Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

This morning I did SoulSweat (dance workout) w/Lucy = 55 min. Nice sweat fest! Haven't done her workouts in a long time. Body Beast Tempo: Chest & Triceps = 49 min is done.

Cookie - glad you enjoy Jessica as much as I do :) I will get her workouts eventually. Heard only good things about her new workouts. Hope everything will work out soon on the house. Fingers crossed. Must be frustrating! Sorry about the sleep. You have a lot on your plate.

Debbie - Body Beast is a great weight training program like STS :) I think bulk means you get huge muscles :) I love Sagi's style.

I will be back later or tomorrow. Have a great day/rest day or workout.

Today I did CC 6 Challenge 2 & 3. Later on I did ICE Muscle Meltdown bi's & tri's. My Mom is taking care of my Aunt who has alzheimer's it is taking such a toll on her: I offered to help her but I don't think she wants me to see her that way.

Belinda - Does Jessica still do free workouts on you-tube? I wonder if they have an informercial out for Body Beast.

Cookie - I can't imagine not sticking to a deadline for a closing. In fact if that was the case I would probably never be done, would always find something to do LOL. Are you having problems sleeping because of the lupus?

Waves hi to Kristin & Kelly

Good morning,

Debbie - yes, Jessica still does new workouts on youtube :) Good job on CC6 yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that check in today. BBL!
Hey guys. Saturday my workout was Rock-em Sock-em plus muscle meltdown triceps. I had my mom with me all day because my dad had to go to Connecticut and then to my uncle's house, so I didn't have time to post on here. I have had a cold the last few days. Yesterday, I had to take my mother to a bridal shower and when I got home I was so wiped out with my cold that I just stayed on the couch and watched t.v. Today I am feeling a little bit better. To make up for the unintended rest day I plan on doing two workouts: to the mat and Low impact Sweat cardio 2. Tomorrow I will do Chiseled upper body plus low impact sweat 1.

We leave for Disney on Wednesday. I am so excited, I can hardly wait. I am trying to get my house spic and span so when we return I don't return to a mess, lol. The boys are excited as well. I don't think any of us will get a good night's sleep on Tuesday night. I hate that I ahve to leave my dog. This time my dad is going to come to my house a number of times a day to play with the dog and feed him and let him out. I am hoping this is better than when we left him at the trainer's house. He lost a little weight at her house when we were on our cruise. It really is only for 6 days. I hope he doesn't miss us too much.

Deb- did you watch RHONJ last night? I seriously cried when Teresa came home and her daughters all ran up to her crying. It was so sad.

Belinda- Okay, I am definitely going to get Body Beast and start either August or September. I love Sagi's style too, from Hammer and Chisel.

Cookie- the lady is refusing to close until she is done packing? Isn't that what a deadline is for? that is ridiculous. I hope the lawyers do work something out. When we bought our first house, the owners wanted to push back the deadline, but that would have caused us to lose our lower interest rate, so they agreed to close, but then we had to agree to allow them to live in the house for one more month. It was aggravating to say the least.

OKay, I am going to get some packing and laundry done and then my workout. I will be back to post.

Good morning,

5 mile Walk outside and BB Bulk: Chest = 30 min is done.

Kirstin - I am so excited for your guys. Have lots of fun! Your dog will be fine.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Cookie - that must be frustrating and stressful! Hope the lady hurries up and you get to move into your new house soon!

Kirsten - yay for Disney!

Belinda - Going to add Jessica Smith and Sagi to my list of "try these workouts sometime" :)

Debbie - that is hard with a relative with Alzheimer's; the thought of having to face those things in my family scares me. Hope you are able to help if that's what you want and through it, there can be learning and love.

Yesterday, I did Low Impact Series Athletic Training (or part of it - once they started using the Firebands is where I stopped, as I don't have them). I don't love that workout, but would power through it if I had to (I like Afterburn much more). I'm trying to do something new each day of what I have so that I can determine which workouts I really like and which are just okay or not so much loved so that then I can put together a schedule doing workouts that I really enjoy.

Today, I did Level 2 Oxycise early this morning, and then about an hour ago did Low Impact Series Total Body Trisets (the Total Body Express premix). And oh my, not long at all into in my glutes and upper hamstrings were cramping up on me (I guess that means I'm working hard and doing what I'm supposed to). This was an inbetween love and like for me - I'll definitely be doing it again and there's so much variety in the premixes.

And... yes, recent sad events... no words, just a lot of sadness, tears, and a hope for understanding on all sides. <3

Today I took a yoga class and later did a premix Kristin mentioned ICE To the mat bands only it was a good workout & short too:) I only need to work 2 days this week so I'm very happy:D

Belinda - Today wasn't humid here, it was a beautiful day for a walk, guessing for you too;)

Kristin- Have fun on your vacation/wedding:) I always wonder if dogs can tell how long you are really gone:confused: He will look forward to spending time with your Dad. I went to go watch NJHW (taped it) but everyone was home so decided to wait till Wednesday when everyone is out. Andy Cohen said he cried all 3 times he watched that episode:eek:

Kelly - I like Afterburn better than AT. Maybe you could do short premixes for Tri-sets it is a tough one but good. I didn't sleep well worried about my Mom. It's funny I don't remember my grandparents having a lot of the illnesses that are around today:confused:

Cookie - Are you going to North Carolina this year?

Good afternoon,

My internet wasn't working this morning:( I did BB Bulk: Legs = 39 min and did another SoulSweat dance workout w/Lucy.

Kelly - you can try Jessica's Smith on youtube for FREE before you start buying her workouts. I really like BB! Nicely done on AT yesterday.

Debbie - next week I will start with ICE again. This way my list gets smaller :) Good job on your yoga workout. It's HOT here in WV :)

Hi Cookie - hope you doing well :)

Kirstin - are you getting excited :) Have lots of fun and be safe!

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a spin class. I'm off tomorrow but plan to do a lot around the house & watch NJ Housewives LOL. I'm still looking for additional herbs to plant since some of mine have died.

Belinda - I didn't realize when I ordered ICE but it has so much too it. There are so many premixes, muscle meltdowns, blizzard blasts & workouts as is. I think it was an amazing value but may take a real long time to do it all;)

Waves hi to Kristin, Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Bulk: Back and PiYo Strength Intervals is done.

Debbie - good job on your spin class. I doubt I make it through all those premixes anytime soon. There a lot!

My internet is causing a lot of trouble. I try to check in later if not, tomorrow. Happy Hump Day, everyone

Today I did Cardio Coach 5 (2 challenges). I also did a lot of planting & cleaning my deck, but started feeling dizzy & lightheaded so called it a day. DH thinks it could have been the humidity.

Belinda - It must be so frustrating when your internet doesn't work, we are so dependent on technology now:) Good job with your workouts!

Kristin - I watched the NJHW is was so sad & I cried too:( Have a great vacation!

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Hey guys! Quick check-in from the most magical place on Earth. We arrived yesterday. There was a thunderstorm a few miles away from us as we were landing. DS and I saw the lightning bolts out the window. It was pretty cool. By the time we landed it was pouring in Orlando, but the storm was very quick. We spent our evening by the pool. My younger DS has thanked me about 20 times for taking him here. We haven't even gone into a park yet! Today we are going to Hollywood Studios. The boys are huge Star Wars fans. Should be fun!

I probably won't check-in again for a few days. Just wanted to say we are having a blast. I wonder how many steps I will get today .

Good afternoon,

Today I did BB Bulck : Arms and Beast abs is done. I also walked 5 miles.

Kirstin - have lots of fun. I am sure you get lots of steps in.

Debbie - how are you feeling today? I think your husband is right about the humidity. Drink lots of water. I hate when the internet isn't working.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a yoga class and did ICE MM shoulders. It took me so long to get home because of a thunderstorm . . . traffic lights were out:( but I'm off tomorrow so I can't complain. It's a good thing the RT isn't this weekend they are calling for extreme heat where Cathe's gym is located.

Belinda - I feel much better today but I was in the air conditioning & drank lots of water, thanks! I didn't sleep very well either last night. I hope you walked inside today:)

Kristin - Have a great time . . . it looks like you already started:cool:

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Today I walked 10 Miles and did BB Bulk: Shoulder. Shoulders are fried. I really like the plate twist move, never seen that one before.

Debbie - glad you feel better. Be carful with the humidity. I am staying in for the most part, way to hot outside. I also make sure the dogs don't stay too long in the yard. Nice job on your shoulder workout.

Kirstin - how many steps did you get yesterday? Hope the weather is getting better.

Hallo Cookie - you must be very busy with the move. Hope you feeling better.

Kelly - what are you up too?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today I did sprints/walk on the track at the gym. I also caught up on laundry max:) It was hot today but better than snow:eek:

Belinda - I like when there are workouts and moves that you haven't done before and hit the muscle differently! Enjoy the weekend and stay cool. It's bad when the dogs even need a break from the humidity;)

Waves hi to everyone

Good evening,

DH and I went to a museum and a car show this morning. I just got my workout in. I did BB Bulk: Cardio. The intensity was very high, IMO! Had to take it down a notch :) I liked it. I also walked 2 miles.

Debbie - it's so hot and humid lately. I will not take the dogs outside, they are to old. I really like Body Beast, it's a lot of fun.

Now it's time to relax. Good night, everyone.

Today I did a Zuzka kettlebell workout. We also went in my in-laws pool. Today is my older son's birthday and we will celebrate tomorrow with dinner.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a fun day & fit in your workouts:)

Kristin - Wondering if the wedding was this weekend?

Waves hi to everyone

Good afternoon,

I did Leslie Sansone Walk to the Hits All Time Favorites (3 Miles) = 56 min + P90X3 CVX = 3= min + Body Beast Tempo Back + Biceps = 47 min. Not sure, where I got that energy from this morning :p I had a lot of coffee this morning, lol:D Not sure, I I tackle on PiYo core today? We shall see. I will take it easy for a few hours and relax.

Debbie - how do you like Zuzka? Good job with your KB workout.

Kirstin - you are getting some great steps in :)

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I did some sprints on the track at the gym (about 25 min.) & did ICE MM tri's & bi's. We had a nice time celebrating my son's birthday & it was a really nice day for the pool.

Belinda - I would have needed a 2 hour nap after all the working out you did:eek: I like Zuzka the kb w/o's are beginners (4 discs) but I liked the 1st two better than the last 2.

Kristin - I'm wondering how hot it is in FL? It is really hot & humid here.

Cookie & Kelly - How was your weekend?


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