Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Just finished 21 DFE Cardio Extreme. I nearly died completing this workout tonight, but I did it. I am exhausted and glued to the t.v. watching CNN. I am hoping for the best. What a nasty election cycle this has been :(.

Belinda- I never did order Body Beast. Maybe I should do that next. That was my original plan, but now that I am getting the new Cathe workouts, I don't know. . . hmmm.. . .

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie!


Today I took a yoga class. It was interesting but the instructor (he owns the studio with his wife) said how it is important to change instructors & workouts time to time so your body doesn't adjust and you learn new things.

This is a crazy election but I have to say I learned in school (a long time ago LOL) that the President doesn't have as much power as you think because it must go through the house and there are all kinds of checks & balances.

Belinda - Your lucky DH noticed the leak! Imagine if you had to make an insurance claim and explain all the dvds you needed replaced LOL :eek:

Kristin - Your dinner sounds good! The school I voted at was open, when I was a child we always had off for President's Day. That is a tough workout!

Waves hi to Cookie

Good afternoon,

Today I did Lower Body Blast Workout DVD - Premixes: 4.Standing +Floorwork (No Cardio Burst) - 56.22 min + Pileates + + JS new dvd premix: Powered Up, Hiit Walk and the Dance Walk + abs.

Debbie - I am glad he saw it was leaking. Good job on your yoga yesterday.

Kirstin - wait until Black Friday, maybe BB is on sale? Good job yesterday.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout.
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Today I did ICE Chiseled Upper body. I am wiped out today:( Going to jump in bed tonight:)

Belinda - Wow, on your workouts today, amazing!!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good evening,

Sorry for not checking in today, it's DD's birthday. I did workout today. I have my family for dinner. I will report what I did tomorrow.

Good night, everyone. I will catch up on personals tomorrow.

Today I took a yoga class. I wasn't really crazy about this instructor, she seemed to hold the poses too long & not enough variety. We went to my Mom's tonight to take her out to dinner.

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DD. Enjoy dinner with your family:)

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hey guys. Wednesday I went to hot yoga. I needed it, boy! I am so glad I found this place and decided to give it a real try. I was never really into yoga, but with the stress of everything in my life right now, I find it gives me such inner peace to go once a week. I like the sweat factor of hot yoga as well. Thursday I took a rest day. We had my parents over and we ordered pizzas and wings. Then my dad and I played Monopoly with the boys. The boys made my dad laugh so hard, it was a good night. Today I am off and I just finished ISO Strength Chisel. I think on Sunday I am going to go back to Cathe for a bit. Then maybe start Hammer and Chisel next year.

Belinda- enjoy the birthday celebrations :). Let me know when you have the info for paypal. I think you are right, I should wait for Black Friday and see if it is on sale. Thanks for the tip.

Deb- I am finally becoming a yogi, I think, lol. I was able to do the eagle pose without losing my balance, haha. Getting there ;)

Waving hello to Cookie.

Good morning,

STS Total Body Workout DVD = 66 min - Premixes: 6.Timesaver - No Abs - 57.54 min + walk is done.

Thank you, Debbie! Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - thank you :) I will let you know. Glad yoga is helping with your stress. Love yoga.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great day, everyone.
21 DFE Challenge done. I love that workout, but it is a killer!

So the workouts have been great. . . it is the eating and the Halloween candy and the glasses of wine I need to get under control. I am going to restart my diet plan tomorrow. I am going to go food shopping and prep my food all day to make sure I am prepared for this week. I need to get serious about it.

Belinda- I just made a rotation of Cathe workouts for the next three weeks. I wonder if I will miss the Beach Body workouts. I remember when I only wanted to do Cathe workouts, but I like the variety in Autumn's workouts too and I love the Chisel workouts in particular.

BB tomorrow.


Yesterday I took a Thred & Shred class. Today I took a rest day. I was wishing we would have an extra hour of sleep this week too:) I plan to prep my food for next week tomorrow like Kristin.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - I need to get control of the eating too. I plan to give the Halloween candy away because it can't stay here. Not sure why I haven't sooner LOL. I will do a lot of yoga this month (to take advantage of the discounted month) but afterwards 1 or 2x a week is actually perfect mix with our other workouts.

Cookie - Any plans for the weekend?

High Reps all done. I loved doing a Cathe workout. The music is so good compared to BB. I wish BB would get a little better with the music. Anyway, I think I am going to be sore all over tomorrow. High Reps really is high reps, lol.

Deb- it has been so hard to eat right lately. I am just trying to plan ahead and get it together for the next few weeks. I don't want to gain this holiday season, that's for sure!

BB tomorrow.


I did ICE shoulder meltdown. I wanted to do a longer workout but didn't have a chance. I did some outside work & tried to troubleshoot a problem with the computer. Ugg, bringing it to the tech because it needs a part I wouldn't know how to replace. I opened the tower to check for loose connections couldn't believe how dusty it gets in thereo_O

Kristin - I prepared a couple days worth of food but wished I had more time to do more. You would think BB would have the money for better music:confused:. I hear you don't want to gain during the holidays.

Waves hi to Belinda & Cookie

Hey girls,

I had a busy day today. Just got done with my workouts: I did STS Total Body Workout DVD = 66 min - Premixes: 3.Upper Body Only - 24.00 min + walk.

I have to get ready to take my dog to physical therapy. I will try to catch up on personals later. Good job, everyone.
Good afternoon,

STS Total Body Workout DVD = 66 min - Premixes: 2.Lower Body Only - 22.29 min + Slide & Glide Workout DVD
Express - Cardio + Stretch - 31:20 + walk is done. There is no warm up/cooldown in the he STS TB premix from today and yesterday :(

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.

I took a yoga class on Monday & Tuesday. They were tough classes but really good. I'm busy till Black Friday but the stores are quiet which is good.

I needed to get a new desktop the computer tech said a 5 year computer isn't worth fixing:confused:o_O

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! Does Browler get excited for the therapy?

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

MMA. Fusion + SBF Butt Lift + walk is done.

Sherry - me too :) We do use hot water for showers. DH is changing out towels everyday. It's all good. Both premixes don't have a warm up or a cool down. You have to do it on your own. Not really a premix.

Debbie - We took Brawler to water therapy on Monday, it was painful to watch him :( He couldn't walk on his own, it was heartbreaking. The therapist went into the tank to help him walk. That was the worst I have ever seen him :( I was crying!! We getting ready to get him measured for a K9 cart (dog wheelchair), I am also getting ready to buy a harness to help him up better. I will do whatever it takes. I love that dog!

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Good morning,

Lower Body Blast Workout DVD - Premixes: 3.Standing +Floorwork + Leg Conditiong Drills - 76.38 min is done. I also walked 30 min.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I haven't had a chance to check in, but I have been keeping up with everything. Tuesday I was soooo exhausted that I went to bed at 8:30, so that was my rest day. Yesterday I went to hot yoga, which was amazing. Tonight I did Ice MTB. The yoga instructor told us that the supermoon causes people to feel drained and tired. . . that had to be it. Plus I got my TOTM that day.

Belinda- Poor Brawler! :( I can imagine how you feel. The doggie wheelchair will be a good help, I am sure. I know I would do whatever I could for Baxter.

Deb- isn't that crazy about the computer not being worth fixing at this point. My DH bought my a Macbook a few years ago for Christmas. At first I was mad because I know how expensive they are, but it is worth it. It still runs as if it is brand new.

Waving hello to Cookie!


Yesterday I did ICE bi's Meltdown. Today I took a TRX class & did ICE tris meltdown.

I am missing our desktop, trying to track its delivery but it hasn't shown up on the computer. Someone in our town had an Amazon package stolen from their doorstepo_O. They were home but didn't see UPS driver drop off but saw a car stopped and then speeding off shortly after UPS said they dropped off the package.

Belinda - Poor Brawler, didn't know they had doggie wheelchairs he is one lucky dog to have you as parents!

Kristen - I'm enjoying the month of hot yoga it is so relaxing. I don't usually do it at night but I bet that is the best time to do it.

Cookie - How are you?


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