Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey girls,

Rest day for me today too :)

Kirstin - glad you like Rock'n & Sock'n. Hope you had a fun and relaxing day with your family.

Debbie - my kids came for Father's Day :) We had a lot of fun. BTW, that is a cool picture you posted on FB :) Is that your husband in the picture?

Time to relax!

Today I did Floorwork only from Gym Styles & Butts & Guts. It was a nice combo. We went to my in-laws and had a nice time. My in-laws are aging so quickly it's scary & sad. Even my son mentioned it to me.

Belinda - It is my DH. I'm trying to organize my pictures (photo cards) it's a big project so will throw some of my favorites on FB. One of my photo cards was damaged so it is forcing me to put my photos in a more secure place & organize. Happy you had fun with your family!

Kristin - We are loving the movie will have it finished tomorrow night. I can see how it would have you look at relationships with our parents. I think Robert Downey Jr.. is great in the movie & the Dad too.

Kelly - How was your weekend?

Good afternoon,

I walked 10 miles today and did PiYo: ACCELERATED WORKOUTS: Strong Legs. The Strong Legs was under 26 min and used discs.

Debbie - do you workout with your husband? He looks like he is a bodybuilder, lol :) You guys are a cute couple. It's sad how we all age :( I'll bet my kids think the same about us, lol. Glad you had fun yesterday.

Good job, girls. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout for today. I did ICE Low Impact Sweat (premix with cardio 2, muscle meltdown and icy core abs 2). That was a great workout. I really love doing one body part a day after the sweaty cardio routine.

Tomorrow I am chaperoning the 8th grade Great Adventure trip. I doubt I will get a workout in besides walking around all day. Every year I say I will never do this trip again. . . and then the 8th grade teacher advisors beg me, and I do it. It is such a long, hot day, lol. I plan on drinking lots of water, ;).

Belinda- you are killing your workouts lately. Walking 10 miles. . . wow!

Deb- What did you think of the ending?

Waving hello to Cookie and Kelly.


Today I took a yoga class. I'm finishing up work tomorrow so I can have off on Wednesday & we leave for North Carolina for my 2nd cousin's wedding.

Belinda - Wow, 10 miles is great!! We don't workout together (only on vacation), he works out to relieve stress so I don't think me being there would work:eek: LOL

Kristin - I loved the movie:) I liked the ending but hope he moved back to his hometown & became a judge. Did you hear the NJ housewives starts in July? Have fun at Great Adventure, I think;)

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

ood afternoon,

Today I did CharLean Extreme Fat Burn Challenge ( Upgrade dvd's) + CharLean Extreme Phase 3 Lean Circuit#1 and CXT Extreme Abs= 17 min.

Last week was my best week with dvd's DONE :D I did a total of 10 dvd's, not bad for a week.

Debbie - how did you met Hogan? Does he go to the same gym as you and your DH goes? That pic is so cool :) You should workout with your husband. Mine always wants to workout with me, LOL. I am like leave me alone:p I need my space, lol! Have fun at the wedding.

Kirstin - I am sure you get lots of steps in today :) Glad you are liking ICE workouts. I am getting a little tired of them. All those premixes, lol. I have to mix it up with other workouts.

I am done for today. Tomorrow morning I have a doc appointment. I will not check in until late afternoon. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
I had a nice weekend, thanks :) I forget exactly what I did, but I've done the Rockin' Step #2 I think 3 times now (the Timesaver #1 combo); I did a lot of time on my Cellerciser on Sunday night watching American Ninja Warrior. Then yesterday I did a little of the Rockin' Step and pulled out the Beachbody P90 program and did the day1 - Sweat A and Ab Ripper A. To be honest, I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it (since they have the nice return policy). It's not that I think it's too difficult or too boring... it just seems ho-hum compared to Cathe... like the fun factor isn't there, and for me to exercise, I need to enjoy myself. But thankfully, Tony's personality didn't bother me too much. Anyways, I'll still think on that, and also want to take a day or two and the Les Mills Combat and see how I like that.

I have a big family reunion on Saturday so I'm not going to try the LMC until after Saturday just because I don't want to do anything super different and risk my back bothering me since I really want to go.

Today I did a few minutes (about 1500 steps on my pedometer) on the Cellerciser, and then this evening, I did the Timesaver #1 from the Timesaver DVD from Body Blasts. It was great - felt challanged and it was good, but not to the point of feeling exhausted. However, boy am I weak - I have 3lb and 5 lb dumbells and I used the 5 lbs for the chest and tri work and felt it, couldn't have done 10 lb with good form. And I am super not good at push ups, haha, I'm really really bad at them. I'm pretty sure I'm claiming pushups as my most dreaded exercise right now. But who knows, maybe I'll eventually love them.... uh, maybe, lol.

Kristin, Hope you had a nice trip with the 8th graders...bless your heart, haha.

Hope you have a nice time at the wedding, Debbie.

Belinda- wow 10 DVDs in one week, that's killer!! WTG! :)


Today I did Gym Style back, shoulders & bi's. There was a really bad accident right near our house the mini-van was burned completely with wires down everywhere. DS heard it and thought it was an earthquake, the road was closed but they let people that live in the area go through. I hope to find out the detail in the newspaper tomorrow.

Belinda - That is awesome you did 10 dvds in a week!! You may reach your goal sooner than the end of the year. At the gym we workout in Florida we have seen Hulk Hogan a couple of times. He is a nice man but you can see how the wrestling took it's toll on his body.

Kristin - Too bad you don't get an extra day off for taking the 8th graders on the trip;)

Kelly - Since they have such a good return policy, I would take advantage of it if you don't feel they will be right for you. Great job with your workouts:)

Good afternoon,

This morning I did LS Walk your Belly Fat 3 miles = 53 min and after my doc appointment I did Bodystrikes V1 w/ Ilaria Montanan = 44 min.

My husband surprised me this morning, he wants to go to NY for a few day's :D We are leaving tomorrow, we will be back Monday. Not sure, how many workouts I will get in? I will bring a few shorter dvd's.

Kelly - I would give those workouts a week try before returning them :) They usually start out easy and progress? Tony H. is usually pretty tough. I think you have 30 day's to return them, right? I wouldn't just throw the towel at the first workout, JMO :) Sometimes change is good. I can't just stick to one instructor. I get bored easily :p I love 21 Day Fix or Extreme. Maybe you want to give those a try?

Debbie - that is so cool Hogan workouts in the same gym as you guys :) I hope I reach 200 dvd's done before Dec :)

Kirstin - must be busy?

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did Gym Style tri's. I spent most of today catching up on laundry, packing & cleaning. Now I'm ready for bed:) We leave tomorrow for the wedding in North Carolina. We decided to fly instead of drive but we still have 2 hour drive from the airport.

Belinda - NYC how much fun!!! I want to go see the play "Hamilton" but it is almost impossible:( Enjoy your time, can't wait to hear about it.

Waves hi to Kristin & Kelly

Good morning,

CharLean Extreme Phase 3 Lean Circuit #2 is done :)

Thanks girls! Not sure, if we are going today? We having lots of thunderstorms/lightning since yesterday. DD can't come until late tonight, she is in class all day. I can't leave my dog Brawler alone :( Last time we left him and it was thunderstorm....he tore up my carpets. He gets so scared, he goes crazy :p We shall see.

Debbie - I am not sure if we see a play in NY? The plan is to walk and eat :p We did most of the sightseeing last time.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout.
Good morning,

I forgot to post last night. I did another workout yesterday. Ilaria Abs & Pushups DVD - Ilaria Montagnani. That one was intense.

I will be back, not sure when? Have a great day and workout.
Yesterday I did Low Max premix 1 (Warmup, Combo/blasts 1-4, Stretch), and it really pushed me - -- I was sweating like crazy! I need to figure out how to get my Polar heart rate monitor fixed to see what my heart rate/calorie burns are - I bet I burned a lot, though (the more unfit you are, the more you burn generally, right? If so, i burned a lot, haha). Today I am not feeling 100%, and I have a family reunion tomorrow, so I'm going to just do gentle things when I have time today - Bellicon or Cellercise and Oxycise most likely. I love watching gymnastics, and that's going to be on tv tonight, so I'll make sure to exercise during commercials. (Anyone else excited for the Olympics?)

Have a great weekend everyone! :D
Hey guys. I am still here. I needed two days to recover from the GA trip. I was soooo exhausted. I had a great group to chaperone, it was just really hot and really tiring. Thursday was the last day of school, but I did so much running around between my school, my boys' school and then DS's baseball. Yesterday I did ICE Lower Body Blast with MM Shoulders and abs 2. Today I did ICE Metabolic Training with MM Chest. I really love the MM in this series.

Anyway, lots going on between trying to clean the house, relax and enjoy some pool time and taking the boys to graduation parties and birthday parties this weekend. I will be back tomorrow with personals!

Good morning,

Just stopping by and saying Hallo from NYC :) Having lots of fun.

DH and I are getting lots of steps in just walking. We are average between 25K to over 30 K each day :) I ended up buying 2 pairs of comfy shoes since I am here :) I wore sandals the first day, got blisters from hell on my feet :( Walked into the first sports store I saw and bought a pair of running shoes. And yes, I packed running shoes...but DH and I were like 5 hours away from the hotel. Not sure, what are we doing today? I know, I am getting lots of steps in.

Kelly - what is Olympics? Is it Cathe's new ones? If so, I am not buying it :)

Kirstin - I am finally beating your friend on Fitbit :p Good job on your workouts.

Debbie - have fun.

Off to get some breakfast and enjoy the day in NYC! BBL!
Hey guys. Just finished ICE Low Impact Sweat. I did the long premix of cardio 1 and 2 plus blizzard blast and icy core 2. That was some workout. Today we are having my parents over for a BBQ. We are making steaks, yum! I still have some cleaning to do downstairs before they get here. Tomorrow I will get all the laundry done. This is my goal, lol.

Belinda- I hope you are enjoying NYC. There is so much to do there, no wonder you are getting in record breaking step counts, lol. Have you gone anywhere special that stood out to you? I love taking my boys to the Central Park Zoo and the museums.

Deb- I am dying to see Hamilton myself. Too bad I don't have thousands of dollars just lying around in the bank to buy tickets, hahaha. How was the wedding? What is the going gift rate per person? In NY it is about $100 per person. I am going to my cousin's wedding in Florida and he invited my boys, which would mean $400. I am hoping it is a little less than that. What do you think?

Kelly- I am excited about the Olympics. When exactly do they start?


Hey guys. Just finished my workout. I did the firewalker tabata premix from Crossfire. I then did Chiseled Upper Body from ICE. It was a good workout. I really liked the new moves in the upper body workout. I thought the weights would be too light, but they were just right for the amount of reps and lifting pace.

Yesterday we had my parents over with my neighbors for a BBQ dinner. My mom hardly spoke at all. She seemed to drift off and seemed uncomfortable around my neighbors, probably because she didn't remember them. My dad enjoyed socializing with them though.

I am going to be doing a lot of laundry today and playing with Baxter. Later on I have to take the boys to the dentist.

BB tomorrow,


Last night I did Zuzka zcut beginning kettlebells & today was yoga and another Zuzka kettlebell workout (they are only 20 min. each).

We are back from the wedding, it was for my 2nd cousin, it took her awhile for her to get serious with someone as soon as she was met someone she thought she could get serious with an older boyfriend from years back looked her up. They started talking and they ended up getting married. They were so in love & it was a really nice love story.

My Mom is still there and she had to get out of the water because they saw a shark:eek:

Belinda - It sounds like you are having lots of fun!! I would have bought new sneakers in a heart beat too. Did you have pizza? Little Italy is a fun place to eat and visit.

Kristin - When I was married we paid 1/2 for the children at the wedding since they don't drink so I wouldn't give the full price. I also feel weddings in the South aren't as expensive. I gave alittle extra because we were invited to the rehearsal dinner (hosted by the groom's side) so I tried to cover that. It looks like your loving ICE, I really like the weight workout in this series as well.

Kelly - I haven't had the chance to watch the Olympics yet but will watch them here and there. I didn't know they started already. My DH said some teams are pulling out because of Zika:confused:

Hey everyone. Today's workout was Xtrain Legs. I am definitely going to have DOMs with that one tomorrow. Because it is a rainy day here, I finally took the boys to see Finding Dory. The best news is the total cost for me was $15. I ordered the tickets online with the rewards card and paid for it using my paypal account, which has money from what I make on I use this money for dvds and online purchases. Then I got two free popcorns from my rewards card. When I went to the concession stand, I got my boys the free popcorns and then ordered a popcorn, soda and two candies for the boys. With the rewards discounts they give on Tuesdays, I only paid $15. Not bad, huh?

Deb- Thanks for the advice. I am thinking we will give more around $300, that should cover us and plus we are traveling all the way from NY to be there. I am sure they will be happy with that. I am loving the ICE series. I am adding he Blizzard Blasts this week. My goal is not to take a rest day until we leave for Disney. Wonder if I can go for it. We leave on the 13th.

Waving hello to Belinda (hope you are still enjoying NYC), Kelly and Cookie!


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