picked up one friend at her sisters house in Elmont & went to Overlook beach near Robert Moses. It was a really nice beach. You have been so busy since you came home. I missed that episode, don't think I could ever do a headstand without assistance or in the middle of a restaurant;)

Good evening,

Plan for today was...go take a live yoga class with DD in DC :) That never happened, lol. Alesia has sinus problems and can't hardly speak :( We ended up going for lunch and a little shopping instead :p When I came home from DC, I did a Leslie 4 mile Miracle (it's way to hot outside) and Jessica 20 min yoga for hips/knees.

Debbie - I just did a muscle meltdown chest yesterday. Sounds like you had a fun afternoon at the beach :) It's hot and humid here.

Good night, everyone.

Today I did ICE Muscle Meltdown's tri's & bi's. It was even hot for the farmer's market today. I've been icing my ankle it has been swelling up as the day goes on. Strangely it doesn't hurt as much.

Belinda - It was difficult to breathe even without having a sinus problem, I hope Alesia feels better. Lunch and shopping sounds like fun & exercising indoors too:)

Kristin - How was your weekend?

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Hey guys. Just realized I didn't get to check in yesterday. I did Party Rockin' Step 1. I just felt like doing a fun step workout. Yesterday we yet another baseball game. I did my workout, stopped by my parents and then went to the game. Afterwards we grabbed pizza with some of the sane parents on the team. It was fun.

Today I am taking my youngest son and mom to see Ghostbusters. I will get my workout in afterwards. Not sure what I am doing yet. Weights, for sure. My other DS has a birthday party and then later we have a ceremony to go to for the tournament he is playing in this week.

Deb- I teach in NB! That is too funny. What was the name of the restaurant? Was it on Main Street, do you know?

Belinda- my sinuses have been a mess as well since before Disney. I am thinking if it doesn't get better soon, I will have to cave and see a doctor. Ugh!

Good afternoon,

I did my workouts this morning, I am just getting around to post :) I did Leslie S. Miracle 5 miles, Body Beast Lucky 7. Really like that one. I also did Cindy Whitmarsh UFit Ultra Tight : 6 pack abs = 20 min.

Debbie - thank you :) do you think it's the heat? Keep icing your ankle. Hope you feel better soon.

Kirstin - good job yesterday. Hope you feel better.

That's it for me today. See you all tomorrow.

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