Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I walked on the treadmill. It was a long day, my son's graduation was at Giants/Jet Met Life Stadium so many people. It was really nice and so proud of my son. The graduates didn't know but they won an MTV tweet contest and Bon Jovi came to sing a song at the graduation.

Belinda - It's so hard to fit it all in but barre and pilates is fun:)

Kristin - Is this your 1st time doing hot yoga during hot weather? My SIL doesn't like to but I don't mind.

Hi everyone.

Today I did: Chiseled Cardio + 3 Mile walk.

Debbie - congratulations :) You should be proud of your son. How cool is that...Bon Jovi :) I love pilates and barre workouts.

Kirstin - whatever you doing...keep it up. It's working.

Good job, everyone.
Hi girls,

Today I did: Body Beast TB instead of Hammer Power. DH didn't wanted to do those clean and press with his shoulder. I also walked 2 miles and did Love your lower Body Total Transformation Disc 1 with Sadie Lincoln.

Have a great evening.

I forgot to check-in yesterday but I did STS M1 D2 Back & tri's. Today I did the treadmill. I can't believe how hot it was today but looking forward to spring-like weather this weekend:)

Belinda - Which instructor does Body Beast? How is your DH's shoulder?

Waves hi to Kristin


Today I walked on the treadmill. We are going to NYC tomorrow to see "A Bronx Tale".

Big wave to everyone:)

Hey guys. Wednesday I went to hot yoga. It was hotter than usual, lol. I was sweating the entire time, but it felt good. Thursday was a rest day. DS had his spring concert, so we went there and then by the time we got home, we were all exhausted. The heat got to us. DH put the ac in our bedroom, but not downstairs, so the entire house is hot except for our bedroom, lol. The boys have been camping out on the floor.

Last night I did Cardio Supersets from the Low Impact Series. I was dripping with sweat. Today DS has a baseball tournament. . . so you know what that means, lol.

I got my fourth quarter progress reports done as well. This means we are halfway there to the end of the quarter and year. Woo hoo! My cruise will be here before you know it :).

Deb- Congratulations to your son on his graduation! It's funny that Bon Jovi performed. . . I've been listening to him on my playlist all week, lol. Doing hot yoga when it is hot outside already is definitely different and more challenging, but I still enjoyed it. I love the movie, Bronx Tale. Let me know what you think of the show. I love going to Broadway shows.

Belinda- Great job on your workouts. I don't blame you for switching out Hammer Power. It is a bit scary to do, like an injury waiting to happen.


Good morning,

Never checked in yesterday :( I sold more workout dvd's. I sold Jillian Michaels Body Revolution :)
Will post more dvd's today. Need to shrink my collection. I am giving away some Cathe VHS's. If you are interested let me know.

I did Chisel Balance + Chisel Abs + 5 Mile walk.

Debbie - have fun in NYC today.

Kirstin - I go light on Hammer Power. It's a tough workout. Different!

I will be back later.
ICE CLB plus Icy Core 2 done.

Belinda- I got rid of my VHS tapes a long time ago. I never did Cathe workouts when I was younger, just the FIRM, lol. I had the fanny lifter for years until I got myself a real mini step. When I discovered Cathe in 2008, I only had the dvd player. I was trying to explain to my son what a walkman was after we saw Guardians of the Galaxy. He didn't get what a cassette tape was :confused:. My kids only know the digital age. . . kind of sad to me.

Waving hello to Deb!

Kirstin - I still have a few VHS tapes, they are out of print. Can't get them on DVD or digital :( My kids know what a casket tape, walkman is, lol. We still have some :D

I got rid of one Cathe VHS :) Believe it or not, there are still people out there that own VHS tapes/player. I read not to long ago, they just stopped producing VHS players :) There is still a demand, lol.
BM2 Cardio and Weights premix all done!

Last night after DS's game, my dad took the boys for a sleepover and DH and I went out to dinner. It was a fun night. This morning we slept in. I took Baxter for a walk then did my workout for the day. DS's team is in first place for this tournament so we are going to the semi-finals later today. His team has made it to the semi-finals in every tournament they have been in this season. The got all the way to 1st place last weekend. Maybe they will do it again ;).

Belinda- High fives on your workout! How are you liking this series?



Yesterday I did 15 min. Chisel Glutes. Today I did STS M1 D3 Legs.

The play was really good. I haven't seen the movie in over 10 years so now I have to go back and watch it because I don't remember it:) We also went to Chazz Palminteri's restaurant (he wrote the Bronx Tale) it was really good too.

Belinda - I still have VHS tapes & player, I'm not crazy about the quality of the tapes especially movies. Great job with your workouts.

Kristin - It's hard to believe it's Memorial Day next week:eek: I hope your son's team came in 1st place. Do you remember 8-track's? We still have cassette's, records & video's but no more 8-tracks LOL.

Hey girls,

Today I did Chiseled TB and 4 mile walk. Today isn't a good day, should have stayed in bed.

Debbie - I have a few out of print workouts VHS;s. No movies, I don't think. Nice job on your workouts.

Kirstin - I like H&G! I started week 7 today. Not sure what I will do next.

Have a wonderful day and evening.
Hey guys. I just finished ICE Low Impact Sweat. I did the Cardio 2 plus blizzard blast premix.

Today was such a dreary day. It went so slow too. I came home and didn't feel like doing much, but I made dinner, helped with the homework and then got my workout in. Oh, and played with Baxter in between all the chaos. Not bad for a dreary Monday, lol.

Deb- My dad still has some 8 tracks, but he got rid of his player years ago, haha. DS's team made it to the semi-finals, but lost. The team they played against was obnoxious too.

Belinda- You are making me want to do H and C again, lol. I loved the definition I got in my legs from that series. Do you use a bench or the step with a lot of risers? I don't have a bench, so I had to make do with the step and risers.

BB tomorrow.


Today I walked on the treadmill. It was a dreary day here today, I was off and ran errands but wished I didn't go out:)

Belinda - How many more dvds do you think you have left to do?

Kristin - Is your son in the 12 year old group? I always remember the parents being worse that year because of the chance to go to Williamsport.

Hey girls,

workouts is done!! Today I did Hammer & Chiseled and walk. I posted 3 Cathe VHS's for free on the OF this morning, it got deleted :( I didn't think I violate anything? It was FREE!

Debbie - I haven't put a dent in my collection :)

Kirstin - I use my step, sometimes I use the modifier or I use 2 risers. Good job yesterday.

Afterburn all done. My God is that a tough workout. I don't know why I always think it will be easier than it is. . . don't let the low impact fool you!

Two more days and then it's Memorial Day weekend for me. The year is winding down. I gave my last quiz today. The last writing assignment is next week. Cannot wait until June!

Deb- He's 11u. It's getting a little crazy with some other teams and their parents, lol. Crazy people in the world.

Belinda- high five on your workout. Wow. I am surprised they deleted it when you were not selling it and it is not like they sell VHS anymore. So strange.


Afterburn all done. My God is that a tough workout. I don't know why I always think it will be easier than it is. . . don't let the low impact fool you!

Two more days and then it's Memorial Day weekend for me. The year is winding down. I gave my last quiz today. The last writing assignment is next week. Cannot wait until June!

Deb- He's 11u. It's getting a little crazy with some other teams and their parents, lol. Crazy people in the world.

Belinda- high five on your workout. Wow. I am surprised they deleted it when you were not selling it and it is not like they sell VHS anymore. So strange.



I know :) Isn't it strange they deleted my post? Afterburn is a tough one. WTG!

Today I did STS M1 D4 Chest, shoulders & bi's. I forgot about all the push-ups:eek: I did a lot of them on my knees. I also needed to lower my weights towards the end of the dvd.

Belinda - It does seem strange since they were for free.

Kristin - Afterburn is a tough one! The days are flying by:)


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