Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good evening,

I am home again. Miss NYC already:( We had a blast. While we at the Central Park Zoo, got a call from my sister her father in law passed away. I hate cancer. Really sad he passed away :( He was such a good man. I will miss him.

Today I did CharLean Extreme Phase 3 Lean Circuit. I have to revisit CharLean Extreme, I really like the workouts.

Kirstin - yesterday we went to Central Park Zoo. I had no idea Central Park had a zoo. We really enjoyed it. It was huge but very pretty. I was surprised they had 2 Grizzly bears:D Sorry about your mom. Glad your dad had fun.

Debbie - glad you had fun at the wedding. Glad your mom got out of the water. I hear a lot about shark attacks.

I still have some unpacking to do. I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did Gym Styles back & shoulders (will do bi's tomorrow). I'm surprised but I have bad leg DOMS from the 2 kettlebell workouts, maybe because I switched things up.

Tomorrow we are going to the beach, hopefully the weather holds up.

Belinda - Your NYC trip sounded great! I don't think I was ever at the zoo in Central Park either. We did the row boats & ice skating. I heard that W. Virginia had bad flooding, was it near you? I'm sorry about your sister's FIL, it's so sad when diseases take lives:(

Kristin - That was a good deal for the movies!! I want to see that one & the one about what dogs do when your not home. I may have to rent them on netflix our nephew is back home in Florida.

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Hey guys. I just finished ICE Rock'm Sock'm. I did one of the longest premixes on there. . . the premix with the main routine, plus blizzard blast, plus muscle meltdown triceps plus icy core 1. It was a great workout. I am loving this series and the premixes. Tomorrow I am doing ICE Bootcamp. I am adding the blizzard blast and then the muscle meltdown.

Finding Dory was good. I still like Finding Nemo the best. Today I have to finish laundry and hopefully get to go in the pool at some point, if the sun stays out.

Deb- I want to see the pets one too, but my younger DS wants to see the BFG. His teacher read the book to them at the end of the year. I am not into seeing the movie, but I might just have to take him. I haven't been to the beach yet this summer, which is hard to believe being as though I live on an island!

Belinda- The Bronx Zoo is huge compared to the Central Park Zoo, but I find the CPZ charming. Glad you had a good time in the city. Man, you killed it with steps!

Waving hello to Kelly and Cookie.

Good afternoon,

did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. I did ChaLEAN Extreme Deluxe Upgrade DVD (4 DVD) Lower Body Extreme Zone = 40 min and Extreme Core Circuit = 12 min. I also did LS Walking off the Pounds= 48 min (I skipped the ab workout on the end).

Kirstin - I agree about CPZ :) Next time when I am in NYC I have to go to Bronx Zoo. Driving in NYC is crazy, you faster walking, lol. Glad you enjoy ICE :)

Debbie - thank you :) You have to visit CPZ if you in NYC. Have fun at the beach.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.

Today I did GS bi's. We went to the beach and it was a nice day, not too crowded. The water temp was posted at 65 and it felt so cold, only put my toes in:)

Belinda - The Bronx zoo is a big zoo it probably is close to the Washington zoo. I agree it's better to walk when you can in the city, I don't like taking the subway. Lots of workouts today!!

Kristin - I've heard of the author but not the story. I remember you went to the beach in the winter, it must be easier to just swim in your pool without dealing with traffic etc. . . I haven't done any of the blizzard blasts yet, is it hard to do after a workout?

Hey guys! Just finished ICE Bootcamp. I did the main workout and blizzard blast premix, and added on the muscle meltdown, biceps. It was a little hard to do the blizzard blast after the main workout, but I did every rep and every jump, lol. I am really enjoying the muscle meltdowns too. I am wondering if these giant sets are like the giant sets in Body Beast, which I plan on getting and starting either in August or September.

Deb- I think the blizzard blasts are definitely a challenge after the main workout, but definitely doable, it just "ups" the workout a notch. I am really liking the series. I still haven't done To the Mat Legs. Not sure if I will like that one. All that floor work. . . I am thinking I will get bored quick. Come to think of it. . . I think I like going to the beach in the off season because there are less people and I can bring my dog, lol. I don't like crowds and I enjoy the beach so much more with Baxter. He is soooo happy there, it is contagious.

Belinda- I have only driven in NYC a few times and I agree. It is extremely aggravating. I prefer to take the train in to avoid driving. Some places I would have to drive to though, like the Bronx Zoo.

Waving hello to Kelly and Cookie.

Good afternoon,

CharLean Extreme Get Lean Interval = 41 min and Walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone - 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk = 48 min.

I will be back for personals.

Today I took a yoga class. Tonight we took my SIL out for her birthday, it was fun! We ate outside & it was a nice night. I felt like I was getting bit by mosquitoes, I hope not:(

Belinda - My son's girlfriend moved out about 2 weeks ago. They saw each other a couple of times but now I think they broke up. I feel so bad when couples break up:( it's not easy.

Kristin - When you posted to Belinda about driving in NYC it reminded me how your GPS directed you through NYC for the RT:eek: I feel like To the Mat starts out tough but gets easier, it isn't barre work so you may like it.

Good morning,

Tracie Long Focus Series - Break Through = 30 min and LS Walk off the Pounds 3 mile walk abs = 14 min is done :)

Debbie - I am so sorry to hear your son's GF moved out :) Very sad!

Have a great day and workout.
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Hey girls,

DD wanted to do a workout, she is visiting us. I also did LS 5K with a Twist and CharLean Extreme Fat Burn Challenge = 33 min. CharLean Extreme Fat Burn Challenge was a sweat fest :)

I am DONE for today :)
Good morning,

CharLean Extreme Intervals = 40 min is done. That was a lot of fun :) DD liked it too. Later today I will do abs.

I will be back later.
Hey guys! Happy fourth of July weekend! I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, but I did get my workout in. I did ICE Metabolic Total Body, plus Blizzard Blast Chest. I also went out to dinner with DH without the kids. It was great, lol! I had a steak with asparagus and potato fries (it is a whole potato sliced up into fries, so they are round circles, I don't know if that explanation helps, but they were delicious. Today I walked Baxter to get steps (I am in a weekend warrior challenge on fitbit that my friend invited me into) and I did Low Impact Sweat (cardio 2, muscle meltdown back and core 2 premix). Now I am getting ready to go over to my dad's house. My uncle is going to be there. I am going to swim and relax, but I need to keep getting steps because I was in the lead and then some chick just joined with 17,000 steps already! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, what are your plans this weekend? Anything good?

Belinda- great job on your workout. I've been meaning to ask you how is Brawler doing these days?

Deb- sorry to hear about the breakup. They were not getting along for awhile, right? I thought I remembered you saying that. . . and OMG! how could I forget the fact that I clicked on avoid traffic and instead of going in the BQE, the GPS took me to the freakin' city and I ended up in Times Square! I think I had to pry my hands from the steering wheel when that ride was over because I gripped it so tight, lol.

Waving hello to Kelly and Cookie!


Yesterday I took a rest day. Today I did a Zuzka kettlebell workout. We also went to my in-laws for a bbq. The weather this weekend is beautiful!

Belinda - I think you may reach your goal by the end of this weekend!! Have fun with your dd:)

Kristin - I think I once tried a similar potato and it was so good:) Too bad you couldn't get steps for swimming it should count. Good luck with the challenge.

Hey guys. Just finished To the Mat for the first time, plus Muscle Meltdown Shoulders. I really liked this workout. I thought I would be bored with it, but I found it challenging and engaging. I definitely worked my legs in a whole different way. Definitely will need to put this in my rotation more often. Yesterday we had a good time at my parents' house with my uncle. Later on this evening we are going out East to a restaurant and carnival in Greenport. Should be fun.

Deb- I saw an ad for a Garmin, where you can take it in the pool with you. I wish I had that, lol.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, guys!

Good evening,

Alesia and I took a live yoga class in DC :) It was pretty good. I just finished CharLean Extreme I've Got Abs = 17 min.

Debbie - you are funny :) I wish I would reach my goal by next week. I am getting close. Hope you had fun at the BBQ and family. It's raining here.

Kirstin - wtg, on To the Mat today. I don't reach much for that one? Need to pull it out soon. Sounds like you had a great weekend so far.

Good night ladies.

Today I ran/walked at the track and did a 20 min. zuzka kb w/o and piyo strong legs. I fell asleep on my deck this afternoon my intention was to read LOL.

Belinda - Was the live yoga class outside? It sounds like fun, our town has them sometimes but have never taken.

Kristin - I like To the Mat too. We watched "Creed" I thought it was a really good movie & think they will have a sequel. "Rocky" is still my favorite.

Happy 4th of July, everyone!

Just finished Body Beast Build: Chest/Tris. My chest/tris is fried. I also did LS Walk To the Pounds 4 Mile Power walk. It's raining here, no walk outside. You know what I realized the other day? I have a lot of Leslie Swanson walking dvd's. I must gone crazy when I had my back/ foot injury 2 years ago:eek:

Debbie - nice mix of workouts yesterday. The yoga was at a yoga studio that Alesia goes too every week. She really likes it :) She said, they do sometimes do it outside.

Like I said, it's raining here in WV. I will take it easy the rest of the day. I will be back tomorrow.
Happy 4th of July!!!!

Just finished Hard Strikes (premix with no conditioning and bonus abs 1). We had a great time at dinner and the fair last night. Later we are going to a friend's house for a bbq. Tomorrow I will need to focus on cleaning my house, lol. I am trying to stick with my goal of no rest days before Disney. So far, I have stuck with it. My legs are a bit sore from To the Mat yesterday, especially the sides of my glutes.

Deb- I loved Creed. It is a good storyline. I just watched Southpaw the other day with Jake Gyllenhal (not sure of the spelling). That was another great boxing movie.

Belinda- I never did LS dvds, but a friend at work swore by them a few years ago. Probably better to do when you have issues with jumping.

I really desperately need a pedicure and eyebrow wax. I might sneak it in before I shower and get ready for the bbq.

Enjoy the rest of the day, ladies!


*Waves back to everyone*
Hope everyone is having a good 4th of July. I went to my sisters (and of course had a few too many not-healthy foods). I knew once the day started, I probably wouldn't feel like exercising, so I got in my workout early this morning: Level 2 Oxycise (15 min) and the Timesaver #2 from the Timesaver DVD (40 min. minus I don't do the ab work because I don't have a ball and with my back I prefer to do the Oxycise breathing for my abs). I am getting the Low Impact series, so hope I like them. It is fun trying these various programs and figuring out what I particularly like/dislike in exercise programs..... it's so neat how we're all a little different with what energizes or what bores us. I am just staying in this evening and will probably watch some fireworks on TV (When I was younger, my mom and I would have this thing where we'd watch the orchestras on TV play 4th of July music and find people who liked like people we knew - seems it never failed we'd find someone that humorously reminded us of someone.... so I've sort of kept up that tradition ever since). I love that exercising gives me more energy at the same time it tires me out. I think I will do a ballet workout or else jump on my Cellerciser a bit this evening also (gotta work off some of that extra dessert I've eaten today!) :)
Happy 4th of July!!

Today I did ICE Bootcamp and really liked it (you were right Kristin) not sure why I didn't think I would:confused: We went to my in-laws today to go in the pool the weather held up.

Belinda - You have been getting a lot of rain:( They are saying we need some and are below average. You have been doing great since your back/foot issues!

Kristin - I'm not sure if I saw Southpaw but will check my Netflix account. Hope you had fun at the bbq. I need to do house cleaning tomorrow too!

Kelly - I didn't eat good at all this weekend either. I plan to get some healthy food and prepare so I can grab clean food this week.


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