Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hello, late check in for me. Today, I did SANDS Bootcamp. For some reason, my lower back kept cramping during this workout, to the point that I had to pause the dvd several times to stretch. Not sure what that was about! Days like this make me feel old and wimpy. Oh well, tomorrow is a fresh start, and I will be doing SANDS Ramped up upper body in the morning, followed by a rest day on Saturday.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. :)
Good morning,

I am done with Jessica Smith Cardio abs dvd : 28 Minute Total Body Abs Transformer +4 Minute Tabata plus Intensity premix #3 Step + HiiT (High) + Boot Camp - 59:09.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. It has been a busy week. Wednesday I went to Hot Yoga. Thursday I got my hair colored and cut after work and then had to help DS study for a test. By the time I got done with everything, I was too tired to work out. Last night my dad took the boys for a sleepover, so DH and I went out to dinner, just the two of us. It was a good time, even though the food was not that great. To make up for my two rest days and to stay on track with my rotation I doubled up my workout today. I did Cardio Slam, floor and step only premix. And then I did Ramped Up Upper Body. I also took Baxter for a walk. It is only 2:00 and I already have 10,000 steps in. Not bad. . .

Belinda- I must've missed that paragraph about your nephew the other day, I'm sorry. I am glad it was a false alarm and he is okay. THat is great that Brawler seems to like his cart. At least that will help him move around more.

Deb- I am glad you are able to walk and move around more and more. It stinks that Macy's is cutting back on staff. I heard on the news a few weeks ago they are looking to close stores. So sad.

Karategirl- PHA Training is one of my favorites in this series. I love weight training too. I love that it is only 44 minutes and yet it is tough and gets the heart rate up, like you said. It is a gem. I am kind of sad that I am entering my final week of the SandS rotation. I am thinking of doing the SandS and RWH rotation next or making my own SandS rotation with other workouts mixed in. We shall see.


Good afternoon,

I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. I did Strong & Sweaty Giant Sets Mish Mosh Premixes : Extreme #2: Ab Exercise Added to Each Round (63:54) + Jessica Smith Total Body Balance dvd: Cardio Flow (20 Minutes) + Core Stretch (20 Minutes) + JS Walk On: 15 Min Fast Fat Blast DVD: 15-Minute Fat Blasting Walks + 15-Minute Fast Fat Burn. That's it for me today.

Kirstin - we are all happy it turned out not being cancer. How is your mom doing? Good job keeping up on your workouts.

Debbie - did you sign up for the RT? Alesia and I wanted to sign up, but on Friday we decided we wanted to take a mother & daughter trip to the beach instead :)

Cookie - hope you doing well.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Yesterday I walked on the treadmill and did a barre workout from Cathe Live. We also went to dinner last night. I walked on the treadmill today. I was tired today but hope to sleep in tomorrow:) It was so cold today:(

I signed up for the RT and I'm in. I wish you guys were going too, but I understand. I am the closest so that just makes it so much easier for me.

Belinda - Wow, on your Friday workouts! A beach trip will be fun:)

Kristin - You had a busy week. Kudos on all the steps you will get in today.

Karate girl - I cramp a lot in yoga. The instructor said it could be because I need to stretch more and hydrate.

Good morning,

Jessica Smith Walk On: 15-Minute Fast Fat Blasts dvd: 15-Minute Power Pick Up + 15-Minute Dance Party is done. I also did
Jessica Smith Yoga Stretch for Beginners and Beyond: 2. Relaxing Flow = 30 min.

Not sure what I will do next week? Thursday I have a colonoscope. I started on the diet today. Not looking forward to it.

Debbie - congratulations :) Maybe we try next year? I really have a lot going on right now with Brawler and Darieus mom is in the hospital not doing well.Glad you feeling better.

Have a wonderful day and Sunday, everyone.
Hey guys. Today's workout was PHA Training. I am entering my final week of the SandS rotation. My plan for after this week is to do a week of the ICE series adding Blizzard Blasts when I feel I can push myself. This will be a bit of a recovery from pushing hard with SandS. Then I plan on doing SandS/RWH rotation, which I modified a bit to add Hot Yoga without working out seven days a week. I feel hot yoga is, in fact, a workout.
I am also still thinking of getting Body Beast and doing that starting in the middle of March, which would mean I finish in mid-June. Can you guys give me some input with BB, will I lean out, which would be my goal. Should I just stick with STS?

Belinda- You've done BB, right? Should I get it? I have been on the fence for so long. I don't want to get bulky right before the summer season.

Deb- I feel bad that I am not going on the RT. It is just a lot of money and I really want to do a family vacation for my birthday. Nice job with your workouts.

Waving hello to Cookie and karategirl.

Kirstin - wished I could do your rotation with you. I am not sure what energy I will have next week with this diet :( I love BB, he offers 2 or 3 rotations. One is for leaning out. body beast workout schedule lean. That will give you an idea for what to expect. Beachbody should have another sale coming soon.

Today I did Burn at the Barre (2 segments which focused on lower body only). I also walked on the treadmill. Looking forward to add some light w/o's the next couple of weeks.

Belinda - Good luck with the prep, when I had mine done the prep was only 24 hours before the procedure but you couldn't leave the house. I think there are a couple of different ways to do the prep depends on the Dr. So many people skip the test but it is so important to have done.

Kristin - If you ever want to go for a day trip and want company, let me know and I will meet you:) I don't have Body Beast, but Core de Force has my interest but that is a new one so don't think it will go on sale.

Debbie - I have to eat a low residue diet. Nothing with seeds in fruit, nuts, Sweet potato, potatoes are fine without the skins, fiber, no heathy breads except white bread, Special K cereal, cow milk, ice cream, cheese, yogurt. No raw vegetables or salads. I can eat meat, fish, eggs, yogurt. I can eat can green beans or cooked carrots. White rice, white beard (anything that is unhealthy is fine) Coffee, tea, gatorade ( no red or orange). Bananas are fine, not fruit with seeds or skin. The hospital sent me a list on what to eat and not for the next few day's. Wednesday is only clear liquids. I know, it's important to get it done. I am still nerves. Glad when it's over.

If you decide to do a day trip let us know. We would love to do a day trip :)
Good morning,

SAS Ramped Up UB Timesaver premix: #6 Triple Triceps: Warm Up + Triceps + Triceps + Triceps + Stretch (30:40) + JS Jessica Smith Barre Fitness DVD : 3 workouts 2: Barre Burn = 20 min is done. Maybe I do a walk later.

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone. BBL!
Hey guys. Today was cardio choice in the rotation. I chose an oldie, challenging goodie. IMAX 3!!!! It was tough, but I loved moving to songs with lyrics that I knew and the time flew by despite the fact it was an hour workout. . . and I had to stop and replay certain segments, lol. I forgot how Imuch I love the IMAXes.

Going to work today was a little rough. Mondays are hard, especially when it is cold out, lol. I am glad this month is finally coming to a close. December seems to fly by and January seems to last forever!

Belinda- is this diet due to the colonoscopy? That is a very specific diet! Good luck with everything. I would love to do a day trip with all of us and Cathe.

Deb- Maybe one day on my April break I can take a road trip for a Cathe class. It would have to be a one day trip for me. That would be very cool. Can we call in advance to see when she is teaching? How would that work?

Waving hello to Cookie and Karategirl.


I walked on the treadmill. Not sure if it's because it was Monday or so cold but happy too that January is almost over:)

Belinda - I had to take a solution (Suprep) mixed with water (from the pharmacy) the night before procedure and the taste was horrible and I thought that was the worse part. You shouldn't feel any pain, just groggy afterwards. The diet they have you on it interesting would rather do that.

Kristin - I'm going to Florida in April but will be back on Friday or Saturday before Easter Sunday. Not sure which week you have off. The schedule is usually online on the Four Season's website. It is still best to call before since we will be traveling so far. We could take the Cathe Live Class on Thursday. If not in April maybe during the Summer.

Good morning,

Not sure what I will do today?

Kirstin - thank you and yes, I have a colonoscopy on Thursday:) I pretty much can eat things I usually don't eat :) Lets do a day trip this year, ok.

Debbie - I have to start the prep on Wednesday 4 pm. I hope I get that prep down :( Walter Reed Army Medical Center sent me the diet, they are the ones doing the colonoscopy. When DH had his a few years ago, his diet wasn't that strict either, except on the day of the prep.

I will be back later.
Hey girls,

I did this morning: Jessica Smith Yoga Stretch for Beginners and Beyond 1. AM; Energizing Flow = 30 min + Intensity premix# 2. Step Only - 36:30 + Ramped Up Upper Body premix #10 Triple Biceps: Warm Up + Biceps + Biceps + Biceps + Stretch =(27:38.

Good job, everyone!
Hi guys. SandS Total Body Giant Sets all done! I am two three workouts away from completing this rotation. I really do enjoy these workouts. I cannot wait to try the SandS and RWH rotation next. Then maybe I will do a SandS Xtrain rotation, lol. I miss the music from Xtrain. .. maybe I will just do an Xtrain rotation. We shall see!

Work has been a little crazy and I am trying to catch up on my grading and getting my lesson plans done for the next two weeks because I do not want to do any work this weekend. That is my goal. I am having my parents over for the Super Bowl and I want to relax!

Belinda- Good luck tomorrow!

Deb- I am off the week before Easter. Cathe Live would be cool too! Maybe this summer.

I am exhausted. I am going to watch a little tv and go to bed!

Good night!


Today I walked on the treadmill. It snowed here today it was more than expected and so messy. It was nice to get home today:)

Belinda - I'm just wondering if they want you really cleaned out. Maybe through the years they find a stricter diet is necessary. Do you do all your workouts at one time or split it through the day?

Kristin - You completed the rotation quick!! I'm looking forward to Super Bowl Sunday:) Every morning I wish I could stay under the covers all day;)

Waves hi to karategirl & Cookie

Hi girls,

This morning I did Ramped Up Upper Body Timesaver premix #4 Triple Chest: Warm Up + Chest + Chest + Chest + Stretch (20:53) +
Walk On: 5 Mix and Match Miles with Jessica Smith Mile #1: Energy Boost + Mile #2: Pumped Up Pace+ Mile #3: Brain Training. I also did Jessica Smith Total Body Balance DVD: 4 workouts 2: Sole Sculpt =20 Minutes :) I did all that after my last solid breakfast. That wasn't the smartest idea working out so much this morning, lol. I am on a clear liquid diet until tomorrow morning :( I am glad when this is over.

Debbie - I guess so, LOL! They want me to be clean :) I did all those workouts at one time. Had to work yesterday. How are you doing? Good job on your workout.

Kirstin - thank you! I am so glad when it's over. Everyone tells me the prep is worst. I do miss the music in Xtrain too. I do like the new workouts.

I will check in tomorrow night if I feel up too it.

I took a rest day today. I ran a bunch of errands, did paperwork and computer work and was so tired. Tomorrow I have a busy day too, can't wait for the weekend:)

Belinda - Good luck with your colonoscopy! I bet the worse part is happening as I type this:( Take it easy tomorrow.

Waves hi to everyone


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