Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a yoga class & did ICE Rock n Sock em punching premixes. I like that the punching routine works your abs too. My SIL said my camera showed up at Kohls (she work's there p/t) still don't know where it is found hopefully when she goes back to work she will find out.

Belinda - That is an interesting name Body Beast Lucky 7:) I think I strained my calf muscle but it is getting better with icing.

Kristin - I liked the ICE punching premix:) We ate at Del Fuego on Deer Park Avenue it was really good and a cute town. Too funny that you went out with the sane parents;)

Hey guys. Yesterday's workout was Flex Train. Today I did RWH Low Impact Hiit 2 plus abs 2.

Ghostbusters was really good. I was happy I went. I thought I would be disappointed, but I wasn't. All the originals made cameo appearances (Well, except for Harold Ramis, who died).

Today DS has his first game in a big baseball tournament and my other DS has swim, so it will be a busy day.

Deb- There are a few sane parents on the team and we all agree the others are nutso, lol. Del Fuego is right by my job. Too funny!
You must be getting excited for this weekend! Wish I was going.

Belinda- BB 7 sounds interesting. Is it 7 rounds or 7 reps or 7 sets, lol.


Good afternoon,

I did a 6 mile walk and PiYo Hardcore on the Floor :) Hardcore on the Floor was a tough one :)

Debbie + Kirstin, Lucky 7 is a 7 groupings of supersets performed pyramid style from 1 to 7. Hope this makes sense.

Debbie - keep icing your ankle.

Kirstin - good job on Flex Train today.

Have a wonderful day and workout,everyone.

Today I did ICE Chisled Lower Body. I skipped over some moves I felt would hurt my calf but it is feels like it is healing:) The NYC girl needed me to cover for one day tomorrow, hopefully it won't be too hot.

Belinda - The Lucky 7 sounds like a good workout & different.

Kristin - You would have missed the baseball tournament if you went to the RT.

Just got my workout a little while ago. I did Lean Legs and Abs. That is a quick leg workout when you just don't feel like doing an hour or more. I spent the morning at my son's baseball game (8 a.m. on a Wednesday morning). Then I ran some errands, spent the afternoon and early evening with my parents, ate a bunch of bad fast food and then did my workout. I also went outside and ran around with Baxter. Hopefully that will take care of some of my calories, lol.

Deb- Yes, I would have missed the tournament, but I would have preferred the RT, lol. Please let us know what the new series or workouts will be! Have fun! Say hello to Paulette for me!

Belinda- I cannot wait to get the Body Beast Series!

BB tomorrow!

Good evening

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. Brawler wasn't doing so great with his leg last weekend. He couldn't get up on his own. We called the vet and he recommended water therapy. DH and I took him for this first water therapy. This was also a test to see if he can handle it! This was very cool, he walked under water on a treadmill with a live jacket:) Brawler did very good :) She only let him walk under water for 3 min. He was very tired after that. The gets water therapy and laser therapy twice a week to strengthen this muscles. It's too hot outside to walk him. I hope the water therapy will help him soon. It's so hard seeing him like that :(

I did a 3 mile walk with LS and CLX Burn Intervals. I really like the band work in ChaLeans workouts. They are fun.

I will be back tomorrow and catch up on personals. Good night, ladies.

I did ICE Chisled upper body.

Today was a long day, working in NYC wasn't too bad the city was quiet. Afterwards went to help my niece & her bf move to an apartment (it has been delayed for over 2 weeks). The apartment was renovated but they are still not finished, dust & dirt everywhere. My SIL said they should give them less off of their rent. It is a nice apartment and they are young so easier to deal with the chaos.

Belinda - I have seen dogs walking on treadmills on TV and always wondered how they could get the dogs to do that. It is so cool Brawler did it underwater;) I have those workouts but don't remember the band workouts. I should pull them out after the RT.

Kristin - I am looking forward to the RT but so much going on with DH and his business both good and bad. The good thing it ends up being only 2 days since I live in NJ so I'm not gone long. I haven't been eating too good either hoping the RT gives me motivation, my weight is up several lbs. since last year. I'm going to have to go to the diner alone:(

Just finished RWH UBC. My legs were already a little sore from yesterday's workout. Even though this one is supposed to focus on upper body and cardio, I felt it in my legs a lot too. I am thinking I will have major lower body DOMS tomorrow.

It is soooooo hot here and DS has another baseball game at 2. I am going to be dripping with sweat :(.

Deb- that diner was a nice little spot for breakfast. I've gained weight too because of my eating and as much as I want to do better, I keep falling into the same old bad habits. Too bad ice cream isn't a healthy food, lol.

Belinda- sorry to hear about Brawler. It is way too hot to walk out here too. Hopefully the water therapy will help him.


Hi girls,

Finally done with my workout. I did CharLean Extreme Burn it OFF and Recharge, that was a really nice 20 min stretching. Have to remember that one in the future. Short and sweet :) I just realized the workout I did yesterday isn't on CXT D5 :( I guess, I didn't pay attention which disc I pulled out yesterday. I did felt like I did that one before :D Oh well! I got an extra workout in.

Debbie - - if you watch the video, there is a ramp (dogs head is facing it) it's hard to see the door to the water pool . They put the dog in there without water first, than slowly fill the water up to their belly's. Then she turned on the TM after that slowly turned on the jets to simulate this muscles. She had was holding him by his life vest the entire time, to make him walk on the TM. The entire time the girl (she was in her 20's and very nice) where inside the tank with Brawler :) She also secured him inside the tank similar to make sure he didn't drowned. Maybe to lift him up if he starting to have problems with his legs? Who knows? His legs gives out:( I will film it on Friday.

Kirstin - thank you about Brawler. I heard good things about the water therapy. For now he has 12 visits, I am hoping after a few water therapy I see some improvements. Fingers crossed!

Good night, ladies.

Today I took a yoga class. I worked 1/2 day and packed for the RT. Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight:)

Belinda - That is wild!! It's amazing and I hope it helps Brawler, let us know how he does.

Kristin - I can't imagine going to a baseball game in this heat:eek: Walking to the car was hard. Let us know how your ds does.

Hey guys. DS was supposed to have a bb game today at 8 in the morning. Luckily it was pouring out and was postponed until this afternoon. I did a quick workout today, ICE Low Impact Sweat 1 plus icy core 2. I need to jump in the shower now.

It was soooooo hot at DS's bb game yesterday. I had sweat dripping in places I never knew existed on my body. They lost too. They played a team from Dallas and they were expected to lose. It just stunk to be out there in the heat, sweating, watching the team get frustrated as they lose. Afterwards we grabbed pizza with a few of the parents that we like and that part was fun. Then we stopped by my parents house and went in the pool.

Deb- have fun at the road trip! I am going to keep an eye out for you in all the pics and videos!

Belinda- that water therapy is so interesting. The dog in the video seemed relaxed. My dog would be flipping out. I swear you would think he is a cat when I give him a bath in the tub. He does everything he can to get out of the tub.


Kirstin - Brawler hates getting a bath ( He was very calm in the water. The therapist was very calm with Brawler, didn't rush anything. The water is very warm. It's like a whirl pool :)
Good afternoon,

I did LS Leslie Sansone - Walk It Off Tone It Up 5 Mile + PiYo Bonus Turbo Fire : Low HiiT20 and PiYo Sculpt.

Debbie - how is the RT?

Hallo Cookie :) Hope all is well.

Kirstin - what are your plans this weekend?

Did you girls hear? Cathe is coming out with new dvd's? I hope they are not to high impact like all there other dvd's? My body can't take all that jumping anymore :(

Good night, ladies
Having a great time at the RT!! I'm sore everywhere. Wish you were here:(

Cathe & Chris spoke about the new series which will be advanced workouts of 5 DVDs called "Strong and Sweaty". The 6th w/o a bonus workout will be Cycle Sweat. I love strength training so I will like these,

I will post more tomorrow and try and post some pictures.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! Is it too soon to see if Brawler will benefit from the water therapy?

Kristen - Paulette said hello and thought you were coming, told her you had a wedding this week.

Hey guys. Today's workout was Xtrain CLB. I haven't done that one in quite some time. It was a good workout. I had to look in the Xtrain book to see what was coming up next, lol. I also had my parents over for dinner. I made Spanish rice with a pork.

I cannot believe it is August already! I don't understand how May goes so slow and July goes so fast, lol. I have create a new rotation that I am hoping to stick with. It is a 7-day a week workout rotation, but I peppered in different workouts (upper, lower, cardio, floor) so as to keep the muscles and body guessing. Basically this is my rotation (starting today): Sunday- cardio legs, Monday- upper body, Tuesday- cardio, Wednesday- Circuit or Metabolic, Thursday- To the Mat (every week), Friday- Upper body or circuit/metabolic, Saturday- cardio. Here is my first week: S- Xtrain CLB, M- Ice Chiseled UB plus abs, T- Rock'M Sock'M, W- Ice Bootcamp (plus BB), Th- To the Mat, F.- burn Sets (all upper body premix), Sat.- Plyo 2 plus abs.

Deb- I saw pics of Paulette on Facebook. She looks awesome! The wedding was actually a few weeks ago. I just couldn't afford to do both this year. Maybe next year ;).

Belinda- I saw the Facebook announcement about the new workouts. I will definitely be pre-ordering these. I regret not pre-ordering ICE for the discounted price.

BB tomorrow.

I'm back the traffic wasn't bad this year but since it rained (mostly by my house) it may have caused people to stay home. I am exhausted so will make this quick and come back tomorrow;)

Belinda - I'm not sure if the new dvds will be high impact, they just said they would be more advanced than ice. Maybe we will learn more at the pre-sale. They weren't sure who the cast would be yet.

Kristin - Paulette was coming from NYC flew into LaGuardia airport and said she hit a lot of traffic she was a little late for the 1st class. Not sure if that would have been traffic you would have hit. I like your rotation, and thought it was funny you would include To the Mat and at 1st you thought you wouldn't even use it LOL.

Cookie - Isn't this the time you go to North Carolina?

Good morning,

Debbie - thanks for all the info on the new dvd's. I will wait for more info. I really don't need more high impact workout dvd :( I don't do high impact anymore. My knees can't handle it. I hope they will be total different and I mean different from all her others. Glad you had a blast this weekend. The therapy is very positive about his treatment. She said, it will get better each time. I think, he already walks a little better.

Kirstin - can't beat the Cathe's pre sales. The only I want dvd's or downloads? I still haven't gone through all the ICE premixes, lol.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Just finished ICE Chiseled UB and icy core 1. My dad came and picked up the boys to help him with some yard work so I am all by myself in a quiet house. Is it bad that I am loving the silence? I love my boys, but they expect me to entertain them 24/7 in the summer. The first few weeks are cool and I love to do things with them, but every summer at this point I feel like they just want more and more, lol. What am I doing while they are gone? Exciting stuff! Laundry folding and bills, lol.

Belinda- I hear you on the high impact. I know your knees have been bothering you for years now. Maybe you'd be interested in the weight training dvds only, and the cycle one. I am glad the therapy seems to be working for Brawler.

Deb- Traffic in NY to someone who is out of state must be horrifying. I mean, I am sure out-of-staters hear the stories, but probably cannot begin to fathom what we mean by traffic, lol. It is funny how much I love To the Mat Legs. I think doing two leg workouts a week with different focuses (strength and cardio, and floor work) will yield good results. I am curious to see, lol.


Hey ladies! :) I've been a bit mia. I got a tiny bit burned out or something and went back to doing more easier/less cardiovascularly demanding exercise. I want to make myself some schedule/rotation that mixes in some Cathe along with some of my other favorites (Oxycise, T-Tapp, Ballet Beautiful/other ballet workout, Bellicon/rebounder, walking). I also got a Fitbit Alta recently, so I've been doing more walking than anything, trying to meet/beat my goal each day, so at least I've been getting some movement in each day. But I've def. slacked a bit.

I don't think I was prepared for the sudden increase in appetite (real or imagined, I'm not sure) when I started working out more - I felt great doing the workouts, but man, I felt like I just wanted to eat and eat and eat, lol. So anyways, I think the key word for me right now is trying to find a good balance - the right amount of food and the right amount of each type of exercise for where I'm at right now, that will motivate and push me, but also allow me to relax and not be too demanding, and be fun, fun yet calming is important for me, haha.

I haven't come up with a written down plan yet (making a pretty/colorful chart is something I would do, haha, if it's just on the computer, I might not see it/follow it as much as if I pretty it up and print it out), but in my mind at least, right now I'm going to get/exceed my current step goal of 6,000 (I've been beating it most days, so I think I'll up it to 8,000 now), do Oxycise 15-min program 1-2x a day, do T-Tapp moves (maybe pick 2 - Hoedowns and Thread the Needle maybe) a few times a day, and then alternate something else each day - ballet maybe 2-3 times a week, Cathe DVD 1-2 a week, and Bellicon 1-2 days a week...

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