Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good afternoon,

I did S90 Tabata Inferno + JS Walk off Belly Fat: Belly Blasting Strength Training.

Debbie - the dance party was a lot better than I thought. You are so lucky to live so close to NY :) Glad you had fun.

I will be back later.

Today I did Butts & Guts. I am so sore since we came back from vacation. I have a light week at work most of my work has to be done in the middle of the month.

Belinda - If we ever move to FL, I will miss being so close to NYC. I wouldn't mind being close to DC, like you:)

Waves hi to everyone

Hallo everyone,

Today I did S90 Shoulders & Arms + 3 mile walk.

Debbie - I wouldn't either :) Good job on BG!

Keep up the good work, everyone. See you all tomorrow.

Today I did Upper Body premix for S&S Giant sets and walked on the treadmill. Tomorrow I am dog sitting for a couple of days, I'm happy that the weather will be nice:)

Belinda - How is Brawler?

Waves hi to everyone;)

Hi again,

I almost forgot to post my workouts: I did S90 Ultimate Ball. Loved it! Great ab workout. I also walked 6 miles and I did JS Metabolism Booster: Workout #3: Total Body Time Saver. That is it for me today.

Debbie - thanks for asking :) Brawler is doing fine! Next week, I will get back with S&S. Nicely done!

Have a great workout and day, everyone.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I also walked the dog, she is going to sleep for a week when she goes home;) I have the next couple of days off so hoping to get some things done around here.

Belinda - I was thinking Ultimate Ball would be a good one. I'm guessing I did that a long time ago but don't remember:)

Kristin - I hope all is well with you & you were able to get to hot yoga.

Karate girl - How are you doing?

Waves hi to Cookie

Hallo everyone,

This morning I did: Body by Simone Dance Cardio + JS Pyramid Power Walk + S90 TB.

Debbie - do you have S90? Someone in my other check in told me they all on youtube? Maybe you want to check them out. If you can't find them, I can sent you my set so you can try them out. I have 2 more workouts than I am done. Did you see my pm yesterday?

Good job, everyone! BBL!

Today I did some you-tube lower body workouts. I added a router extension and can now get a stronger connection where I workout. We couldn't get a good connection upstairs not sure why I didn't do it sooner:confused: It helps with you-tube workouts & should with Cathe Live too!

Looks like we are getting snow tomorrow & possibly Tuesday:rolleyes:

Belinda - It's funny I saw it your pm last minute but was able to get the free download, just didn't download it yet (thank you). I do have S90, I will look for it tomorrow;)

Waves hi to everyone

Hi :)

Deb - Here I am! I've been so unorganized with my workouts this week. I did a few of the Les Mills Combat dvds to see what they were like, and also some of my favorite Kelly Coffey Meyer workouts. I need to come up with a better plan for the upcoming week. My knees could use a break, so I'm thinking a rotation with the Low Intensity Series sounds good.

Waving to Belinda and Kristin.
Hey girls,

I did JS 40 min Strength form her 10 Min Quick Walk + LS 5 Day Walk Plan.

Debbie - glad you got the download :) Hope the router helps. We have the same problem.

Karategirl - keep it simple, keep it fun.

Have a great evening.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I also took the dog for a walk, it was a really nice snow fall only on the grassy areas so pretty. Every snow fall should be like this so nice in the sun & no shoveling needed! It's times like this I miss having a dog so much:(

Belinda - I did a Body by Simone you-tube lower body w/0 yesterday. I didn't realize you did one of her workouts too, her workouts are tough:)

Kristin - Did you have a snow day? Most of our schools here were on delayed opening but it was a pretty snow:) How are things going with your Mom?

Karate girl - I also need to get organized with eating, workouts etc. I really need a plan because it gets me down when I don't accomplish what I want or need to. I need to go back to writing a To Do list.

Hi guys. I am so sorry for being gone all week. Last weekend I took DS upstate for his swim meet. I did work out at the gym in the hotel. Got back Sunday night exhausted. Went to work Monday and felt a little funny, but thought nothing of it. I was okay all day until 7th period. I suddenly felt dizzy and hot. I thought the feeling would go away, but it persisted so I went to the nurse's office and that is when I threw up, yuck! I was still dizzy and didn't think I could drive all the way home, so my friend drove me home. I called in sick Tuesday, although I felt a little better I did not want to "chance it." Then I thought I could be pregnant. Took the test, and it was negative, which is good. I mean, we were not trying to have a baby. Anyway, went back to work Wednesday and then to hot yoga later that night. Finally got my period Thursday, and it wiped me out so much that I did not work out Thursday night. Friday we were supposed to have our volleyball tournament, which I am on the committee that created the event, but due to the snow they cancelled it. On top of all of this, I am helping my dad find a nursing home for my mother, which is just additional stress. Between being away, being stressed, having my period, my eating has been out of control. DH is going food shopping later and I gave him my list of all healthy foods. I am going to prep everything this weekend and stick to the plan all week long. This is my goal!

Today is the restart button. I am starting my Xtrain/SandS rotation tomorrow. Today I will focus on cardio. I am thinking a fun step workout or kickboxing. I cannot decide yet. I am also recharging my diet. My goal is to be fit and fabulous by forty, which is on June 16th, lol.

Deb- no snow day, but all afternoon activities were canceled. I was upset because we were all looking forward to the volleyball tournament. All the proceeds will be going to the local food pantry. The kids were excited too. Teachers from each building in the district were playing against each other. We are going to reschedule it for later this month or next month.

Belinda- I just saw your pm now. I think I missed it. How are things by you?

Is anyone ordering the fit tower workouts? I don't have the fit tower, so I am passing on these. Plus, I rarely go for Turbo Barre. It just isn't for me.

Karategirl- Low Impact Series is wonderful!

I forgot to tell you. The coach for cross country in my building told me that the athletic director is going to give her an assistant coach for next year. She asked me to put in for it. I ran track and cross country back in high school. It would be a great opportunity plus extra money. I think I am going to take the class and go for it.

BB after I do my workout.


Today I walked on the treadmill and did ab work. It was so cold today:( tomorrow too!

Kristin - You had a busy week! It looks like you may be getting a snow day on Tuesday:) The cross country/track assistant coach job sounds awesome. Our boy's did it in middle school/high school it was fun to attend.

Waves hi to Belinda, Karategirl & Cookie

Hey guys,

I forgot to check in yesterday :( I did JS 3 mile walk and S90 Chest & Back.

Debbie - that is funny we did a Simone workout together. It was my first time doing one of her workouts.

Kirstin - The cross country/track assistant coach job sounds awesome.

Waving Hi to Cookie and Karategirl.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Today I started my Xtrain and SandS rotation. I did Xtrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. I also added a bit of cardio with Crossfire, low impact tabata premix.

Deb- It looks like we will have a snow day on Tuesday, which is awesome because our principal told us that our faculty meeting was going to be an hour and a half long. . . and it is scheduled for Tuesday :cool:;):cool::p:D.

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts! DH and I were talking about painting some rooms in the house. He doesn't think it would be expensive to hire someone to paint. I remembered your experience with that and how hard it was to find a reasonable price.

The cross country assistant coach job would be great for the extra cash and experience. However, it would also mean longer hours at work. I don't know if I could trust my boys to be alone for 2 whole hours by themselves after school. I need to work out the details.



Today I did a Cathe Live workout "Body Works" it was a good workout using both tubing & weights. Tomorrow traffic, stores etc. . . should be crazy because it's the day before the storm:(

Belinda - I found my S90 workouts, may do some this week:)

Kristin - Too bad the boy's couldn't come to your school and hangout but I know it isn't the same district so that wouldn't work. I think the X-train/SandS rotation sounds really good.

Hey ladies :)

Kristin - Sounds like you had an incredibly busy week! I normally buy all of Cathe's new offerings, but I will not be buying the Fit Tower workouts. I'm not crazy about barre workouts, and I don't think I have any more room in my basement for extra equipment!

Debbie - Well, I have finally decided upon a decent lineup of exercise rotations. As for an eating plan, not so much. :rolleyes: A few years ago, I used to stay on track with either the Weight Watchers points system, or the Fitness Pal calorie counter. Nowadays, I am just a hot mess when it comes to eating. Where, oh where, did my motivation go?

Trying not to think too much about the upcoming snowstorm. I don't mean to sound like a whiner, but I hate winter with a passion. Yes, it's been a relatively mild winter, but can't we seriously have a year without a major snowstorm ???

Decided to do a Low Impact Series rotation of my own design. Did Afterburn today.....whoooo-wheeee!!!!

Waves to Belinda.
Hallo girls,

Today I did Cardio Slam Mish Mosh premix #2 and a walk.

Karategirl - I hear about the weather :( Arrr..

Kirstin - we live near Loudon County, VA, most expensive area you can live in the US!! All the Senator's, business that work in DC live out there. Prices for sky high here. You could't find anyone to do anything for cheap. Maybe you lucky finding someone for a reasonable price :)

Debbie - glad you found S90. Let me know what you think.

Have a great evening.

Today I took a class called Chisel at the gym. It was ok, the classes are only 30 min. but just don't have enough intensity to them. So many dvds that you can get a great workout at 30 min.

I went to the food store before work but immediately made my way out of the parking lot (it was like Christmas parking). I went after work still really busy but at least I found a spot (may have been the only one:D). I laughed to myself when I saw lots of people with toilet paper. I guess that's one thing you wouldn't want to run out of in a storm:oops::eek:

Belinda - I don't like when you get charged more because of where you live:confused:

Kristin - Happy Snow Day!!

Karategirl - I think the mixed weather this year makes it harder to handle a storm, because we are tricked into thinking Spring is around the corner:confused:


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