Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Monday is so hard after a four day weekend! Legs and Glutes all done. I am thinking I will have hard time walking tomorrow from the DOMS that will be kicking in.

Belinda- I think it is easier when the boys make a list for Santa, lol. This year they haven't really asked for anything and it is driving us crazy.

Deb- The weekend did fly by, didn't it. I am starting to look forward to the new workouts. Now that they are showing video clips. Cannot wait to try the Cardio Slam one. Looks like there are a lot of new moves.

Cookie- ugh on Trump's pick for Secretary of Education. I am wondering if I am going to get to retirement or if I will be forced into a different line of work at some point because there will be no jobs or lower-paying teacher positions.

BB tomorrow,

Good morning,

JM BR Phase 2 Workout 6 + walk is done.

Kirstin - I hear you on figuring out what to buy for your kids. You still have time. How are your legs?

Waving Hi to Cookie and Debbie.

Have a great day and workout.
I been working all afternoon, hardly had any steps :( I only had like 3K around 4 pm. I also did Prevention Fight Cellulite Fast both fast blasting workouts. The first one was cardio, interval, the second part was lower body. Pretty good workouts. The cardio got my HR up.

I am done today. Good night, everyone.

The last 2 days were hot yoga classes, my 30 day special will be ending soon. I have DOMS in my legs.

The DMV was a nightmare:mad:, I had more than 6 points but because my insurance card has my DH's name they wouldn't take it, my birth certificate had my maiden name (they always took it) so they said I needed to go back home for my marriage certificate. It wasn't crowded today (overheard someone say it was a 3 hour wait last week:eek:) but it took me 40 min. roundtrip. I return and go to a different person and he tells me they don't accept marriage certificates! Strangely he only looks at my passport and puts my renewal througho_O I was so drained after that and any zen from yoga was gone:)

Belinda - Maybe your fitbit was off it seems like you would have a lot more steps. I love Fabletics, only one of the malls I go to has a store and I love to go see the new outfits in person.

Kristin - It is so much harder to shop without a list, maybe they will come up with something. I let the boys go pick out gifts but they really don't come back with much & my DH is impossible to get for. I haven't checked out the clips yet. BB had a sale and I ordered Hammer & Chisel:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

JM BR Phase 2 Wo 7 ( Shoulders, Triceps, Chest, Abs, Quads) + walk is done.

Debbie - LOL, my Fitbit was correct :) I didn't walk a lot yesterday. Alesia, loves Fabletics :) She has an account with them. She ask me to pick some stuff, so did DH :) LOL! Sorry about DMV nightmare. I had one a few years ago when I first come to WV :( I have to renew my drivers license, hopefully it goes much smoother this time.

Kirstin - what are your plans today?

Cookie - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow. Happy Hump Day everyone.

Today I took another hot yoga class. It was a rainy day which we needed and thankful it wasn't snow yet:)

Belinda - I bet Alesia is the easiest to get presents for, girls seem to be so easy;) DH told me they are trying to improve the DMV so hopefully by the next time I go LOL. I like the name of the workout you did yesterday, Prevention Fight Cellulite Fast:)

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

I did JM BR Workout 8 (Back, Biceps, Hamstring, Glutes, Abs) + walk is done.

Today is my 34 Anniversary :)

Debbie - good job on your yoga yesterday. Alesia is very easy to shop for :) Guys are not easy to shop for. The Prevention Fight Cellulite Fast DVD is very good, IMO.

See you all tomorrow.

Today I took a rest day. It should have been an easy day at work but wasn't needed to switch displays around. My feet are still hurting. I plan to keep an extra pair of shoes/sneakers in my car so this doesn't happen again. I saw this neat shoe store called Aetrex at the mall & they have some tech machine that will tell you which insole will be best for your feet. I may check it out next week.

Belinda - Happy Anniversary!! Wow, 34 years that is awesome:cool:

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

Today I did JM BR Cardio 2 + walk.

Thanks Debbie! We had a great time yesterday. Sorry about your feet. I always keep an extra pair of sneakers in the car.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

I took a hot yoga class yesterday. Today I took a rest day, I was so tired. I'm hoping after a good night's sleep will feel better tomorrow:)

I was watching a 20/20 about the Mom who was abducted when she went out for a run. It's crazy that it is unsafe to go for a run in your neighborhoodo_O It had a happy ending but so scary what they did to her.

Belinda - I just realized you are doing Jillian Michael's workouts, she was on a Rachael Ray show I taped but haven't watched it yet.

Kristin & Cookie - I hope your having a great weekend!

Good evening,

I am still here :) Yesterday went to the Metro Cooking DC with my husband and kids. We all took a Holiday cupcake decorating class:D I love to cook, not backing. It still was a lot of fun. After the event we went to a nice Italian restaurant in China town. I wanted ramen noodles, but DH is sick of eating ramen noodles. Have you ever had ramen noodles? I don't mean the stuff out of a package, lol. At first, when my kids told me about them...I was like I hate ramen noodles :( I tried the stuff you buy in the store. Gross!!! Every time I am in DC, I get ramen noodles. They are expensive, but so worth it :) We did a lot of walking at the Metro Cooking. Got home every late last night.

Today I walked over 10 miles. So far I have 23K, doing lots of walking today, lol.

Debbie - yes, I am doing JM BR. I only run through the workouts once. I start Phase 3 tomorrow. Good job on the yoga class. I need to start doing more stretching/yoga.

That's it for me today. I am tired. Good night.

Today I did ICE Lower Body Sweat Cardio 1 & half of Cardio 2. I ended up spending the better part of today looking for my wedding band including the garbage:eek: I always put it in one spot, checked their about 10x's also said the St. Anthony's prayer (a few times) my Aunt said to use when you lose something. While I was cooking dinner checked one more time in that spot and it somehow hooked on the inside of my watch band which is the exact color of the ring:oops::rolleyes::oops:

Belinda - The baking class sounds like so much fun. I would rather bake than cook, also eat the baked goods, unfortunately:oops:. Wow, you did get in a lot of steps. I have haven't ever tried ramen noodles but the one's you had sound good.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good afternoon,

I am just getting around to post my workouts. I did JM BR Phase 3 workout 9 today + walking. Maybe I do a little LB pilates later.

Debbie - thank goodness, I don't back :) I would eat everything I back. Love cooking! So glad you found your wedding band :)

Good job, everyone.

Today I went to the gym and ended up taking a yoga class because I was looking in the room and the instructor talked me into it. I did the Stair master afterwards which was my original plan:rolleyes:

Belinda - It must be getting cold to walk outside , this morning we had a light snow:( We are expecting a light snow tomorrow morning, they are salting already.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Hey guys. I am sorry I haven't checked in. I literally have not had the time to. Wednesday night I went to hot yoga, which was so intense this time, my whole body felt it. Thursday I had parent-teacher conferences. By the time I got home, had dinner and sat down, there was no way I was going to workout. Friday night I took another rest day, because I was too tired to do anything. We had FIVE fire drills on Friday because there was a faulty wire in the system and it kept going off. Five fire drills on Dec. 2nd is not fun for a few reasons. One it is freezing outside, as you can imagine. The fields were all muddy, which ruined my boots, and there was so much class time missed because of it. UGH!

Saturday my workout was ICE LIS blizzard blast, plus ICE Upper Body. I had my mom come over to give my dad a break as well. We watched Evita the movie with Madonna. I had taken my mom a few years ago to see Evita on Broadway with Ricky Martin. She told me that day she would never forget the experience. Well, it is long forgotten to her. I thought hearing the songs would jog a memory. . . it didn't. We got our Christmas tree that night, which cheered me up some.

Sunday my workout was ICE LIS cardio one, plus Leaner Legs and Abs. Then my mom came over again to help decorate the tree. She really just kind of watched us. My dad came over later to watch the Giants game. I had work to do, but I couldn't get it done.

Last night I had a union meeting, ate dinner and then I did Slide and Glide. It has been a very long time since I broke that baby out. I had a lot of fun sliding around, lol. Not sure what my workout will be today.

So any news on when the new workouts will be shipped?

Deb- I agree it is sad that a woman cannot go out for a run by herself without being cautious, careful and a little scared. I laughed at your DMV story. The DMV is definitely a level of Dante's Inferno, hahaha. I haven't even started my shopping yet, but I ahve some ideas of what I want to get.

Belinda- Happy anniversary! BTW- I love to bake, not cook, haha. We are opposites, haha. And Ramen noodles is not my thing, lol. I am sure the real ones are better than the ones in a package, but I just never had a taste for them.

Okay, I need to get my butt in gear for work. I just wanted to make sure I checked in with you guys today.

Hi girls,

Today I did JM BR D10 + a 10 mile walk.

Update on Brawler :( We decided to stop Brawlers lazer/ water therapy. The last 2 weeks, the therapist had to help in in the water. He couldn't walk on his own :( We contacted his surgeon in Baltimore, he confirmed it's not doing him any good at this point since Brawler can't walk on his own:) The therapy stressed Brawler out from the beginning, he really never liked it:( The water therapy was suppose to help him strengthen this muscles. It's useless, if he can't walk on his own. He doesn't feel it. It's been very sad watching him the last few weeks. Brawler surgeon wants me to still take him for shorter walks (he can't go for longer than 10 min) a few times a day plus do his stretches. He also wants me to get the dog wheel chair but not use it unless he can't walk anymore. He also wants to see him in 3 month if he doesn't get any worst than it is. Brawler is still happy and has some life left :) He will let me know when it's time :( Until then, I will do anything to make him comfy. The veterinary we take Brawler for his therapy, he saw another doc for this condition. The therapist, doc and his surgeon all agree not to continue with the water/laser therapy. His muscles are dying :( They all told us what to expect next :(

Kirstin - thank you :) I have no idea when the new workouts ship? maybe before xmas? The ramen noodles I am talking about doesn't taste anything like the stuff you buy :) I was like you when my kids wanted to take me to ramen noodles. The first time my kids had them was in NY :)

Debbie - I am doing inside walks these day's. I can't leave Brawler alone. I am to afraid something happens to him and I am not home. Good mix of workouts yesterday.

Good night, ladies.

Today I did the floorwork for Butts & Guts. I wanted to do more but I struggled with every rep LOL.

Belinda - So sorry about Brawler but it sounds like you are doing everything to make him comfortable and happy. You have a great team of Dr.'s for him too! Does he still get excited for the short walks?

Kristin - This is such a busy time of year. I can't imagine 5 firedrills such a distraction & too cold to be outside. I never saw the movie "Evita" always wanted to.

Waves hi to Cookie

Belinda, happy anniversary! 34 is a lot and deserves celebrating. Have you thought what you might do to celebrate the big 35th? Sorry to hear about Brawler. Our dogs truly do become members of the family.
Kristin, I'm with you and barely making it thru the days lately. That's sad about your mother not remembering Evita. I also prefer baking! You sure had an early start to your day.
Deb, that's crazy about DMV. What a headache. We had snow yesterday, but thankfully not too much.
Well, I typed this up last night and never hit submit! Someone came over as I was typing, and I must have forgot to hit post. Sorry about that.
Getting my steps in but that's about it. Hoping to have most of the reno work done shortly after new year, so then I'll at least have a bit of space. After that, it's work on a new kitchen. This school year is going by very fast also. The only Christmas decoration we've put up so far is a ceramic tree. We must seem like the Grinches.
Good morning,

Workout for today is done. I did JM BR Phase 3 D11. I have to say, that one was tough :) DH and I also walked a few miles with Jessica Smith.

DH wants to do another round of 21 Day Fix. We will start Monday, the workouts are short and sweet. I also will add walks to my mix. The flooring for my gym basement is coming this Friday. We already ripped out the carpet 2 weeks ago.

Cookie -.thank you! No, I haven't thought what I might do to celebrate the big 35th? Have you? Maybe a nice vacation, lol! Good job getting your steps every day. Good luck with the house.

Debbie - thanks for your kind world:) Brawler still gets excited for his short walk around the yard. After 10 min he is done and wants to go inside. The reason we walk him in the yard is his paws. The get bloody walking on the pavement. I bought him
No-Knuckling Training Sock Which seems to help him . He has to get used to wearing the sock before we take him outside. Good job on B&G! That one is tough.

That is it for me today. Have a great day and workout.

Today I did ICE Shoulder Meltdown. It was a tough day for me but hopefully I get a goodnight sleep. My older ds is going through a lot.

Belinda - I am amazed with the products they sell for dogs, that is great! You must be excited for your new floor:)

Kristin - Is Christmas vacation shorter because it falls on a weekend? I prefer when the holidays fall on a weekday.

Cookie - Our next door neighbors needed to move out of their house for a week because they had their floors redone. In the Spring, we need to get some work done & I'm dreading it. Having the kitchen done will be fun:)


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