Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Just finished 21 DFE Plyo Legs. That one is tough!!! I was dripping with sweat. I think I can almost fit into my work pants from last year. One or two more weeks should do the trick, I hope.

Cookie- I think I will do it one day. I know I looked into it before.

Belinda- What is your YT video. Can you pm me the link?

Deb- I like the counters too. It helps me to push myself during those last 15 seconds.

I am going to watch the new show, Lethal Weapon, based on the movie.

Belinda, love the wo you did today. You're right - people can get so nasty on blogs and other social media.
Kristin, you've been amazing with getting your workouts in. Do you do them in the morning now?
Deb, that's happen to us with electricians! I have to try plumbers this week, and am dreading it. We have a really good car mechanic and dread when he retires. This house doesn't have central air, and I would love to put it in, but its going to be dependent upon how much everything else needing to be done adds up to. I keep trying to convince dh of the resale value of it, but heat doesn't seem to bother him. He thinks we can make do with some air conditions in some rooms.

I did 21 DFE 30 dirty (thought it might be easier than Cardio extreme but not so sure:)). I went out of order by the weekend will have still completed all of the workouts in the rotation.

I went to the eye Dr. and it turns out I have floaters, still not sure exactly what they are but the Dr. said everyone gets them. The concern is it could be a retina tear (but as of right now it isn't) he will monitor it. I told the Dr. I checked it out on the internet and he asked me what I found I told him I discarded the information that said Angels were watching over me:D The Dr. and nurse cracked up. I did follow the advice to get it checked out to make sure it wasn't a retina tear which should be fixed right away before vision loss happens and he said I did the right thing.

Belinda - Cookie is right that is a good workout but I always forget to check out the premixes:)

Kristin - There are 3 workouts I struggle with in this series and that is one of them:) 21 DFE and upper body & lower body are growing on me.

Cookie - Since summer is over:( maybe wait till next year to see how hot the full summer is and readdress it at that point. I grew up with fans and finally had wall units which made a big difference but central air is so much easier and covers the whole house.

Good morning,

I am done with Peak Cardio Strength 2 = 58 min + Karen Voight Quick & Slim Cardio = 30 min. I have one more Peak workout to do, than I am done with all the Peak workouts. Really like the workouts. Very fun.

Cookie - does the house stay cool without AC? I couldn't live without AC anymore, especially the heat wave we getting every year. Good job getting your steps in.

Kirstin - LOL, I almost passed out the first time doing 21DF Plyo. Tough workout, had to take the intensity down :)

Debbie - you have a ton of premixes. Lots of variety, IMO! Glad you saw a doctor for your eye. I never heard of a floader before? Hope you feel better soon.

I will be back later. Need to shower.

Today I did 21 DFE Cardio Extreme and modified this is the hardest workout for me in the series.

Belinda - I have some Peak w/o's haven't opened up yet:oops: I think it's the Peak 10 set. It seems like you are finding a lot of good ones!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good evening,

This morning I did Jenny Ford Step by Step and Step Aerobics basic w/ 3 Super Combos :) Doing both workouts gave me a killer step count :) Got 12K :)

See you all tomorrow. Good night.

Today I did 21 DFE yoga extreme & yesterday I took the the tread and shed workout at the gym it was a different instructor and liked it better. They do a lot of slow walks with a very high incline it is different from what I do on the treadmill.

Today we celebrated my nephew's birthday with DH's family it was a nice day and time. One of our nephews by mistake called my DS's gf by his ex-gf name (which was 5 years ago) a little bit of tension feel bad for her.

Belinda - I am trying to do what you are doing with your dvds but with my clothes. At some point I will do that with my dvds too:) Great job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie


Today I tried to connect Cathe Live to my tv's but it wasn't working could have used my ipad without connecting but decided to take a rest day. I also need to call our cable company have been having problems with the phone & internet:confused: They had sent me a new modem but that didn't help.

I did a lot of organizing today.

Waves hi to everyone!

Deb, I wonder if it was a problem with the site. I tried to log in last night to post but couldn't. Technology is so annoying when it doesn't work. What did you organize?
Hope everyone had a good weekend. Doing the barre workouts must be reaggravating my hip. Have had to take the weekend off to rest it. Went to a bbq and dance and couldn't dance at all. Not that I'm any good at it, but I was originally thinking of it as a exercise.
Chat later,
Hey girls,

Spent the weekend in DC with my kids. Just came home, will get my workout in shortly. I will be back to report what I did and for personals.
Quick check in: I am done with XTrain - Chest, Back & Shoulder premix #8 Timesaver (Rounds 1- 6) + Core #1 = 51.01 min and XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT premix #14 Double Step Cardio = 30:11 min.

I have to get ready for dog therapy. I will catch up later.
Cookie - I had some trouble with the site today. Maybe they doing a update? I agree about technology, it annoys the crap out of me when it doesn't work while trying to get a workout in. Oh no, about your hip :( Yes, it's a workout.

Debbie - what did you organize ? Sounds like you got a lot done. Good for you. Hope your internet, Cathe Live is all working again.

Hi Kirstin!

Today I took a belly, butt & thighs bootcamp class at the gym. I also did 15 min on the stair master. I had the day off and spent too much time running errands! Afterwards went to my in-laws to see DH's nephew visiting from Tennessee.

It could have been a combination of the site and my cable company.

Belinda - It was a nice weekend to be in DC. Great job with your workout! I saw your post over at OD, the way I saw it you didn't mention anything about the report, it was information that was given to youo_O I thought you expressed yourself perfectly.

Cookie - I have been organizing my clothes using an extra room to put everything in categories and go through the piles to decide what to keep & giveaway. We are leaving for FL in 10 days so not sure if I will finish but at least it's a start. Everything else I was trying wasn't working. It's smart to rest your hip:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey girls,

Today I did Rock'n & Sock'n Kickboxing - Mish Mash Premix: Scrambled Extreme #2 = 64 min.

Debbie - thank you! LOL, about the OF :) I am just laughing about it :D You can get the info on VF/FB it was all over the place. I still think it's sad she passed away :( I will miss her.

Have a great afternoon, everyone.
Belinda, I'm still on the fence but am tipping towards preordering! I do like ICE and am hoping it is along that level of intensity or perhaps less. How's the dog therapy coming along?
Kristin, how's this week? I can't believe we've only been back a few weeks - it seems like months. Are you getting in your workouts in the morning before you go to work?
Deb, that's a big job! I want to go thru clothing again before getting all the fall/winter clothes out but I don't think I will. Will you be visiting your dad in Florida?
My hip is still bothering me - its better but still really a major pain, so have been trying to rest it a bit.

Today I took a rest day. I ended up going out with my SILs for a quick bite & to see the new Bridget Jones movie. The movie was ok but the others were better it was too long.

Belinda - I've never done a mish mash one of these days;)

Kristin - I hope everything is ok maybe just busy with the boys & school.

Cookie - We are going to visit my Dad in the Spring (my brother will be there). We are going to visit DH's Aunt, Uncle & some friends. I'm realizing I buy things I don't even need or have similar items:oops: I think when you were moving clothes is a big thing.

Belinda, I'm still on the fence but am tipping towards preordering! I do like ICE and am hoping it is along that level of intensity or perhaps less. How's the dog therapy coming along?
Kristin, how's this week? I can't believe we've only been back a few weeks - it seems like months. Are you getting in your workouts in the morning before you go to work?
Deb, that's a big job! I want to go thru clothing again before getting all the fall/winter clothes out but I don't think I will. Will you be visiting your dad in Florida?
My hip is still bothering me - its better but still really a major pain, so have been trying to rest it a bit.

Cookie - the new workouts are advanced, not intermediate like ICE :( I ask Cathe about the new workouts a while back. Here is the link:
I am afraid the workouts are too high impact for me. I hardly use all her other ones. I really need to stay away from high impact, my body can't handle it anymore. I may order the last day if I don't forget, lol :) I wished she give more details on the new workouts.
Good afternoon,

Workout is done. I did ICE MBTB MishMosh Premixes: Double It + BB #2 Warm Up + Main Routine + Main Routine + Blizzard Blast + Stretch - 97:10. That was one long workout :( I doubt I will ever do that premix again.

Cookie - glad you resting your hip. If it doesn't get any better maybe you want to see a doctor. If you get the new workouts what would you get? Downloads or dvd's?

Debbie - you should do a Mish Mosh premix :)

Kirstin - you must be busy with workout and family. What are you gonna do about the presale? Doesn't sound like we find out about the crew :( Let me know what you decide?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I have to get ready, I will spent the night in DC/Thursday with Aleisa. Every excited. BBL!

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