Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. I am sorry I keep disappearing on here. This has been a crazy few weeks. Tuesday my son had his winter concert and I was not able to get a workout in. Wednesday I did go to Hot Yoga. Thursday night I got my hair colored, which was much needed and Friday my dad took the boys for a sleepover and DH and I powershopped from 7 until midnight!!!! Saturday I spent the day baking cookies with my boys and my mom. I did manage to get a workout in that day, ICE LIS Cardio 2. Today I continued to bake cookies with my younger DS. I also did Muscle Endurance. I am taking tomorrow off from work because I have DS's parent/teacher conference and I have a lot of running around to do still. Hopefully I will get everything I did to get done so that I can sail through the rest of the week.

Anyway, I am so sorry for not being on here more the last few weeks. You girls and this check in do keep me motivated.

Belinda- 2 DF Cardio Extreme is tough one. Dirty 30 is my favorite in that series. I also love the bonus workout that it came with, Fix Challenge. I love the color of your gym flooring.

Deb- Are you going to be working up until Christmas Eve? I wish we had two days off before, at least, so much to do and no time to do it in. I still have a few items to get for gifts. Hoping tomorrow will be my final, final shopping day!


I didn't get a workout in yesterday and today I did 1/2 of upper body premix from 4 day split. It was a strange way to do it but I did get a workout in. Ugh, didn't get as much done as I needed to today:(

Belinda - Will you spend Christmas home or in DC?

Kristin - Power shopping sounds like a good idea . . . once and done! Even if you go out one more day at least you didn't spend the month of December shopping (like me:oops:). I'm hoping to have the day before Christmas Eve off, usually I need to cover for the NYC girl that day but she isn't going home for as long this time.

Waves hi to Cookie:)
Hey girls,

Yesterday I did 21 DF yoga plus an hour walk. Yesterday we worked on the basement and went grocery shopping. We also had to order more planks.

Today DH and I did 21 DF TB Cardio plus walking.

Kirstin - I love them too. They are perfect since I am sort on time these day's. Have fun with your power shopping :)

Debbie - I hope you get the day off too. We will spent Christmas at my house and New Years in DC.

See you all tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Well the parent/teacher conference went not so good, but I expected that. My younger guy really struggles with math and reading. He is already getting remedial services for reading and I am paying for a math tutor. I am writing a letter to the district to request that he get tested to see if he qualifies for Special education services. I was a bit sad after the meeting. I took my younger guy (he had half day at school) and we went to the outlets. I finished my holiday shopping. Not bad, considering I just started on Friday, ;).

Tonight's workout was 21 DFE Fix Challenge. This one really makes my shoulders sore. I am hoping the soreness will wear off before yoga. It's hard to plank and do downward dogs with sore shoulders, lol.

Belinda- It's funny. I chose Fix Challenge tonight because it was short, lol. Short, but effective and tough!

Deb- I am keeping my fingers crossed that you are off on Friday.

Be back tomorrow.


Today I did 10 min solution Butt Lift for 20 min. (2 segments). The leg exercises were different but it was a good workout.

The malls were crazy. I went to 2 and I think everyone may have taken this week off:( My work isn't bad but dealing with the parking & people ugh. I have 3 tomorrow:(

Belinda - Do you think you will have the basement done in time for Christmas? 21 DF was a good pick when you are short on time:)

Kristin - It sounds like you are doing a lot of help your son, kudos for that! I'm impressed that you are finished & in 2 days:eek: I am too just waiting for some orders to arrive.
Hey girls,

Got my Cathe shipping confirmation in the mail today. The new dvd's should be here before xmas.

Today I did 21 DF Upper Fix and an hour walk.

Debbie - today my kids are coming for xmas. I doubt we get the basement done before xmas :( We had to take a brake yesterday after hearing about the terror attack in Berlin :( I hear you on parking and have to deal with people.

Kirstin - that is a tough one. Good job yesterday. How is your mom & dad doing?

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Good night, ladies.
Hey guys. I did Great Glutes tonight. For some reason I thought it was a "lighter workout". I couldn't believe we do 64 pizza presses and then repeat, lol. This week is going soooooooo slow. I think I am more excited for Christmas break than my kids, lol.

Belinda- I didn't get a shipping email yet. I am getting a little worried that they may not ship to me. I guess wait and see. Another terrorist attack. It is sickening. I am glad your kids are coming to your house for Christmas and early too! A full house for the holidays is always the best.

Deb- I hate shopping and I do not mess around when I do it, lol. I hate crowds mostly. The outlets had a lot of good deals. Under Armour had 40% off everything. I got my husband a bunch of sweatshirts there. He loves UA.

I still have grading to do, but might just go to bed.

Kirstin - a lot of people didn't get a shipping notice. I didn't expected one. Don't worry...your dvd's will come! Terrorist attack happened in 4 different places overseas :( My son and his wife are here. Alesia will be here Thursday. I wanted my house to be clean. I have Greater Glutes, never done that workout. Good job. Enjoy your xmas break.

Today I did one 10 min. segment from Butt Lift & ICE meltdown shoulders. I'm so happy it won't be so cold the next few days, wouldn't mind some snow flurries on Christmas:)

I didn't get a shipping notice either but I usually don't.

Belinda - I was thinking about you when I heard the news about the terrorist attack (so sorry:(). I remember the beautiful pictures you posted of the German Christmas markets when you lived there. It's good that your family will be coming soon:)

Kristin - I thought today was Wednesday . . . I'm trying to rush to Friday:rolleyes: I did Great Glutes last week and the pizza presses were tough, happy I didn't know there were 64:eek: My son started break today & is very happy! I love UA too, especially the outlet store:)

Cookie - Any special plans for the holiday?


Today I took a rest day, it was a long day & I was really starting to feel rundown. Tomorrow will be tough but I am on target to take Friday off:) I've been good about bringing my lunch so I can enjoy Christmas cookies soon;)

Belinda - Great job getting your workout in!

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Today I did two 10 min. segments from Butt Lift. I also received my new dvd's and can't wait to try them:) TG I have off tomorrow so tired (happy dance).

Belinda - Will you wait till the New Year to start the dvds?

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam and 21 DF Cardio Fix + walk is done.

Debbie - I couldn't wait to give the new workouts a whirl :) Nice job on your LB workout.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Have a great day and workout, ladies.

I couldn't get a workout in today but I was on my feet most of the day. I hope to squeeze in a workout tomorrow:) I can't believe it's almost Christmas!

Belinda - I don't blame you, tomorrow I will try and do at least some of one of the new workouts (fingers crossed).

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Merry Christmas!!!!!

It was a rough holiday for me. I miss having my mom the way she was and not what the disease has made her to be. I tried to stay merry and cheerful but I have had moments of crying and sobbing yesterday and today. The boys still had a good Christmas, which is what is most important to me. On top of everything, I got a head cold. I thought I was able to escape getting sick this season. A lot of my students were in school this week with runny noses and coughs. I kept using hand sanitizer and had aired out my classroom during off periods. Well, I woke up yesterday feeling nasal congestion and today it is worse.

Strong and Sweaty came Friday! I did Cardio slam yesterday, but had to stop after the mat portion, because the head cold and the cardio was too much for me. Today I did PHA Training. My heart rate was up there. Oh. . . I forgot to tell you, I got an Apple watch for Christmas. I love it. I wore it today and it tracked my workout and my walk with Baxter.It seems really accurate to me.

We had my family over and it was nice. Now I am looking around at all the cleaning I have to do. . . again. That is what tomorrow is for, right ;).

Belinda- I can't believe you did Cardio Slan and then Cardio Fix together. Cardio Fix is a tough workout! To do more cardio on top of that, I think I would faint, haha, especially the way I was feeling yesterday. I like the new moves in Cardio Slam. I think PHAT will be one of my favorites in this series.

Deb- Have you tried any of the new workouts yet?

Hi Cookie!

SO tomorrow, I need to download the Strong and Sweaty online manual and check out the rotations. I definitely want to do this series for Janaury.

BB tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be feeling better.


I can't believe Christmas is almost over but looking forward to a good night sleep. I tried to do it all but at the cost of being stressed out:( I will right down some notes and do things differently not worth it.

Today I squeezed in part of Ramped Up Upper Body. I skipped back & chest and did tri's, shoulders & bi's. They were the only body parts not hurting me today LOL.

Belinda - I hope you are enjoying your time with your family.

Kristin - It must be so difficult with your Mom, especially during the holidays:( I'm happy you had so much fun with the boy's at Christmas:) I thought about the apple watch it looks so :cool:, awesome.

Cookie - How were your holidays?


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