Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I walked on the treadmill. We took DH's godchild (he's visiting from FL) to dinner and a movie. The movie was "A Dog's Purpose" it was really good but it did have at least 3 very sad parts. At the end, I think they were trying to get you to cry in case you didn't at any other part of the movie LOL. I think most dog lovers would really like it.

Belinda - I really should write it down too because it is hard to remember. It must also be useful for choosing premixes & the length of workouts, need to put a notepad in my workout space;)

Kristin - I'm happy you were able to get to the wake it would have been nice to have a little less stress though. The day after Valentine's the lady in the bakery (I was buying bread) talked me into buying heart shaped cookies dipped in chocolate because they were 50% off:oops: Your birthday cruise sounds exciting:)

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Hi everyone,

Today I did JS 40 Minute High Energy Walk* *Include warm up + cool down (Walking for Weight Loss) + JS Stride & Strength + 30 min full body pilates.

Debbie - I started writing everything down, couldn't remember the last time I did a particular workout. What I do, I take a note book paper ....write down the title = time. I fold the paper in half..than fold it again( depending on how many premixes a workout has.) You also can count the lines on a paper to make sure you have enough space to write down your premix numbers: all I do is write : 1# a few lines underneath 2# I do that until I get to the bottom of the page. Than I use the other half side of the paper and do the same: 8# + time and so on. I usually need to use the next side of the paper. What I am trying to say is, I fold the paper in 8 squares this way you have 8 squares front and back. That gives you 16 premixes. If I have more premixes, I fold it until I have enough squares to write/number the premixes. What I do in the squares I write down the date when I did the premix. My squares are big enough to write down the date a few times. I hope this makes sense. I tried a note book, didn't work for me. I have a small folder which I use for Strong & Sweaty. I keep a small folder for every set I own. For the rest of my dvd's I just sick the paper in the case once I am done. I will post a pic on how I did S&S.

Kirstin - thanks for asking. He is doing great in his cart :) He got it figured out that he can actually run in the cart again, loL. He really seems to enjoy it. It gives him a little freedom. I can't tell you how the cart has changed my live as well. All I have to do is put him in the cart and he does everything on this own again. I love the cart. Best thing we bought in a long time.

Have a great day.
Hello everyone. I had such a fun day at work today. This week was spirit week and the last day, today, we had a basketball showdown among the teachers. We had three games, one for each grade level. I was on the blue team. I had three blocks, two rebounds and a few baskets. It was so much fun. The students made posters to cheer us on, it was so cute. I was tired after playing in the games, but I still did my workout, RWH Hiit Circuit Lower Body. I forgot how hard that workout is, especially after running up and down a basketball court all day, but I still did it.

Belinda- I am so glad that Brawler is back to his old self in the cart. That is wonderful news. I am sure it is a relief for you and him both.

Deb- I want to see that movie. I also want to see Batman Lego. . . probably more than my kids do, lol.

Waving hello to Karategirl and Cookie.

I am beyond exhausted. Taking a shower and calling it a night.


Today I did SandS Lower body only premix. I am exhausted too, think I am fighting something.

Belinda - That is a really great idea!! Thank you:) I didn't even realize if you use a notebook it would be so difficult to find the workouts. I'm so happy Brawler is enjoying the cart, if only he could talk and let you know how much he appreciates it;)

Kristin - It sounds like you had a fun week! I can't believe you did that workout after playing basketball:eek: Do you have off next week?

Good evening!

Deb - Uh-oh! I hope you aren't coming down with anything serious. Take care of yourself!

Belinda - That is awesome that Brawler is enjoying his cart. I wish I had known the carts were available when my mini dachshund (Penny) could have used it. She had severe arthritis, but a heart of gold and a strong spirit. She would have loved a cart!

Kristin - Glad to hear you were able to attend the viewing in spite of the useless faculty meeting. As for Core de Force....I love it!! It reminds me so much of the martial arts classes I've been missing, but without all of the 360 jumps/twists that aggravated my knees. I'll give a more detailed review after I finish this next week.

Completed MMA Power today, whew! I started with MMA Speed, which was only 6 rounds and didn't feel like "enough". But the series progressed to MMA Shred with 9 rounds and now MMA Power with 12 rounds. Ever since I injured my knee, I've been focused on strength training, so I love how this series is re-building my cardio endurance.
SandS Bootcamp is done. I have my mom with me today and tomorrow. My dad needed a break, so I told him I would take my mom for the weekend so that he could spend time with his brother upstate. I am looking forward to watching the Britney movie on Lifetime tonight.

Nothing else planned for me.

Deb- Yes I am off for the week, and thankful for that. I need a break to recharge.

Karategirl- The series sounds good without all the impact. . . I have to look into it.

Waving hello to Belinda and Cookie.

Hi everyone,

We went hiking at the e Shenandoah River, it was a beautiful day. We walked for a few hours, I ended up with 24K.

Karategirl - the first time I heard about a K9 cart was from my vet and Brawler's physical therapist. Didn't know they made them for animals. Pretty cool I may say. The K9 cart was designed from a vets (husband and ex wife). She is working on a cure for DM. So sorry about Penny :( They are like kids.

Kirstin - nicely done today.

Debbie - I will pm you a pic tomorrow. Alesia is visiting us.

Thats it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Today starts the second week of the SandS and RWH rotation for me. Today's workout was RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps. I did the premix with the bonus abs #2 at the end. I have a good pump in my muscles right now.

It is over 60 degrees outside today! All the snow is melting. I still have my mom with me. My dad should be back around 4. I plan on taking Baxter in the backyard and playing catch with him, while my mom sits outside with us. I am very thankful I have the week off, I am exhausted taking care of my mom this weekend. I knew it was bad, just not how bad, or maybe I didn't want to know. She is no longer able to even take her pants on or off when she uses the bathroom or changes clothes. She has to be reminded to eat with her fork, not her hands, too. It is sad. I am glad I was able to give my dad a break though. He went upstate to visit his brother and last night they went to the movies to see John Wyck 2. My dad never goes to the movies, but he loves that John Wyck movie, so I am glad he had a good time. He was telling me about the recliner seats, and I was like, "I know. . . I have been trying to get you to go for years now," lol. Anyway, I am glad he enjoyed himself and got a break.

Belinda- 24K! That is impressive! I would love to go to that river one day. When I was in elementary school, we sang a song about that river in chorus.

Enjoy this beautiful day everyone! It is gorgeous out.

Hi girls

Hiking into the wild for the day!. Three mountain tops along the Appalachian Trail complete! That was a tough hike :( Weather was beautiful, perfect for hiking.

Kirstin - it was Alesia idea to go for a hike yesterday and today. We live only a few minutes from the river. Love walking along the river.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Yesterday we went to Long Island for DH's Aunt's 70th birthday it was a nice party and fun to get together with relatives. I basically have walked on the treadmill the last 2 days. Today I spent most of the day packing, cleaning & cooking. We had a Sunday dinner together with both sons. We leave to go see my Dad tomorrow.

Belinda - I would love to hike the mountains, you picked a beautiful weekend to do so! Awesome jobs on your steps:)

Kristin - We were in Levittown for the party so we didn't have to go too far. That is great that you took your Mom and your Dad had a nice time with his brother:) I didn't know about the recliner chairs until recent but love them! Enjoy the week the weather should be really nice:cool:

Karategirl - Core de Force sounds like something I would like. Happy you are enjoying it! I seem to be fighting the
cold (fingers crossed) the nice weather is helping LOL.

Hey guys. I just finished Cardio Slam from SandS. Thinking ahead, I'm thinking of doing a 90 day rotation with Xtrain and SandS. It would be following both rotations, but doing first two weeks of Xtrain and then first week of SandS, then weeks 3 & 4 of Xtrain, week 2 of SandS. That would actually take me all the way to the cruise date. I would not get in the last two weeks of the Xtrain rotation, but it would be interesting to try and see what results I get.

Deb- I really think my dad needed the break, and being as though I had the week off, it was perfect timing.

Belinda- That is some hike. I bet the views are gorgeous! Good for you.

Waving hello to Karategirl and Cookie.

Hi everyone. I made a Word Document with my rotation to mix Xtrain with SandS. It is a 15 week rotation, meant to take me right up to the cruise. I find time goes by faster when I am following a rotation, so I am hoping this will do the trick and get me to the end of the school year and to the cruise, lol. The last three weeks I combined Xtrain and SandS together. Otherwise, I did two weeks Xtrain rotation, one week SandS rotation.

Here it is. . . I am starting the week of March 12. Anyone want to do it with me?


  • XTRAIN AND SandS Rotation.pdf
    59.8 KB · Views: 6
Good evening,

Today I took it easy :) I did Kathy Smith Project YOU: Foundation + Jessica Smith Walk On: Metabolism Booster Workout #1: Upper Body Circuit Walk = 35 Minutes. We also walked the dogs.

Debbie - for DH's Aunt's 70th birthday. Hope you had fun. We live near all those mountains. I wasn't prepared to go for a long hike, lol. Next time I need to wear hiking boots. Sneakers isn't a good idea. It was beautiful. Lots of people went hiking.

Kirstin - I thought we are going for a long walk. We ended up going hiking instead, lol. We are surrounded by mountains, it's a beautiful area we live. After the hike we went to our favorite winery CANA, we had food and wine :) We worked up a sweat :) We all brought a nice set of cloth so we could change for the winery :) The weather was perfect! We had an amazing weekend. I will look at your rotation. Thanks for sharing.

Good night ladies.
Hello! :)

Debbie - Sounds like you are having a fantastic time with family get-togethers. Enjoy!

Belinda - DH and I visited a local winery this weekend as well. Family owned, and we ended up meeting both sons (who started the winery), their parents, and a couple of their family friends. We only meant to stay for the wine tasting, but the family gave us a complimentary bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, lovely conversation, and before we knew it, several hours had passed! So much fun, but we certainly didn't earn our day of wining and dining with any hiking! :p

Kristin - Thank you for sharing your rotation! Can't wait to hear what kind of results you get from it.

Still Core de Forcing. :) I should mention that it does indeed have impact, but it isn't as intense as Cathe's impact (no tuck jumps or plyo jacks) . There are two plyo dvds, and there is a lot of jumping in the "blast" sections of the MMA dvds, but if you choose to follow the modifier, the entire series can be done without any impact at all. There is only one dvd dedicated to strength ("Dynamic Strength"), and I've already grown tired of it. Whenever it appears in the rotation, I am going to substitute either PHA or Giant Sets from Cathe's SandS series.
Hey guys. I just finished RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, plus core #1. I also took Baxter for a 1/2 hour walk. I am taking the boys to the movies later to see Lego Batman. My older DS and I used to play the video game on the Wii after work. He used to insist on me being Batman and he was Robin. He would only call me Batman and I had to call him Robin, lol. It was cute. I practically had to beg him to go see the movie with me :(. He is getting too big too fast.

Anyway, I have cleaning, grading and bills to pay today as well. It is chilly out today compared to yesterday, but they are saying that Thursday it should be in the 60s again. I plan on taking the boys and Baxter to the beach if that is the case :).

Karategirl- thanks for the input on Core de Force. I find strength training can become boring if you are only doing one strength workout. In Cathe's Low Impact Series, there is only one upper and one lower body workout dedicated to strength. I sub in others when I use that series, I cannot stick to the same strength routine for too long. Plus the music is awful! I do love Xtrain because there are different strength workouts and with the premixes, you can keep things even more fresh if you like.

Deb- I did not realize when I first read your post that you were here on LI for the party. Not sure how I missed that, especially since you wrote Levittown, lol. I think I was distracted by the boys at the time I read your post. Are you in Florida now? Enjoy the sunshine!

Belinda- Your day sounds like heaven! I wish I had good hiking here.


Hey girls,

I did this morning: JS Flat Ab Power walk (Walk off Body Fat) = 55 min + Kathy Smith Project YOU: Pilates Core.

Kirstin - you have the beach :) There is hiking, white water rafting, tubing, Zip Line Canopy Tours, Aerial Adventure Parks, Kayaking, Canoeing, Stand Up Paddle Boards, Mountain Biking, and Fishing. I live in the country, lol.

Karategirl - lol. glad you had a nice weekend too. Love wine. We ended up staying longer at the winery too :)

Hallo Debbie!

Good job, everyone.
Good afternoon,

Intensity DVD premix # 5. Timesaver - Step + HiiT (High) 46:26 and Jessica Smith Walk On: Metabolism Booster: Workout #2: Lower Body Circuit Walk [35 Minutes] is done.

Good job, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout for today, RWH LIHI Legs. I forgot how hard that one is, lol. I was winded throughout. Last night I went to my hot yoga class. She did some different moves in the class, which I liked. I also played basketball outside with my boys, DH and my cousin, so yesterday was quite an active day. I am going to jump in the shower and then I am taking the boys, Baxter and my parents to the water for a nice walk. It is warm outside for this time of year and I am loving it.

We also went to the post office to get passports for our cruise in June. We didn't get passports for the last cruise, but with everything going in in the country, I would not feel comfortable traveling without them. You never know. . .

Belinda- Nice job on Intensity. I forget about that workout. I have to be in the mood to do that one, lol. White water rafting is something I have always wanted to do. Maybe one day. . .

Deb- How is Florida?

Waving hello to Cookie and Karategirl.

Hey girls,

I did this morning: KS Project you: TB circuit. I also walked.

Kirstin - nicely done yesterday. I agree about the passport.

Debbie - you must be in Florida.

Waving Hi to the rest of the gang.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout for today, RWH LIH2, plus bonus abs 2. I love the low impact hiit workouts in this series. My least favorite is the plyo hiit 1. I like the plyo on the step a lot though. Anyway, Feeling good being halfway through the RWH and SandS rotation.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous outside. It is 63 degrees out right now and the sun is shining. All the snow has melted and the boys and I plan on making the most of it by playing basketball outside later.

Deb- you must be enjoying Florida.

Belinda- High fives on your workout!



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