Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good afternoon,

Glad to hear you all had a fun weekend. We had lots and lots of rain, lol. Got a lot done around the house.

I did 10 Minutes Solution HiiT 101 = 10 min (not sure, if I keep that dvd? it's very high impact. Defiantly not for me anymore) + BB Build: Legs = 39 min + CharLean Extreme Dynamic Flow Yoga = 38 min. For some reason, my BB Build Legs dvd gave me trouble? it would play? I cleaned the disc like 3 times before it started playing, weird? So far, I really like BB :) CharLean Extrem Dynamic yoga was very good, IMO! I like the Deluxe dvd's a lot, glad I got them in my collection.

Debbie - I am not sure, if we need that much rain :D I am trying to stay low impact with all the problems (foot/back) I had in the past.
Glad you were able to use the pool yesterday.

Kelly - today is another day. Eat healthy the rest of the week.

Kirstin - believe it or get lots of steps in with LS workouts :) They are really not that bad. I am only doing them to get all my steps in. I noticed with Cathe's workouts (all that high impact doesn't count a lot of steps Fitbit?) Plus, I am done with high impact. My body can't take it anymore. I need to be gentle with my old body, lol. HS is a tough workout. Good job!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Hi there! Sorry for being MIA for so long.
Thanks, Belinda, for messaging.
Just read back a couple of pages, and my oh my, you have all been busy! Glad to hear it, and that you've been consistent with exercising.
I can't say the same. I've started back walking and usually get about 12K+ steps. My lupus flare affected me a lot. I'm getting energy back but it is all taking even longer than anticipated. Exciting news is that we're moving! My husband fell in love with an older house on a lake. It's a few miles from some of my siblings so that will be a huge help. We're closing next week on the purchase and the following week on the sale of our current house. It's exciting but exhausting and rather emotional. This is the house we raised the kids in and had 25 great years, and moving is physically draining.
Belinda, I used to live on West 77th Street and walked thru CP to work. I love NYC, and am glad you enjoyed the Zoo.
Kristin, I want to see Dory and the Pets movies also. My kids loved the Dahl books, but I can't help but think he must have been a strange person. How's the pool?
Deb, sorry to read your son and his gf broke up. It's hard on the rest of us when that happens. My sons always thought since it was over with them, I shouldn't like the girl any longer, but I still did. A couple of their exes still call me on Mother's Day and birthdays.
The past couple of weeks I've been trying to walk with a friend early in the morning. This morning tho I overslept. My sciatica is greatly bothering me and kept me awake for a few hours in the night, and then I overslept. I miss the camaraderie of our group, and if you don't mind, would love to come back. Is that alright, even if I'm not back to consistently exercising again, and will never be able to do high impact again?
Hey guys. Just finished up my workout. I did ICE Bootcamp (main workout plus blizzard blast) and then added on Muscle Meltdown Biceps.

Last night we had a lot of fun. The skies got cloudy, so we didn't see a lot of fireworks, but it was still a great night.

Cookie- So glad to see you on here, and of course we want to hear from you whether you are taking it easy, walking or doing a million workouts! Welcome back! Moving to a lake sounds beautiful and tranquil. I bet it must be hard to let go of your home where you raised your kids, but this is a new adventure and beginning for you. It's exciting!

Belinda- every now and then I will have a dvd that doesn't play properly and I have to take it out and put it back in, clean it, a few times. It happens. It is annoying when it does.

Deb- glad you liked bootcamp. You have to try the blizzard blast on this one next time. The last cardio is a killer, but it is quick.

Kelly- What is a cellerciser?

Be back tomorrow!

Welcome back, Cookie :) I am so sorry your lupus flare affected you like that. So happy you are back :) A new house on the lake sounds amazing. I am so excited for your guys! You will make new memories in your new house. 25 years is a long time living in a house. Since we moved so many times in the Army, I am ready to move. I am already downsizing, lol :) And no, we don't mind what workouts you do :) I missed you and was so worried. Walking is great. I also walk daily. No more high impact for me. I am getting to old for that. I keep everything low impact. I had way to many injuries! Not worst it!

Kirstin - I was so frustrated with that dvd :( It played fine afterwards. It's just frustrating if you want to get a workout in and the dvd isn't playing and I have to play with the dvd to get it to work.
Kristin - Cellerciser is a rebounder. (I also have a Bellicon rebounder) I have suffered with degenerative disc and so I've only just started adding in more exercise, but before feeling so much better (the best I've felt in probably 8 + years due to some natural stuff I've been taking), rebounding was one of a few exercises that I could do - it's very easy on the joints and low impact. I love my rebounders.

Cookie - I'm new to this, but sorry about your lupus flare :( And the sciatica (I don't know any of the pain of lupus, but I do remember how bad the sciatica could be). I am easing into some higher impact stuff with some of Cathe, but overall, I try to keep it low impact as well. Up until a little while ago, rebounding, Oxycise, T-Tapp, and some ballet/stretching exercise was pretty much all I could do (and even at times it was too painful to do those), so I'm very fond of low impact workouts. Sometimes I think there's a stigma in the exercise world that high impact = getting a good workout or being more fit or something, but low impact also = getting a good workout and being fit too.

I didn't do any exercise today except hold and run after my 1-year-old nephew I babysat for awhile (hey, it's still a bit of exercise), and now I have to go to work for the evening. But tomorrow morning, I'll get back on track.

Today I did cardio coach 4 (2 challenges & 1 steady) at the gym & ICE Shoulder meltdown. This is a light month for work so I am so happy. Unfortunately some projects right before the roadtrip.

Cookie - I was thinking about you today! You and Belinda were the originals/first to start this group:) We missed you and don't care about how often you workout but happy to hear you are feeling better & healthy. 12,000 steps is awesome by the way! How far away will you be from your old house? It must be sad to leave your house (I will feel the same way) but TG you are so organized:) We look forward to seeing you back again!!!

Belinda - I'm guessing you started our group too, it's funny I never asked? What is BB build legs?

Kristin - How does your dog handle the fireworks? Most dogs seem to be so frightened. I was thinking today I need to do a blizzard blast this week.

Kelly - Chasing after a 1 year old is a lot of work! You will sleep well tonight:)

Hey guys. Just finished my workout. I did ICE LBB, plus MM shoulders. Then, because I loved To the Mat so much, I added a timesaver premix, bands only. This premix is about 18 minutes. I skipped the warmup, so it was even less. Love the way my legs are feeling now. It is HOT and Humid out today. I have to take DS to the dentist for a filling at 4:30, which stinks because it is smack dab in the middle of the day. This time next week, I will be in Disney! cannot wait!

Deb- Baxter does not really react to fireworks. If he is outside and they go off, he might jump at the initial sound of them, but then goes about his business, thankfully. The other night, a lot of people were setting them off. He did end up jumping on the couch and snuggling extra close with me, but no barking or shaking or crying. The one blizzard blast I am afraid to try is the MTB one. I read on the forums that it is the hardest blizzard blast. Think I will save it for after vacation, lol.

Belinda- I guess eventually when we all get our workouts online directly via Internet, the dvd issues won't be a problem anymore. . . the connection will be, lol.

Kelly- that makes sense. I should have known it was a rebounder, lol. I hear they are very easy on the joints.

Waving hello to Cookie!

Good afternoon,

I walked this morning, than I did 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training Upper Body HiiT = 10 min and BB Build Back/Bis = 50 min. I do the 10 MS workouts as a warm up for BB. The warm up in BB is a little short for my likings.

Kirstin - I will not pay for streaming :) It's very costly, IMO! Plus, I don't like the monthly cost. I will use my dvd's until the no longer work. I always can walk outside, lol. That's FREE! It's hot and humid here too. I was tired after my walk this morning, I ended up taking a break.

Debbie - that was a long time ago :) Most of the old check in members are gone now and on FB :( Nice job on CCV4.

Kelly - I wished I had room for a rebounder. They sound like a lot of fun without the high impact. I agree, you get a
workout in with your little one.

Waving Hi to Cookie :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day.


Today I took a yoga class with a different instructor because my fav was on vacation. It was different & she didn't have a yoga look but it was hard. I did a Zuzka kettlebell workout but only did 10 min. didn't like this one. There are 12 kb workouts on 4 discs so far I like most of them.

Belinda - I didn't realize you were doing Body Beast, what do you think?

Kristin - It was a great idea to combine Disney with the wedding:). I couldn't believe it came out 2 alligators were involved in the tragedy with the boy:(.

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

Good morning,

Debbie - I really like Body Beast :) Once I am done with all my dvd's I will do a full rotation . I have Zuzka workouts, did a few workouts. They are to high impact. Maybe I will give them a try soon. Good job!

I will be back to report my workouts.
Good morning,

Went for a 4 mile walk with DD (we talked on the phone). It was so hot and humid outside :) Trying to get my walk in earlier. I also did 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training :3 - Hit Explosion = 10 min. I am so happy when I am done with that dvd :( All that high impact isn't for me. She does show modification, still not for me. I also did Body Beast Build: Shoulders = 39 min. Really liking BB :)

I have a close friend she lives in DC, she was my next door neighbor in Germany (we were stationed in Bamberg). She had knee surgery done a few month ago, can't workout besides walking. Jessica Smith just had her newest dvd's released last week, I wanted to buy the set for my friend but missed the sale. The last day of the sale was July 4 :) I am reading great reviews on VF on the 4 dvd's. Jessica deal was buy 3 of her newest dvd's and get the yoga dvd for FREE :) I thought it was a great deal for $44. Each dvd came out to $11, not bad:) Well, like I said I missed out on the deal for my friend. She done so much for my DD and us. I wanted to give her something nice. Today a friend put up her new set for sale :) So, I bought the set for $35. Came out cheaper than Jessica's deal a few day's ago. I hope my friend likes Jessica as much as I do :) Eventually I will buy the set for myself :) I do have to go through my dvd's first :)

Off to shower and clean house. I will be back later.
Hey guys. Workout done for the day: ICE MTB, plus Muscle Meltdown chest and icy core 1. I also cleaned the entire first floor of the house, if that counts for anything.

We are getting excited for Disney over here. Less than a week to go. Last night I went to Old Navy to get my boys some cheap shirts and shorts and ended up buying myself a bunch of tank tops and another pair of shorts as well. Now all I have to do is pack :).

Belinda- I agree the streaming is expensive. I haven't caved in. . . yet. I have almost all of Cathe's dvds, so I don't need it for her workouts. Beach body is a different story, but they are very expensive, more than Cathe. Anyway. . . one day it may be the only option, who knows. That's a great deal on the dvds. I hope your friend likes them.

Deb- I heard about the alligators. It was also on the news last night that some pervert was in the wave pool at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water park and was pinching teenage girls on the butt or grabbing their boobs and acting as if it were an accident. :eek::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: He's lucky I wasn't there to witness it because I would have laid him out with a jab cross jab, lol.

Waving hello to Cookie and Kelly.

Hi girls! I got my Cathe Low Impact DVDs (all but the Cycle one), so I'm excited to try them - - - which is everyone's favorite?

It's icky and humid out here today too - I'm staying indoors with the air on, but still can tell. I had chicken potpie for dinner today (I eat dinner early), and it's a rare treat that I make that (it's the kind with the bow tie noodles, not the pie crust kind). I also made fudge brownies out of coconut and peanut flour, but then dropped the pan, hahah. Oh well, most were able to be saved. :) Of course, now the house is even hotter with all that cooking (what was I thinking?)

That is so sad about the 2 alligators. And how pathetic/disgusting of the person in the wave pool doing that to girls.... some people have no conscious or common decency I'm sure of it. I'm sure your jab cross jab could've done some damage!! :D

I've done the streaming thing for a trial on the Cathanetics Studio website - I really liked the bright cheerful and great instructors, but would have buffering issues and also not a super great location to do them, as my computer was at an awkward height to be doing floor exercises and still see the screen. But who knows how long DVDs will be around I guess.

This week has been going so fast - can't believe tomorrow is already Friday. Will update with my workout later.
Okay, wow am I beat!! Just finished Afterburn. I am proud that I actually did all of it! (I have carpeting and never used disks (don't have any), so I used 2 paper plates and did the best I could - I really had to pull on them with my feet to bring them in (maybe that's just how they work, but they make it look so effortless, haha). I did the plate jumping jacks, but I ended up jogging in place for the other on-the-floor moves that used the plates. Oh, and that move where you're in a high plank and kick out your feet on the diagonal are hard - my knees were partially bent or fully bent, definitely not as straight as them, but then again, I am nowhere near the shape that they're in, haha. I think I have a soft spot for more of the step type workouts because it feels more fun to me, but I did feel quite accomplished with this one.

Today I took a spin class, the last time I did spin was at the Cathe RT last year with Kristin. It was a nice change, it seems like this is a popular instructor/class but it conflicts with yoga, it figures. I'm trying to do some of the workouts Cathe has at the RT so I'm not lost. I wish you all were coming it feels strange to be going alone.

Belinda - The Zuzka kettlebell workouts aren't high impact. I didn't really like her yoga dvds they didn't feel safe. You did get a great deal on the dvds for your friend, luckily you waited:)

Kristin - Ugh, you wonder what people are thinking & a jab cross jab would have done the trick. The sales are good! I have to check out the bands premix you did the other day.

Cookie - Does the walking help with your energy levels? Did your DH have a tough time packing? I have a feeling I would be more like him and not want to get rid of anything;)

Kelly - I like all of the dvds from the Low Impact Series & I like the idea they are low impact but still a challenge. I think we all modify when needed, some days just don't have it in us.

Woke up to the horrific news. . . What is happening to our country? :(:(:(

There are no words.

I did my workout. . . try to keep going, right? ICE Low Impact Sweat premix (cardio 1, MM back, core 2).

Good afternoon,

Just finished my workouts. I went with DH this doc appointment this morning. I did 10 Minute Solution 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training #4 - Rock Botton HiiT = 10 min. I like this one :) + Body Beast abs = 11 min and Body Beast Build: Beast Total Body = 38min. I really like Sagi workouts. I am sore all week long. Tomorrow I is rest day from BB. Starting up on Sunday with Tempo :)

Kristin - I hear you on the news :( It's horrible. I have no words. Prayers for all the families.

Debbie - I have her workouts, but I am scared of the impact. Maybe I should give them a try one day. I will have lots of fun at the RT and meet new people. The RT is so expensive for just a weekend :( Don't give me's worth every $$ :) Just a lot of money, IMO :)

Hi Cookie and Kelly - have a great day.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Good evening,

I did Jessica Smith 5 mile walk and 10 Minute Solution High Intensity Interval Training :5 - Ab HiiT = 10 min. I am so glad am done with the 10 MS High Intensity Intervals Training :D Body Beast is a different kinda of weight training. Very different from STS. You can read up on the BB site. And yes, I will keep the set :) WTG, on your run and dog walk today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

Yesterday I did Cardio coach 6 on the track at the gym. Today I took a rest day. We went out last night & need to catch up on my sleep tonight. The last 2 days have been rainy but we needed it.

Belinda - The BB workouts sound like a good set. I'm going to read up on the weight training, wonder why they call some of the w/o's bulk?

Kristin - That is terrible news, DH told be they discussed it a lot tonight in church and asked everyone to go home and pray for peace:( We really do need peace in the US and around the world.

Waves hi to Cookie & Kelly

I can't sleep lately for more than a couple of hours at a time, so I thought I'd check in now.
Belinda, that's a great deal on the new Jessica's. I got the downloads and have no problem using the Purple platform in the past. I only have done the first workout in the rotation, and it was fun. I'm so grateful for your intro to her workouts. They have all been great. How's the dd doing?
Kristin, Disney next week?!!! So exciting. Your boys must be beyond excited. I missed there were two alligators. Had to lol at you and jab cross jab! My feelings exactly.
Kelly, I have a Bellicon also, and some other brand but I'm not sure what. I need to order different cords for the Bellicon so there's less jump. Rebounders sure are fun, and I'm able to use a lot of other dvds modified on mine. The other one I have we're going to put on the dock for jumping into the lake.
Deb, this whole house and move has been testing us. My husband wants to take everything, and I'm like no way - we're downsizing. Granted, its not much of a downsize, but honestly, we don't need to move a rototiller that hasn't worked in three years. I came across piles of papers he stashed all over the place. We are just polar opposites when it comes to keeping things. Are you liking kettle bells? I loved them for a while, but now they really aggravated my sciatica, so I've given most of them away.
No workout yesterday other than a brief walk and then lots of packing. I'm down to just bare necessities in the bathroom and kitchen. The woman who we're buying the house from hasn't gotten everything out of the house and garage yet, so she's refusing to close until she has that done. Meanwhile, our purchasers are getting mad we haven't closed on this house, because their purchasers want in. It's like a series of dominos, and we feel squished in the middle. I sure hope the lawyers can work something out soon.

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