Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi, ladies!! (waving madly to everyone after being MIA longer than intended :oops: )

Belinda - Good luck with your colonoscopy, hoping all goes well. Prep is definitely the worst!

Debbie - So great that you are signed up for the RT! One of my goals is to feel confident enough to sign up for one myself some day. I live relatively close to Glassboro.

I've been missing my martial arts training, so I've decided to start a new rotation as of Sunday. I ordered Core de Force!!! I'm very excited about it!

Today I walked on the treadmill and I am ready to start doing more this weekend:) I am getting so bored with just walking.

Belinda - I hope everything went well today:)

Waves hi to everyone

Karate girl - We must have posted at the same time. I was wondering about Core de Force let us know how you like it. You should take one of Cathe's classes or sign up for the RT, it is an experience you won't forget. I still get nervous every year going to the RT & I'm sure if I do a day trip I would get nervous too:)

Kristin - I hope you were able to get your hot yoga class in this week, it was so cold:eek:

Goodnight again;)
Hi. Deb. Funny that we posted at the same time! Will definitely let you all know what Core de Force is like. I should be receiving it in time to start my rotation on Sunday.
Thanks guys:) I was in and out in less than an 45 min Glad it's over, lol The doc said " my colon looks like a 25 year old and keep doing what I have been doing! I was told I would be awake but not feel a thing, WRONG! The procedure was the worst, I was awake during the procedure The procedure was very painful, they did ended up giving more meds since I was quit in a lot of pain. I still was in pain:) The entire procedure was only 13 min but very painful :( I am glad it's over. I also got pictures of my colon, lol. I have to get the procedure done again in 10 years.

Yesterday I walked on the treadmill. Today I did Slim in 6 Tone it Up, I had these for a long time and did them one other time when I was recovering. It's a good way to start and happy to be working out again, but not really loving them or feel challenged:(

I shopped today for Super Bowl but need to go out again tomorrow to get some last minute things the store didn't have.

Belinda - Wow, I was asleep the whole time and don't remember anything about the procedure. I'm so sorry you had to go through that but TG you won't have to again for another 10 years! That was a big fear for me going into surgery that I would feel it, it seems that this can happen to a small amount of people.

Waves hi to everyone:)

Debbie, after I was done I didn't feel like talking a lot. Once we drove home, I told my husband what I experienced and the pain I felt. IMO, nobody should experienced that kinda pain with all the meds that they have these day's. I got it, they didn't wanted me to completely knocked out, but feeling the entire procedure it's another. I did talked to the doc about I had a gastroscopy done a few years ago, woke up from it too. I couldn't move, but knew something happened to Aleisa. My doc in Germany allowed her to watch the procedure, Alesia passed out. I didn't feel anything but I knew what happened. My biggest fear was feeling pain too. I am not very lucky I guess when it comes to stuff like that. I am horrified now. Maybe I should have kicked and screamed like a crazy person? When I expressed at how my pain I was, I must have cramped up during the procedure? All the sudden, I had everyone pinning me down and pressing on my stomach. The thing is...when I am in unbelievable pain, I can't talk much anymore. I felt like they ripping my insides out. I get very quite. I will call my family doc on Monday, they have to figure this out what happened. Knowing what I know know, I doubt I will get the test done in 10 years. For the last 4 years my family doc was trying to convince me to get the test done. I told me I am horrified just thinking about it. The told me I wouldn't feel a thing, I would be asleep. That didn't happened. Also why on Gods earth did I had to sign all this paperwork in the hospital that I would be sedated or or get anesthesia. Whatever they gave me did nothing for me. I am still have stomach cramping and I don't feel 100%.
Hey guys! Happy Super Bowl Sunday! My goal was to get everything done I needed to do for work before the weekend so I could have a work-free weekend for once, lol. I achieved it, but barely. That is part of the reason why I haven't been checking in. Wednesday I did go to hot yoga. It was really good. Thursday I did SandS BC and Friday was my rest day. My DS brought his new girlfriend over, mind you, he is 11, for us to meet. She is a cute girl, very much into sports. She plays flag football. They were very cute together. I know he is very young, but he came to me to ask me if he could have her over and I always want to have an open relationship with both my boys where they feel they can come to me to talk. I agreed to have her over, but they were only allowed to hang out with us on the first floor. No bedrooms or privacy, lol. The girl's mother dropped her off and I reassured her that we would keep our eye on them and we did. Saturday I did SandS PHA training. That was the last workout in my rotation. This week I am doing ICE workouts. Next week I begin the SandS RWH rotation. It will be a five week rotation for me because I am still going to hot yoga as well.

My workout today was ICE Rock-em Sock'em plus Icy Core 1.

We are having my parents over for dinner and to watch the Super Bowl. I am making pernil with Spanish rice. We ordered wings for the game. I am not eating clean today, lol. Will start over again tomorrow. My TOTM is coming, so I am already bloated, but I don't care. I love wings and beer, lol.

Belinda- I am sorry to hear to procedure was so painful for you! At least it is over. Congrats on your colon being that of a 25 year old, that is awesome.

Deb- I am addicted to my hot yoga class and I love the instructor. This week there will be a sub, and I don't know what to expect because I have only ever done it with the instructor. We shall see. It is what makes the middle of the work week bearable, lol.

karategirl- I too have been wondering about Core de Force. Give us a review when you are done with it!

Okay, lots to do still. BB tomorrow.


I did Slim in 6, Firm it Up! I liked it much better will finish the series next week and hope I like the rest of the dvds;) My older son & his gf had something at their place for Superbowl so they didn't come over but my younger son stayed home. We had wings, guacamole w/chips and sub sandwiches it was good but so salty. I already drank so much water and still thirsty.

Belinda - I would discuss it with your family Dr. because it seems like the anesthesia doesn't work for you. In case of an emergency, you need options. Like you said in this day and age they must have solutions, no one should have to go through that. I remember seeing something on TV about it and was horrified that could even happen:(

Kristin - I think it is cute you ds has a gf it is so innocent at this age:) So we wanted the Falcons to win, the coach is from our town & I think was a coach for our H.S. team. His brother lives across the street from us and our boy's played baseball together really nice people. In the end, I am happy Tom Brady was able to get his 5th win.

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Hello, Night Owls (if there are any besides me!)

Belinda - Happy to hear your bowels are healthy, but horrified that you had such a painful experience. Can't blame you for not wanting to go through that again!

I started my Core de Force rotation! Today, I did MMA Speed, a 25 minute cardio dvd. Yep, 25 minutes, doesn't sound like enough, does it? It consisted of 6 "rounds", but I think 8 or 10 rounds might have been better. Each round consists of: a punch/kick combo, a cardio blast, then the punch/kick combo and cardio blast are repeated. I already knew (based on online reviews) that the instructors only focus on working the dominant side, so if you want to get an even workout, you need to switch sides when the combo and blast are repeated. There is a lot of detailed and excellent instruction between rounds which is used as a rest break, but if you want to keep your heart rate up, I think this time would be better used by jogging in place, or doing some jumping jacks.

It is difficult for me to judge this workout. On the one hand, it is easy to dial in the movements. On the other hand, if you perform the moves with intensity and speed, you will really be huffing and puffing. There is a fair amount of jumping around, but it is not plyometric enough that I needed to modify anything (they have a modifier performing all of the moves in all of the dvds). Compared to Cathe's cardio, I would rate this as intermediate. For me, this presented a decent challenge and was a lot of fun, with no dread factor.

Waves to everyone. :)
Hey guys. I just finished Ice LBB plus Icy Core 2. Not much else to report. I am definitely tired and cranky. TOTM is coming any minute now.

It looks like we might have a snow day Thursday. My boys are crossing their fingers, lol.

Deb- I ate lots of wings and chips. I loved it, haha. DS is very cute around his new gf. They are funny.

Karategirl- Thanks for the review. I wonder if the dvds vary in intensity. Maybe it will get harder? Let us know.

Belinda- How are you feeling?

Good night!


Today I walked on the treadmill & did 1/2 of Slim in 6, Shape it Up. It was a 70 min workout, wouldn't have walked on the TM as long if I knew.
Just saw they are having the Daytona road trip, I am in FL that time maybe should have not signed up for NJ:confused:. I will see what DH wants to do, could really use the motivation. I have been feeling blah lately.

Belinda - I hope everything is ok, not like you to not check in.

Kristin - We may get a little snow tomorrow & possibly Thursday too. We still have leftover wings, hoping ds will eat them:)

Karategirl - I'm not crazy when an instructor doesn't do an even amount (confuses me too much LOL). I like that you can make it more intense if you want. Thanks for the review!

Hello, ladies

Deb and Kristin - No leftover wings here, thank goodness, and I sent the rest of my famous Superbowl dip with my husband, so his coworkers can finish it instead of us! :D

Kristin - Yes, based on the 30 day calendar, it looks like the Core de Force workouts will definitely be ramping up.

Core de Force Day 2 / Dynamic Strength: This was a 47 minute total body strength workout, composed entirely of bodyweight training. I think if you have issues with your shoulders or wrists, the number of plank and push-up variations might present a problem. The good thing is that they don't do endless planks/push-ups in a row; they alternate them with standing and lying-on-the-floor exercises so your hands and wrists can get a break. I really enjoyed the variety in this and I am soooooooo sore! I forgot how effective bodyweight training can be.
Hey girls,

I am still here :) I been taking it easy and do lots of walking. I am done with Strong & Sweaty premix: 3x back, chest and shoulder. I keep the weight light.

I will be back later.

Today I did the rest of Slim in 6, Shape it Up & walked on the treadmill. Shape it Up is a lot of body weight/floor work w/ankle weights I did like this workout.

Ugh, possibly 10" of heavy snow:( I would have preferred a nice Spring snow storm! Tomorrow the food stores will be crazy, unfortunately I need a couple of things. Plus the temps will be in the 60'so_O

Belinda - It's good that you are taking it easy, I hope you feel better soon:)

Kristin - You were right about the snow & the boy's should be happy their wish should come true;)

Karate girl - Body weight workouts always catch me by surprise too! If your South Jersey looks like you are getting snow too:)

Hi girls,

Today I did Self - Dance Your Way Slime with Kimberly Spreen, JS Barre workout and Giant Set Timesaver premix # Upper Body Only: Warm Up + Round 2 + Round 4 + Round 6 + Stretch (27:58).

Debbie - I am starting to feel better again. Good job on Slim in 6 yesterday. I should pull those dvd's out one day, lol

Good night!

I did Slim in 6, Mix it Up!

It looks like a snow day for all of us tomorrow! (Not sure about Belinda) I just hope we don't lose power;) We are expecting between 8-10" DH's godchild is visiting from Florida so pretty exciting for him (even though he is running a fever right now:().

Belinda - I'm glad you are feeling better again:) I couldn't tell from the maps if the storm will hit your area.

Waves hi to everyone

Hey guys. Well, they said we would 4-8 inches. . . but now we are in a blizzard! The island is looking to get more like 12-18 inches. It is still snowing here! I am betting we get another snow day. No way they will have to schools ready to go tomorrow morning. Everything will ice over tonight too. Unbelievable. We went from 62 degrees to a blizzard. Just crazy!

Tuesday was a rest day for me. It wasn't planned, but I went with my dad to the caregivers support group. My dad talked a lot there and admitted that he is looking to put my mother into a nursing home. I wasn't surprised. I knew this would be coming, just did not expect it to happen at the same time, if that makes any sense at all.

Yesterday I went to hot yoga, which I desperately needed. Today I did ICE Bootcamp. I am using ICE for the week between SandS and SandS and RWH rotation.

Debbie- the stores were crazy yesterday. I actually needed to get milk, lol. Glad you are feeling better every day and getting more workouts in. I am on the fence about DAytona. Not sure if I could afford it, but I would like to go. I know that trip does not sell out right away, right? I will have to wait and see.

Belinda- Glad you are feeling better. ARe you getting hit with this snow storm too?

Karategirl- road trips are a blast. Cathletes are so welcoming, and people who come are at various fitness levels. You do not have to be a fitness model or advanced excerciser to enjoy a road trip. It really is the best experience. You should go one year. I guarantee you would love it!



Today I did Booty Barre w/Tracey Malliott.

We ended up with about 6 inches of snow, but after shoveling & plowing it all iced over:mad: Hopefully it will melt quickly. We went to visit my Mom last night, she's lucky because she has a really good neighbor who retired and loves to help everyone out.

Belinda - Did you get snow?

Kristin - I saw on the news how bad the weather was by you, hopefully you get a snow day & long weekend;) It's a hard decision your Dad has to make but in the end it is the best decision for everyone. He will be able to enjoy his time with your Mom without as much stress. Daytona doesn't sell out, I think their are open spots for months. In the end their are a lot of people but I think everyone needs time to decide if it will work for them before committing.

Waves hi to Cookie & Karategirl

Good morning,

I forgot to post yesterday, but I did workout. I did Self - Your best butt w/ Violet Zaki. I also did my own UB workouts and walk.

Debbie - we got a little snow yesterday. It's so cold outside. Love Booty Barre. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - you guys got a lot of snow. It's very cold here and the snow is already gone.

I will be back later.

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