Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today was better, started to walk faster too LOL. In a couple of days hope to start using the treadmill.

Belinda - Did you get a lot of snow? We only had about an inch.

Kristin - It feels like MLK day is so much earlier this year. I'm glad you were able to get the right dvd so fast:)

Good morning,

Yesterday I did 40 min yoga. Needed that, my back is killing me lately. Today is Cardio Slam.

Debbie - it was sunny and warm yesterday. Hope it stay's that way :) Glad you starting to feel better. Still take it easy, ok!

Kirstin - LOL, glad you got the right dvd :) I do like the workouts, they go by fast and you can modify everything easy. I do that move on the floor, still getting a great workout in.

I will be back later.
Hey girls,

I been working in the basement with DH all morning. I am also going through everything in my basement, need to start downsizing :) I finally will sell my LM pump/combat dvd's. I bought 2 sets each, WTH?

Cardio Slam is done. I did the modified #2 premix.

That's it for me today. Maybe I will like doing more later? BBL!
Cardio Slam plus abs are done. That ab routine is super hard, especially the oblique work. I have to keep practicing, I guess. I also took Baxter for a walk. According to my apple watch I burned a load of calories today. Meal prepping for the week later. Nothing much else to report. I need to finish grading and typing up lesson plans.

Belinda- 2 sets each? Maybe one was a gift and you had ordered it already? Are you going to keep one and sell the other set?

Deb- I was impressed with how fast they sent the dvd too. I am glad you are feeling better. You will be on that treadmill in no time ;).

Okay, got to get the work done over here. I have procrastinated all day long.

Kirstin - I will keep one and sell the other set :) Both sets are still in shrink wrap :( I agree, about Cathe's ab workout, it's super tough. I don't like it, neither does my back. Good job today.
Hi, ladies! I love the motivating name of your check-in group, and I was wondering if you'd mind my joining in? I have worked out with Cathe's DVDs and been a member of the forum for several years, until I tore my ACL two years ago in a martial arts class. Since then, I have gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of motivation, but I'm determined to get back on track. I think having a place to check in will help me to stay accountable (I hope!), so I'd love to join in if you'll have me. :)

Today I didn't take Alleve but by tonight I needed it. It's impossible to sneeze or cougho_O the things you take for granted LOL. I did a meditation dvd today.

Belinda - I have been noticing how much stuff/crap I have when I am home, look forward to be able to get rid of it. I thought I read you were getting rid of LM pump/Combat but realized you had a double;) I really like those workouts.

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed your day off:) How are you liking the Apple watch? I heard you can get good prices for Apple watch bands on Amazon.

Karategirl - Feel free to join us, very motivating group. At the moment, I am sidelined from a hernia repair but the minute I get the ok will jump right back in:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

Today I will do S&S Total Body Giant Sets & Bonus Abs.

Debbie - I am going through everything in my basement, including gym. DH and I will move in about 5 years. I don't want to wait until last minute to go through all my stuff/crap :) I went through my books the other day, filled up a giant box. I am sure I will purge more. I put a pallet (came from the gym flooring) in the garage. Everything I donate is labeled/note where I will donate my stuff and on the palette. I assigned an area in the garage for purging/donating, this way things don't end up somewhere else in the garage :)

Karategirl - Hi and welcome! I agree, it's a very motivating group.

Cookie - how are you?

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Today I did TB Giant Set:Mish Mosh Premixes Scrambled #1: Warm Up + Round 1 + Round 4 + Round 3 + Round 2 + Round 5 + Round 6 + Stretch (50:42) + abs and walk.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished Total Body Giant Sets. I really am loving this rotation and this series. I like the concept of Giant Sets. The way the moves and rep counts are in the program, I feel the muscles burn the entire set.

It was a little hard to go to work today. I was so tired and the weather was so dreary. The good news is tomorrow is already Wednesday, lol.

Deb- I have been sneezing all day and thinking about what it would be like to have pain in my abs while I sneeze. Yikes! The Apple watch is great. I really love it. It is very accurate and I find it motivating.

Belinda- smart move getting rid of all the "stuff" you don't use before you move in the future. It is such a pain going through everything when you only have a certain amount of time before closing. Better to jump ahead and get rid of all the clutter now.

Karategirl- Welcome to our group! This group has been very helpful in keeping me motivated and on track. A bunch of us actually met on a Cathe road trip a few years ago. Have you ever been to a Cathe RT?

BB tomorrow,

Thank you for the warm welcome!

Deb - I'm so sorry to hear you had to have a hernia repair. Ouch!

Kristin - No, I've never been to a Cathe RT, though I imagine it must be an amazing experience. Maybe some day...

I started the Strong and Sweaty / ICE rotation this week. I did ICE bootcamp circuit on Sunday, Ramped Up Upper Body with bonus abs yesterday, and Cardio Slam today. I was able to do rather well with the strength training, and could match Cathe's weight selections for the most part. Cardio is another story! It's a process of trial and error to figure out what my knee still can or can't do, so I definitely needed some modifications., plus longer rest breaks . My cardio endurance is not what it used to be!

Today was the 1 week mark but it feels like it's been months:eek: I've been doing more and more (around the house) each day but it does make me very tired.

Belinda - It is really smart to go through your stuff now because you'll pick out the things you really enjoy. It is very motivating to hear your progress. The mish mosh premix sounds like fun:)

Kristin - I agree I really love the concept of Giant Sets. The weather was dreary today.

Karategirl - Some people feel strength training is more important than cardio because it enables you to build muscle. So while you recover, less cardio won't be so bad.

Today's workout was To the Mat Legs and Glutes. I have never done a complete mat workout, and it was much tougher than I thought it would be. And, I am much more sore than I thought I would be!

Today I felt so much better did a lot of walking around the house and some light chores but paced myself. I spoke with my Dad today and will make plans to go see him soon.

Belinda - Those stories were sad, I didn't think donating clothes was so complicated. There are some bins about 5 minutes away that I use, now I wonder where the clothes end up:confused: Great job with your workout!

Karategirl - To the Mat L&G is one of my favorites:)

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

PHA Training :Mish Mosh Premixes Scrambled #1:+ 5 mile walk is done.

Debbie - that is how I felt when I saw the article :( I been using those bins too. From now on I will not put my cloth into those bins anymore. Dress for Success, will give your used cloth to people in need. We have a ministry in town, the have a used cloth store. After awhile they will donate to Goodwill :( I don't know why they don't give to those that need them. Goodwill is expensive, lower your prices. We have a Goodwill they prices used stuff really high, I was thinking...who buy's that? You get it cheaper at Walmart and it's new :)

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
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Hey guys. I think I have a sinus infection or something. :( I skipped yoga last night because my nose was so runny. I couldn't imagine doing downward dogs and planks with a runny nose, lol. It's still pretty bad today but I did do Party Rockin Step 1. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday.

Belinda- how did you like that premix?

Deb- I'm so glad you are starting to feel better! I can't believe it's been a week already!

Karate girl- that workout is surprisingly tough. My legs burn throughout it. Good job!

Have a good night guys!


Today I cleaned my thread mill LOL, I set-up the dvd player so I can watch something when I'm on the thread mill. I did laundry and food shopping with DH so I was wiped.

Belinda - I'll look into a church in our town that I think takes donations. I agree it's crazy to be so expensive at a Goodwill store it defeats the purpose.

Kristin - I hope you feel better, so many germs are around:( It would be so uncomfortable to do hot yoga with a runny nose.

Waves hi to Karate girl & Cookie

Kristin - Oh, no! Seems like everyone I know has the sinus thing going on these past couple of weeks. Hope you only have a mild case, and that you start feeling better soon.

Yikes, I really started losing steam with my workout today. I did Rockem Sockem, but I struggled, especially with my legs being sore from yesterday's mat workout. I'm supposed to do Total Body Giant Sets tomorrow, but I think I will take a rest day instead. I regret that I will be missing a strength training day, so I think I will have to rethink my plan for this rotation. Moving forward, I might plan for five workouts a week, and on the sixth day, replace a cardio workout with yoga.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Good morning,

Today is Cardio Slam.

Kirstin - sorry about the sinus infection. Those are no fun. I had my share over the years with sinus infections. Glad you listen to your body. What are you taking for it? I liked the premix, instead of doing group 1 first, Cathe did group 2 first than group 2. It was just reversed. Same workout, just the order was different.

Debbie - how are you doing? You are not taking it easy, hah? Please, don't overdue it :) We have a missionary in town, after while they will donate to Goodwill :( Maybe I need to look into smaller towns around us. The last thing I want to do is my clothes end up into the landfills.

Karategirl - the more you do d Rockem Sockem the better you get. It took me a few tries. It's a fun workout once you get the hang of it.

I will be back later.

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