Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good afternoon,

I had a really busy weekend. DH and I are done with the ceilings and all the walls in the basement. I used over 6 gallon of paint on the walls alone :( Technically my basement is like 6 rooms. I just made it into one huge workout room. We still have to do the floor trim and doors. Change out door handles ( I am changing everything!!). I also decided I wanted french doors w/build in blinds. Before we do the floors I want change the patio door in my workout room plus get a new blind for the window in the basement:p I also want to get new lighting in the basement. We still have a lot to do. I LOVE the color in my basement :)

I finished my workouts this morning, just getting around to post :) I did an hour mat pilates + Lower Body Blast Workout DVD - Premixes:
1.Timesaver - No Floorwork - 49.31 min + 30 min walk.

Cookie - thanks for asking about my BIL :) He is still in the hospital, but doing much better. I think with my SIL it's stress :( She is getting panic attacks. Happy birthday to your DD :)

Debbie - we picked up floor samples from a floor store in town. DH and I both like it a lot :) It's more expensive than Home Depot, the quality is so much better.

Kirstin - I am also looking forward to the new workouts. I forgot to get the info from Alesia, lol. I will sent you a email soon. Glad you still like H&G.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day.
Hey guys. Quick check in. I did 21 DFE Challenge. My shoulders are already burning! I am tired, but I have work to catch up on now.

Belinda- your basement sounds amazing! Let me know when you get the info from Alesia.

Deb- I have never been to the WTC museum either. It is definitely on my to do list. When the boys are a little bit older, we will go.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did ICE Meltdowns for tri's & bi's. The holiday merchandise is starting to come in and my feet feel it:eek: and the stockrooms are packed.

Belinda - I want to workout in your basement;) What color did you pick? It sounds like an awesome place to workout!

Kristin - I thought about going to the museum as a family too if not I wouldn't even mind going myself.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good afternoon,

Today I did: XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes:# 12 Timesaver Floor and Disc Cardio + Core #1 - 37:41 plus a walk.

Debbie - come on over :D I picked a darker gray for the walls, light gray(looks almost white) on the ceiling/doors. Color for the floors also will be a shade of light gray.

Kirstin - thank you :) Once I am done with my basement, I will post a picture :) I will let you know. Alesia is very busy with work, I will see her this weekend.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great afternoon.
Chisel Balance done! The plank up and down the bench was hard to do with my shoulders being so sore from yesterday, but I got it done. My legs are going to have major DOMS tomorrow, just in time for hot yoga!

My younger guy has been struggling with math since kindergarten. He used to get pulled out for math intervention, but last year they said he improved so much he didn't need it anymore. Well, he is struggling big time. 3rd grade math is crazy. They have equations to solve, such as 47-n= 13 and they have to figure out what n is. Very confusing to an 8 year old. Anyway, I am friendly with this young math teacher in my building and I asked him to tutor DS. The first session was today and my little guy really liked it. I am hoping this will help him improve and gain some confidence too.

Belinda- ok, let me know when you get the info and I'll send it over.

Deb- Halloween is Monday, so you know the Christmas stuff will be out by this weekend, lol.

BB tomorrow.


I didn't get a workout in and ended up taking the day off. My neighbor is having her kitchen redone & said they ended up getting too big a dumpster and had lots of room. I decided to go through the house & garage and throw out a lot of things so I spent the day doing that. I still have a long way to go but it was a really nice start (thankful for it). I was exhausted after that LOL.

Belinda - I love the new gray colors whenever I see it on walls always think it looks great! It seems so soothing too:)

Kristin - I always wonder how the math can get harder but it does:confused: It's good that you found someone to work with your ds. Have fun at yoga tomorrow.

Good morning,

STS Total Body Workout DVD - Premixes: 1.Timesaver - Compound Only Exercises 53.44 min + 30 min full body pilates and 30 min JS Pyramid walk is done.

Debbie -

Kirstin - glad you found a great tutor for your son. crazy what math they teach now of these day's 8 year olds :(

Debbie - isn't a great feeling decluttering and getting rid of things :) I already filled up a huge garbage bag with cloth for the donation box or Goodwill :)

I am done for today, I see you all tomorrow.
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Belinda, how are your bil and sol feeling? You sure have been busy with your basement. Sounds wonderful. What workout are you speaking of? Did you preorder Cathe's new one?
Kristin, how are things with your parents? I am so impressed with your ability to juggle so many things. I've been sleeping so much lately that I'm having a hard time getting up to workout in the morning, and there's no time in the evening.
Deb, your day in NYC sounds great. I love that island! Did you get to see the memorial at the WTC? The design is amazing. Cleaning out is a workout - at least in my book! Isn't discarding items cathartic?
Feel like I'm still recovering from the lupus flareup of last week and feel exhausted. Have made it thru work so far this week, but not working out! Hopefully, I can get something in tomorrow morning. It hasn't help that this has been a week of late evenings.

Today I did ICE shoulder meltdown. We had our nephew over for dinner and took him for ice cream before he leaves for Florida on Friday. It wasn't a night for ice cream . . . hot chocolate:) I know some people can eat ice cream all year long but not me;) I like to eat seasonally.

Belinda - It was a great relief and plan to continue but at times I thought it would be much easier to take a match to everything LOL. Your smart to keep on top of things.

Kristin - How was hot yoga, hope to take one next week.

Cookie - Can/does the lupus go in remission for long periods of time? I'm sorry your struggling with it but sleep is so important for you health so you are doing the right thing. I saw the memorial and the design was amazing and I was taken back. I worked mid-town and would go downtown sometimes but have to admit I didn't spend much time at the twin towers. I always admired them but didn't go up to the observation tower or inside the building.

Hi girls,

Today's workouts : MMA: Boxing + 60 min Winsor pilates. Haven't done that one in a very long time, , for some reason it was a lot easier than I remembered. I am on a pilates kick lately :p can't get enough. It's also helping me with my back pain.

Cookie -last week BIL got moved to a different hospital, he get's moved to rehab this week. He is doing much better. SIL she is getting anxiety attacks. DH talked to her yesterday, she is also doing much better. My husbands mom is still in the hospital, she was with the doc when we called. DH is calling today. Sorry to hear about lupus flareup last week. Hope you feel better.

Debbie - that's exactly how I felt. It was almost a weight was lifted of my shoulders. Everything I haven't used/touched or needed in a year....has to go. It's just weighing me down. Like I said before, when we move again...I want to be prepared. A lot of stuff is just dead weight :( My husband is getting better too on letting go of stuff :) When I started decluttering my house, I was very overwhelmed. I started out slow...a few pieces at a time. This way I didn't felt guilty for getting rid of stuff :) Now, before I think about it's gone:D

Kirstin - must be busy with work and the kids.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. Hot yoga was amazing again last night. I really enjoy it. Today's workout was 21 DFE Upper Body Fix Extreme.

Tomorrow is our annual field trip to the Museum of Natural History. It is always a great trip, but so stressful and exhausting. We take the students on the train to Penn Station. Then from Penn Station we take a subway to the museum :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. Once we get to the museum, it is a lot of fun. Then we have to get back on the subway and on the train, which causes more stress. The train ride back always seems to take forever, lol. I know for sure tomorrow will be a rest day for me, lol.

Belinda- I hear you about decluttering. I cannot stand clutter. For me, it is work-related clutter. I hate to get rid of lessons I created or worksheets I created, so they sit in binders and folders in my classroom and at my job. Last summer, before school was out, I brought myself to throw out most of the binders from the beginning of my career, lol. It wasn't like I would ever use it again. Some of it was created on a word processor, not even a computer, hahaha.

Deb- I regret not getting into yoga much earlier in life. The class yesterday was more challenging. I think with the heat I am more flexible. Is that possible? My core really got a good workout and once again I was so relaxed at the end of it.

Cookie- It is a juggling act for sure. My parents are doing okay. My dad is looking into a daycare facility for my mom so that he can get a break a few days a week. That is something he sorely needs.



Today I did ICE To the Mat: Legs & Glutes. We are thinking about going to the Catskill Mountains for the day and overnight to see the Fall foliage. I felt like we had a glimpse of winter today:eek:

Belinda - If you moved would you move close by? I can still remember when you moved from Germany, if you can do that you can do anything:)

Kristin - I went to school in NY but don't ever remember using public transportation for a class trip. That is a lot of work. It does sound like lots of fun!

Cookie - Was wondering if you had snow today?

Belinda, like Deb, I'm wondering where you're thinking of moving and when. Even tho we got rid of a lot, and my dh was convinced we got rid of too much, once we moved he realized we still have too much! It definitely has slowed my purchasing of things now - I really think about need, where the item will go and how much it will be used.
Kristin, your hot yoga class sounds great. Wish you could have taken it after your field trip. AMNH is my favorite museum. Field trips tho are extremely stressful. Hope your dad can get your mom into a day care facility; that would be a tremendous help.
Deb, lupus does go into remission. Mine is in an active cycle still from last spring. While I'm managing it better and its not as severe, I'm exhausted and have a fever that we can't locate the cause. I don't mean to complain but it makes me exhausted and in pain. We did have snow where I used to live, here more near Albany it was a lot of rain. It's still dark and foggy out, so I'm not sure how it impacted foliage. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your dh.
Hi girls,

Lower Body Blast Workout DVD - Premix; 2.Standing + Leg Conditiong Drills - 66.31 min + 40 min walk is done.

I have to run, I will be back later.
Back to catch up on personals:

Cookie - we still gonna be in our house for at least 4-5 years :) I am just trying to downsize now instead of a few years. Stuff I know I will never use or get used. DH is looking at closer to DC, not sure if that is happening? House prices in DC and surroundings are insane, IMO. Not to mention the traffic. Who knows where we end up? My friend wants up to move to Carolina? I really don't want to move anywhere with a lot of Hurricanes, earthquake and sink holes :) As far as, my spending goes.....I slowed down big times. I think twice if I really need/or already have something similar. When I lived in Germany we had a full house in Germany and the US. We have everything double.

Debbie - like I mention to Cookie, I have no idea where we end up one day. DH is still working for 4-5 years until he completely retires. I always wanted to go back to Germany, with the stuff that is going on right now....I am like no way :) We bought a new couch a few month ago, I already got rid of the old leather couch (the 2 seater + recliner). I still had the 3 seater left, I wanted to donate it to Goodwill or the church neither one wanted the couch. Nobody wanted the Italian 3 seater couch for FREE, WTH? DH and I saw a commercial on TV about that nation wide site you can post your stuff for FREE :) We figured why not post it? We sold the couch for a $150 last weekend and I didn't had to deliver it. When the couple came she mention her and her husband are looking for more furniture. I had that modern, glass TV stand in the 4th bedroom, I really wanted it gone :) I ask her if she needed a TV stand? She said "yes" :) They both liked it so much, I sold it too :) When my son moved out, he left a lot of stuff he didn't wanted. When they moved to DC into their apartment, they bought everything new. I am so glad those 2 big pieces are gone :) I will post more when DH and I have more time next week.

Kirstin - we don't have a lot of paper clutter. I go through paper a few times a year. I only keep very important papers, everything else goes. I still have to go through my books. I will donate those to our public library. They also will take dvd's :) Good for you for getting rid of stuff you never gonna use :) It's all dead weight:) Our last move, I made a promise to myself. I will never unpack so many moving boxes:) It took me forever to get through them. I have a lot of dishes from all over the world. When I unpacked all my stuff, I wished I wouldn't have bought so much. It's very pretty :) Germans have a thing for nice dishes, I am no exception, LOL :)
Good morning,

Cathe MMA Boxing Exercise DVD
- bonus Heavy Bag workout (20 minutes) + XTRAIN - All Out Low Impact Hiit - Premixes:#8 Timesaver Step and Disc Cardio - 25:08 is DONE. I also did 20 min ab pilates.

Have a wonderful workout and weekend, everyone.

We went to the Catskill Mountains overnight. It was a really nice time, we did a lot of hiking most of the water falls and streams were dry. The last couple of years have been tough, they need rain. It was quiet since the season is ending but it was nice.

Belinda - Your smart to start now before you know it 4-5 years will be here. I have some of my boy's old furniture I need to get rid of too. It does seem like Goodwill is picky about what they will take:confused:

Kristin - I hope your Dad is able to get your Mom in a daycare facility it will be so healthy for him.

Cookie - I think we were about an hour away from Albany (exit 20 on the Thruway). We saw very light snow on the ground and the mountains. It was cold but it did warm up as the day went on. I would think it is frustrating to be in an active state, kudos on taking it day by day and making the best of it.

Rest day for me today. Had a facial & spa day with DD and my DIL :)

Debbie - glad you had fun overnight :) Sounds like a lovely place :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I did Rock 'm Sock'm Kickbox. The weather was beautiful, wish it could stay this way, we even ate outside:)

Belinda - Great way to spend your rest day;)

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie


Today I did ICE Triceps Meltdown. I was almost going to skip but wanted to do something. Today DH & I were married 29 years, it seems like yesterday. I heard our wedding song today, thought I would only hear Thriller, Monster Mash & Ghostbusters:D

Not too many trick a treaters again this year. It seems like one street in our neighborhood hosts a party and they tend to stick to that street. Too much candy . . . need to give it away:)

Belinda - I think one of your children's birthday is today?

Kristin - What were the boy's for Halloween?

Waves hi to Cookie


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