Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Cardio Slam plus bonus abs done. This is the third time I have done this workout. I was not crazy about it at first. Of course, my cold had just started and I wasn't feeling well the first time I did it. I liked it much more the second time and this time I loved it. It really is a fun workout. I love how she has high impact moves and then low and switches back and forth. It really is a gem of a workout. I wish there were premixes. I would love to do a double mat or double floor workout.

Belinda- nice job on Cardio Slam today. Guess we hit the same workout in the rotation :). I have PHA Training on tap for tomorrow.

Deb- Good luck on your procedure tomorrow.

Waving hello to Cookie!


Last minute decided to take a hot yoga class and happy that I did:) My favorite yoga instructor said another person had the same procedure and was able to come back but modified at 1st. I just had a terrible feeling would not be able to do yoga ever. She said to just explain to the Dr. that it is power yoga so he could give me the right time to go back to it.

Belinda - All your returns paid for the course:)

Kristin - I just remembered Cathe was going to have a modifier for Cardio Slam will check it out. Thank you will try and check back tomorrow night.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Today I did PHA Training and walked.

Debbie - good luck with your surgery today. Not sure, how I missed that one? What surgery are you getting today? Wishing you a speedy recovery. Good job on the last min yoga :)

Kirstin - I agree with your on Cardio Slam. I felt the same. It is a lot of fun plus I modified on my own. Got lots of steps in with that one. Have fun with PHA training today.

Cookie - I miss you.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished PHA Training. Really like this workout and I am not that enjoys repeating rounds. It goes by so quick and I feel like I got a good workout in. Really love how my heart rate stays up too. I am halfway through the second week of the rotation and I am really enjoying it.

Belinda- Isn't it a gem. I feel like it's a tough workout but without the dread factor I feel when I do Plyo Hiit 1 or Cardio Core Circuit. I am thinking that once I finish this rotation, I might make my own SandS Xtrain rotation. I really love that series as well. Or even a rotation with SandS and the group of dvds she made without a set (PRS 1 and 2, Great Glutes, etc.).

Deb- Hope the surgery went well today. Rest up and have a speedy recovery!

Waving hello to Cookie. I miss you too!

Good morning,

Today's workout was cardio of choice, I ended up doing FitnessBlender Butt and Abs Tabata Workout - Fat Blasting Cardio Interval Workout + a long walk. FitnessBlender was fun, I will add more of their workouts to my mix.

Kirsin - ditto everything you said about PHA Training :) I also have a huge dread factor for Plyo Hiit 1 or Cardio Core Circuit. Maybe I should sell them on FB :) If you came up with a rotation, let me know. Maybe I will do it with you :)

Debbie - thinking about you! Wishing you a speedy recovery and get lot's of rest.

Hallo Cookie!!!

See you all tomorrow. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Just got back from hot yoga. I was almost able to do a bind. My fingertips touched, but that was it. Still, it's progress. Anyway, I am pretty relaxed and ready to go to bed.

Belinda- I have to really talk myself into doing Cardio Core Circuit, lol. Plyo 1 I will do if it is in a rotation. I tell myself it's less than 30 minutes, lol.

Debbie- how are you recovering?

Waving hello to Cookie.


The surgery went well but it knocked me down more than I could have imagined:(. It looks like the incisions are big but it's hard to tell because my stomach is black and blue. It feels like I did 1,000 crunches or I took 1,000 punches to my abs. I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully feeling better.

Belinda - I like the name of the cardio workout you did today Fitness Blender, never heard of it.

Kristin - It is a nice accomplishment to get a bind:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

SS Giant Sets and 3 mile walk is done.

Debbie - glad your surgery went well :) Please, rest and take good care of yourself. Your workouts can wait. Wishing you a speedy recovery :) I will post the like to the FitnessBlender workout.

Kirsin - I am debating getting rid of Cardio Core Circuit? :( I have such a huge dead factor for that workout. I never seem to reach for it either. I don't want to hold on to workouts that I don't love, or have a huge dread factor anymore.I don't like Plyo or any thing that has to do with lots of jumping. Yeah, on doing a bind :)

Cookie - where are you?

Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Total Body Giant Sets all done. One more day until the weekend! I cannot wait. This week was hard for me. I just feel a little down. I think I always get this way in January. I am hoping the month picks up a bit.

Belinda- I am not doing the RT this year. It is my 40th birthday in June. We are thinking of celebrating by going on a cruise or going away. I might even go to Disney again. Anyway, I cannot afford to do both and I really want to celebrate my b-day with a bang!

Deb- Ugh, I hope the bruising goes away quickly for you. Rest up. Belinda is right, the workouts can wait.

Waving hello to Cookie.

Kirstin - I saw your post on FB :( So sorry you and your family have to go through this. Praying for you and your family:( I am not going either. Not sure what's going on with Brawler:( The big 40 bday. You deserve to celebrate with a bang. Any idea where you going?

Ugh, I thought I would be getting better a little bit of improvement but my stomach is still hurting:( The Dr. said I could start driving by Friday but no way would I be able to get in the car. I walk like I'm 90, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Belinda - I'm thinking about signing up for the RT, just looking for something to look forward to. I hope Brawler feels better. Are you enjoying your renovated basement?

Kristin - I didn't realize it's been 6 years:(, it's so sad but the picture was beautiful. You will have fun celebrating 40!!

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty BC + 4 mile walk is done. It was my first time doing SS BC and I liked it.

Debbie - crossing my fingers you get in :) Take care and don't rush things.

I have to run. I will be back later.

Today I went with DH to the food store, he wanted to go alone. It knocked me out but will sleep well tonight. My SIL lent me a few seasons of Gilmore Girls, I never saw but it is a cute show.

Belinda - I was wondering how BC would be.

Kristin - Wondering if you have off on Monday?

Waves hi to Cookie

Hey girls,

Today I did Ramped Up Upper Body plus 5 mile walk. I have done all of the Strong & Sweaty workouts and like them all. They are a lot of fun, minus the music.

Debbie - you need to take it easy :) Don't rush things, ok! You don't want to be out for a few weeks, right? :) Feel better! We used to watch Gilmore Girls when it first came out, cute show.

Waving Hi to Kirstin and Cookie.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
SAS Bootcamp done! I was so happy to take a rest day on Friday. I gathered my courage to get on the scale and see if my clean eating and consistent workouts have had any results. I was happy to see I am down three pounds :). I have been good about planning meals. I have been allowing for a cheat meal once or twice a week and it is paying off. We are getting pizza tonight and I am so excited!

Belinda- Bootcamp is fun in this series. I do not use the barbell on the step though with those clean and presses. I would hit my ceiling. I am 5'9. I am pretty sure I would fall off the step at some point too, lol. Instead, I do them on the floor with just the platform and two10# dumbells. The music in this series doesn't bother me. I just miss the sound-alike songs of Xtrain.

Deb- one day at a time. I bet with all the yoga and workouts you do, your strong core will heal sooner rather than later.

Waving hello to Cookie.

Kirstin - BC is a lot of fun :) I don't do the clean and presses on the step either :) Looks like an accident to happened :) I also use DB's instead of the BB. I didn't use the step, did the move on the floor. Congrats on your weight loss. That is fantastic!

Today I brought out Blissology dvds but only did 1 of the meditations at the end. There are a total 6 may do one each day. It really focuses on breathing which I think can only help:) It snowed here but not too much.

Belinda - Thank you I will take it slowly:) Do you use your own music?

Kristin - Thanks will take it one day at a time, my abs keep contracting which is painful. Great job with losing weight:) Meal planning seems to be so helpful.

Waves hi to Cookie

Hey guys. I did Ramped Up Upper Body for the first time today. I really enjoyed this workout. I felt I hit every single muscle group hard and at the end grouping, I felt the muscle was completely fatigued. I love how this workout is fast and you get through the entire upper body in less than 50 minutes. Very impressive. Best of all. . . no pastor preaching to me, lol. I added on some cardio, ICE LIS Cardio 2.

We are going to my niece's 2nd birthday party today and then I have laundry and work to do. Very happy that I am off tomorrow. I have a lot of laundry and work.

Deb- I think meal planning is the way to go. I am finding it is easier to stick to it with prepped meals for the week. I plan on doing food prep tomorrow, being as though I am off.

Belinda- I think a lot of people feel that way about the clean and press on the step. It just seems dangerous to me. Much easier to do with just the platform on the floor. I wonder if there is another move we could sub in that hits the same muscles or has the same effect.



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