Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

ISO Strength Chisel plus walk is done.

Debbie - it is strange! They probably got deleted because they were Cathe workouts. Why would they want someone to get them for free when they can purchase them on this website? Nice job on D4.

I'll be back later.

Today I did some glute exercises I found on you-tube & walked on treadmill. Ugh, rain tomorrow but the nice thing is everything is so green & haven't had to water my flowers.

Belinda - Do you walk everyday?


Today I did STS M1 D5 Back & Tri's. I was having trouble playing dvd but it had smudges so just cleaned them up & it played.

Is everyone getting ready for the weekend/start of summer?

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday:) I did Hammer Conditioning and walked.

Debbie - I try to get a walk in every day. Good job on STS D5. Are you doing the 3 month rotation or 6?

Kirstin - hope you have a great workout.

I will be back later.
Good evening,

No workout for me today. My DD and I had a facial in DC today. We also had lunch and walked around George Town :) We walked along the water. Lots of fun today. We also met up with my friend and had dinner.

Its late here and I am tired. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. I've been keeping up with my workouts, but it has been a hectic week and I haven't been able to log on here. Wednesday was hot yoga. Thursday was a rest day after a very stressful day. At work we were told that our beloved assistant principal was being involuntarily transferred to the high school. My principal is on an improvement plan as per the superintendent. She is blaming her failures on her staff saying that we do not support her initiatives at all and that her AP is a leftover from our old principal and he "sabotages" her progress. This is all BS. However, the superintendent decided to switch building APs to accommodate her. I think she is on her way out and this is his way of putting the final nail in the coffin. If she continues to fail with a new AP, then it is no one's fault but her own. In the meantime, all the faculty in my building loves our AP and we do not want him to go. The whole thing sucks. The morale in the building was low to begin with. Now it is even lower. Anyway. . . not going to lie. I drank a very heavy drinks Thursday night.

Friday I did Slide and Glide and today was SandS PHA Training.

Belinda- Your day with DD sounds like so much fun!

Deb- I am soooo ready for summer. Our pool is being opened this week. The boys are very excited. Cannot wait.


Yesterday I took a hot yoga class & today was STS M1 D6 Legs. I struggled with legs today I think my weights were too heavy and once I switched it was better.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a really great day! For some reason my skin is breaking out I need a facial too:)

Kristin - That must be so frustrating, I could see how it would stress you. Any chance of sending an anonymous letter to your superintendent? Is opening the pool a lot of work?

4DS HIS Double Cardio premix all done. I wanted to do a step workout that had music I loved. Sweaty and fun!

DS's team is in first place in this weekend's tournament. They play again at 6 tonight. If they continue to be in the top tier, they will be in the playoffs tomorrow. Very exciting.

Deb- We had a union meeting earlier this year and had our union president meet with the superintendent at that time. He is well aware of how we all feel about her and how she runs the building. The number of fights we have had and issues in the hallways is ridiculous and many times the punishments she doles out are too lax for the kids to respect her or the teachers. It is not a good situation.



Today I did Les Mills Combat Power Kata 45. I also cooked most of the day, but it wasn't too nice here so didn't mind.

Belinda - I forgot to say I am doing the 3 month STS rotation. Are you still in DC?

Kristin - It must be exciting that your son's team is in 1st place! It's good that the superintendent is aware & hopefully at some point they correct it. 4 DS is a really good series but always forget about it.

Hallo everyone,

Yesterday I did: TB Hammer + 10 Minute Solution Blast OFF:FLAT BELLY FAST.

Today I started week 8 off Hammer & Chisel : Chisel Endurance + 10 Minute Solution Blast Off: PILATES PERFECT ABS.

Debbie - I am at home :) Sorry about your skin breaking out.

Kirstin - I am so sorry your stressed out. Very frustrating! That is fantastic your son's team is in 1st place :)

Happy Memorial Day!

Today I did STS M1 D7 Shoulders, bi's & chest. We went to my in-laws for a quick BBQ but the weather didn't cooperate:( Can you believe next week is summer?

Belinda - I can't believe you are already up to week 8 for H&C:cool:

Kristin - I hope your son's team won! How many more days till school ends?

Hallo everyone,

Yesterday I did: TB Hammer + 10 Minute Solution Blast OFF:FLAT BELLY FAST.

Today I started week 8 off Hammer & Chisel : Chisel Endurance + 10 Minute Solution Blast Off: PILATES PERFECT ABS.

Happy Memorial Day!
Hey girls,

Today I did Max Hammer Strength +Hammer Glutes + walk.

Debbie - I can't believe I am almost done with H&C. I have no idea what I will do next week. DH wants to do heavy weights? All this talk about STS wants me to do another round :( Arrr...

Have a great day, everyone.
Forgot to mention: lights are installed except one. We can not put reassess lighting up, the ran into a problem. There is a vent running along. I still have to buy one light for the room. Love how it turned out.

Today I did a short circuit workout & walked on the treadmill. Oops, I made a mistake Summer isn't for a couple of weeks but today our heat came on because it was cold:confused:

Belinda - Did DH ever do STS with you? I know it's so hard to chose what to do next. I bet your lights look great!

Kristin - With all this rain I'm sure you wish the cruise could be this week.

Hallo everyone,

Chisel Cardio + 15 Min Glute Chisel + walk and My Yoga workts= Relase your Hip Flexor = 44 min is done.

I posted more workout dvd's/sets on FB :) DH wants me to sell the tower, he uses the tower.

Debbie - I thought about STS, but it's so time consuming :) Not sure, if my husband wants to workout over 60 min 3 times a day? I will figure it out. I don't think summer is coming :( What is wrong with this weather?

Have a fantastic day and workout, everyone.

Today I did STS M1 D8 Back & tri's. The sun came out today:) I made a bunch of Dr.'s appt. for this month, tomorrow mamo not my favorite LOL.

Belinda - I was wondering if anyone put together a 30 day rotation for STS. I really like 15 min. chisel:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Hammer Plyometrics +walk is done.

Debbie - I am sure I could come up with something :) Nice job on D8. Good luck with the appointment today.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. I got my workout in late tonight, but at least I did it! Ice MTB. Last night was hot yoga and Tuesday was Ice Bootcamp.

Today I visited my mom after work. It was a bit depressing. She didn't recognize me at first. :(

Deb- I don't think I've seen a 30 day rotation of STS, but maybe you can do one week of each cycle?

Belinda- I feel the same way about STS. Love the program. It cannot devote the time right now. Wish she'd do another STS with shorter workouts.

BB tomorrow!


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