Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi girls,

Today I did LS Miracle 4 mile walk and I also walked outside w/DD. She walked in DC and I walked in WV, we both walked and talked the entire time on the phone :p It was like she was walking right next to me :) Last week DD made me buy headphones for my iPhone, so we could take walks together. LOL! I also did CLX Ab Burner = 10 min.

Maybe I will do PiYo later this afternoon?

Debbie - I wished I had her phone number? That isn't like her? I hope all is well and she checks in soon. You are doing PiYo too :)

Kelly - thanks about my appointment. It went well. I was tired yesterday too. I second what Debbie said. LM Combat is so much fun :)

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi guys. I just finished High Step Challenge. It has been ages since I have done this workout. It was a good, long sweat.

I am so excited because tomorrow I am taking the day off to chaperone my son's 5th grade field trip to see The Lion King on Broadway. I cannot wait!

Kelly- Welcome to the group! ME is Muscle Endurance and RK is Rockout Knockout. CF is Crossfire. I had no clue what all the abbreviations were when I first started posting on this forum. The more videos you get, the easier the abbreviations become, lol. I just finished Hammer and Chisel from Beach Body. I am not a huge BB fan, but I really loved Hammer and Chisel. I especially loved Sagi. I am thinking about getting Body Beast this summer.

Deb- I really am wishing the next two weeks will fly by, lol.

Belinda- I haven't heard anything about Cookie either.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did Turbo Jam Live Booty & Abs. The Turbo Jam's are so much fun! DH is sick, we are rarely sick this time of year but this year both of us were:confused:

Belinda - That is a really cool idea, using the headphones is great too! I bet your workout was over in a blink;) The phone number I have for Cookie has changed but I'm off tomorrow so will look to see if I have her address.

Kristin - Wow, Lion King on Broadway wish I could come LOL Have fun sounds like a great trip:)

Kelly - Did your dvds arrive yet?

Hi girls,

Today I did LS Miracle Miles - 3 miles = 47 min + Chalean Extreme: : Phase 2 Push Circuit #2 and PiYo Buns. I am done for today.

Debbie - isn't it :) It was Alesia idea, using the headphones:D We talked and walked the entire time. Please, see if you have Cookie's address. I am so worried about her :( BTW, I love Turbo Jam too.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the abbreviations - I'm sure I'll learn them all eventually - is there a master list or something somewhere on the forums? I was thinking there used to be a long time ago.

My BB DVDs are scheduled to come tomorrow, and I keep checking the tracking to see if they're ahead of schedule or not, haha.

I won a brand new Low Max DVD on ebay for $0.49 plus shipping - was excited about that; and then also when I was going through some stuff that I had on a pile to sell/get rid of, I saw I had two other Cathe DVDs that I had somehow got, so I'll be trying them and adding them to my collection - Great Glutes and Party Rockin' Step #2. I also got the Timesaver DVD off of ebay a few days ago... I hope I'm not getting way too much ahead of myself before I know if I can truly handle these more advanced programs, but I figure even if I have to modify everything a whole bunch, they will still be fun and a good challenge.

Did Oxycise yesterday and some walking. Today will do the Cellerciser or Bellicon and Oxycise.

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Good morning,

Powerstrike Vol.6 w/Ilaria Montagnana and LS Miracle Miles - 2 Miles is done. Maybe I add on PiYo later today?

Kelly - that's a good price for Low Max (LM). I just don't trust eBay. Lot's of fake dvd's on there:cool:

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Powerstrike Vol.6 w/Ilaria Montagnana and LS Miracle Miles - 2 Miles is done. Maybe I add on PiYo later today?

Kelly - that's a good price for Low Max (LM). I just don't trust eBay. Lot's of fake dvd's on there:cool:

I will be back later.

Oh, didn't even think about that!
Hey girls,

I also did PiYo: ACCELERATED WORKOUTS: 1. Full Body Blast = 30 min. That one was fun and tough at the same time.

Kelly - some prices are too good to be true. Not saying all of the dvd's are fake. eBay been known for counterfeit dvd's.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys! Not sure if I told you this earlier, but I finally ordered the ICE series and it arrived today. . . on my birthday! I had to do a short workout and wasn't sure what to do. . . well, I did Low Impact Sweat Cardio one plus icy core #2. It was a good workout! Yesterday I took DS to his field trip to see The Lion King. He absolutely loved it.

Belinda- thank you! How do you like PIYO? I was always interested in trying it but never did.

Deb- he loved the show and I did as well. It was a fun day.

Kelly- Low Max is a goodie. I love, love, love Party Rockin' Step #2. It has great soundalike songs and good combos.

We are going to the movies for my birthday. My dinner will be a large popcorn :cool:.

BB tomorrow.

Have a great birthday evening, Kristin! Thanks for the feedback on LM and PRS#2. :)

My Beachbody programs came today (Les Mills Combat and P90). Now my problem is I can't decide which program to do first, lol. LMC is 60 days and P90 is 90 days; it seems LMC has a little bit more variety, but it also seems like it might be higher impact and maybe I should work myself up since I'm really unfit right now. Decisions, decisions,...

For today, I am doing my Bellicon/Cellercise while listening to jukebox songs (if you google jukebox mustang, you'll see it - I'm a bit of an old soul and like music like that and it makes jumping a lot more fun) ; I might also do PM Callanetics (so cheesy 80's, but oh well).

Goodnight everyone.


I didn't realize but I missed a day, yesterday was 20 min. run/walk & Gym Style shoulder. Today was yoga class & Gym Style bi's. I like the Gym Styles because they are divided by chapters.

Belinda - Believe it or not my address book isn't where I usually keep it but will keep looking:oops: Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - I hope you had a great day:)

Kelly - It's funny I almost did Super Callanetics the other day. It sounds like you are starting to get a nice collection of dvds.

I woke up this morning and first thing did Oxycise Level 2 and A.M. Callanetics. I decided I will wait to start the BB program ( I think I'll do P90 first, but I'm still not certain) until Monday, so that the rest day lines up on Sundays. I think I will do a few Cathe DVDs in the meantime and see how my back handles those.

I did dreaded photos... so embarrassing, but I do think pictures show progress better than the scale. I have in my mind what I'd like to be scale wise (I'm 5"3', so maybe ideally somewhere in the 125-140 range? I'm currently 170), but honestly, I'm much more concerned and focused on feeling good/looking better - people don't see your actual weight, they see how you fit in your clothes. I currently wear a size 10/12 or L pant and generally a S or M top. I think my ideal would be to fit a size 4-6-8 pants and S top (or M, I don't really care). So I'm going to post them here for accountability. I have a pear-shaped body, so leggings are not something I wear, lol, but I wanted to wear the most tight-fitting clothing I could find for the before photos, so I found a pair of leggings and a suck-to-my-skin workout top. It can only get better from here, haha.
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Hey girls,

Just got my workout done :) I did LS Miracle 1 Mile walk (I also her mini LB/FB and LB workouts with the bands) + LS Leslie Sansone 5 BOOSTED MILES and Charlene Extreme Push Circuit #3.

Debbie - that sounds like me :) I hope you find it this weekend. Love the GS's. Need to pull them out soon.

Kelly - you look amazing, girl :) I agree about the # on the scale :) It's just a #:p

I am done for today. Good night,
I decided to try Party Rockin Step #2 - did the first premix (I think it was called Timesaver 1). I did the Combo 1, 4, 5, and then when they got to the hops on the step with the burpees, I was like "um, no" lol, so that's where I called it a day, but I actually made it longer than I thought for it being the first time in years to do one of her workouts - Love her cueing, makes it so much more fun! (I still have to figure out some of the steps - I always get confused when they go around the step, that's where I seem to get lost, haha, but otherwise I kept up).

Hope you all have a great weekend, stay cool, and have fun! :)
Hi girls,

I did Cathe's ICE Rock'n & Sock'n Kickboxing Basic Premix: #6 Warm Up + Main Routine + Blizzard Blast + Muscle Meltdown - Triceps + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 86:54 + LS A Closer 2 mile walk.

Have a great Saturday and weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished ICE Bootcamp and MM Biceps. What a fantastic workout! I loved it. I have been wanting a workout like this for when I want to do a bootcamp but don't want to die. It was challenging, but I can see I would not have a dread factor doing it. I really liked how Cathe went back to one minute intervals in rounds of cardio, lower, upper and abs. I loved the abs moves too. The MM biceps was the first MM I have done. I thought the weights would not be challenging enough. Boy, was I wrong. Those giant sets kill you and pump you up :).

I had my union movie night last night. It was pretty successful. We did an outdoors movie for the community and then charged a five dollars a family. All the money will go to the district's food pantry. I didn't get home until after 11 though. Then I had to wake up early to take DS to swim and then go to my mom's to stay with her while my dad went to Conn for his boat. I took my mom dress shopping with me and bought a fabulous dress for my cousin's wedding next month. I am really excited for that trip.

Anyway. . .

Belinda- That is the workout I am going to do tomorrow. Rock em Sock em, plus the MM. Maybe I will add the blizzard blast if I have time, lol.

Kelly, Party Rockin Step 2 is a great workout. That last one with the burpees is tough, but it is a quick one and I always feel good and relieved when I am passed it, lol.

Deb- thanks for the birthday wishes. How is work these days?

Okay, I am off to watch a movie and relax.


Yesterday I took a hot yoga class & did Gym Styles tri's. Today I did Amy Bento kettelbell workout. We started watching "The Judge" will finish tomorrow seems like a good movie.

Belinda - Any plans for Father's Day?

Kristin - Is your Mom & Dad going to the wedding too? So ICE Bootcamp is the one workout I haven't done yet. I love the MM's! Work will be pretty slow the next couple of months but happy about that.

Kelly - You look great & taking the pictures is a good idea because we tend to forget.

Happy Father's Day, ladies. I just finished Rock 'm Sock 'm, plus Muscle Meltdown triceps. I loved this workout too. I am so mad at myself for not getting this series earlier, like preordered it. I am really liking doing the workout and then focusing on one muscle and really killing it with giant sets. I feel I am really working my core too, even when I don't do the bonus ab work.

We are getting ready now to go to my father's house for a BBQ. Even though I am going to go in the pool, I am going to take a quick shower because I am a sweaty mess, lol.

Deb- My parents are not going to the wedding. TBH my mom has gotten a lot worse. My dad does not want to take her on a plane. He doesn't think he could handle it. I know he wants to go to Disney with us, but it would be too hard with my mom. You have to do the Bootcamp. It was so much fun. BTW, I love The Judge. I've seen it a dozen times now. It is such a great movie about our relationships with parents. I love Robert Downey Jr. and the way he is in this movie. I am so happy he came back from his drug addiction. Who would have thought he would become Iron Man after hitting rock bottom! I often have felt the way Downey's character did about his dad and wanting my dad's approval and for my dad to tell me he is proud of me. I finally got it this year.

Waving hello to Belinda and Kelly!


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