Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good evening

Deb and Belinda - Thanks for the info about Coach Sean

Kristin - Enjoy that mani-pedi! :)

My older dog was very afraid of thunderstorms and had to be medicated. She was going blind, and as her vision failed she became extremely afraid of loud noises. Sometimes it was so annoying, but I felt so bad for her at the same time. I would give her the medicine, then hold her in my arms and pet her until she fell asleep. I hated having to medicate her, but I think it was for the best.

Haven't been posting my workouts, but this is what I've been up to:

Monday: 15 minute segment of Tamilee Webb cardio followed by Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs
Tuesday: Unearned rest day :oops:
Wednesday: Legs and Glutes/KPC premix (the lower body strength circuit, one of my faves!)

We walked on the beach today. Catching up on sleep too:)

Belinda - The Hiit Jazzacise workout sounds like fun!

Kristin - Is your Mom close to you?

Karate girl - I don't remember that KPC workout but will have to check it out.

Hi everyone,

I did JNF Fusion Biceps Builder (biceps & chest), HardCore Yoga Bootcamp w/weights from Yoga Downloads and LS 3 Miles Walk Strong.

Debbie - good music is hard to find. Not sure, how they got away with the original music. Here is the link to the dvd I did: Get lots of rest. Sounds like you need it.

Karategirl - good job keeping up with your workouts. How old is your dog? Brawler is 12, he's has been always afraid of loud noises. He is a rescue. We went with our RV to Florida, they had thunder/lighting. Brawler was so scared and shacking. I called my vet and they told me to get Benadryl. That didn't work. The thunder went on for a few day's and no sight of nice weather. We left Florida :) I couldn't take him seeing like that. Good thing we had an RV, just leave and go. When we got back we went straight to your vet and got him some meds. I wished he would understand, he is safe :( I guess, the loud noise frightens him.

Kirstin - hope all is well with your mom. You are a good daughter!

Cookie - where are you? We miss you :(

Have a great evening.

Today I did: Cardio Slam (mat segment only) followed by Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Deb - The KPC/L&G premix I did yesterday is called "Kickbox and Strength Circuit". Consists of all three punch/kick combos in KPC alternated with legwork from L&G. Ends with abs from KPC. It is a 61 minute premix, and more cardio based than other lower body workouts, but my legs were definitely on fire!

Belinda - Unfortunately, my sweet dog (Penny) is no longer with us. We had her put to sleep over a year ago because of her health issues. She was fifteen, a ripe old age for a miniature dachshund! Have you tried using a thunder coat with Brawler? If we had storms that weren't very severe or were quickly passing through, we would put Penny in her thunder coat. She actually liked wearing it; it seemed to make her feel safe and snug.

Waves to Kristin!
Hey everyone,

Did my workouts this morning. Just getting around to post: I walked 3 miles + JNL Fusion Ballistic Back. That one I think is the longest workout in the set. So far, I am liking JNL Fusion.

Karategirl - so sorry to hear about your sweet Penny :( No matter what age, they like family members. Brawler has the thunder coat, doesn't work on him :( Hope the link works, if you scroll down you can see Brawler in his cart :)

Good job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.

We did a lot of walking today. It was so windy made the walk that much harder.

Belinda - Thanks for the link. You have been doing a lot of workouts:)

Kristen - How are you doing?

Karate girl - I like the mix of that premix. KPC is one of my favorites but usually just do it as is.

Cookie - I agree with Belinda, come back.

Hallo everyone,

I just finished JNL Fusion TKO Fat Blast Cardio and LS Walk to the Hits Party Songs.

Debbie - you are welcome! Enjoy your time in Florida. Good job getting lots of walking in.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. I've been busy and couldn't get on here, but I have been keeping up with my workouts as best as I can. I have 84 days until my cruise so I have to buckle down. We had pizza last night. I had a leftover slice for lunch today. I am hoping to steer clear of cheats for the rest of the week.

I was exhausting myself between work, visiting my mom and trying to manage my own family. I have decided to cut back to visiting my mom three times a week. I cannot do every day. I went Friday with my dad. She seemed angry. Not sure if it is because she realizes she is in a home or if it is because I am visiting her less. I don't think she even remembers when I do visit her though, so not sure what to think. I started writing about this whole journey with my mom. I have 15 pages already. I have always loved writing and it was always my dream to write a book, I just always imagined it would be a novel. It seems to be flowing from me though. I am going to keep at it and see where it takes me. I am thinking of maybe seeing if I can write a book about it. Maybe even get published one day.

Today I took Baxter to the beach for a long walk. He loved every minute of it. That's the thing with dogs, they appreciate everything we do for them. My kids, not so much, lol. After taking him to the beach I did Xtrain CLB.

Belinda- Thank you. I have been feeling so torn with everything, but I think doing the best I can is all I can do. Great job with your workouts.

Deb- the home is in Commack, which is closer to my job than my house. It is about 40 minutes from my house and 20 minutes from my job. I often try to go after work, but then the kids are alone in the house longer and they cannot be trusted, lol.

Karategirl- truth be told, I never got around to the mani/pedi, but taking Baxter to the beach was the best thing I did all week. Something about the ocean waves. . . it is nature's therapy for me, lol.

I will be back later,

Hey girls,

I did all my workouts this morning, just getting around to post :) I did JNL Fusion UB Transformer and a 3 mile walk.

Kirstin - so sorry to hear about your mom :( She is probably confused about her new surrounding. It will take same time. If you can, visit your mom often. You never know how long she will be around. I wished a had another day with my mom :( Not one day goes by I don't think about my mom. That is awesome you started writing about this whole journey with my mom. Why don't you write a book? Now, everything is still fresh in your head and it may help someone else. I saw the pic of Baxter on the beach. He is adorable.

Good job, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout, which was Hard Strikes. I always love to do that workout. It is just a fun sweatfest.

Anyway, there are four days left until my spring break,which I cannot wait for.

Belinda- thanks. I know what you mean. The thing is, I miss my mom already. Even though she is still alive, her spirit, almost everything that made her "her" is gone, lost inside of her. . . I was visiting her every day, which is just impossible. Next week when I am off, it will be a lot easier. Then summer is around the corner.

BB tomorrow.


We are still doing a lot of walking. My son gets here on Wednesday wouldn't you know it the weather isn't going to be too nice:(

Belinda - I remember doing a round of JNL workouts but don't remember if I liked them LOL. What do you think?

Kristin - I think it's great that you are considering writing a book. It is a topic that needs to be addressed it is so confusing and the disease is so different for everyone. I would love to read it!

Waves hi to everyone

Hallo everyone,

Today I did JNL Fusion Lean Legs + walking.

Debbie - I had my set for a long time too. Almost forgot what it's about, lol. You do 6 circuits, 30 sec weight training with DB's, 30 sec cardio. You do each circuit 3 times. The warm up and cool down is very short :( I warm up with walking than I stretch after JNL. It's not a puke in the bucket workouts. I needed a break from Cathe and this fit the bill.

Kirstin - I know it's impossible to visit your mom every day. You have to take care of your family. How is your dad dealing with all of this? It must be hard on him too.

Good job, everyone.
Here I am, horrible at keeping up with my check-ins as usual. :rolleyes:

Belinda - Really wanted to see Brawler in his cart (love his name, btw!!), but the link didn't work for me. I don't have a FB account, so maybe that is why? Curious about the JNL workouts.....are they hard on the knees?

Kristin - Great idea, to write down your feelings/experiences with what is happening with your mom. Sounds extremely cathartic plus, if you do end up with a book, it would be so helpful for other people to read and relate to.

Deb - Hope you are enjoying Florida; it is my favorite vacation destination! Nothing as wonderful as a walk on the beach at sunset....

On Sunday, I did Cardio Slam (step only) followed by Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. Yesterday was Lower Body Trisets from the LIS series. And today: the first two segments from Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism followed by Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps.
Hallo Heidi and Sherry,

I did JNL Fusion Speed & Agility + walking.

Karate girl - I will try to post it here again :) My son named both my dogs :) JNL aren't hard on the knees. They do have some jumping, but I keep everything low impact. They do have a modifier, she still does high impact. Go figure! I believe you can try the workouts on Amazon on Jennifer's channel for only $6? This way you don't waste your money.

Waving Hi to Cookie, Debbie and Kistin.

Have a great evening.
Hi everyone,

I did JNL Fusion Crack & Lacking Cardio + I walked as my warm up. There a no warm up or cool down in this workouts.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. The last two days were rest days. TOTM arrived, I had union meetings that ran very late and I was wiped out. Today I made up for it by doing Crossfire (plyo and band tabatas premix) and Xtrain Chest, Back and Shoulders. My arms are fried!

I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I am off next week and I plan on doing a deep clean of my house, lol.

Deb- How are you enjoying Florida?

Belinda- My dad is having a hard time. We went to the support group meeting on Tuesday night and we both cried. It was nice though because everyone was so supportive of my dad's decision. The social worker told my dad he should keep coming because his story will help others when they have to face the decision of putting their loved one in a home.

Karategirl- How do you like the Pure Strength series? I cannot get passed the outfits and hair in that series. That's why I never bought it, lol.

BB tomorrow. I am going to visit my mom after work.

Hi everyone,

My son arrived yesterday spent so much time in traffic going to pick him a road was closed due to a bad accident. It was real windy today but we still spent the day outside. I'm still walking LOL.

Great job with your workouts!

Belinda - I remember there wasn't a dread factor with JNL but forgot about the warm-up and cool down.

Kristen - It's good that your Dad has time to be able to attend the support group. Someday it will be easier for him to share his story.

Karate girl - I remember liking the leg workout w/ankle weights in the Pure Strength series. Kristin is right the outfits/hair was so 80s.

Good morning,

Dance HiiT Pure Cardio = 30 min + JNL Fusion TB = 10 min is done. I was surprised the TB was only 10 min :) I'll take it.

Debbie - no warm up or cool down. Not sure why she didn't included any? The workouts are short and fun. Hope everyone is ok? Did you reorder Cathe's new dvd's?

Kirstin - ((HUGS))) you making me cry :( I think the support group is a great idea. It's so heartbreaking. Did you preorder Cathe's new dvd's?

Karategirl - have fun with your workout today.

I will try to be back later, but I really need to clean my house. BBL!
I made it to Friday, lol. What a long week. I am so glad that I have next week off. I need to relax, lol. Of course, tomorrow I will be scrubbing my floors and doing laundry. Still, it will be good to sleep tonight.

Tonight's workout was Xtrain Legs.

Belinda- I am going to pass on these dvds. I don't have the fit tower and I cannot justify spending $200 bucks on one. I'm not into bar work too much. I would like it if Cathe did another STS with shorter workouts and a mix of splits and metabolic training.

Deb- I definitely think the support group helps him out.

Okay, I will be back tomorrow.

Hey guys. I just finished my workouts for today. I doubled up because I took two rest days this week. The first workout was All Out, premix floor and discs plus core #1. Then I did Xtrain Burn sets Bis and Tris. I am going to tackle my kitchen and downstairs bathroom today. Maybe even some laundry. I definitely want to enjoy outside too as the weather is beautiful right now.

Enjoy this gorgeous day everyone!


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