Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey girls,

This morning I did an hour circuit style workout with DH. Army style :)

Debbie - good job with your treadmill workout. I need a hair cut too. Did you get it short?

Good night, everyone.

Today I did S90 Legs, it was a nice mix of leg work. It was nice to get a taste of Spring today:)

Belinda - Your Army workout w/DH is different and sounds like fun! I still kept my hair long but it was getting too long:)

Wave hi to everyone

Hallo girls,

I did Jessica Smith Walk On: Walk Off Belly Fat 5 - 2-Mile Belly Fat Blast Interval Walk + Belly Blasting Strength Training Circuit.
I wasn't in the mood to do anything else after I heard about London today. So sad!

Debbie - workout with DH was different and fun. You have beautiful, long hair.

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.

Today I took a hot yoga class. There was a substitute teacher and most of us didn't like her. She didn't have a variety of exercises and the class dragged on. One woman told me that she didn't like that we weren't given modifications, almost everyone does!

Belinda - I agree the London story was so sad:( Thank you for the compliment on my hair.

Waves hi to everyone:)

Hallo everyone,

Today I did: Leslie Swanson Walk Yourself Thin: Walk Off even more weight the entire dvd w/ premixes :) Got a very good step count :)

Debbie - my heart breaks every time I hear the news :( My heart goes out to the victims families!

Have a great day and workout.
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Today I walked on the treadmill. My Mom isn't feeling well and getting some tests so will go to see her tomorrow.

Belinda - I just saw on the news that a couple from the US were there celebrating their 25th Anniversary and the husband was killed and the wife is suffering injuries:( Great job with your steps!

Kristin - Did you get hot yoga in this week?

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Good afternoon,

Today I did SandS BC MishMosh extreme premix#2.

Debbie - I saw a pic of the couple from London in the German newspaper :( So sad!! I refuse to go to Germany at the moment. They need to get a handle of this. How is your mom doing? Hope she feels better soon.

Have a great day, everyone.

Today I did the treadmill. I was cleaning out my desk today and couldn't believe how much paper I threw away:eek: I still need to shred a lot of stuff too! We went to go see my Mom, her blood pressure has always been normal and suddenly it has gone very high:confused: My Aunt isn't doing well and it is her last sibling so that must be difficult.

Belinda - It is scary to go to another country now. The terrorism needs to stop:(

Waves hi to everyone

Hi all!

Today did CCPP (walked over 6 miles).

Debbie - I agree! It's safer staying here :) I will vacation on my deck this year :D My family wants me to visit, I am like no way.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.

Today I walked on the treadmill. DS & his gf took us to the movies to see Beauty and the Beast for watching their dog. It was a really good movie!

Belinda - I just saw that it was 5 year anniversary of Sean's death:( Is that why you did CCPP? I should do one tomorrow:)

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

H everyone.

Debbie - there is a group on FB that still does CCPP every month. The group was created when Sean still was alive. I can't believe it's been 5 years :( Glad you had fun at the movies. Alesia is dying to watch it.

Kirstin - I hope all is well.

Cookie - what are you up too these day's?

BBL! Need to wake up!
Well I was completely derailed this week, which is why I went MIA again. My dad had a rough weekend with my mom and decided to put her in the nursing home this week instead of on the 27th, which is what we agreed to. I put in for an emergency personal day on Tuesday to help. I woke up on Tuesday with 101 fever, of course I did. Downed Tylenol and helped my dad anyway. It was one of the hardest days of my life. My dad ended up leaving me with my mom to settle her in the nursing home. I had to unpack her and get her situated in her room. It was so sad to me. Then I was still not feeling well, plus getting the chills, so I drove myself to an Emergency Stat Health place and they said I had a viral infection. They gave me steroids and an antibiotic. I had to call in sick Wednesday because I was still not feeling well. Went to work Thursday and Friday and visited my mom after work. No workouts between running around and being sick, I could not work out at all. My eating was horrendous too. Back to square one for the second time this month. I decided to continue with my Xtrain and SandS rotation.

I am not 100% better, but I did push through SandS Bootcamp today. I have 91 days until my cruise. Three months to get myself in the shape I want and to get on track again. I am not going to allow whatever emotional situation I am dealing with derail me.

The good news is my sister has stepped up and has been visiting my mom. My brother went to see her for the first time today. I have two weeks until April break, which I am in desperate need of at this point. The fourth quarter is starting soon, so I have a lot of things to look forward to. I just need to stop crying and focusing on the negative so much. This is probably one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through, but I won't let it break me.

I will be back tomorrow with personals. I promise.

Hello everyone!

Debbie and Belinda - Who is Sean, and what is CCPP?

Kristin - I'm so sorry to hear what a tough week you had. Mental and emotional stress take a heavy toll on the immune system, so it is no wonder you ended up with a viral infection! Sounds like you have a solid plan for getting back on track with your exercise/diet goals, but remember to honor your mental and emotional needs as well. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, even if it means stealing a 10 minute power nap sometime during the day. Schedule a 10 minute time slot for stretching, journaling, meditation, etc. Book a massage! I think many of us do a disservice to ourselves by thinking we don't have time for things like that, but they are often the very things that will best help us to heal and rejuvenate. I hope everything goes well with your mom at the nursing home.

I am starting a new rotation based on advice Belinda gave me some time ago, "Keep it simple, keep it fun". :):) Today, I did RWH LIIT 1 and 2.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I also spent a lot of time cleaning and packing for vacation on Tuesday.

Belinda - Alesia will love the movie!

Kristin - (((HUGS))) I'm so sorry you are going through this. Kudos for all you are doing while being sick no less! I'm happy your sister and brother are coming around. You are a strong woman and this will not break you. Give yourself time and don't be so hard on yourself. Karategirl gave some great advice.

Karategirl - Sean was known as Coach Sean he did some audio cds/downloads that you can use on cardio equipment. He was an excellent motivational speaker. I also believe he taught Spin classes in California. He died suddenly at an early age and so many fans were very sad. Belinda can fill you in, in case I forgot something. I liked the advice Belinda gave you for your rotation:)

Hi everyone,

This morning I did: 5 mile walk + JNL Fusion Shoulder Shredder. Not sure why they called it shoulder shredder...she also worked triceps. Really like the workout and length.

Debbie - I will tell her :) Have fun packing. Where are you going?

Kirstin - I am so sorry your are going through this ((HUGS)) Glad to hear your brother and sister stepping in.

Karategirl - you are missing out on Sean. Amazing workouts! Debbie pretty much covered everything on Sean.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.
Hey guys. Today was a gloomy day for the most part. Then the sun came out around 5:30. I went to work and on the way home, stopped by my mom's nursing home. Got home at 6, ate dinner, played with the dog and did SandS Ramped Up Upper Body. My shoulders and chest are still quivering from that one. Usually all upper body workouts drag for me, but this one seems to move so fast.

Nothing else new to report. I am just hanging on by a thread, lol. April break is less than two weeks away, so at least I will get a break from work soon. I am feeling a little bit better today. I have Cardio Slam on tap for tomorrow and I think I will be able to do it.

Karategirl, I agree with Deb, you gave me some great advice, thank you. I think I am so wrapped up in everything, I need to take time to do things for myself. I am dire need of mani/pedi and I am going to make it a point of getting it done this week ;).

Deb- Thanks for the hugs and support. Vacation? Where are you going? I need to be you, lol. I want to get out of here. I am counting down until my cruise, but it is a long 89 days away, lol.

Belinda- Thanks for the hugs. You are killing your workouts!

BB tomorrow.

Good afternoon,

Did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. It's been raining, thunder/lightning all morning. I had extra time. I did: LS 4 Really Big Miles + JNL Fusion LB (Squats, inner tights, outer tights + calves).

Kirstin - good job with your workout yesterday.

Debbie - where are you?

That is it for me today. Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished Cardio Slam. I also did some ab work.

It feels like Thursday, but it's only Tuesday, lol.

Belinda- It rained here all day too. We also had some thunder and lightning at some points during the day. I'm lucky that Baxter doesn't seem to be affected by thunder.

Waving hello to Deb, Karategirl and Cookie.


We're in Florida, my younger son comes in the middle of our vacation for a few days. He graduates in May & hasn't been here in a long time so he is excited. I took my weights & bands out to get workouts in when I can.

Belinda - When you pull out some of your workouts I remember I have them too (JNL):oops: but at least you use them LOL.

Kristen - I think the timing of your cruise is good it gives you time to sort things out and be able to really enjoy your trip. It's strange how some dogs are afraid of lightning and some not.

Good morning,

Dance HiiT by Jazzercise and JNL Fusion Crazy Circuit (cardio/abs) is done. I had Dance HiiT for years, I can't believe I never done it before. It was the most fun workout with amazing, real music, very energizing I have done in a long time. The sweat was pouring down down my face. This dvd has a few premixes. I will list them later.

Debbie - that is what's happening with me, I forget what I already have, lol. I guess, we have to many workout dvd's.

Kirstin - you are lucky :) Brawler drives me nuts :( I have to give him meds to calm him down. Poor dog!

I will be back later to catch up on personals. I have some errands to run. BBL!

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