Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. As predicted, we had another snow day, lol. The streets are all ice. I am staying home regardless. I would have had to call in sick because my street wasn't plowed until 12 today. Even now, you cannot see the asphalt, just white ice. Anyway, I was happy to sleep in and then get my workout in early. I just finished ICE MTB.

Belinda- is that a workout from the online Self magazine? I have been following Self on Instagram lately. They post quick, good workouts. I love the info.

Deb- the ice here will remain until the weekend. Our high temp for the day is below freezing. Good to know about Daytona. I will keep thinking about it. Do you stay at the hotel?

Waving hello to Cookie and Karategirl.

Kirstin - yes, they used to make dvd's. The Self workouts are as good or better as some of the my expensive workout dvd's, IMO! Tomorrow it's suppose to be in the 60's again. Crazy, hah?

Today I did my own upper body workout & walked on the treadmill. It was cold and icy but schools were only a delayed opening.

Belinda - I'll have to check out those workouts, what is the difference between you-tube and Instagram workouts?

Kristin - I heard it was still bad by you, but TG for a snow day. I do stay at the hotel in Daytona, most people do except some local people.

Good evening,

Today I did Jessica Smith 20 Minute Sole Sculpt + 20 Minute Core Stretch (Total Body Balance) + Jessica Smith Walk On: 5 Mix and Match Miles Premix #3: 4 Mega Miles.

Debbie - I assume the Instagram workouts are not full workouts? I have never done their Instagram workouts. The dvd's use known instructors. Nice job today..

Good night.
Hey guys. I just finished ICE LIS, premix 4, which is cardio 1 & 2, plus the blizzard blast. Even though it clocked in a little over an hour, it went by so fast. Tomorrow I start week one of the SandS and RWH rotation. I am excited to get back to SandS workouts, and RWH is another of my favorite series. I find it strange that Cathe did not come up with a SandS and Xtrain rotation. I thought she might have posted it for February as a few people asked about it. I guess not.

The side roads are still really bad around here. I had to take DS to swim this morning and when we turned to go the school the road was a sheet of ice!

Belinda- That's good to know about the Self workouts. Sometimes I do a ten minute workout in my classroom in my off time when I see something posted online. I am hoping the warmer weather comes back and melts the ice and snow.

Deb- When I start adding up the cost, it seems so expensive for a weekend. I am still on the fence. I need to see what my tax return will be, lol.


Good evening,

I did Jessica Smith 5 mile mix & Match premix 3 plus JS 40 Minute Power (Walking for Weight Loss).

Kirstin- good job with your workouts. I have to check out their site.

Good night.

Today I attempted to do Callanetics Extreme and did not like it. Years ago used to do Super Callanetics and liked it but now it just seemed so slow. I guess my taste has changed:confused: I ended up walking in the treadmill.

Our temps went to the 50's today & the ice melted but expecting some bad weather tomorrow.

Belinda - You did a lot of walking today:)

Kristin - I think the storm is coming your way too:( Too bad they don't have an exercise room for teachers at the school.

Hey guys. I just finished SandS TB Giant Sets. I really do like this workout. I like how in this series her total body workouts are short, but get you sweaty and the heart rate up too. I have some more to catch up on today and then it is back to work tomorrow.

We've ben going back and forth on what to do for my 40th birthday, which is in June. June 16th. I will still have work until the 23rd. Right now we are looking to do a cruise after school is over. Late June to early July. I am going to go to the travel agency during February break which is next week. The ship we were on last year, The Carnival Pride, goes to Bermuda from Baltimore on July 2. I have never been to Bermuda and we did like that ship a lot. I would love to do a Norwegian cruise, as I hear it is the best after Disney. The Disney cruises are outrageously expensive. $6000 for in inside room for a 4 day cruise. That is nutso to me.

Deb- the nasty weather is here. It was snowing before and now it is icy rain. DH went to the mall with the boys to get his Iphone fixed and now I am worried about their ride home. Hopefully, they will be home soon.

Belinda- Great job on the walking workouts yesterday! How do your dogs like the snow? My guy runs, more like gallops, in it until he gets cold. It is funny to watch.


Hey girls,

late check in: Today I did Jessica Smith Walk On: 5 Mix and Match Miles Premix #1: 2-Quick Miles + LS Start! Walking At Home with Leslie Sansone: Beginner/Intermediate - 2 Mile Walk.

Kirstin - no snow here. Yesterday was in the 60's.

Debbie - I rather walk than do high impact these day's. Walking is perfect for me lately. Was that the new Callanetics Extreme dvd?

Good night.

Today I walked on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will do SandS workouts:)

It was so icy/rainy all day. For Christmas (we went tonight) I gave DH tickets to see Once in a local theater and it was just as good if not better than Broadway.

Belinda - I have been enjoying walking more too, just want to add some weight workouts in finally:) It was the new Callanetics dvd.

Kristin- We went to Bermuda many years ago and it was beautiful. The food was expensive but since you are on a cruise that won't matter. We went on a Disney Cruise when they 1st started doing them + it was during a hurricane so it wasn't as expensive. The prices are crazy now but so are the park prices:( Our schools are on a delay for tomorrow.

Hey girls,

I did LS Start! Walking At Home with Leslie Sansone: Beginner/Intermediate - 1 Mile Walk + Kathy Smith Project:YOU! Fat Burning Long Lean. I also did Jessica Smith 28 Minute Total Body Abs Transformer +4 Minute Tabata (Cardio Abs). That's it for me today.

Debbie - I love walks. Not only they help you with overcoming injuries, they also give you a nice step count. I'll take it, lol! WTG, on your workouts. I thought it was the new Callanetics dvd. Can you return it? I am on a no buying this year again. Still have plenty dvd's to get through, lol.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Hey guys. Today's workout was RWH LI 1, plus bonus abs 1. Quick, sweat, effective workout. I forgot about the surfer moves at the end.

A secretary that we work with in my building, who has been in my building for years, her husband passed away from brain cancer. The only day of the wake is tomorrow. The time is 2-4:30 and then there is an evening wake. Tomorrow is also a faculty meeting after school. My principal is refusing to cancel the faculty meeting to allow us all to go to the wake. Many of us cannot go to the evening wake because of child care issues and the short notice (we were told today). Plus many of us, including myself, live 30-40 minutes away and the wake is in the town of our school. As the union rep, I emailed her requesting that she postpone and reschedule the meeting so that we may pay our respects. She basically said no and that we should be done with the meeting around 3:30, which means by the time we leave and get to the funeral home we will 20 minutes to pay our respects. She is such a cold b*tch. The entire staff thinks she is a joke. Our building is out of control. The kids are running the building. Whenever a kid misbehaves she makes excuses for the behavior. She talks about showing compassion. Yet, she cannot show compassion for a staff member. Like we need to have this faculty meeting tomorrow because whatever it is she wants to go over cannot wait. I hate her. I told every member to email her requesting she cancel the meeting :D:D:D:D:D. So far everyone I have spoken to has done so. She is getting 100 emails from us, lol, there are 100 of us in the building. She sucks.

Belinda- 60s? Why did I think you had snow too? LOL.

Deb- I have never been to Bermuda. We need to make a decision next week because if we go on this cruise, we need to get passports.



Today I walked on the treadmill, wasn't able to get my weight workout in. We leave to go see my Dad in FL in one week:)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! I bought the dvd on Amazon and the return policy is 30 days and because of the injury didn't try it. I'm not crazy about Amazon's return policy for a big company they should have a longer time frame.

Kristin - It sounds like your principal is heartless:( I would think it would bring the secretary happiness at a difficult time when a group of you came to pay respects. It floors me when people don't have empathy for others. I hope it all works out.

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Hey girls,

Today I did Kathy Smith Project You: Upper body/core. Not bad for a 30 min workout. I also did JS
40 Minute Power Walk(Walking for Weight Loss) plus 30 min lower body pilates.

Debbie - I do understand your frustration. I bought a dvd from Amazon and forgot to return it, ended up keeping it. At least Amazon gives you a 30 day return. You don't get any with Cathe's workouts or any other instructors. You always can try to sell it on FB :)

I will be back in the morning.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Today I did premix Upper body only SandS TB Giant set. Some of the exercises felt funny while engaging my abs so I went lighter than Cathe.

I just thought about it should have had more chocolate to celebrate the holiday;)

Belinda - Do you find that you like most of the workouts you have been doing? Sometimes I look at old dvds and wonder if I would even like them anymore. I still have the original Taebo VHS set which I loved but not sure anymore:confused:

Kristin - Do the boy's exchange Valentine's in school? Not sure if they still do that.

Hello, ladies.

Wow, I am very bad at checking in on a regular basis. :oops:

Kristin - Sorry to hear that your principal is such a miserable person. Too bad all 100 of you can't simply boycott the meeting. Well, whatever happens, I'm sure the secretary knows you would rather be paying your respects than dealing with the heartless principal.

Deb - I was going to buy some Valentine chocolates today, but the Easter candy was already in the store, so I ended up getting some Zintner's peanut butter eggs instead. :p

Dodged a bullet here with the ice/snow (southeast PA). The schools and businesses had a snow day this past Thursday because the forecast called for 8 to 12 inches of snow. We ended up with about an inch of snow on the grass, and a little less on paved surfaces which melted rather quickly. Nice to have a snow day though!

I'm working on week 2 of Core de Force. There is a lot of cardio in this series, so it is a perfect fit for my fat loss/cardio endurance goals. However, I really miss traditional weight training! When I finish the 30 days, I think I will do another round of the Core de Force cardio dvds and mix in Cathe's weight training from the SandS series.

Waves "hello" to Belinda.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I was going to do a leg workout but for some reason had DOMS in my legs:confused: I didn't think I was on my feet too much today.

We asked my BIL (we paid him) to plow my neighbors driveway, they are in FL for 3 months, well he tore up the edging of their lawn. I tried to put it back LOL, I'm sure I looked crazy. My neighbor keeps his lawn impeccable, at least we have time to figure something out:oops:.

So excited we are expecting warmer temps this week:)

Karategirl - How lucky to have a snow day and not too much snow/ice:)

Waves hi to everyone

Hey girls,

I thought I posted last night?

Yesterday I did JS Pilates = 30 min + 20 Minute Sole Sculpt +20 Minute Core Stretch (Total Body Balance) + Kathy Smith Project YOU: Fat Burning Steady Strike: Part 1 + Part 2 = 60 min. I had a lot of energy today day, lol.

Debbie - good job with all your workouts. I am going through all my dvd's/VHS's and make a decide if I still click with them or not :) I haven't done a few workouts in years, thought I wouldn't like them and ended up really liken them again. I record (write down the date I last did the workout). That is great your BIL is helping your neighbor.

Karategirl - hope you enjoyed your snow day.

I will be back later.
Hi everyone,

JS 28 Minute Cardio Ab + 26 Minute Concentrated Abs (Cardio Abs) + Kathy Smith Project You: Lower body is done.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. It's almost Friday! Tuesday I ended up taking a rest day. I rushed over to the wake after the stupid, ridiculous faculty meeting that was a complete and utter waste of time. Then we had dinner at home. DH bought me all this Godiva chocolate, which I love, but it does not help me with the whole clean eating thing, lol. Wednesday I did hot yoga and I was able to do my first bind. I was so excited. I could only do it on one side though, which I thought was strange, lol. Today I did Ramped Up Upper Body. We also booked my birthday cruise. We are going on Carnival and heading to the Bahamas, Grand Turks, Freeport, and Carnival's private island. We leave right after school ends.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. How is Brawler these days?

Deb- In my son's elementary school they exchange cards. My older DS has a GF now, and he bought her a Jets shirt and some roses. Too cute.

Karategirl- Now that your in the second week of Core de Force, how are you liking the series?

Okay, I am sorry this is a quick response. I still have some work to do.


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