Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. I couldn't do Ramped Upper Body, obviously, lol. I subbed in with ICE Chiseled Upper Body and bonus abs 1. I am still waiting to hear back from customer service. I am hoping I get the dvd sooner rather than later.

I go back to work tomorrow, and I am so not ready (emotionally or physically, lol). I really enjoyed the time off and the rest. I need to stay committed to my workouts no matter what. The entire vacation I worked out, without taking a rest day. I need to keep on track and not let the job or the extra activities deter me from my goals.

Deb- I hope you feel better soon. I think the holidays did run us down. As women, we are the ones who do the bulk of the holiday work (decorating, shopping, wrapping, etc.).

Belinda- did you check your dvd yet?

Waving hello to Cookie!

Hey girls,

21 DF TB Fix and walk is done.

Kirstin - not yet :( Trying to catch up on my house instead. Good job!

Debbie - hope you feel better :(

BTW,last week we got done with the flooring in the basement.

Waving Hi to Cookie!

Have a great Monday, everyone.

I bought a Groupon for a pilates reformer studio in our town it was a really good deal. It is 5 classes so I will be doing that this week. I did the 1st one today & liked it. So far I prefer warm or hot yoga better.

I can't believe it is already January:eek: I have been trying all day to beat this cold & I don't feel too bad:)

Belinda - :cool: the floor is done:) The pilates studio I was in today also had the vinyl plank flooring it feel so good on my feet & legs.

Kristin - It didn't feel like much of a vacation it went by too quick! It's nice to not have the extra work from the holidays anymore (except for taking the decorations down). Do you think the people who were supposed to get the Gospel dvds ended up with Ramped Up UB? Because that would be funny. Still haven't checked my dvds maybe later in the week.

Good morning,

21 DF Upper Fix and Strong & Sweaty Ramped up upper body is done. I also walked 3 miles. I decided to follow Cathe's Strong & Sweaty rotation for this month. This way I can play with the workouts. What is up with the music? The next time I do the workout, I will play my own music :)

Debbie - I am thrilled :) The flooring looks amazing. I am in the progress of decluttering my house, that better way to start in the basement. We still have lots of work to do. Sounds like you got a great deal on Groupon. This year I will make a commitment on decluttering my house, not buy ANY workouts, use what I have. I am overwhelmed with so much stuff :( I want to simplify my life this year :)

Kirstin - I haven't notice the gospel in ramped up upper body. I have to play that one again, I usually get water at the beginning of any dvd's:( Did Nancy get back with you on the dvd? Let me know if you need any help!

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I decided to do my workout before dinner and I think it was a wise decision. Not sure I could have done all of Cardio Slam after eating, lol. Today's workout was Cardio Slam, plus the bonus abs. I really enjoyed this workout much more the second time. Last time I did it, that cold was coming on and I just could not do the whole workout. I ended up skipping the step portion. This time, being as though I am feeling better, not 100% yet, I really enjoyed to drills. I liked how she has high impact and then low impact moves mixed throughout. I like the new moves too. Even though the step was only 4 inches, I felt it. The ab work is sooooo hard! I am going to have to do that routine a few more times, okay, a few hundred more times, in order to do every rep.

Back to school today. I was actually happy to be back. The kids seemed to be happy to be back too. It was just a dreary day out with the weather.

Belinda- They are sending me a new dvd. At first, they said they didn't have a record of my purchase, but what I explained what we did, they remembered and shipped one out. I am doing the rotation too. The music doesn't bother me. The music in LIS irritates me. My favorite series for music is Xtrain and RWH. I am only on day three (I started Sunday). I am adding Hot Yoga, so I am taking 5 weeks to complete the rotation. It is really 4.5 weeks, but I added a few more workouts at the end of the last week from the series. I am thinking of doing SAS/RWH rotation afterwards, or making my own rotation with Xtrain.

Deb- LOL, I never thought of that. . . a customer expecting to get a gospel preacher and instead sees Cathe's Strong and Sweaty Logo appear on the screen. That would be hysterical. Enjoy pilates!

Waving hello to Cookie! I'm sure you are busy, but check in with us! We miss you!


Today I took a pilates class that used a Spring Board (which is springs attached to a board) sort of like having tubing but springs (if that makes sense). You do similar exercises that you would do with tubing but it is harder because the springs are real tight. I liked it, but just doesn't seem like enough exercises if that makes sense.

Belinda - I am going to continue to declutter (again this year) at some point I have to make a dent. I can't imagine you having any clutter. Last year you did a great job of using a lot of your dvds without buying more:)

Kristin - It was a dreary day today. I want to try a few of the new workouts before I can't workout next week:( Cardio slam makes me nervous but happy it's only a 4-inch step. I heard the ab workouts are really good/hard.

Waves hi to Cookie

Debbie - good job yesterday. I don't have clutter, I am very organized, I have way to much stuff :( I need to declutter and get rid of stuff I don't use or have used in a year.
ey girls,

Long day :( Just getting around to post my workouts: I did S&S Cardio Slam + 21 DF Lower Fix and walked.

Cleaned out my pantry today :) I will not buy in bulk anymore, only buy what I need for that week. Tomorrow I will go through all my spices :)

Have a great evening
Hot yoga was done last night. It felt good. Every week I find myself doing the moves more flexibly, I love it.

I will be back later. I have PHA Training on tap for today. I think this is my favorite workout from the series.

Good morning,

workouts are done :) I did 21 DF Pilates with DH, we also walked. Than I did S& S PHA Training, really liked it :) The music was much better in that one, lol.

Kirsin - I agree with you on PHA Training :) Have fun with it today. Good job on the yoga last night. It also makes me fell good doing yoga regularly.

Debbie - you sound like me with the decluttering ( again this year). This year, I will not buy anything unless I absolutely need it. I been returning stuff I bought before xmas, I really don't need. I will go through my never-ending exercise dvd collection and donate to our public library :) I already filled up an entire box with books, that also will go to the library. Less is more :D

Waving Hi to Cookie! Hope all is well.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished PHA Training. Even though this workout repeats each round 3X, I really enjoy it. I like the rep count, I like the heavy weights and I like how quick it goes. What I love is how I feel my heart rate go up and stay up. Pretty incredible.

I am happy tomorrow is Friday. We are supposed to be getting 1-4 inches of snow. I am hoping we get 4 inches and a snow day, haha.

Belinda- The dvd arrived today. I tested it out and it is good to go, lol. I do really love the music in PHA too. I love the cool down song. I think it is Fast Car by Traci Chapman.

Deb- are you getting snow tomorrow?

Waving hello to Cookie!


Yesterday, I went to a reformer class & had my son's dog for the day and we took her for a walk. I miss having a dog:( but like borrowing her. Today I took a Pilates blend reformer class.

We are only expecting an inch of snow:)

Belinda - Keep meaning to ask you how Brawler is doing? I have been looking at my extra freezer downstairs and need to sort/clean it out so I can see exactly what I have/need. You are motivating because I want less too, everywhere:D

Kristin - Hot yoga is addictive:) I see you are getting a lot more snow than us. I'm going to try PHA training over the weekend since you and Belinda really like it.

Good morning,

I will do 21DF Cardio Fix plus walking.

Debbie - thanks for asking about Brawler. He has his good day's and bad day's :( I do have to support him more getting around or getting up :( It's heartbreaking to watch him. I am glad I am motivating you. Less is defiantly more :) I signed up for Alejandra Costello SimpLESSity decluttering program. You can find her on FB or youtube. I like her organizations videos on YT :) I been decluttering things I no longer have a use for, don't need for the last 2 years. We got rid of so much last year. Remember we had a house in Germany and one in the US plus the RV. Lots of stuff to get through. I still hold on to a lot of things my mom passed down to me, but I don't use. Those are the things I have a hard time letting go :( If it's in a box, it serves no one, right? I also, will not buy anymore dvd's. I will donate a lot of my dvd's to the public library or VA :) Maybe someone else can use it. Last night, DH and I but the gym back together :) I love it!! I have 5 different steps, WTH? I will get rid of 3. I also have push up handles, I never use. Lots of barbells, that I don't us :( It all has to go. We have a Bowflex, I am trying to get rid of it for so long, but DH is holing on for dear life :( The Bowflex takes up so much space, IMO! I will list some things for sale this weekend. Remember Goodwill will not come and pick it up, I have to bring it to them :( I want those things out of the house, I don't care if I donate or sale it :) At least it's gone!! I rather donate, but we don't have a truck to bring it to Goodwill.

Kirstin - glad you got the dvd :)

I will be back later.
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Hey everyone,

I did 21 DF Cardio Fix and Jenny Ford Unexpected Step today. I am trying to get my gym back together. I am also getting rid of a lot of things. I have like 5 steps :) Who needs 5 steps? LOL! Downsizing and simplifying is my goal this year. Filled up another giant garbage bag with clothes :) I really need to stop buying things ....clothes, purses, shoes....clothes and more clothes :) I been returning quit a bit lately too. Did I mention I love clothes, shoes and purses :p

Tomorrow DH and I will go through all the electronics we haven't used in a long time, cables, old computers...that should be fun. The other day I went though all my cookbooks, books, heath books and filled up a box for the library. My kids left a lot of moviesCD's when they moved out, I will donate them to public library/Veterans.

It snowed here today :( Arrrr......

Good night, ladies.
Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day for me, which I really needed. I basically ate dinner and then watched Honeymooner episodes that we had recorded from New Year's that was on PIX 11. Today I straightened up the house, did some laundry and then did Xtrain All Out, plus bonus core 1. It made me think how much I loved the music from Xtrain. I wish Cathe could have continued using Sound-alike songs. Part of the reason I love PRS 1 and 2 is the music is so great. I really like SandS, but the music isn't the best. Still not as bad as the low impact series.

We were only supposed to get 1-2 inches today but the forecast has changed and now we are looking at up to 12 inches! WTH? My kids think they got ripped off. If it snowed like this yesterday, they would have had a snow day, lol. I plan on taking them out to play in a little while.

Belinda- Sorry to hear Brawler is still struggling. I can't imagine how I will feel when Baxter gets older. He is so full of energy and needs to run all the time. I don't know what he will do when he can't run and jump around anymore. I think it is a great New year's resolution to declutter. I have 4-5 laptops that are broken in a closet that I should just get rid of. I am just afraid that someone can somehow get teh info off of them and steal my identity or something. I know that sounds crazy, lol.

Deb- How did you like all the Pilates classes this week? When is your Dr. appt? It is coming up, the procedure, right?

Waving hello to Cookie.

I am going to get the boys' lunch ready and then take them outside for a snowball fight.


Yesterday I took the last Groupon Pilates reformer class. I am sore from doing them for 5 straight days. Today I did Ramped Up UB. I'm going to miss doing weights. My surgery is on Tuesday.

We ended up getting about 3 inches of snow not bad but still slippery.

Belinda - I will check out that system, you are doing a great job. You could teach a class with all those steps;) LOL. I am returning too, bought some things during the holidays on impulse. I hope Brawler has more good days.

Kristin - Wow, lots of snow for you! Maybe they won't have it cleaned up by Monday and you'll have a delayed opening. I liked the pilates classes but it's not something I could do everyday + too expensive.

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I worked out than I got ready, I needed a birthday gift for my daughter in law. She love Kate Spade purses :) DH and I went to a new outlet that just open close DC (one the belt-way). Beautiful outlet. I actually made out the store without buying a new purse for myself :) All those sale prices are temting to say the least:D I need to use what I already own.

I did 21DF Dirty 30 and Strong & Sweaty Giant Sets. I like Giant Sets, nothing new but fun :)

Debbie - the system is nothing new, very simple. If you don't need it, use it or love it get rid of it :) That applies to clothes (anything you haven't worn in 12 month) donate or get rid of it. I will give all my clothes to charities. I have been doing it for the last few years. It does talk about/she tells you where to donate, recycle EMERYING.. From broken shoes, shoes you don't use (donate to an organization that will donate them to homeless people or recycle (shoes with holes they will recycle them for $$ for the homeless peoples!). Instead of tossing your holly cloth that no one can use (stained, holes, underwear) there are textile recycle centers like in H&M :) I had no idea. She also did all the research on where to donate or recycle everything properly without filling up the landfills.
I sure could teach a class with all those steps :) I never plan on teaching a step, why do I have so many steps? Yesterday I returned gift totaling over $500:D I didn't need it. My goal is to downsize my house by half. Nothing comes into my house anymore. The best part, DH is on board with it too!

Kirstin - I hear you, I was thinking the same a few month ago about Brawler. I don't think he knows why he can't move around like he used too. When he wants to get up on the couch he just looks at me. When he tries to walk alone and can't make it, I will help him. He needs my help 24/7. He does get around ok for the most part. It's a pain lately with the snow and ice outside. I have to wrap his paw since he is dragging it. I have to wrap his paw from scrapping/damaging his bones. DH and I been trying everything, the wrap comes off as soon as he hits the snow or ice :( He scrapped his paw open, not good! :( Now, I will try to put his shoes on. He hates them and can't hardly walk in them. At least, his paws are protected :) I have to order the wheelchair this week ,maybe he gets around outside a little better.

We are going to celebrate DS's wife birthday today in DC.

Have a great day and workout.
Hey guys. I just finished Total Body Giant Sets. That is another good weight workout. I like how PHA Training and Giant Sets are both total body workouts that run under an hour. Granted, they both do not have ab work, maybe that's what it is. They both seem to fly by so fast too.

Belinda- Poor Brawler. He is lucky to have such loving owners. You are doing everything you possibly can for him.

Deb- The kids are hoping for a delay tomorrow. I don't think we will get one. We shall see. How did you like Ramped Upper Body? How long does the recovery take after the surgery?



Today I did PHA Training premix 1A, 1B, 1C. I struggled with it but think if I would have lowered my weights it would have been better. When I do the whole workout I will, & I loved it! I have been doing a lot of lifting & moving of things because soon I will not be able to.

Belinda - I like going to the outlets & that was a really good test & you did great! DH would love it if I downsized by 1/2. Sometimes I feel like I waste so much time moving things around:oops: Did you pay for the system or use the free dvds? I really like the concept and plan to use some of the ideas:)

Kristin - Sometimes my kids would get a delayed opening if it snowed on the weekend because they would need to dig the buses out on Monday. I liked Ramped UB but I like the total body workouts (PHA Training & Giant Sets) because I haven't been doing workouts like that lately and I like the change. I think I will not be able to lift for 6-8 weeks:( I have already set my treadmill up so I can walk as soon as they let me.

Debbie - you have to pay for the program and videos. She does have some free organization dvd's on YT! I will sent you a pm.

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