Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Today's workout: ICE Rock'm & Sock'n MishMash Premixes: Scrambled #4 Mixes all 3 Muscle Meltdown - Triceps rounds throughout the main workout. - 61:06 + Pilates abs = 30 min.

Cookie - thanks for your kind words :) I means a lot to me. His sister didn't had a heart attack, thank goodness. She is taking care of her mom,driving to the hospital every day. Taking care of her own family/daughter. I think she is stressed out. His brother isn't doing so well :( I hope he pulls through :( His mom, is suppose to get released from the hospital...I doubt her daughter can take care of her with her hardly walking (she had a hip replacement a few weeks ago). DH and I live to far away to help out. Not sure, what is gonna happened next :( Glad you had had fun (under the circumstances) with your family :) Glad everything went well! My thoughts and prayer's are with you and your family!

Waving Hi to the rest of the gang. BBL!

We visited DHs Aunt & Uncle they have some health problems makes me realize how important it is to lead a heathy lifestyle. Ugg, my weight is climbing need to eat supper clean when I get back.

Belinda - I hope all is well with DHs family:(. You are going thru so much my thoughts are with you.

Kristen - That workout sounds awesome look forward to trying it. It sounds different wish I had it with me LOL.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a good time in Mexico, even though it must have been difficult. It's great that you still have a relationship with your Dads wife. I hope someday I will too.

Good morning,

ICE Metabolic Total Body -Basic Premixes: #5 Warm Up + Main Routine + Blizzard Blast + Icy Core 1 + Stretch - 71:12 is DONE. I am also done with that dvd with all the premixes :) Another dvd done!

Debbie - thank you so much! Sorry to hear about your DH's Aunt & Uncle :( I agree, it's very important to lead a healthy life style :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Meeting my kids for a craft festival today, need to shower. I will try to be back tonight.

Hey guys! Last night I got my workout in a little later than usual because I went out to dinner with my dad and mom. I did 21DFE Upper Fix Extreme. Today I walked Baxter and then I just finished Chisel Endurance.

Not much to report. Hanging in there with work, the kids and my mom. My friend and I are thinking about taking Hot Yoga together. There is a place by us that offers Hot Yoga classes Wednesday night. I think it would help me de-stress and maybe sweat out some of my anxiety lately. Thursday I took a rest day because in class sixth period I got so dizzy. . . I never felt like that before. It was scary. I never sit down in class as I teach, but I had to sit down. I sat on an empty desk in the front of the room and continued the lesson. I don't think the kids even noticed I was a little shaky. I think it is the stress of my mom getting worse, trying to be there for my dad and then work and the kids and everything. I think I need something to help me relax. I am hoping this weekly class could be the fix.

Belinda- I'm glad to hear your sister-in-law did not have a heart attack. Stress is such a crazy thing. It affects us so much more than we realize. Nice job with the ICE Metabolic Workout. That dvd is the hardest one, in my opinion.

Deb- the workout is awesome. I cannot wait to do it again. The best thing about it is all you need is a mat. So you could take it with you on vacation or anywhere you go overnight.

Cookie- I really liked Sully. It is hard to go anywhere with my mom, TBH. It is a lot of work. She doesn't follow the plots of movies anymore, but she still enjoys going.


ISO Strength Chisel. Today I am going for a relaxing facial. Then I have grading and progress reports to do.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Hey girls.

Today I did Rhythmic Step and 30 min TB pilates.

Kistin - my sister in law is back in the hospital:( Not sure, what's going on? On Saturday my husbands brother got moved to a different hospital (special one for kidney's), he had a lot of toxins in his kidney's? The flushed his kidney's. He is doing much better today. They took the breathing tube out today. Hope your stress goes away soon. You have a lot going on lately.

Good job, everyone. Good night.
21 DFE Plyo Legs done. I was sweating buckets. It was warm out today. I could almost put an a/c back in for tonight, lol.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear the news about your SIL and BIL. I hope things get better quickly for them.

Deb- I am taking a hot yoga class for the first time on Wednesday. I am going with my girlfriend. I have taken yoga classes a few times, but years ago and never hot yoga. I am hoping I love it and that it relaxes me.



Not much going on lots of walking & nice weather! I hear the Northeast is having a heat wave, hopefully a sign of a mild winter.

Over the years we have become very friendly with the staff at a restaurant across the street from us. One of the waitresses has been on the liver transplant list for 1 1/2 years but took a turn for the worse the other day. She is now hospitalized waiting for a liver but is in critical condition:(. She has an 18 yr old son, we are praying she will be ok.

Belinda - I hope DHs family are doing better. It must be so stressful for your family.

Kristin - I find hot yoga to be very helpful with stress when I am finished I feel like a weight is lifted off my shoulder. Take care of yourself you have do much going on.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

I just finished STS TB workout = 66 min.

Thank you Debbie and Kirstin :)

Debbie - I love walking, easy on the knees. Good job getting your workouts in.

Kirstin - nice job yesterday. Have you decided if you want Cathe's new workouts?

Hi Cookie - hope all is well.

I will go for a walk. BBL!
Hey guys. Last night I went to my friend's father's Shiva (not sure if I am spelling it correctly). He died of cancer. It was sad, as death by cancer always is, but even more so because he was diagnosed in August. The doctors said they couldn't operate on it and so started Chemo and he went downhill fast from the Chemo treatment. Life is too short.

I came home and even though I did not feel like working out (TOTM arrived and I was tired) I did push through with Chisel Cardio. Tonight I am going to hot yoga. I am very excited to go and I hope it is all I am expecting it to be and that I enjoy it.

Belinda- I think I do want the workouts. I forgot what you had written about you preordered and the your husband preordered for you. . . if I wanted to buy one of the sets from you? If so, I would like to take one of the sets off your hands. I was not going to order the cycle workout though, as I don't have a bike.

Deb- How awful to hear about the waitress. I hope she is able to get what she needs and everything turns out okay.

Waving hello to Cookie!

Good morning,

Cathe Maximum Intensity Cardio is done :) I forgot how much fun that one was :)

Kirstin - I will sent you a p.m later :) I am so sorry about your friend's father's passing :( I hate cancer:) I lost my parents to cancer. My mom found out she had cancer, a few day's later she passed away :( You are right...Live is to short!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

That is it for me today. Have to work later. See you all tomorrow.
Good morning,

Workout for today was: High Step Circuit + Stability ball abs (it's on the same dvd as a bonus). Instead of a high step I used my Bosu :) Talk about burning in my legs :p I also did LB pilates, that was a fryer. I had a cramp in my butt :) I also did Pilates UB, really like that one

Question for those that add their workouts into the WM? If you do a non Cathe workout (lets say Amy Bento) do you list it under DVD (or as Cathe similar workout)? I always list a Cathe dvd under DVD, all other instructor I list under Cardio. How do you list your workouts in the WM?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone
Hey guys. Hot yoga was amazing last night. I really enjoyed it and I found it so relaxing. At the end, I just felt like a weight had been lifted off of me. I cannot wait to do it again next week.

Tonight's workout was Total Body Chisel.

Belinda- when I do a non-Cathe dvd, I put it in as cardio group fitness and put the time in. I change the met value if the workout is more intense than what it says. For Plyo legs, I make it an 8, for Chisel Cardio, a 9, lol. I make sure to label it with notes so I know if I want to look back what workout I did. HTH.

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie!

Evening! Sorry for being mia, but I've had a wicked case of something. Not sure what but it included a bad headache and a fever. Actually tomorrow will probably be my first day of work for the week! I've been exhausted and sleeping a lot, but I just felt like crap.
Belinda, I'm really sorry all of this is going on with your family members. Thinking of you. Great job keeping up with your workouts.
Kristin, really happy to hear how much you enjoyed hot yoga. You definitely need a stress reliever.
Deb, how long are you in Florida? You're right - health is really important, and I also have to get on that clean eating bandwagon.
First day this week I have over 10K steps. Walked to the store to get the newspapers twice. I try to charge almost everything to get airline miles, but their card swiper wasn't working, so had to go back with the real money to get them, which got me steps.
Good morning,

Interval Max + 30 min full body is done.

Cookie - OH NO....I hope it's gone by now. Have fun with your first day of work today.

Kirstin - wtg, on Total Body Chisel.

Debbie - hope you having fun.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Not sure where I left off;) We spent several hours cleaning the condo this morning. We arrived home from Florida tonight, we were delayed a few couple of hours but after about an hour suddenly they said we had 5 minutes to boardo_O DH was in the bathroom and I went to the line, it was like something in a movie because I think everyone thought I was being stood up. We had a lot of laughs with the other passengers but I must have had a look of panic on my face.

You had great weather for a couple of days!!

Belinda - Sorry I don't use WM. Great job with your workouts!!!

Kristin - So sorry about your friends Dad:( I'm happy you liked hot yoga it really clears your mind.

Cookie - It's crazy how many times card swipers & their systems are downo_O lots of time I bring very little cash.

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DH and I went floor shopping for my basement yesterday.

Yesterday I did Lower Body Blast = 59 min and SoulSweat Alchemy Summer w/Lucy.

Debbie - LOL, about boarding :) At least you got a good laugh. Is the condo yours since you had to clean it for a few hours?

Hi Cookie and Kirstin.

I will try to catch up on personals later. Have a great Sunday everyone.
Belinda, how are your family members feeling? I've been thinking of your bil and sil. Bet you sleep well with all your workouts! Friday was a remarkably slow day for me at work, so I was able to sit in a lot of meetings and it didn't matter that I didn't feel well. What kind of flooring are you considering for your basement?
Kristin, really glad to hear the hot yoga helped to take some of the weight off your shoulders. We're having an incredibly hard time finding substitutes. Even in a city with numerous teaching colleges, there's a dirth of candidates!
Deb, I would have been anxious waiting in that line if my dh was in the restroom also! So nerve racking! Glad it all worked out.
Yesterday went to visit my dh for her birthday. Hard to believe my youngest is now 23! Today was lots of school work, groceries, and a wonderful walk. Wanted to take the kayaks out, but it was so windy, and I'm wimpy.
Hey guys. I am sorry I haven't checked in. Friday was my rest day. Yesterday I did Dirty 30 Extreme and then took the boys and my mom to the movies. We saw Boo Madea's Halloween. I have to admit, it was very funny. Then my dad had the boys for a sleepover so DH and I went out to dinner, without kids for the first time in a long time. It was good.

Today I caught up on cleaning and some grading. I also have my lessons for the rest of the month and the first week of November all done!

My workout today was Chisel Agility. I cannot wait for Wednesday. Another hot yoga class!

Cookie- We also have a huge substitute shortage. There are not enough subs, and I feel that teachers are taking more and more mental health days. . . something has to change. There is going to be a teacher shortage in NY for sure. I know NY pays better than most states. . . but it is not an attractive job anymore. Too much abuse and blame thrown at teachers.

Deb- I would have been in a panic if they were boarding and my DH was in the bathroom. I would've been texting him constantly to hurry up. Glad you made it! One hot yoga class and I am addicted. Cannot wait for the next one.

Belinda- I am looking forward to the new workouts now. I am really enjoying the rotation I came up with using 21 DFE and Chisel workouts.

BB tomorrow,


Yesterday went to NYC with my one of my SILs and friends from high school. We went to lunch and to the World Trade Center. It was the 1st time I have been back and was amazed and overwhelmed. We didn't have time to go to the museum but really want to go back to do that.

I plan to start my workouts and eating better tomorrow. Went to the farmer's market and brought lots of vegetables, they missed me at the stand LOL. Today DH had a bad case of vertigo not sure if I will be taking him to the Dr. tomorrow morning.

Belinda - What kind of flooring did you get? Will you get something different for your workout space? I love the flooring at the gym (it's the same as Cathe's gym). We don't own the condo but plan to buy it from my SILs someday. My in-laws haven't been healthy enough to use the condo so we are trying to keep up with the up keep.

Kristin - Hot yoga is really addictive, I still have some classes left in a package need to get back to it. This is my favorite time of year to do hot yoga. It must have been nice to have alone time with your DH:)

Cookie - It was real windy this weekend here too! You may have ended up on the other end of the lake quickly. Happy Birthday to your DD:)


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