Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. I just finished Total Body Giant Sets. It was a very good workout. I liked the giant sets and the weights she used. I was able to match everything, except the tricep work, I went with 12s instead of 15s. I really like these new workouts. I wanted to do a cardio workout today because I did PHAT yesterday, but My nose is still congested, I knew I wouldn't be able to give it my all. Weight work is easier for me to do than cardio when I have a head cold. I plan on taking Baxter for a walk in a little bit. I am previewing Boot camp now.

Belinda- nice job on 21 DF TB. Are you doing extreme or regular 21 DG? Beach body has a deal right now of $99 for a full one year subscription. I was thinking about doing it. Not sure. . .


Good morning,

21DF Upper Fix and walk is done. I got lots of more work dvd's for xmas. I will keep it light until the NY. Sorry for being short on personals, my DD is still here. Tomorrow we are going to DC for NY.

Kirstin - I am doing the reg 21DF rotation. Mmm....that is a good price for BB. They also offer 30 day free trial. Hope you feel better. Good job on your workouts.

Debbie - hope you sleeping better. I am glad xmas is over.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Have a great day and workout.
Hey guys. I'm still battling this cold, so I went with a bit of an easier cardio workout. I just did MMA Boxing, plus I took Vaxter for a short walk.

Now I'm sitting on my couch trumping to get motivated to clean, but I might just rest.

Belinda- What new dvds did you get? NYs in DC sounds like fun!

Deb- are you back at work?

Waving hello to Cookie! How was Christmas in the new house?


Last night I took a hot yoga class and it was heaven but hard LOL! My legs have DOMS not sure if its from work or yoga:confused: I started covering for the NYC girl today and it was a lot of filling in because of the holidays. On the plus side I am running out of merchandise. I am there the rest of the week.

I almost forgot to say today I did Total Giant Sets but upper body premix only. I liked it:)

Belinda - Now you have more organizing to do with your new dvds;) I bought the materials to organize my dvds so hopefully in the New Year. Have fun in DC!

Kristin - I hope you were able to rest today. I couldn't match Cathe's weights:oops: will need to work up to it.

Waves hi to Cookie

Hey guys. My cold is still in full force, but I did get in another cardio workout. I did RWH LI 2, plus abs 1. I also took Baxter for a walk. I have my hot yoga class tonight. I plan on still going. I am enjoying this time off, even if I am not doing anything other than working out and taking it easy.

Deb- I think that we always need to work on matching Cathe's weights, lol. The different rep counts and speed affect what I am able to lift and keep up with her as well. I really liked Giant Sets. I think I am going to due the SAS rotation starting next week. Then after that maybe the SAS and ICE rotation.

Belinda- Having fun in DC?

Waving hello to Cookie!


I took a rest day today. My legs hurt all day:( We also went to dinner with my in-laws and my nephew and his wife here from Tennessee. It was a good time.

Belinda - I hope the weather is warmer where you are:)

Kristin - When I went to hot yoga the other night they gave us a cold cloth with the scent of eucalyptus after class. It was really refreshing. Kudos on getting your workouts in and relaxing. I can't wait till I can, I may have to binge watch some TV:eek: Take care of your cold, so many people have either a cold or stomach bug:(

Waves hi to Cookie

Today's workout was ICE LBB. I am still all stuffed up, but feeling a bit better. Hot yoga was good last night too. I was able to breath, lol. I plan on starting the SAS rotation on Sunday. I am making it five weeks instead of 4 because I am still going to go to hot yoga on Wednesdays, and I know I won't be able to double up the workouts. So I am still planning on doing 6 workouts a week, with Friday being my scheduled rest day. Hot yoga will be Wednesdays, of course. Then I will follow the rotation from there, throwing in hot yoga and Friday rest day. The last week of the rotation is really 1/2 a week, so I am adding on at the end. Then I might move into SAS mixed with RWH or ICE depending on how I am feeling about the series at that point. I really like the workouts so far. I still have to do Boot Camp and Ramped Upper Body.

Deb- How are your legs today. My legs get sore if we do a lot of warrior lunges or those lizard poses. I'd rather have the cold than the stomach bug. Are you getting snow? We have all rain here.

Waving hello to Belinda and Cookie!

Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I got sick really bad last night , maybe I had a stomach bug:( I did workout in the morning, thank goodness. I did 21DF Lower Fix and walked.

Today I did 21 DF Pilates and walked.

Debbie - yeah, more dvd's to add to my collection. How are you liking the new workouts so far? I only did Cardio Slam, to high impact for my me. There a lot of reviews on VF, I read the music was horrible in this set? I really need to play with them next week.

Kirstin - sorry about the cold. Hope you feel better soon. How are you liking the new workouts? I am so glad you got them :)

Cookie - hope all is well!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

I took another rest day today, after working in the NYC store today went and did one of my big stores. It was a lot to do in one day but after tomorrow will have a nice break in January:). My legs are still hurting a lot but this happens a couple of times a year. I'm trying to drink a lot of water in case it is dehydration.

Belinda - I can't believe how many people have the stomach bug, but I agree with Kristin would rather have a cold. I hope you feel better soon:) My favorite so far is Total Giant Sets but I have only done that one & part of Ramped Upper body.

Kristin - I haven't checked out any of the new rotations for the new series.

Cookie - I hope the renovation isn't driving you crazy;)

Good morning,

Workout is done. I did 21 DF Dirty 30 (I switched workouts today) and walked.

Debbie - maybe the stomach bug is going around :( I feel much better today. Glad you like the new workouts. I really need to give them a whirl next week. Just don't have time right now.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Hey guys. Today I did a light workout, ICE Low Impact Sweat Cardio two plus bonus abs 2. I also took the boys and dog to the park and walked/jogged. It was very cold out though, so we only stayed for a little bit and then had some chicken noodle soup and sandwichs. I cannot believe tomorrow is NYE! We are not doing anything exciting. Just staying in and watching the ball drop on tv. I am starting the SAS rotation on Sunday. I go back to work on Tuesday. It figures the week before break was soooooo sloooooooowwwwww. This week flew by, lol.

Belinda- A stomach bug is going around our area. A lot of people are coming down with a 24 hour virus of some kind. I liked all the workouts I have tried from SAS. The music doesn't seem bad to me. The only series where the music was awful IMHO is the Low Impact Series. Still great workouts, though. I still need to do the boot camp and the ramped upper body, but they are the first two workouts in the rotation, so I am waiting until Sunday to do them.

Deb- The rotations are interesting. There is one for SAS and then SAS/RWH, SAS/ICE and SAS/Low Impact Series. I think it is strange they didn't create a SAS and Xtrain rotation. Maybe I will make one on my own.

Waving hello to Cookie.


Last night was rough, I only had about 2 hours sleep and I'm sure I kept DH up because I was walking around from the pain in my legs. I did a lot of research last night and I'm sure it's Restless Leg Syndrome:( It's actually not anything bad but it is painful. It hurts the most when I sit and sleep I actually get relief when I walk. Today I used the foam roller and attempted ICE to the Mat but it hurt too much. I took an alleve and that seems to be helping. It could be linked to low iron, will check that out at my next physical & eat more foods with iron.

Belinda - Good to hear your stomach bug is better, TG they don't last long:)

Kristin - I will check-out the SAS/ICE rotation out that sounds interesting. I wonder if someone will ask about a SAS/X-train rotation? This week was over in a blink;) It sounds like you had fun with the boy's today.

Haven't done my workout yet, but I had to jump on here to tell you. Did you guys preview Ramped Up Upper Body? Apparently the distributor messed up and some of the RU dvds have a pastor preaching on it. I just checked mine, and guess what. . . I am one the unlucky ones. I am starting the rotation tomorrow. Guess I will have to use a sub for RUUB on Monday.

Check your DVD!

Hi girls,

21 DF cardio fix and walk is done.

Kirstin - what? I need to check. That shouldn't be:( Have you contacted Nancy yet? Once I am home I need to check it out. I read the premixes are choppy and the speed is fast on the set :(

Debbie - so sorry to hear that. Hope you find some relieve soon.

Happy New Year!!!
Party Rocking Step #2 done. I really love the step routines in this one. Last workout of 2016. Tomorrow I start the SandS rotation.

Belinda- check it out. I couldn't believe I was one of the defective ones. I contacted Nancy via email. I doubt she gets back to me until Monday, maybe even Tuesday because of the holiday. I am a little peeved by it. You know, I also noticed the speed seemed off in Cardio Slam. I asked DH and he said he didn't notice, but I felt the arms moved too fast. I didn't notice in the other two I did, but they were weight workouts. Wopnder if I will notice it again in Bootcamp.

Debbie- RLS can be awful. I used to work with someone who had it. I hope it gets better soon. Take it easy!

Hope you guys have a Happy New Year. We are staying in tonight and my parents are supposed to come over. I am looking forward to saying goodbye to 2016, as it hasn't been the best of years. Looking forward to getting back on track with eating, workouts and life in 2017.

BB tomorrow.

Kirstin - sorry this happened to you :( I haven't reviewed mine yet, I will do that next week. From what I read on VF, Cathe is off beat :( I only did Cardio Slam, it was fast.
Happy New Year!

We stayed up until around 12:30, the boys too. I thought for sure my little guy would pass out, but he was determined to stay up and say, "Happy New Year!" Did you guys watch Mariah Carey's performance at Times Square. It was a trainwreck. It was awful. I have never been a fan of hers. If that had been Madonna, she would have danced and shook her butt and at least gave the audience some kind of entertainment. It was ridiculous.

I started today with the SAS rotation. I did Boot Camp. I was going to do the premix with the abs added on. Well, that premix apparently skips the first cardio, which is the plunge lunges :/. I had read this on a different thread, but didn't pay much mind to it. Then when it skipped, I kept trying to go back to it, and it continued to skip plunge lunges. I guess it is a technical mistake. I ended up just doing the workout without the premix. Despite the aggravation about the premix skipping the first cardio chapter, it is a great workout. I like the make up of it, cardio, legs, compound move, upper body. I felt my heart rate go up the entire time.

Belinda- I can't believe I am one of the unlucky ones, lol. Did you try Cardio Slam with the modifier window?

Waving hello to Deb and Cookie!

I have one more day off! Today my mom and SIL are coming over while the guys watch football at my dad's house. Should be fun.


Hi girls,

Today I did 21 DF yoga fix and walked.

Kirstin - I didn't watch Mariah, saw on the news today :( LOL! I did like her, I am not a fan of Madonna. I am so sorry about the dvd. Keep me posted on the dvd. I will review the dvd's tomorrow. No, I didn't do the modifier workout. I did the original workout.

Good night, everyone.

Happy New Year!!!!!
We had a nice time at my in-laws NYE & today. I did ICE shoulders. I feel like I am coming down with a cold (so many germs so doesn't surprise me). I am looking forward to relaxing and catching up on sleep tomorrow:) This year the holidays really ran me down:( I'm looking forward to eating right and exercising. The RLS was bad last night but seems to be getting better today.

Belinda - I'll have to preview my dvds too this week. I didn't notice anything wrong with Ramped Up upper body.

Kristin - Wow, the boy's stayed up late! Hopefully they slept in late today;) We were watching the Mariah Carey performance but couldn't understand what was going on until we read it in the news. It sounds like you had a nice time with your parents.

Waves hi to Cookie



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