Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Happy Easter!!
Today I did H&C Chisled Balance, I thought that was a hard one! Easter went well just ate too much:oops: The weather was beautiful!

Belinda - I used the modifier for a bunch of exercises but do like the series so far.

Kristin - How was the game? I saw it rained during part of the game but it didn't look too bad.

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Hey everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.

Yesterday I did my workout, which was SandS Cardio Slam, plus the bonus abs. That bonus abs workout is nearly impossible for me. I do it, but I cannot keep up with the pace on some of the moves, especially the side plank-like moves. Anyway. . . after my workout I took my younger DS and we went to visit my mom. I helped her eat her lunch and then took her outside. The weather was gorgeous and they have a pond with Coi fish. We sat by the pond in rocking chairs and I played Celia Cruz songs for her. She seemed to enjoy it.

Then I came home, got ready and DH and I went to the Yankee game while my dad stayed with the boys. The boys ended up spotting us on tv, which was cool.

My sister ended up dropping by my house after she visited my mom. DH and I were already gone at the game. She said she wanted to bring my dad food that she bought him at the diner. My gut tells me she wanted to check out if we were really at the game. She is crazy. Whatever. I am glad I was not there, lol.

Today my boys had school and I had one more day off. I went this morning for a mani/pedi and to get my eyebrows waxed. I need to find a new place. The place I go to has gone downhill. The service is not that great. I felt like the girl that did my waxing was ripping my face off, lol.

When I got home I did SandS PHA Training. Now I am going to enjoy the quiet and try to get some more work done. If the sun comes out, I will take Baxter for a long walk.

Deb- In my opinion, Chisel Balance is the hardest of the Chisel workouts. Really tough on the legs especially. I love it though. The game was great. We had great seats and even though it rained a little, it was very light. We left after the sixth inning because we didn't want to get home too late with my dad watching the boys. It was a fun time. The best part was just having some downtime with DH. We are always so busy with the kids and everything else. BTW, I ate way too much junk and candy too. I decided to commit to 7 days of clean eating starting today to just clean out my system and get back on track. Tough to do with jelly beans in the house, but I am determined to do it.

Belinda- I think you are right. We are all stressed from the situation and need to let it settle. I really loved the 60 day rotation of H and C. It went by very fast for me. I got really good definition in my legs from it too.


Hi everyone,

Today I did H&G Chiseled Cardio + walking.

Kirstin - glad you enjoyed your time with your mom and son. Ouch, on your eyebrow waxing. I did the dreading a few times, way to painful. I plug mine.

Debbie - I also use the modifier for a lot of exercises. Some of the moves are tough. I been injury free for awhile, I like to keep it that way.

Have a great evening.

Today I did H&C Hammer plyometrics. It was tough too but I modified.

Belinda - I loved your comment about not getting hurt and wanting it to stay that way LOL. My thoughts when I was doing the workout was I hope I don't get hurt:eek:

Kristin - It sounded like you had a really good Easter, it worked out perfect. It must have been nice to have the day to yourself today except for the waxing parto_O I like facials but don't get them done because of the extraction part, so painful.

Hey girls,

I almost forgot to post my workouts: H&G Max Hammer Strength + walk is done.

Waving Hallo to everyone that checks in after me.
Hey guys. I had a crazy first day back at work, but it is over and I survived, lol. I am being formally observed on Friday and grades are due on Friday as well, so it is a bit of a hairy week for me, lol.

Tonight's workout was Low Max as it was cardio choice. I cannot remember the last time I did this workout. My legs were shaking at the end. I loved every minute of it. Obviously, it was low impact, which I think I needed today. I liked the long, steady state today. I need to pull this one out more often.

Deb- I want to get a facial before the summer, but I will need to find another place to go to, lol.

Belinda- I love that your DH is doing Hammer and Chisel with you. I tried to get mine to do it, and he quit the first week, lol.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did H&C Strength Chisel, I really liked this one. I have a lot of work at Kohl's this month and the Men's project is knocking me out. I also have a Men's project in JC Penney, ugh. TG I only do these projects for another company a couple of times a year. The stores are so quiet only busy on weekends.

Belinda - That is a good couples workout. When DH was passing by he stopped to check out the workout;)

Kristin - Low max is a good one, I say the same thing should pull that one out more. Good luck with your observation, is it the last one for the year?

Waves hi to everyone

Hallo everyone,

Today I did H&G Agility. Very fun moves! I also did a short walk.

Debbie - next time your DH walks by ask him to join you :) So far, I am liking these workouts.

Kirstin - LOL, about your DH :) Let's see how long mine last:D

Have a great evening.

Today was a scheduled rest day, I did do a short walk on the treadmill. I'm thinking about changing the rest day, will see how it works out this week.

Belinda - I look forward to doing the Agility workout sounds like fun:)

Kristin - Are you still doing hot yoga? I have 2 more classes left in my package that are going to expire so must do them soon.

Waves hi to everyone

Hallo ladies,

Did my workouts very early this morning. DH wants to workout before he goes to work. Just getting around to post. Every Thursday is a rest day scheduled for H&G. I don't like working out on Sunday's besides stretching or walk.

Today's workouts: Hammer Power. Very good workout! Even DH liked it. I also did Chris Freytag Ultimate Walking workout.

Debbie - I really liked the Agility workout. Very fun! I will share my folder that I did with you this weekend ( I haven't forgotten). I just did a new one, it's so much better than what I did before. I also realized I have way to many dvd's, LOL! I did change the rest day, I like to have Sunday as my rest day.

Good job, everyone. Keep up the good work.

I needed to take an unexpected rest day. DH & I had to help older DS out with his car but we ran into one problem after another. We were afraid it would get towed overnight so happy we didn't have to leave the car because it would have been another headache tomorrow. I will sleep well tonight:)

Belinda - I think I will do the same and schedule rest day when it is best for me:) The funny thing was going to workout last night:confused: This morning when I couldn't find something I wanted to wear started bagging some stuff for Goodwill. I have too many clothes like you have too many dvds;)

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Chisel Balance and walk is done.

Debbie - nice job yesterday. LOL, I have just as many clothes as I have dvd's :oops: I gave away 19 bags not to long ago, still have way to much.

That's it for me today. Have great Friday and day.
Hi everyone.

Wednesday I went to hot yoga. Thursday was a rest day. Today I did Total Body Giant Sets from SandS.

My observation went extremely well. I was very happy with it. We have my post observation meeting for Wednesday. After school, I went and visited my mom. I stayed with her for a few hours and came home to an empty house (well, except for Baxter), because DH and DSs were at baseball. It was nice to have some down time and to get a workout in too. I didn't feel much like working out, but once I pressed play, I nailed it, lol.

Belinda- Agility is a lot of fun. I like Cocoa in that one, lol. She expresses everything I am feeling, haha.

Deb- Yes, still doing hot yoga. I am in love with it. I am glad you didn't have to leave the car behind. When I did H and C I tried to stick to the calendar as much as possible, but sometimes, I would have to switch rest days around. I don't think it makes a difference.

BB tomorrow. DS has a baseball tournament. However, if it is raining out, I am staying home.


I took a rest day yesterday & today, I'm not feeling well and am exhausted. I'm going to get a good night's sleep and hopefully have some energy tomorrow. I did get some clean food in to prep tomorrow for the week.

Belinda - That is a lot of bags, hoping to get some together tomorrow:)

Kristin - Congratulations on a great observation! I saw our baseball field being used . . . a sign of Spring:) Hopefully it won't rain for your son's tournament.

Karate girl & Cookie - How are you?

Hi everyone,

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. Just didn't wanted to do anything except relax, that's exactly what I did :)

I just finished Hammer Conditioning & 15 Min. Leg Hammer. Loving these workouts.

Kirstin - wtg, on a great observation! I felt the same way Coca did :)

Debbie - hope you feel better today. I was really tired yesterday too. It rained all day long. I am still downsizing! I am going through everything in my house. We will move in a few years, I really have no use/need/or want to move that stuff again. It needs to go.

Have a great Sunday.
This never posted yesterday. . . at around 11 a.m. I guess I did not hit the post reply button.

SandS bootcamp done!

I have a ton of work to do this weekend, and it will get done ;).

I am going to DS's bb game in a little bit. Hoping the rain holds off.


Okay, no on to today. I walked Baxter and then I did Hard Strikes, no conditioning plus bonus abs premix.

DS's team is doing well in the tournament. It did rain yesterday, but that didn't stop them from playing. He has a 2 o'clock game and then if they win, another game at six and then if they win that, a game at 8. I am missing the first game to get all my work done.

Hopefully, I can get it done and go to the next game or two ;).

BBL with personals.


Today I did ISO Speed Hammer. I slept so much last night and felt so much better today:)

Belinda - You deserve a rest day:) Will you be staying in the same town?

Kristin - It was a beautiful day today, hopefully the boy's had games today:)

Hey girls,

I did Hammer TB and a walk this morning.

Debbie - glad you got some sleep. Good job on ISO Speed Hammer. I doubt we will stay in the same town?

Kirstin - hope your boy's had a great game yesterday. It's been raining here nonstop.

Good night, everyone.

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