Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Slide & Glide Workout DVD premix #4 Double Trouble - 51:36 + walk is done.

Debbie - good job with your workouts. Thanks for your kind comment :) They do make doggie wheelchairs. I just ordered a Help'n up harness, to assist him better.

Kirstin - you are a good doggie parent too. I will do whatever it takes to help Brawler. He will let me know when it's time :( This is horrible about the package stollen :( They know, people get xmas delivery's.

Have a great Friday and weekend.
Hey girls,

STS Total Body Workout DVD - Premixes: 8. Timesaver - Single Sets - 45.50 min + walk + pilates is done.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Friday I took a yoga class & it was hard I'm still sore. I decided to take a rest day. I planted some bulbs today, but we don't have too much sun because of trees so they don't always take. The temps dropped tonight & it's so windy already missing the nice weather we had this month:(

Belinda - Did you decide to keep the presale? Great job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good evening,

I walked for 40 min + did a quick 20 min barre workout.

Debbie - nice job on the yoga class. I will keep the presale. It's very cold and windy here too.

I will be back tomorrow. I have to figure out what workouts I will do next :)
Sorry for not checking in.
Belinda, your poor dog! It must be so hard to see him in such pain. Glad your dh saw the leak before there was damage.
Kristin, you have become a yogi! Good that you have such a stress reliever. I smiled at the image of your dad playing Monopoly and laughing with your boys.
Deb, what kind of bulbs did you plant? We had a lot of daffodils, hyacinths, and snowdrops at our other house. Haven't planted anything here. Maybe next year. Hope your computer shows up soon.
Had to move everything out of the room where I work out. Right now I'm sitting in our dining room, which instead is where we've set up a coach and the tv. Working out has been compromised by all the disorder. Our dd is coming in tomorrow evening til Saturday, and our youngest son and his gf from Thursday til Sunday. Honestly, I'm not sure how it's going to work since only one bedroom is usable - the other is crammed full of furniture from the rooms being renovated. The workers start at 8 am and are planning on working Friday thru the weekend, so we can't even set up an air mattress in one of the other rooms. I keep reminding myself how this will all be over in a few months. It will all be over in a few months. It will all be over in a few months.

Yesterday I did ICE shoulder meltdown & today was yoga class. The owner of the studio asked how long I have been practicing. I said a couple of years, wanted to say a few months in case I look like a newbie LOL

Walmart emailed me and said my order for the computer was cancelled but didn't give a reasono_O. Last year at Christmas they did the same thing with a TV and I had to scramble to order from another company:mad:. Not sure why they even take online orders! Lesson learned.

Belinda - Do you think you are 1/2 way through your collection? Wondering what you will pick.

Kristen - Are you looking forward to the long weekend?

Cookie - I can't imagine how it must be with your renovation. We are having our roof done in a couple weeks, hopefully it won't be too bad. I planted daffodils (only thing the deer won't eat). I was thinking about you when they said upstate NY had a lot of snow especially by the lakes.

Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I went to the doc, my sinus/ear infection is acting up again. Come home late, I did a 30 min walk +
Slide & Glide Workout DVD Express - Cardio + Abs + Stretch - 39:34. Today I did a 30 min walk + 20 min Barre (butt) + Slide & Glide workout dvd Muscle Conditioning - 30:34.

DH and I will spent TG in DC. We will leave tomorrow morning. Not sure, what workouts I will fit in?

Cookie - thank you! Brawler isn't in any pain. He can't feel his muscles, he has no idea what's going on. I won't let him suffer. He is doing much better since than. Maybe it was a freaky thing? I take him for small walks in the yard every day, this way he gets his exercises.

Debbie - LOL, I haven't put a dent in my collection :p I could do this challenge for a few years. Sorry about Walmart. I buy everything in Costco, no hassle at all.

Hallo Kirstin.

Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. It has been a crazy, hectic few days. DH and I had a huge blowout fight this weekend, which resulted in me smashing my cell phone. . . brilliant move I know. The good news is after this blowout, we made up and we have been much better. The stress of everything just has been getting to me and I blew up. I ended up spending Sunday at the mall, wasting hours getting it replaced. I am so pissed at myself. Then with preparing for Thanksgiving, it has been crazy. One more day of work and then I can prepare my house for our company.

Belinda- I pm'd you. Great job on your workouts, girl!

Cookie- It will all be over in a few months. . . also, it will have been worth it! ;)

Deb- I am finding some poses I never thought I could do, doable. I wonder if the heat makes you more flexible? The body being warm and all?

Okay, I know this is a quick check in, but I have work to do. I will be back tomorrow.

Hi girls,

Today I did Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 D2 + walk. I am already in DC :)

Off to have some fun. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Today I took a hot yoga class:)

It was a rough day in the stores, still doing set-ups one of the managers was having a meltdown, I felt so bad for her. I made it as easy as possible for her but she hasn't slept and will work 12 hours on Black Friday. I started preparing for tomorrow but have a lot to still do. Will be up early tomorrow.

Costco was amazing went to the store yesterday they didn't have the computer I wanted in the store. Went back to my car and ordered it online. Costco had it at my doorstep this afternoon:D

Belinda - I will always check Costco 1st from now on + the price was great! Great job with your workouts, sorry about your sinuses. Have a great time with the kids:)

Kristin - Sometimes fighting can bring you closer, I just regret saying things out of anger:( I agree I think the heat makes you more flexible.

Waves hi to Cookie


Happy Thanksgiving,

Today I did Jillian Michael Body Revolution D3.

Debbie - can't beat Costco. Have a great time with your family too.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving:) We had a nice time and for the most part everything went well. I was on my feet all day and today went with 2 of my SILs and my niece to the outlets. I didn't get much but it was still a fun day. I am ready to crash, no workout but tomorrow it's a must LOL.

Belinda - I hope you are having fun in DC!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hey guys. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was pretty crazy around here trying to get ready to have everyone over. My parents, my sister and her family and then we invited our friends who had no where to go. . . my brother was supposed to come with his family for dessert, but he never came, nor did he call. He is a jackass. I won'te ven say anything about it to himbecause it is not worth the fight and the upset it would cause my dad at this point. We did a lot of cleaning and prepping on Wednesday and Thursday morning. Wednesday night I did ICE Bootcamp and Thursday morning I did ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio 1, plus I took Baxter for a walk/run. We would walk a block and then jog/run a block. I had to get him worked out so he would be tired when company came over. Friday I went to Michael's to buy some Christmas decorations. It was not that busy there. Then I felt like I was coming down with something, so I watched movies the rest of the day. Today I felt better. .. maybe I just needed to rest. I just finished Flex Train.

Deb- I always say awful things in the heat of a bad fight. I am glad we were able to make up and move on. It has definitely brought us closer this past week.

Belinda- I forgot to send it after I wrote my post. You should have it now. :).

Waving hello to Cookie.

Hi girls,

Sorry for not checking in. I had an awesome time in DC, lots of shopping. I am almost done with my xmas shopping.
This is what I did this week.

Wednesday: JM Body Revolution Phase 1 D2 plus 30 min walk.
Thursday: JM Body Revolution Phase 1 D3 plus 30 min walk
Friday: was all day xmas shopping
Saturday : JM Body Revolution Phase 1 D4 plus 40 min walk
Sunday : JM Body Revolution Phase 1 D5 Cardio 1 plus 30 min walk.

I am done with JM Body Revolution Phase 1, I really like it. She packs a lot into 30 min. These are great travel workouts, you don't need a lot of space or equipments ( one set of DB's and bands).

Kirstin - no worries! I know you have a lot on your plate. Sorry about your brother. That wasn't nice of him. Glad you took a rest day.

Debbie - I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too. Mine was great. We had a lot of fun in DC, lots of shopping.

Great job, everyone. I will try to catch up on personals tomorrow.
Hey guys. Today's workout was Party Rockin' Step 1. I felt like doing step today, and now that I have mastered the moves on this one, I really truly enjoy it. It is a fun workout. I also took Baxter for a long walk and helped DH put the Christmas lights up on our house. This four-day weekend went by so fast.

Belinda- Almost done with your Christmas shopping? I am impressed. I haven't even started mine, lol. My brother is very selfish and self-centered. I don't care whether he came or not. . . just that he did not call or text to say, hey I'm not coming or Happy Thanksgiving. Whatever! he gets away with it to. . . my dad holds us to different standards and it drives me insane.

Waving hello to Cookie and Deb!

BB tomorrow.

Hey there!
Belinda, almost done with your Christmas shopping?!! I haven't even started! Great job getting your workouts in. How's Browler doing?
Kristin, your brother sounds like one of mine! Pretty much anytime he says he'll do something/come by/whatever, I just disregard it. He never follows thru on anything. You have had a lot on your plate lately. We all say things we regret. Glad to hear you and dh have cleared the air and worked it out. Smart tiring out Baxter before company. Have you seen Fantastic Beasts? I liked it.
Deb, what kind of computer did you get? Did you find many good buys on Good Friday? DD and I went to Target and Payless but that was it.
This weekend our living room ceiling was sheet rocked, and they started doing another room. Hoping we can get the living room done before Christmas. Friday I helped out moving out debris and got over 22K steps! Lot of lunges and carrying!

The weekend flew by! Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. This will be an easy week but have all kinds of appts. (Dr., dentist, hair & renew my driving license). I did some cyber shopping today.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a lot of fun & your Christmas shopping is done . . . I'm jealous;) BB is having a good sale, what do you think of 10 minute trainer?

Kristin - You had a busy weekend but did get a lot done. Sorry about your brother, someday he will regret it. I am surprised how so many of my friends who have lost their parents struggle with it.

Cookie - I ended up getting a HP Intel Pavillion, I based it on reviews and we owned HP Intel before. There were good buys but the outlets are far away so it was difficult to buy presents if anyone needed to return, plus no one has any idea what they want:confused: That is a lot of steps and I bet you are sore tomorrow.

Good morning,

JM BR Phase 2 D5 (shoulder, triceps, chest, abs, quads) + 30 min walk is done.

Cookie - I only have DS and DH left for xmas shopping. Brawler is doing the same, not worst not better. I just ordered knocking socks for him. Hope that will help. Like you I am hoping to get my basement done before christmas. We just ordered the flooring yesterday, hopefully it will come in in 2 weeks. Yesterday DH ripped out the carpet in the basement. He said he has to level the concert floor before we put down the new floors. We are almost done. That's a lot of steps! Congrats!

Kirstin - well, for Black Friday we went to Fort Mayers, I done must of my shopping for Aleisa and Christina (my son's wife on base). They pretty much picked out their own presents :p I also did a lot of shopping online. I rather have them pick what they want instead me buying lots of stuff they don't like.

Debbie - it's a good price on the 10 min trainer. Not a lot of people like it :( I hardly reach for mine. It's getting harder every year to buy xmas gifts for everyone. They already got everything. Alesia picked out a few Fabletics outfits. I also picked a few for myself :)

I will be back later.

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