Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey girls,

Today's workouts: Chiseled Cardio + 15 in Glte Chisel. I also did Zcut KB#1 +4 (tomorrow will be a busy day). Oh, I also walked.

Tomorrow my kids are coming and taking me out for my birthday. we will have lunch in DC :) I will try to be back tomorrow if not Friday. My kids will stay until Sunday.

Kirstin - here is the link:

You really can't find/buy her dvd's anymore unless you want to pay $165 on Amazon:eek: which I think it's insane! If you at the have to have a beer and hot dog, lol :) Have fun!

Have a great evening, everyone.
Hi, girls!

Thank you so much for all of your kind replies to my previous post. If you really don't mind my inconsistent and haphazard posts, then I would love to drop in whenever I am able. :)

Well, STS is the program that has finally budged the scale. Three weeks in, and seven pounds down!!!

Yesterday I took a rest day. Today I took a hot yoga class it felt good. Tomorrow I have a busy day to going to a funeral/service for my Aunt.

Belinda - Those are great add-on workouts. Is tomorrow your birthday or are you just celebrating tomorrow?

Kristin - Enjoy the game and of course the hot dog & beer you deserve it:)

Karate girl - Stop by anytime. Kudos on your success with STS! I want to start STS as soon as I complete each of the Hammer & Chisel workouts.

Quick check in: I did Hammer Build Up + 15 min Leg Hammer this morning. That's it! Loved Hammer Build Up :) I like the 30 sec format. Great workout. Even DH liked this one.

Debbie - they sure are great add ons :) Yes, today is my bday :)
Hey guys.

The Yankee game was a ton of fun. The hot dog and beer were delicious too (worth every penny, maybe, lol). I was a bit tired this morning, but I couldn't drag because I had a presentation before school and a different presentation to give after school. When I got home, I had dinner with my family then walked Baxter. Once he was good and tired I did my workout, which was To the Max, less impact premix. I added on the step tabata at the end.

Belinda- $165!!! On my! Lol. They look interesting though. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

Deb- Sorry to hear about your aunt ((((hugs)))).

Karategirl- 7 pounds in three weeks!!!! That is fantastic. STS is such an awesome program. Meso two is my favorite!

Have a good night ladies.


Today was a long day, sad but my Aunt lived a happy long life. On the positive side it was great seeing cousins I haven't seen in a long time. My Aunt's 3 son's are in their 60's and in such good health and eat so clean it was motivating to hear them and see them.

Belinda - Sometimes the prices go down on Amazon but $165 is crazy! Hopefully she makes more copies so people don't have to pay those prices.

Kristin - It must have been tough to have 2 presentations after a night at the game, but so worth it! At least the weekend is almost here:)


I forgot to say I did the treadmill yesterday. Today I did H&C Total Body Chisel. It was a rainy dreary day here today.

Waves hi to everyone!!

Hey guys.

The Yankee game was a ton of fun. The hot dog and beer were delicious too (worth every penny, maybe, lol). I was a bit tired this morning, but I couldn't drag because I had a presentation before school and a different presentation to give after school. When I got home, I had dinner with my family then walked Baxter. Once he was good and tired I did my workout, which was To the Max, less impact premix. I added on the step tabata at the end.

Belinda- $165!!! On my! Lol. They look interesting though. Happy birthday! Enjoy your day!

Deb- Sorry to hear about your aunt ((((hugs)))).

Karategirl- 7 pounds in three weeks!!!! That is fantastic. STS is such an awesome program. Meso two is my favorite!

Have a good night ladies.


Thank you Kirstin :)
Hey girls,

Quick check in: Yesterday I did Hammer Cardio and Hammer Power. I am working all day today, no time to workout.

I will try to check up tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend.
I love Saturdays until I remember that I have to get up at 7 to take my younger DS to his 8 a.m. swim practice, lol. I was half asleep and felt like I was dragging this morning. Just finished my workout, Muscle Endurance. Now I am going to shower and head over to DS's baseball tournament. What else would I be doing on a spring weekend, lol.

I have 50 days until my cruise. I did the online check-in this morning and bought the soda packages for DH and boys (I don't buy it for myself because I don't drink that much soda at all. . . I will get a soda here or there with DH's card and stick with water). I also bought two packages of water bottles for our room. I really cannot wait for this cruise!

Belinda- High five's on your workouts. Hammer Power is a tricky one. At first, I always feel like it is too easy. Then by the end I am sweating and breathing heavy.

Deb- We had rainy weather here Thursday and Friday. Friday we had flooding. Good job with your workouts too.



Today I walked on the treadmill. My older ds and his gf broke up and she is stopping by to talk to us & drop off some things of his tomorrow. A little anxious about the visit.

Belinda - Did you ever find lights for your basement?

Kristin - The time is flying until your cruise. They didn't offer packages like that when we went on a cruise.

Rock-em Sock-em done, plus the blizzard blast. DS's team is in second place in this weekend's tournament. I am heading over to the semi-finals after I shower.

Deb- I probably confused you with the way I wrote about the soda and water. What I meant by soda packages is the daily charge for soda on the card. It comes out to $5 bucks a day per person. I just don't do it for myself. I then got two cases of water bottles for my cabin for myself.



Today I did Hammer Conditioning. The workouts are making me hungry LOL. My son's ex stopped by today with their dog, it went well but feel so bad and not sure if we will see the dog again:(

Belinda - Are you enjoying your birthday weekend?

Kristin - I guess I don't remember but I thought soda & water was free:confused: I hope DS won! Good job with your workout:)

Hey guys. I just finished Cardio and Weights, the original.

I am seriously so ready to have this school year end. I need to get through this month. Once Memorial Day hits, it will fly. . . I hope.

Deb- We are going on Carnival. You pay for soda. The water is free, but it is the ship's tap water. I prefer bottled water, lol. What cruise line have you been on? My dream would be to go on a Disney cruise. I want to try Norwegian at some point too.

Hey girls.

Today I did Chiseled TB & abs. I also walked 5 miles.

Have a great evening. I will catch up on personals tomorrow. Busy weekend :)

Today I did Power Chisel, I liked that both Sagi & Autumn both worked out together. I have a slow month at work and I am happy! Maybe I could get some work done around the house;)

Belinda - Did you have dessert on your birthday?

Kristin - We went on one of the 1st Disney cruises and it was expensive but I'm sure the price is so much higher now:( We have also been on Princess cruise. I guess one good thing at least so far May isn't too hot at school. Do you have to make up any snow days?

Hi everyone,

I did Hammer Power, walked4 miles and Zcut KB#5.

Debbie - so sorry your son and his gf broke up. How is he holding up? I had a really great time this weekend and yes, I had cake :) We found some lights at Costco. I will go to Home Depot and see if they have something else.

Kirstin - Hammer Power is very tricky with all those sweep and press. I went light on those. Too many shoulder presses and jerks. You have to pay extra for drinks on the cruise? Put some drinks in your suitcase :)

Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished RWH LIH2, plus bonus abs 1.

I went to visit my mom. Even though we are going on two months. . . I broke down there and cried. It just seems so sad there. All these people. The man who sits at the table with my mom doesn't know his name. The nurse went to give him his meds and he read his name on the cup and asked, am I Mr. So-and-So. . . I just started to feel my eyes tear and then I was crying. :( I really need for this cruise to get here. I need to get away.

Belinda- yes those clean and presses are tricky. I went light the first time I did it. I think the highest I lifted was a 20# DB with that, only after doing it a few times. Yes, Carnival charges for soda and bottled water, lol, or you can buy the soda package, which is $5 a day. I got that for DH and boys and I bought myself bottled water. DH and I are not heavy drinkers, we will get a cocktail here and there. Maybe I should try a different cruise line in the future. Carnival is a lot cheaper than other cruise lines though, so maybe it is a wash. It is a family-friendly line too.

Deb- I've only done Carnival and Royal Caribbean. RC was great, but we haven't been on one in a long time and Carnival seems more kid-friendly. The boys like the activities they have from last cruise. I seriously cannot wait. Thank the Lord we do not have to make up any snow days! The kids are crazy!


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