Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Plyo Hiit 2 plus bonus abs 2 done. I was dripping with sweat. We still have not put in the air conditioners, so it was very humid as I worked out, lol. I needed to sweat though. Four more days of classes!

Belinda- I will give her some real competition next week, lol. Sorry to hear about DD. I agree with Deb, she is a sweet girl inside and out. Break ups are awful, but they are often for the best.

Waving hello to Deb!


Today I took a yoga class. My legs started cramping up during class & just did again the last time that happened was in the middle of the night (jumping out of bed) when pregnant with the boys:eek: I'm guessing I need potassium so a banana tomorrow LOL!

Belinda - I can't imagine anyone being more competitive than you;) I found when I did yoga and used my fitbit it really didn't count all the steps.

Kristin - It must be tough working out without the a/c but it is supposed to get cooler on Wednesday. The good thing is between school & home you are detoxing:)

Hey Guys.

Just finished PRS #1. I felt like doing a fun step workout and this one is my favorite one these days. Love the music and the choreography. It was another hot and humid day in my classroom. I cannot believe it is only Tuesday. Friday cannot get here soon enough. Tomorrow I have a lot of running around to do. I have to get home to drop off one DS to baseball and the other to swim. Then I'm taking my mom with me to get DS a birthday present. Then I have to bake cupcakes for DS's class and I have to prepare for my artifacts meeting (end-of-year-here's-my-proof-I-am-a-good-teacher-meeting). I don't know if I will get a workout in, but we shall see.

Belinda- Hope you are having fun with DD.

Deb- definitely detoxing. I am craving salt, lol.


Good evening,

I am in DC with DD :( We took another long walk this morning. I will try to get a workout in tomorrow.

Debbie = lol, that's funny :) You really not getting a lot of steps doing yoga or barre :(

Kirstin - happy birthday to your DS :) you have a lot on your plate.

Good night, girls. BB tomorrow.

Today I did ICE shoulder meltdown. The dvd wasn't working very good just hope it needs to be cleaned. I have a really short day tomorrow and plan to get some flowers to plant. It is supposed to be cooler so hopefully can get it all done.

Belinda - Enjoy your time with your daughter & long walks give you lots of steps:)

Kristin - You have a lot going on but your almost at the finish line. Happy birthday to your DS. I was wondering if they still allow cupcakes in schools with all the allergies but happy they do!

Hey girls,

CLX Burn Circuit 2 is done. I really like CLX. Once I am done with the 200 dvd's done, I will do a full rotation with CLX.

Debbie - we sure do get in a lot of steps :) Good job on ICE shoulder meltdown.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body workout. I ended up working since it was raining & we went to go visit my Mom. I also changed to our lighter bedding today but since it is cool tonight wish I had my warmer bedding;)

Belinda - I have CLX but haven't done that series in ages. I do remember liking it. I also have PiYo and haven't done those in awhile, I saw your posted times (thanks) I should do them as add-ons.

Kristin - I hope your day went smoothly.

Good morning,

Ilaria Powerstrike Volume 5 DVD - Ilaria Montagnani is and PiYo Upper Body is done.

I will be back and catch up on personals.

Today I took a yoga class & did PiYo Buns. I'm off tomorrow but have lots of errands to run.

Belinda - How much longer are you in DC?

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good evening,

I did Chalean Extreme- Burn Circuit #3 = 32 Min this morning, just getting around to post.

Debbie - I am going home tomorrow. Good job on your workouts.

Have a great evening.
Hi :) I wasn't sure which thread to join, as there are lots that sound like they'd be great accountability threads. I am not a newbie, but in many ways I am. I did Cathe workouts back in like 2005-2006 timeframe.... But, you know how they say, life gets in the way. In my case, it was my back - I had always had issues with it since I was little, but it got super bad around 2007 and I have only been able to do the occasional advanced kind of workout. Finally found out it is degenerative disc disease (I'm in my early 30s, but back problems run in my family so maybe that had something to do with it). Anyways, due to some amazing products I am taking, I am now nearly in zero pain on a day-to-day basis (I had been living in chronic pain - probably a 7/10 was just my norm, and then when it would flare to 10/10 I would go to the chiro, which could take 1-4 or more appointments until I was back to that 7/10 level that I had just gotten used to as my life. I just celebrated 1 whole year of not needing to go to the chiro (I have appointments set up now every 6-8 weeks just as maintenance because it's good to do so). So I sold all my Cathe DVDs because I honestly had no hope that I would ever be able to exercise like that again. But now that I'm feeling better, I am more optimistic about my fitness future.

I'm going into this quite cautiously (I'm actually quite scared to be honest - even though I'm feeling good, it's still terrifying to do something that you know would have crippled you/sent you to bed and taken many weeks to get some sort of normalcy back). But I'm also excited. I'm sure I'll have to modify a ton of things in workouts (like abs - I pretty much don't have them, haha, which I know if my abs are strong that will just be bonus for my back, but I also need to be careful with ab work on the floor).

So I don't have a ton of things (compared to all of you) to work with, but I like what I have and like the variety.

Programs I have now and have been using (to varying degrees):
Oxycise (most that they've made)
T-Tapp (most that they've made)
Callanetics (AM/PM, and the original one just called Callanetics)
Bar Method (beginner, sculpting II, advanced dancer)
NYC Ballet Workout II
Ballet Beautiful (cardio fat burn; sculpt and burn cardio blast)
PowerFit 10 (not sure if I love this one, but it's an option I have, and they're only 20 minutes)
Ballet Conditioning (do you sense a theme here, haha)
Mash up Conditioning Tempo (don't love this one so I'll probably try to sell it)
an old VHS of Kick, Punch, Crunch (but haven't done it since 2005)

I also love my Bellicon and Cellerciser.

What I just bought, but haven't used yet:
Beachbody's P90 (sooomeday, I'd like to maybe try to do P90X3, but I can't even imagine that right now at all) (got on their sale so it didn't ship yet)
Beachbody's Les Mills Combat Ultimate Warrior (also got on the sale)
Cathe Hiit DVD

So it's nice to be here and you all inspire me as I begin to get started again on my fitness goals and make the rest of 2016 awesome! :)

I did Afterburn 1/2 on Friday & 1/2 on Saturday. I've been trying to catch up around the house but next week want to make eating & exercising a priority.

Belinda - Enjoy the rest of the time with your dd.

Kristin - How is your weekend?

CreatedbyGod - Welcome to our group, it sounds like you have had a rough time but happy to hear you are feeling so much better. Just go slowly and feel free the check-in. We motivate, vent & share here and it works:)

Good evening,

Today I did LS 5 mile walk.

Debbie - I am home since yesterday. It was a rough 2 weeks :) Yesterday I was beat for some reason.

CreatedbyGod - Hi and welcome :) You went through a lot. Glad you doing much better. This is a small group, love it here :)

Kirstin - you are off next week, right?

I have a doc appointment on Monday morning. I will not check in until late afternoon/evening.

Good night, ladies.
Belinda and Debbie - thanks so much for the welcome :) I'm grateful to have the accountability and encouragement. I did about 15 minutes on my Cellerciser this evening (Sundays are usually my day off, and I know that little time doesn't sound like much, but I was doing a lot of those football drill fast moves (ha, I forget what Cellerciser/David Hall calls them, but they are killer, in a I hate them but I know they work kind of way), so I know even with just that short period of time, I'll feel it tomorrow (in a good way hopefully). :)

Oh, yesterday I went to a yardsale and found a step - I'm sure it's from like the 90s - it's got 3 levels - a black level, a teal level, and a pink level, lol - but it was only $1.50 :D


Today I did Burn at the Barre. I also spent the day cooking my monthly sauce, happy to be done wish I had enough for the whole summer:)

Belinda - I'm sure the week was tough for you, but kudos on getting your workouts in!!

Kristin - Is the wedding coming up soon?

Kelly - That was some deal for the step, I have one from the 90's and it is still in good condition! Even short workouts count:)

Hey guys! I posted this from my phone last night, but it didn't go through, I see. Here it is:

I am sorry I've been so inconsistent on here. It's been so hectic. Two more weeks and I will be off and I can be on here every day like I used to be. DS's birthday was good. He was very happy. This whole weekend we were at my other DS's baseball tournament. They didn't do so well. I have kept up with my workouts somewhat. Yesterday was ME and today I did a premix of RK and CF bonus abs.

I will be back tomorrow for personals.

Good evening,

Today I did LS Miracle 5 Mile walk, CXT D2: Phase 2 Push Circuit plus PiYo Sweat. I am done for today.I had a Dermatology appointment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda today. I have to go back next Wednesday.

Debbie - thank you :) I feel better when I workout. How did you like Burn at the Barre? I have that one, never done it :(

Kirstin - sounds like you have a lot going on. Glad your son had an awesome birthday. Good job, keeping up with your workouts.

Did anyone hear anything about Cookie? I am so worried about her :(

I will be back tomorrow.
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bayerngirl - wow, that's a lot of exercise..makes me tired just reading it ;) Good job! Hope you appointment next week goes well.

Debbie - is that a tomato sauce you make? yum!

Kristin - I don't know what those abbreviations are, but sounds like you got a lot of great workouts in! :)

Hopefully, I can get everyone's names with their screen names figured out before too long.

For anyone who has done both of these programs, - which would you recommend doing first - P90 or Les Mills Combat? They are supposed to arrive on Thursday, and I am excited!


Today I took a yoga class & did Piyo define lower body. The weather was beautiful and happy I didn't have to work. I spent the day running errands, paying bills & researching hotels for the wedding next week in North Carolina.

Belinda - Wow, you did a lot of workouts today! I'm really worried about Cookie too:(

Kristin - I'm sure you want the next 2 weeks to fly by:)

Kelly - It was tomato sauce & my house still smells of garlic:) I haven't done P90 in a long time but have recently done Les Mills Combat and really like that one. They have a modifier in Les Mills Combat so that is nice too.


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